Brief Notes From Distant Lands.

LAST year we gave our readers some information regarding the appalling and almost incredible spiritual darkness existing in the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking States of Central and South America. We also gave some information on the way in which God is bringing in the light of His truth into those lands dwelling in darkness and the shadow of death. The Bible and its truths are new to the people, and a ready ear, in very many cases, is given to its joyful sound. Will our Christian readers hold up the hands of the faithful workers in those lands by prayer, and will they help by money aid in the great work of gospel distribution? Any help sent to us shall be forwarded for the good work of sowing the good seed of the word of God. The papers we subjoin were written by laborers for God in those States, and will., we hope, stir up many to think of and to help on the work.
Costa Rica, Central America.
“La Union Catolica” publishes a circular from the Bishop of Costa Rica, addressed “To the curates and other priests of the diocese.” He says:― “Again I must call your attention to the sale and distribution of Protestant books, tracts, and periodicals. I am advised that on market days advantage is taken of the concourse of people coming from the near towns to distribute them with much zeal. I have before me some numbers of a Protestant periodical which is distributed in profusion. Any religious person, little instructed in the Catholic religion, would find the periodical good, because it contains long quotations of Bible texts, and speaks much of the Saviour. Nevertheless, in each number of those I have seen, it teaches, under the appearance of sanctity, the most grave errors... From among the different errors contained in these tracts I will bring forward only one, which is repeated with tenacity, and that is the uselessness of good works. The great argument which is used is the following Jesus Christ did all for us in His life and death upon the cross, therefore we have nothing more to do with in the Saviour is sufficient. Our good works, the sacraments, the holy mass are not only needless, but are even a lowering of and a detraction from the infinite merits of our Saviour.’”
Argentine Republic.
“Fighting has taken place, and we fear more is going to take place at our very doors ... . The article in ‘Las Buenas Nuevas’ on ‘La Biblia’ is very good. Many read the gospel in these papers that would probably not otherwise see the truths contained in the New Testament. I suppose you do not publish in Italian. There are thousands all over the country.”
“Buenos Ayres,
“... These countries are much disturbed at present by internal strife. We shall not cease to pray that God may bless the Bibles and other literature being spread broadcast all over the country in neighboring republics. We get multitudes to hear us preach the gospel. Praise God for this.... I pray that God may give you the strength and means to continue the publication of this good literature... A tract in a suitable form will go into a house where we missionaries are not allowed to enter.” C. P. H.