Luther Loucks et. al.
By faith I see the Saviour dying,
On the tree;
To ruined sinners He is crying,
"Look to Me."
He bids the guilty now draw near,
Hark, hark! His precious words I hear—
So soft, so sweet, they banish fear—
"Mercy's free."
This mercy still my soul refreshes—
Oh how free,
And every moment Christ is precious
Unto me.
None can describe the bliss I prove,
While through the wilderness I rove,
Enjoying still my Saviour's love—
"Mercy's free."
Long as I live I'd still be crying,
"Mercy's free";
Point to the Lamb for sinners dying
On the tree.
There all my foes He hath withstood,
Washed all my sins away with blood,
Made manifest the love of God
E'en to me.
How sweet the truth, ye sinners, hear it,
"Mercy's free."
Ye saints of God, to all declare it,
"Mercy's free."
Visit your neighbor's dark abode,
Proclaim to all this love of God,
Oh spread the joyful news abroad,
"Mercy's free."