
Listen from:
Children—W. Dear
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Good morning, everyone.
We certainly would like to welcome.
Each and all to the Sunday school here this morning I noticed on the schedule this is.
Referred to as a meeting for children, so I'm thankful to see some boys and girls here this morning.
And it's nice to see older ones, too, that come out for a meeting like this, because I suppose in one sense, we're all children here this morning, aren't we? We're all children of men. Well, we'd like to sing some songs, and we want to sing as many as possible in the time allotted. So I wonder if anybody has a song they like to give out. Who would like to put up your hand and.
We'll try to sing as many songs as we can.
Anybody have a song here this morning? OK, which one would you like? That's Clayton.
OK, let's sing the first and last verses of the songs so that we can sing a few more #24 the first and last verse.
We know that you're surprised.
We're all reaching out, which is like this world.
Let us go, River. I am.
What will you do?
OK anyone else have a song?
34, OK #34.
Precious, precious blood.
Rebels stand for me, ratchets. Much as much as much as I'll tease them and turn off her.
We're singing the first and last verses so we can have a few more choices. All right, Who else has a song?
Anybody else have a song?
OK. I'm going to come down off this platform here. Which one?
Number one, OK #1 almost persuaded.
Almost persuaded now still to live.
Follows her sway.
Cry to receive.
Now, I suppose to play God's nearest Golden Globes.
Turn down the way.
Whilst there is poised on here now.
Falling on, my dear.
OK, which one would you like?
Into the tent where?
Nobody ever has sold it to me.
Tell where I am. Tell you I am salvation, Salvation story before and the Lord.
Children can say all the children of men. Nobody ever has told me before.
The last words of his breath, just as he entered the valley of death. God's friend is sun. Do so ever send me.
That I am sure that receptive for me.
Tell my name.
Again, salvation story recreational.
I can say of my children of men, nobody ever has so many people.
OK, we have time for.
More songs? Anybody else have a song?
Anybody else?
How about somebody in the back? Hey, I see some boys and girls out there in the back one here. Jesus loves me. OK, that's number 40 on our hymn sheet Backpage #40.
Jesus loves me beside you, for the Bible tells me so little What's new in me? Long they are, everybody is strong. Yes, she's a slots me Yes, she's a ***** me.
Yes, it's a squash. Me Alive tells me so.
Lost me? Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so. Can you have a simple question? Who can tell me?
How do I know that Jesus loves me?
Blood on the cross, OK, because he shed his blood on the cross. That's very good. I'm going to give out some pencils here this morning.
OK, Mr. Curley is inviting the boys and girls to come up front and I think that would be very nice because we have seats here that are just waiting to be occupied.
Good point.
I don't like to take.
The time to walk all the way to the back, boys and girls, because our time is limited here this morning. OK, here's a couple that have responded. Here's another girl. How about some more coming up now? We always appreciate response to invitations.
How about are there some boys back there that are going to come up front?
You want to come up?
OK, well.
As we progress during this meeting, if you'd like to come up front.
It might improve your chances of getting a prize. Okay.
In a little song we sang how it is that we know that Jesus loves us.
And it's very personal in the song. How is it that I know that Jesus loves me?
Now we had one good answer.
Because he shed his precious blood on the cross. I think that's beautiful. OK, what do you think?
Yeah, that's right. The Bible tells us. Tells me so. OK, let's have another song. Anybody else have a song?
14, OK #14.
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing part? Are you washed in the blood of the land? Are you, boy, trusting in His gracious? How are you watching the blood of the Lamb?
Are you lost in the blood? In the soul flexing blood?
When the Friday.
White, good and white in the blood of the land. Who will your soul be ready for the mansions bright and be washed in the blood of a man.
Are you born in the world?
And my soul cleansing blood.
Are your garments artists? Are they white as snow? Are you watching the blood? Can somebody tell me?
How white?
Do we become?
In the eyes of God, when we are washed in the blood of the Lamb, How white Clayton.
Very good, whiter than snow.
We sang this song white as snow, but the fact is, we're whiter than snow. Isn't that nice? That's beautiful, isn't it? OK, anybody else have a song?
Anybody else? I think we have time for about one more.
Just as I am who is without 1 sleep.
But I was watching.
And thousand.
To the heart.
Just as I am.
I love I am stronger real yourself.
Well, perhaps boys and girls, we could just set our hymn sheets aside because we want to talk a little bit this morning from God's precious book, the Bible. And it's wonderful to be able to sing these songs. And all these songs are based on God's precious word, the Bible. And we can learn so many wonderful truths, can't we, by singing these songs? Well, let's first of all look to the Lord for His help in prayer. So let's just bow our head.
Yesterday morning.
We were in a home where.
Up over to sink.
There was a verse and the verse.
Was this?
All magnify.
The Lord with me.
O magnify the Lord.
With me. And you know, that's a verse that I've been thinking about.
That word magnify though that might have.
Something for us this morning, you know, boys and girls.
We read in God's word about magnification and I wonder if somebody can tell me what does the word mean? Would anybody hear this morning? Have any idea what it means?
To magnify something.
Yeah. What do you think?
Yeah, to make it bigger. Very good.
You know boys and girls.
What are we wanting to do here this morning?
We are wanting to make someone.
In our eyes.
And who is that person?
God, exactly. That's who I was thinking about.
Well, I think they should give a pencil out for that.
You know, I felt perhaps that these pencils would help us.
To make God.
And you know.
Who is God?
Down at the end.
God the Father. That's right, God.
Father is God.
What about a name? Can you tell me a name?
Jesus. That's right, Jesus is God.
And in all, poisoned girls in older ones this morning.
Is the one who is the only savior.
For you and for me. And the Lord Jesus is the Son of God.
He always was the son, but he became a man.
And on the cross he suffered on the cross for you and for me. The Son of God loved me, and he gave himself for me, and that's Jesus. Now we want to speak about him this morning. We want to magnify. We want to make him big in our eyes.
Now you know man has been interested in magnifying many things.
And I have here in my pocket.
Something anybody know what this is here?
What? Yeah, that's right. This is a magnifying glass.
You know, this magnifying glass is very interesting. I can take that glass and I hold this right up over my hand here and I can see things with this magnifying glass.
That I couldn't see without because I see these little pores and little hairs coming out of the pores.
And it's very interesting.
And you know, there's.
Behind this microscope, see.
And when men look through microscopes and if they would look at a piece of your skin, they would see more than just pores, hairs, they would see perhaps little cells building blocks in the skin. And that marvelous What God?
Has done for us, giving us skin.
To protect our bodies. And you know, these microscopes only show us.
More of God's handiwork, but then you know you can go in the other direction.
And you lookout into space, and man sees a little speck of light out there, and he wonders.
What's this speck of light out there in space? And So what does he use to look at that speck of light and to make it big? Anybody know what he might use? He doesn't use a magnifying glass or a microscope. What what do you think? What does he look through in order to see what's out there?
Yeah, that's right, a telescope.
This summer we had the privilege of holding some meetings.
Gospel outreach there in upstate New York and.
You know.
At the time of those meetings, I picked up a calendar in the community and this calendar indicated what was happening in the community at the time that we were holding the meetings for the boys and girls sake. And I looked in here on this particular day. I looked and it said here on August the 13th.
Check out The Sun.
At 10:00 in the morning, check out the sun.
SUN and then it said learn how to safely view the sun with amateur astronomer Jack Hogan. Well you know this man, Jack Hogan, he was the very person that we were renting a campsite from and I found it interesting that he was holding these classes in order to.
Look at the SUN.
While we were holding classes to look at the Son, that's why we were having the Bible hour there in Saranac Lake, in order that we might focus on not the SUN, but the one who made it, the Son, the Son of God. And we had the privilege of telling the boys and girls about Jesus.
And so, you know, after Mr. Cogan, he showed us some pictures that he had taken out there in space, and it was marvelous to see.
What these stars look like through a telescope, the result of so many colors out there, and it looked like little explosions out there of colors, and it was just marvelous. But the sad thing is, Mr. Cogan, he said, I haven't seen heaven.
No, in fact, he actually thought heaven was a state of mind. You know, it was something that you just thought in your mind. But you know, boys and girls, heaven is a real.
Just a real place, as Saint Louis is.
Here in the state of Missouri. And so is hell. Hell is a real place too. Well.
This morning we want to magnify God. We want to magnify the Lord. Does anybody know who it was that said those words will magnify the Lord with me?
And let us exalt his name together. Would anybody know who it was that said those words?
David, very good.
David was one whose desire it was to make much of the Lord, and in fact, in one place he said, my eyes are ever toward the Lord.
He wanted the Lord to fill his vision because the Lord was so important to him. Is the Lord important to you, boys and girls? Now we read about those.
Would not magnify the Lord in fact.
They magnified themselves.
One individual who comes to mind is Pharaoh. Do you remember Pharaoh in how he.
Held God's people in ******* back there.
In the book of Exodus we read about Pharaoh and how that he was such a cruel.
Boss terrible taskmaster and I think it was mentioned in these meetings that he took the straw away from the people in order to make it harder for them to build the bricks.
And they still had to make just as many ****** without the straw because he was so cruel.
And you know, when Moses brings before Pharaoh the thought of letting God's people go, you know what Pharaoh said? He said, Who is the Lord? That I should obey his voice?
And let the people of Israel go. I know not the Lord.
And he had no desire to know the Lord because he thought he was so important. He didn't need anybody else. He didn't need the Lord, He said I wouldn't obey him.
I just do what I please. I don't want to listen to anyone else. And so he thought himself to be so important, you know? And in his own eyes, it was.
I, I I.
But you know, at the end of that poor man was we read how that God miraculously brought his people through the Red Sea.
And then what happened to Pharaoh and his armies?
At the Red Sea, who can tell me?
They drowned. That's right.
In the sums we read about how that Pharaoh and his hosts they were overthrown.
And dear Pharaoh's body was, I suppose, were ushed up on the banks of the Red Sea. That was the end of a man who magnified himself, who made himself big in his own eyes, and makes the Lord so very little.
But you know, there are many, many cases in the Old Testament of those who magnified.
Themselves. Sennacherib was another. We heard about him yesterday. Sennacherib sent his armies up against Judah, Jerusalem, God's people. Hezekiah goes to the Lord about the situation. But you know, Sennacherib, he exalted himself against the Lord, and he says, you know.
I am so powerful. I've been able to overcome these other nations. Their gods haven't been able to deliver them. And so I don't believe your God.
Will be able to deliver you.
But that was a big mistake that he made, a big mistake.
We heard how that God sent an Angel in one night. That Angel killed, destroyed. I believe it was 185,000 troops. The Assyrians there they all they did just like Pharaoh and his hopes.
There's the Hostess Snacker did what happens to snack rib?
Is murdered by his two sons later on.
There was a man who magnified himself.
Instead of magnifying the Lord. And what about Nebuchadnezzar? He was another one, you know, Nebuchadnezzar. He looked out on this big city of Babylon, and he says, you know, this is Babylon, this great city that I have built.
For my own honor.
And he was so proud about what he had. But, you know, God.
Had something to say to Nebuchadnezzar. Let me just turn over here to Daniel because we want to make sure that we do look into God's Word during the course of this little meeting here. What happens to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel?
Daniel, Chapter 4.
Verse 30 The king spake and said, Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the House of the Kingdom?
By the might of my power and for the honor.
While the word was in the King's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven saying, O King Nebuchadnezzar 2D it is spoken, The Kingdom is departed from thee.
And they shall Dr. thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the peace of the field. They shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee.
Until thou know that the most High ruler in the Kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. And so Nebuchadnezzar, he ends up eating grass just like the oxen, and it says his body was wet with the dew of heaven.
And is here. It grew out all over like eagle's feathers. What a sight he must have been a just.
Looks like a.
I don't know. What do you look like? He was just covered with eagle's feathers. And then he had these snails, apparently his fingernails and toenails perhaps too. They just grew and grew and it became like bird's claws.
There's a man here that is so proud of his Kingdom.
That he thought he had made, and now he's reduced to a beast of the field, a creature like this. But you know, God wasn't done with Nebuchadnezzar, because Nebuchadnezzar it tells us.
At the end of the days lifted up his eyes unto heaven, and so on, and he blessed the Most High.
Nebuchadnezzar came to realize.
That it was the Lord alone who ruled in the kingdoms of men. And in the last verse what does he say now? I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment, and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.
Those that walk in pride he is able to abase. Well, we see here that to magnify oneself.
Results in very, very sad consequences. Over in the New Testament we read about a man Herod, and he made a speech, and the people were so awed by the speech that he began to worship this man Herod.
And they thought he was a God, and Herod was here accepting this worship. But what happens to Herod? He tells us he's eaten with worms.
That you thought to magnify himself? What was the end destruction? Well, these aren't very happy stories, are they, boys and girls? But we want to now turn over to the New Testament and we're going to find here.
We have those who did indeed magnify the Lord. Now there were others in the Old Testament that magnified the Lord. Moses, he says, the Lord is triumphed gloriously. The horse and his rider, he's thrown into the sea. David magnified the Lord.
And you know what David said? Let all those who love God's salvation say continually the Lord be magnified. That David was one who?
Realize that he made mistakes and he had failed, and he was willing to acknowledge his sin and to acknowledge that it wasn't.
Really. In him to walk according to God's Word.
He needed the Lord and he put his trust and confidence in the Lord and recognized, I believe, that salvation is of the Lord.
Now there was another man in the Old Testament.
And this man, I wonder if you can tell me who it is that said those very words. Salvation is of the Lord. Anybody know who said that? And in this way he magnified the Lord. He, he made the Lord.
Big, you might say.
And himself small.
Who was it that said that at first he went his own way, and he thought that he knew better than God and.
But he was reduced to.
I'll give you a big hint. He was swallowed by a great fish. OK, I see quite a few hands go up now. All right. What do you think, Jonah? That's right. And you know, down there in the valley of that great fish, Jonah felt so helpless. That's the most miserable place you imagine you could think of, down there in this slimy, cold belly of a fish. What could he do now? The only thing he could do was pray. And he did pray. And, you know, those beautiful words came forth. Salvation is of the Lord.
And then the fish vomited him out right onto the dry land and.
I just love those words. Why don't you hold up the hand and we'll try to say those words on the fingers of one hand. You ever did that? Well, count the thumb as a finger. OK. All right.
Salvation is of the Lord. See, salvation is of the Lord. Jonah magnified the Lord well when we come over to the New Testament.
I'll just turn first of all to Luke. I know the time is.
Hastening by but.
You know the Lord Jesus came into this world.
Born of a virgin and Mary says in Luke chapter one.
My soul verse 46 My soul does magnify the Lord.
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God, my Savior. And then she continues to describe how great this one is, the Lord. And then we come to the next chapter in Luke, and we find the Angel of the Lord saying, unto you, is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. The Angel magnifies the Lord. And then we find a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising God, saying glory to God in the highest on earth, peace, goodwill toward men, the angels magnifying the Lord.
And later on the chapter, here's a man by name of Simeon. He's waiting for salvation in Israel, and he takes up the little Jesus. Yeah, the little baby in his arms. And what does he say? Now let us thou.
Verse 29 Lord, now let us, thou thy servant, depart in peace, according to thy word, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people, a light to light in the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people.
Israel. And so as we read through the Gospels, we find that there were those.
Who made much of Christ? That little baby grew up as a boy. He was the same age as you boys here.
Same age as you girls and he grew up, he became a man.
And there were those that appreciated the person of the Lord Jesus. You know, John the Baptist, he was one who said these words. He must increase and I must decrease.
And you know, in John chapter one, we find that John the Baptist, he says over and over, I think three times.
Is preferred before me?
What does it mean to be preferred? Does anybody know what it means to be preferred?
Some of you went to the continental breakfast this morning and there was quite a few different.
Pastries there. And you might say, well, I prefer this doughnut instead of this bagel or whatever. What does that mean? Yeah.
For his opinion ought to be preferred yet to life. Yeah, that's right, to like something better. And you know, I think what John was saying was that the Lord Jesus, he was the best, that he's far better than I am. In fact, John says, you know, he's everything. He must increase and I must decrease. And so, you know, John, he put, could we say the magnifying glass?
On Jesus, and he sought to make Jesus appear.
Wonderful. Great in the eyes of the people.
John the Baptist.
Well, you know, we could refer to so many more who magnified.
The Lord. But our time is open, boys and girls.
I asked you this morning, who is it that you want to magnify it?
You want to magnify yourself or magnify the Lord. To magnify the Lord is to mean to put one's trust in Him and to accept Him as Savior. And to first of all, admit I'm a Sinner.
You won't go to the doctor unless you feel you're sick. And I don't think anybody goes to the Savior unless they feel they're a Sinner. They need to be saved. And you know, when we acknowledge we're sinners, we've become very, very small. We have to. You can't take pride in sin.
Really not and you make much.
Of the Lord Jesus. Have you done that? Have you come to Jesus?
Have you put your trust in Him? We heard already in these meetings how important it is to be saved now. Now, the Lord didn't come last night. He didn't come early this morning.
And he hasn't come yet. But he could come.
Before the start of the next meeting. You know this is serious and if Jesus were to come and you were still sitting here in your seat, boys and girls, after his coming.
What would you do?
You know this used to strike terror into my soul. I can remember sitting in a seat like you years ago.
I didn't have the assurance of salvation and the thought of the Lord's coming. It struck terror in my soul.
But now I look forward to His coming. I know the Lord Jesus has washed my sins away.
You know, it's so easy to be safe because Jesus took the workout of it on the cross. He suffered.
Under Christ. And he was punished for my sins and yours. If you trust him and his precious bloodshed there can wash all your sins away. So that I want spot remains. Yeah. Jesus wants to save you. He wants you to come to him to come now.
Acquaint now myself with him, and he wants to be magnified.
In your eyes and mine and you know, boys and girls.
I brought something else here.
This is something true that magnifies of course, and you know I can look through this here.
And somebody back there, maybe I can't see too well like this, but.
If I look through here, I see Mr. Cell back there. Not a problem. But how do we see Jesus? You know, we can't look up there like this and see Jesus, I like to think.
In order to look up and see Jesus, in one sense we have to look down. What do I mean by that? We have to look down into this book because this book is like the magnifying glass on Jesus. This book makes everything of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and the work that he has accomplished for God's glory. And so as we look down into this book and we read this book.
Makes nothing of ourselves and everything of Christ.
Over in Europe, I understand there's AI think it's a cathedral. You walk into this cathedral and.
You look down into a mirror and there in that mirror you see this beautiful painting.
With all its beautiful colors and all. But where's the painting? Well, it's actually up on the ceiling, but you can see.
What's on the ceiling by looking down this mirror and you know, I believe you and I, we can see what's up there by looking into this book. And that's why this book is so important. This is the word of God.
No, we can't be saved apart from accepting God at His Word. And we hope that you'll do that, boys and girls, and we hope you'll do it now, if you're not already the Lord's, well, perhaps we'll just close with prayer.