Call Upon the Lord

Gospel—Cecil Roossinck
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Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the Gospel Meeting.
Umm, just got our hand sheets.
So the one IO blessed gospel sound yet there's room. Is that on our hymn sheep? I think it is.
Thank you #15.
If you are anticipating the little flock in books, #66 in the back.
But we'll sing it off the hem sheet #15.
Gym #15.
Should we ask the Lord's help tonight?
Our daughter Father, we thank you for the gospel invitation.
That invitation has been going out now for 2000 years. We thank thee for everyone who has responded to that sweet and loving invitation.
We thank you, blessed Savior, for thy words and whosoever will let him come.
Or if there's one of those whosoever's in the audience here tonight, oh, may they come.
We know, Lord, that there's many who know the gospel message. They know about the Savior. They know about the one who came from heaven.
But they just haven't come.
Lord we re.
Select in our hearts those words of thine come unto me, all ye that labor in our heavy laden.
And I will give you rest.
Where we're living in a troubled world.
On every hand there's fighting in disaster and death.
And disasters of natural sources and storms and.
And floods and.
And all but, O Lord.
Disasters right within the heart of many.
Or lost. Lord, we pray that thy word would touch our hearts tonight.
And thy love would draw.
Some needy soul to thee.
Lord, we feel so inadequate to present that wondrous message.
To speak of thy heart of love for God.
But we thank thee that we have the privilege.
Of telling forth the good news, Lord, we hear thy words.
In the scriptures.
The gold forest to the highways and hedges.
And compel them to come in.
We pray, Lord, that each one of us here who know Thee, is Lord and Savior, that our hearts will be stirred.
To seek.
Lost we pray thy blessing and help tonight and all our weakness.
Lord, do by the power of Thy Holy Spirit, who draw precious souls to thyself.
We hear thee saying that my house may be full.
Lord, thy heart is so great.
That the gospel is still being told forth until the last soul.
Brought into thy glorious house.
Lord, we pray thy blessing. We pray Thy help. Tonight we commit us to Thee in Jesus worthy and precious holy name. Amen.
I'd like to read one verse to begin tonight from Isaiah chapter 52.
Isaiah 52 and verse 7.
How beautiful.
Upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth the good tidings, and publish a piece.
That bringeth good tidings of good.
That publisheth salvation.
That saith unto his eye, in thy God reigneth.
How beautiful are the feet?
On the mountains.
And they bring in good tidings. We had a number of verses in the Bible reading this afternoon.
About the Lord Jesus coming from heaven.
He came down from heaven.
No man descended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven.
And uh, that's the blessed person we'd like to talk about tonight, the one who came down from heaven.
And it says here how beautiful.
Our speed.
How beautiful.
He took a body.
Psalms tells the body, Hast thou prepared me?
In order that he might walk through this world.
And reach the need of my heart and yours. Oh, what a precious savior.
I believe as Isaiah penned these words by the Spirit of God.
Perhaps, he thought.
The one who is coming, I'm sure he did.
Those beautiful feet came down from heaven.
To tell us the good tidings of the gospel, and I hope tonight that in your heart.
You realize the beauty, the glorious reality of the one, the man from heaven, Christ Jesus, who came and walked this world.
In pure love and grace.
He's a wonderful savior.
Before we go any farther, we'll, uh, ask his help.
In prayer.
Our daughter, Father.
We thank thee for this glorious one who came.
Down from heaven.
Who came to save and to bless and to tell out the heart of God.
Oh, may there be a response in every heart, those of us who have experienced what it is.
To know the Savior.
To know our sins forgiven.
To know that we have a home in heaven. Oh, bless the Lord.
You just pray that I help tonight.
Do bless thy word.
And pray that by faith we may see him who came, him who went to that cross.
For redemption. Who paid the price to save our souls? Oh dear Lord, we are weak. We are failing. Others never fail. Thank you for this. So we pray that I hope tonight in the worthy name.
Of him who came from heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ.
You know, I was thinking these beautiful feet that came down from heaven.
Walk this this weary world.
Brought the good tidings.
You know, he he came at a time in this world's history.
You know, airplanes.
There was no.
No trains.
Those feet.
What? As far as I know, there was only one occasion that I remember of, or perhaps two that he rode on a beast on a donkey, one when he went into Egypt as a small child, Young child when the Lord.
Sent his parents to Egypt to escape from the wrath of Herod.
Rolled his hands and made.
He had to escape for his life to Egypt. Perhaps they rode on a donkey. I don't even know if it tells it did one other time when he rode on a borrowed donkey.
And rode into Jerusalem, fulfilled the scriptures. Other than that, as far as I know, he walked the weary paths of earth.
And love and grace.
Told out the UH.
Tidings of God's heart and we've had so much.
In the Bible readings here of that wondrous story of how God was made known in Christ, how he came.
To tell us what was in God's heart. Do you know what's in God's heart for you?
God loves you.
God loves you.
And I hope you realize it tonight.
Those beautiful feet. What does this world do?
I nailed those feet to the cross of Calvary.
They nailed them there, Psalm, 22, tells. They pierced my hands and my feet.
Does it mean anything to you, your friends tonight? Does it mean anything to you that the Son of God, the Creator of all things, the Lord of glory, was here?
He was in the world, and the world was made by him. The world knew him not.
Instead of honoring him.
They nailed him to Calvary's cross.
Those beautiful feet.
That brought the glad tidings to my soul of yours.
I sometimes like to think of his ascension in the first chapter of Action. Oh.
He led them out as far as Bethany tells us, and as he.
Spoke to them, he went.
The glory. He went back to glory.
He told his disciples, If I go prepare a place for y'all come again receive you unto myself. But I was thinking, there is he is he ascended into glory?
Through the cloud.
Through the cloud, and what a meeting it must have been on the other side of the cloud.
As he was received up into glory.
Received the Worthy 1.
Who Earth would not acknowledge.
Who men like you and I despised and slew.
There, at the end of his pathway.
Went up into glory and the other side of the cloud met the Father.
What a what a blessed person there are. Those feet is. That was the last thing the disciples saw as they watched him go up. They saw those nail pierced feet as he went through the cloud.
Well, by God's grace, many of us here tonight are going to see His hands and His feet. You know, they're they're never spoken of in the Scriptures, scarred over.
It's always the wounds.
It's fresh in the heart of God, Revelation 5. We read of his wounds.
Him that was wounded, for he was wounded for our transgressions. God will never forget that the rules I believe for all eternity.
We'll see his hands and his feet. His pierced inside. It was wounded, Wounded for me. Can you say that? Do you realize his love that brought him to Calvary, that he was wounded for you?
You might know about it.
But all have you ever come?
Ever come, you know there's a a woman in the Bible, the Queen of Sheba, she's called.
And it tells us in two places at least in the Scriptures, maybe three, that she heard of the fame of Solomon, She heard of his glory.
And then?
What did she do?
So sweet she came when she heard the famous Solomon concerning.
His God concerning the Lord says. And she came, I doubt. Well, there's one here in this room anywhere tonight who's never heard of the fame of the Lord Jesus Christ, the man from heaven, the man who came to save and to bless. But have you come to him? Not enough to hear about him, Not enough to know some of the Scriptures. You got to know him.
And he wants you to know him tonight.
We were reading in the first chapter of John.
Yesterday and.
We read that verse.
But as many as received him to them gave thee power to become the sons of God.
Have you received him?
You might know all about it. You probably have been at meetings like this before. You've heard much about him, the Lord of Glory, that blessed person. Have you made him your own?
Have you made him your own? Have you ever said yes, Lord Jesus, I know you died for my sins.
He's made it.
So simple, and yet it cost him so much.
Come, for all things are now ready. Come.
The work is done Calvary.
Is finished, the Lord Jesus said before he gave up his life. There in the cross. He said it is finished, finished.
Oh, what a wonder it is.
That he finished the work that he came to do. The work is done.
Have you made it your own?
Have you made it your own?
Many has received him.
To them gave thee power, become the sons of God.
You child of God, you can be The work is done. He paid the price. He bore the penalty of our sins on Calvary's cross.
Christ died for our sins.
He's risen again, gone back to glory.
Is your savior.
Or is it to you, just a matter of statistics?
You've heard it before.
Have you made a charge?
Come the Lord, please come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden.
And I'll give you rest. Learn from me.
Fry meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Well, I believe we could say that many of us have learned this afternoon.
At the in the address in the Reading meeting, we learned from him.
That which gives rest to the soul rest in our lives. But you know, before you can find that rest, you need to have peace with God.
It's nice to have the peace of God, and I hope that each one of you will go home tonight with the peace of God in your soul. You need to start with having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ to know that God is satisfied with that sacrifice. At Calvary's cross we sometimes sing God is satisfied with Jesus, we are satisfied as well.
Oh, what a savior.
Oh, what a savior That he died for me. Well, let's go over to Luke, chapter 10.
Well, keep in mind this verse about him that.
Came and walked this weary.
That I'm not gonna.
Speak tonight about any rare scriptures or unusual things. And all the scriptures I believe we turn to be ones you heard from Sunday school.
Perhaps everyone here has heard the gospel maybe many times.
Years ago there was a young man.
Forget his name now.
I don't know if I heard it, but some of you know it, knew it.
He came to Sunday school.
Week after week.
And he had a good mind. He was able to memorize it.
My wife's father was there, uh, taking the Sunday school one time at the meeting where he went.
And he asked if anybody knew the Sunday School memory verse and uh.
The couple did follow his own boys, managed to stumble through the verse one verse and said it was fine. So it came to this young lad.
Next, and he said, Do you know a verse?
For your memory, uh burst Sunday school today. My folks were visiting there.
He quoted a chapter complete.
Whole chapter. Oh, he had a good memory and he knew a lot of scriptures he memorized. But you know.
Doesn't say that memorizes the scripture. We'll get to heaven.
I don't think.
That went beyond.
Fine. Never got into his heart, as far as I know. Evidence.
Would indicate that it never got into his heart for a few years later.
Climbed up onto a bridge over a highway with a rifle and a.
Large supply of ammunition.
I can't remember the exact details, but I believe he shot 15 people from the bridge.
Sad to say.
Well, knowing about the Lord is not enough.
Know him?
We're matching the Queen of Sheba.
When she heard of the fame of Solomon.
He didn't. He doesn't say she memorized some of his proverbs.
Doesn't say she.
Umm thought That's very nice. She came, She came.
You need to come tonight to the Lord Jesus.
As many as received him. Not as many as who came to the Gospel meeting. As many as received the Lord Jesus Christ. It's a personal thing. Have you received him?
He loves you. He's calling.
Come on to me.
Maybe you come. Have you received it?
He's waiting. He's waiting, perhaps, for one.
Here in this audience tonight, if you're the one.
It's a wonderful word.
Come, come now, the Lord Jesus says, Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. No, they be as Crimson. They shall be as wool. I say 118.
The Lord said to Noah, Come thou.
Come out.
The door of the Ark was opened.
Whosoever would come.
As if he bowed down from heaven, said to Noah and his family.
The doors open. Everybody can come. Come now.
You personally.
Come. And they entered into the ark, and were safe when they flood. When the flood came, the judgment of God fell upon this world.
God shut the door.
At the end.
But it was open.
For a long time.
The place of safety was available.
Strange enough, a lot more animals came in than people.
Perhaps they thought they knew better.
But what a, what an invitation. Come now. Never mind the person next to you. Maybe they're passing you notes tonight instead of listening.
Mayer, you and them are making plans for what you gonna do as soon as the Gospel Meeting is over.
And the devil's got your mind filled with everything under the sun.
Maybe the Spirit of God is speaking to you.
Are you listening?
Are you listening?
Come on, what a savior. Let's go to Luke 19.
And verse 10 verse that I love.
The book of Luke is a wonderful book, you know, because we see the Lord Jesus truly as a man, the Son of man in the Buccaloo.
One who feels what we feel. One who walks the path we walk.
And here's what says in Luke 1910.
For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. The solemn man has come to seek and to save that which was all the love of God. He loves you tonight.
And he wants to save your soul.
I had a call on the phone. Uh.
About a week before we start on this trip.
The voice on the other end.
3rd Cease. It's Ross Park here.
I want you to pray for me.
I found out I got terminal cancer.
Lungs are full of both lungs.
You've been a smoker all his life.
Oh, I said. Won't you pray for me, please?
Have your group, he said. Pray for me.
Well, we did pray for him at the prayer meeting And then.
The next night or the next day?
I think it was Doug. Barry and I, Doug and Marge were down visiting us.
I'm not mistaken. You went out with me. Yeah, we went out and we visited.
Ross Park.
He said to us, although he had said to me in earlier years, he didn't know if the Bible was.
True or didn't know God was real and he had a lot of doubts and things, but now, he said.
I know the Bible is true.
He said, I know it says this, that some shall be beaten with many stripes and some shall be beaten with few stripes, he said. That's what I've got to look forward to, being beaten with either many or few stripes. And that's not a very great hope to have, is it? That's not something you would enjoy looking forward to. But Ross, you were sure? He said. I know he said that God tells the truth and so I know it's true. He said. I'm soon.
Going to die and I'm going to be beaten.
With either many stripes or few.
My heart went out to him, you know. He felt deeply in his soul.
Return to John 524. Let's turn to it now.
Oh, he believed, no.
In the judgment of God.
Face to face with death. I don't know if Ross is still living.
I hope he is when I get home and visit him again.
He came in after we'd been there. I thought he was too weak to even drive his car. But twice before we left on this trip, he drove from York Harbor into Cornbrook to see me. He wanted a Bible with bigger print that he could read and.
Uh, I hope he's found the savior. I really hope that he's found the savior by now.
John 5/24.
Brother Doug and I read this to him.
Umm, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me.
What does it say? She'll be beaten with many stripes.
Or few stripes. What does it say?
Has everlasting life.
And shall not come into condemnation.
That is past from that unto light.
How many stripes draw?
Uh, the love and kindness of God.
He that hears my word. Have you heard God's word? You're hearing it tonight.
Have you believed?
If you believed.
In the.
The God that sent the Savior from heaven.
To bury your sins on the cross, have you believed?
No condemnation. Precious word considered my soul.
I didn't want to lessen his concern about those stripes.
Bye. I just wanted to tell out the heart of God. For God is not desires to punish because the Lord Jesus took the punishment for your sins. If you'll have it, if you'll believe him, if you receive him, Oh what a savior, What a blessing savior.
Well, dear friend.
Do you know that blessed person? He loves you. He died. He came and bore my sins on Calvary's cross.
Is he your savior Or it can be your savior Tonight, he's longing to save.
Here in Luke's Gospel, we find that he.
He whacked over the city of Jerusalem.
They didn't receive his testimony.
He said this as he wept in Luke's Gospel. He said, How often would I have gathered thy children together as a hand gathered their chicks beneath their wings? And he would not? You would not.
Oh dear friends, are you one, Is there one here tonight? Or whom the Lord Jesus would have to weep and say?
She knew the gospel or he knew the gospel?
Would not, would not.
Those words will ring through the ears. I'm afraid of some.
In eternity.
Where it's too late. How often would I have gathered thy children?
He said to those women that were following him to the cross, they were weeping.
He said to him, Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
Is your child here tonight?
Who steal their sins.
The Lord Jesus.
Tears flow down his face.
Not because they were gonna crucify him and nail him to the cross.
But when he thought of those that were going to perish.
In Jerusalem.
When judgment fell upon that city, you wept, he said. Don't wait for me. Weep for yourselves and for your children.
Thou cometh.
When destruction and death.
Would be upon them, dear friend, Tonight the hour of judgment is coming.
God in his mercy.
Put off the judgment of this world.
For all these years.
But it's coming.
It's coming.
You're not saved.
You're gonna stand.
Before the Great White Throne.
As far as I know, there won't be one that will be there that will escape.
Eternal judgment.
Behold, now is the day of salvation. Behold, now is the time.
Not tomorrow. Not next week.
Today, if you will hear his voice, the Lord says, Harden not your heart.
Today. Today.
Once you come, dear friend, today if you will hear his voice hard, not your heart.
There's lots of other scriptures we get turned to.
I think this meeting was slated for 45 minutes. That's a great plenty.
You heard the Gospel only takes one scripture. Just before we close, though, let's turn the 10th chapter of Romans. Simple verses that you've all heard before.
Romans, chapter 10.
Verse nine, That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
And shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead.
How shall be saved?
Let's see for the heart Man believeth unto righteousness, and with a mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For the scripture says.
Whosoever believeth on him.
Shall not be ashamed.
I like those words, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
The devil tell you like he told.
Eve and Adam in the garden. Make something of yourself.
Eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, good and evil.
He shall know O good meal, he said.
Your friends, you don't need to know good and evil. You need to know the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of sinners.
And then a verse that I seldom preach the gospel without quoting.
Verse 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord.
Shall be saved.
God couldn't have made it more simple.
Lord Jesus.
Will you save me? Have you called on the name of the Lord? He hasn't made it complicated. You don't have to go through some learning, some book work or whatever to attain your salvation.
Just as call upon me.
Call upon me in a day of trouble and I will answer thee. We had an answer from God. Or if you haven't called on him, please do so this very night. Maybe your last opportunity come to Jesus gently calling.
Just a tiny little word.
About the umm.
Just gonna read the last part of the verse and this is for you who know the Lord.
This is quoted from the verse we read in Isaiah, and here's what it says. How beautiful are the feet of them?
That preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things.
We know it's nice. It's how beautiful. The feet of him refers to the Lord who came from heaven, who came from glory. And here in Romans says to your heart and mind how beautiful are the feet of them.
That preach the gospel of peace.
Dear Christian young Brother.
Sister and the Lord, you have beautiful feet.
In God's estimation.
Well, you can't. Do you love to tell the story You know I've heard.
A big congregation of people saying I love to tell the story.
And I think.
I wonder how many of them, how many of us I should say?
Told that blessed story.
To those that we know best. To those that we work with. To those that we go to school with.
Doesn't mean they're physically beautiful. I know I don't have beautiful feet. Toenails are all falling off and.
I guess uh.
Stock over here and it was a little about those kind of feet, but.
It's not that kind of a problem, but we have with our feet most of us.
Because we just keep on the.
Under the bed or under the couch? May the Lord help us to be faithful, diligent in telling out the glad tidings. We just commend us to Lord our God our Father, How we thank Thee for our precious Savior. We thank Thee for that love unbounded that brought Thee from glory above.
Where we met thee with hatred, enmity.
Nailed it to the cross, Blessed Lord, and yet.
Thou art still compelling them to come in.
We pray Thy blessing and Thy word.
Thank you in Jesus worthy and precious holy name. Amen.