Boyd's Bible Dictionary: Y
James P. Boyd
Table of Contents
Though the art of spinning was well known to Hebrews
(Ex. 35:25; Prov. 31:19; Matt. 6:28), the spun product is only mentioned in (1 Kings 10:28; 2 Chron. 1:16), and in both these instances the word is rather significant of “band” as applied to a troop or drove of horses than to yarn.
The Hebrew year was sacred and civil, with two beginnings
The sacred year began with the month Abib, April, the civil with the month Tisri, October. The months were lunar, twelve in number, with, of course, the necessary intercalary month ve-adar at the proper time, about every three years. As divided by seasons, the year was solar. There were two seasons, summer and winter (Psa. 74:17; Jer. 36:22; Amos 3:15; Zech. 14:8).
Year of Jubilee
Year, Sabbatical
(join). This well-known means of coupling oxen for agricultural purposes was primitively laid upon the necks of the cattle, and held there by thongs which passed around their necks. A thong served also as an attachment to the cart-tongue or plow-beam. A pair of oxen yoked together were called a yoke, as today (1 Sam. 11:7; 1 Kings 19:21). It would seem as if asses and mules went by pairs like oxen (Judg. 19:10; 2 Kings 5:17), and even horses, camels, and chariots (Isa. 21:7). The word, like the Latin jugum, gave rise to a measurement of land (1 Sam. 14:14), the amount a yoke of oxen could plow in a day. Yoke is used metaphorically for subjection (1 Kings 12:4,9-11; Isa. 9:4; Jer. 5:5). An unusually heavy bondage was typed by “iron yoke” (Deut. 28:48; Jer. 28:13). Removal of the yoke implied deliverance (Gen. 27:40; Jer. 2:20; Matt. 11:29-30). Breaking of the yoke meant repudiation of authority (Nah. 1:13).
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