JUST look at that boy leaning against the corn shocks perfectly happy, with an apple in his hand and no thought of care or trouble.
Those who know the Lord Jesus can be perfectly happy in the midst of difficult and trying circumstances, as it is not the circumstances that make them happy; it is being occupied with the Lord Jesus, who is perfect in every way, and the One who has said,
This is the privilege of all those who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour; but for those who do not so know Him, their happiness will easily vanish, for it all depends on the pleasing circumstances, which are but for a moment. Then when they get into sorrow they have no comfort.
May those who know the Lord praise and thank Him, not only for saving them, but for all that He is to them every step of the path, and what He will be for them throughout eternity.
ML 08/08/1937