
Listen from:
Children—L. Judd
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And particularly on the last page, the back of this hymn sheet, you'll find ones that you're familiar with. So anyone at all just put your hand up and we'll hear. Kevin will Heavenly handsome Spring #41 is someone started, Please.
Another one.
Maybe a boy this time.
Wow, boys, you're not going to let me down, are you? Got one you'd like to sing?
Yeah, #47.
When we come, I'm going to ask you a question when we come.
You don't know. You don't know what is coming.
The jury don't know anything.
And dear boys and girls, if you don't know when he's coming, but you're sure he is coming, Are you ready for him when he comes?
If you don't know when he's coming, the only thing to do is to get ready now, and then you'll be ready when he comes.
What would happen if you weren't ready when you find?
What would happen if you weren't ready for the Lord Jesus when he came?
Oh dear boys and girls, what would happen if you weren't ready for the Lord Jesus when he came?
Yeah, you would be left behind. And this boy says you would go to hell. He's right.
We know that the Lord Jesus died on the cross for us.
And we know he's coming to take everyone that has trusted him home to be with himself. But if you're not ready, you'll be left behind.
Though we need to get ready.
Now, right now is the time to get ready. Somebody start #47.
Who is my blah blah blah blah blah?
Now we're just gonna close our eyes and ask the Lord Jesus to bless this little time together. Then we'll have another one or two little hens.
No, somebody got another one.
Yes, there.
#46 #46.
Now, who couldn't tell me what TIGINGS spells?
What is the meaning of hiding? Perfectly right is spelled hiding. OK, you tell me.
You. That's right. We got some good news for you.
That Jesu.
What does that spell? Jesus.
You tell me, Jesus.
Jesus, the Lord Jesus has come to FAVE me, you know. I think it would be a good thing as we sing this little chorus and when we get to SAVE me with points.
To ourselves. Will you do that when we sing me point to ourselves? He came to say me personally. The Lord Jesus came to save each one of you, dear boys and girls. He wants to save you. He wants to save you now. So let's point to ourselves when we sing me Someone started. Please.
I don't know. I don't want to come up with you.
Whose sins did the Lord Jesus come to walk away?
The Lord Jesus came to wash away my sins.
Of sweet to this little girl, could say mine.
Came to wash away my sins. All realize that they're boys and girls. If a personal matter between you and the Savior, He came to say He has provided salvation for you. He wants you to trust in Him, believe on Him, and be saved save for all eternity not left behind when he comes.
To save for all eternity, someone else got one.
Jesus loves me.
This I know now again when we come to sing the chorus.
Jesus loves me. We won't sing to me. We will point to ourselves.
And you boys and girls, see you don't get tripped up and sing to me.
Particularly watch the last line.
That's where you'll get tripped up. Someone start #40.
How are you?
What am I gonna do tomorrow?
Who isn't the Jesus love?
Who is it that Jesus loves?
This girl way back here.
Which girl had her hand up?
Who is Jesus Love?
No, right.
Jesus loves me. How did Jesus? How did Jesus show his love for me?
How did he show his love for me?
This boy here.
He died on the car. He died on the cross, right?
And now what is it we have to do?
The Lord Jesus has come. He loved us so much that he died on the cross. What is it we need to do?
Right. We need to accept Him as our savior. Put our trust in Him, believe on Him, and we will be saved.
Saved for all eternity. Will be ready when He comes for us. Oh dear boys and girls, we need to be ready when He comes for us.
Now I think we'll stop singing for a moment.
I've got something this bag I want to show you. But I'm not going to show you right away. I'm not going to show you what's in this bag right away. We'll see. We'll hope that we have time at the end of the Sunday school to show you what's in the bag. And be too bad if you didn't get a sight of what's inside it, because I think you'll like to see it, But we'll see if we have time.
Now can somebody tell me the names of the first two boys mentioned in the Bible?
What are the names of the first two boys mentioned in the Bible?
Cain and Abel.
Cain and Abel. And what did Cain do for a living?
What did King do for a living?
Plant crop.
That's right, he was a farmer.
He is a pillar of the ground, a farmer, and a lot of you here I know, know quite a bit about farming, far more than I do.
What did Abel do?
What did Abel do?
He was a shepherd. He was a shepherd right now. Then both of these boys brought an offering to the Lord.
They wanted to bring an offering to the Lord. They wanted to give something to Him. They had been told, no doubt by their parents, the need of this. So what offering did Cain bring?
What was the offering Cain brought?
Fruits and vegetables.
The fruit of the groan, what he had grown and what the devil bring.
What the devil bring?
A lamb.
Right. He brought a lamb. He brought a lamb. Could anybody tell me what was wrong with Kay's offering? God didn't accept Cain's offering. What was wrong with it?
The Lord had just a drought.
He cursed the girl.
Yes, that's true. You've heard the wrong.
But there was something specially wrong with Cain's offering. I'd like to see if you can tell me.
The girl is the power.
A girl couldn't tell me. OK, here.
It didn't have blood.
Right, there is no blood.
In caves offering.
No blood. What is it that washes our sins away?
What washes our sins away?
Very good. The blood of Jesus. That is the only thing, dear boys and girls.
That can wash our sins away.
Now what was the offering that Abel brought?
What was the offering Abel brought?
Oh, here's a boy down here. I don't think the answer is yes.
A lamb.
Able brought a lamb.
What did he do with that lamb?
What do you do with it?
Christmas Carol. He killed it on an Offspring.
He killed the lamb. He killed him. Its blood was shed.
Now that lamb was just a picture of what the Lord Jesus was going to do.
He was going to die. Many years later, almost 4000 years later, the Lord Jesus died and his blood was shed and Abel's lamb was just a picture of what the Lord Jesus was going to do. And God accepted Abel's offering for Abel was really saying I know that I'm a Sinner.
And I deserve to die, but I bring this little lamb instead, and God accepted that.
Now, dear boys and girls, each one of us are sinners.
Each one of us are sinners.
We need to accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior.
We need to accept him as our savior now.
Now when did we say the Lord Jesus was coming?
When did we say he was coming?
Don't know. We don't know when he's coming. So if we don't know when he's coming, when should we get ready?
Now, yes, we should get ready now. We need to get ready now. Why do we need to get ready now?
Why is it so important to get ready now?
Why is it so important to get ready now?
Just come in a minute.
He may come any minute, any moment. He may come. He may come before this Sunday. School is over.
Oh dear boys and girls, do come to him now.
Now you know there's another little boy mentioned in Scripture in the Bible. His name was Josiah.
You know how old he was when he began to reign.
He was.
Right. Good boy. I didn't expect I'd get an answer to that question.
The boy? He was 8 years old when he began to reign.
And it tells us that he thought the Lord.
He thought the Lord. He wanted to please the Lord. Oh dear boys and girls, you're not too old.
To come to him we sometimes sing a little chorus, a little child of seven.
Or even 3 or 4 May enter into heaven.
Through Christ the open door.
A little child of seven or even 3 or 4.
Are there any boys and girls here?
Who are just three years old.
How many are three years old? Oregon? More.
Put your hands up.
How many are three years old or more? You must be more than three.
You must be more than you are. Three, I know.
And we need to come and accept the Lord Jesus as our savior. You're not too old to come to him. You can come now. Oh dear boys and girls.
Do realize you need to be saved. The Lord Jesus has provided salvation.
For everyone that will take him as their savior, all you need to do is trust in him.
Believe on him. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe that you're a Sinner.
And that he died on the cross for you and accept him as your seizure.
Do come to him, dear boys and girls.
Well, no. Getting back to Cain and Abel, they both offered an offering, and God accepted Abel, but he didn't accept Cain. There was no blood in Cain's offering now that would tell us that we cannot do anything pleasing in the sight of God for our salvation. There's only one way to be saved.
We can't do anything of ourselves. The only way that you can be saved is to accept the Lord Jesus.
As your savior, to put your trust in him.
Won't you come?
This very day, and put your trust in him, dear boys and girls.
Well, I think we have time for another course or two.
Has another car if they'd like to think.
Who has another car they'd like to sing?
You know, I remember singing with him.
Years ago. And if we asked the children in Toronto.
What they would like to sing, invariably it was into a tent where a gypsy boy lay. Now I believe this is a true story, as little him is a true story of a little gypsy boy. And he was dying there he was laying in this tent.
No particular bed or anything to lay on. You're just laying there.
And those that were in charge of this.
Gypsy town. At first I understand they didn't want these men to go in.
The man said. If you're going to talk about religion.
I'll turn the dogs on you.
But anyways, they said no, we just want to talk to the boy and he let them go in. And they told that little boy about the Lord Jesus.
And how the Lord Jesus had come to save him and this little boy, this little him, now tells us the results of that visit.
And they told him that he died quite peacefully.
He trusted the Lord Jesus. He came. He'd never heard the way of salvation before.
And he came to the Lord Jesus. He accepted him as his savior. He put his trust in him. He believed on him. And that's what you dear boys and girls need to do now is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone start #44.
And I'm going to Srikanth.
Heavenly all.
How far the time for another one in this bag yet?
Yes, #42, that's a good one.
Remember, each one of you dear boys and girls are of an age when you can come and accept the Lord Jesus as your savior.
Each one can come and accept the Lord Jesus as their savior.
All do come now. Someone started 42.
Oh, oh.
One more.
One more.
Who has one more they'd like to say?
Number one.
Almost persuaded.
Almost persuaded what that means, the boy that asked for it. What does almost persuaded mean?
You don't know? Oh dear, what's almost persuaded me.
Sorry, I'm partially deaf too. I couldn't hear.
It's almost convinced, sort of.
Almost convinced? Yes, that is right.
Almost. Not quite.
You, dear boys and girls, may be almost persuaded to take the Lord Jesus as your savior, and you put it off.
You put it off. That's what King and Griffin did. It was King and Griffin that said almost. I'll persuade us to be a Christian. He put it off. Now what are you going to be? Are you going to be almost?
Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior? Have you put your trust in him? Or do you see? Yes, it's necessary that I do it, but I don't think I'll do it now. I don't think I'll do it now. Is that what you're saying? The Lord Jesus may come.
And you may be left behind.
Oh, think of the importance of it, dear boys and girls, of coming to the Lord Jesus. Now, someone start. Number one, please.
Now I want to show you what's in this bag.
I really want to know what's in this bag.
Quite a few ought to know what's in this bag, but we're just going to close our eyes 1St and look to the Lord Jesus and we'll show you.