
 •  9 min. read  •  grade level: 7
FIRST - Wesley Armson; Caitlin Braun; Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Broadhead; Cameron and Melanie Broadhead; Anna Hatt; Sarah Hepburn; Justin Leeson; Aaron Mason; Joseph Mason; Joelle Nadeau; Kathleen Weatherspoon.
SECOND - Priscilla Hepburn; Melanie Leeson; Christianne Nadeau.
FIRST - Heidi and LeAnne Anstey; Alanna, Janette, Lisa and Rachel Atkinson; Ian Baxter; Anthony Broadhead; Mei Chu; Andrew, Esther and Rachel Copp; Jonathan, Lisa and Tracy Csanyi; Angie, Bradley and Trevor Dagenais; Jeff and Patricia DeJong; Kyle, Selene and Verlynda Fairfield; Evan Frith; Linda Griffin; Jessica, John, Simon and Theresa Hammersmark; Brian and Michelle Hartlen; Alison, Bruce and Mark Hayhoe; Naomi Horbatch; Jessica Hughes; Robbie Johnson; Marilyn Koehle; Daniel and Leah MacDonald; Carmel and Diana Ng; Jennifer and Michael Nixon; Stephanie Shim; Stephani Sorensen; Stuart Trenholm; Michelle Vissia; Heidi and Jeffrey Weening.
SECOND - Christina Baxter; Lindsay Friesen; Sherilyn Frith; Nu Lu; Amy Ng; Alex Shim.
THIRD - Patrick Chai; Julia Eng; Cole and Kailee Horbatch; Samantha Knight; Matthew and Nathan MacDonald; Sarah Martin; Michelle Windsor.
FIRST - Damien and Sherlynn Butt; Harold, Marcus, Margi, Mary, Melinda and Melodie Fowler.
FIRST - Mrs. Edith Boyd; Aaron, Julia and Sharon Dyck; Ian, Robert and Trevor Dyck; James, Laurel, Stephanie and Wendy Dyck; Marlene Dyck; Kevin, Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. John Kent; Novaley Martin; Kevin and Lisa Minnett; R. Myrtle Scharf; Mrs. Connie Wood; Mrs. Dorothy Wood.
SECOND - Marty Dyck; Nathan Dyck.
THIRD - Amanda DeRoo; Bethany Erlandson; Corinna, Jody and Michael Wood.
FIRST - Andrew and Norman Atkinson; Melissa and Michelle Beaudet; Kevin Christie; Matthew and berta Curran; Jamie and Steward DeWitt; April and Mrs. Wanda Everett; Christine, Karen and Mrs. George Gillespie; Mrs. Claude Ginson; Vera Girvan; Chad and Eric Griffin; David Grinton; Chris Haines; Mrs. Mary Hallett; Michelle, Sarah and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hayhoe; Mrs. Arthur Hemmings; Nathan and Shannon Hoyt; Mrs. Mardell Judge; Lorraine LaRonde; Amanda, Amy and Noella MacAusland; Robby MacKay; Gregory Maguire; Seth McAfee; Jonah McCavour; David and Erika McMullin; Matt and Mr. and Mrs. William Roach; Shawna-Marie Stairs; Bethany and Julianne Stevens; Corey, Nicole, Steven and Mrs. Richard Tasse; Carolyn and Linda Wilson.
SECOND - Justin Cole; Robert Curran; Matthew DeWitt; Tavis Griffin; Jeremy Hayhoe; Jane Matthews; Ben McAfee; Rosemary Nunn; Carrie-Lynn Stairs; John Tasse.
THIRD - Michael Beaudet; David Curran; Bruce and Scott Magee; Mrs. Geoffrey Nunn; Roy Stevens; Rebecca Tasse; Danny, Ryan and Shaun Wilson.
FIRST - Karen Andrews; Crystal Barrett; Jessie and Joanne Bartlett; Jerry Blake; Sharon Blake; Betty, Cory and Craig Boone; Jeff and Patsy Bowers; Jennifer Bowers; Thelma Brown; Cheryl Budden; Bessie Budgell; Alison Butler; Beverly and Mrs. Clive Butler; Kayla and Mrs. Vivian Canning; Jackie, Margaret and William Coley; Jaime and Jeanne Collins; John, Sylvia and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Corbin; Lee-Ann Cox; Audrey Davis; Jill and Joan Eady; Joy Earle; Becky and Stephanie Feltham; Mrs. Emma Forward; Dorothy and Lori-Ann Foster; Doris Fradsham; Alice Gale; Carla and Nora Gale; Beverly Gaulton; Glenda Gillard; Cindy and Stacey-Lee Gillingham; Tanya and Tony Gillingham; Sadie Ginn; Susie Goodyear; Doreen Gray; Gail Gray; Ruby Hale; Jennifer Harris; Gregory, Nicole and Sabrina Harvey; Corey, Sarah and Trina Heath; Julia and Roxanne Henstridge; Jarrod, Jason, Jonathan and Loretta Hicks; Kathy Hill; Irene Hymes; Sharon Ings; Margaret Jarvis; Paul Jarvis; Barbara Jenkins; Dianne and Emily Jenkins; Colin, Colleen, Karen and Kevin King; Alice Kinslow; Mrs. Jacqueline LeDrew; Audrey, Deborah, Geraldine and Patsy Leyte; Paula Leyte; Mrs. Justine Major; Juanita Martin; Shirley Matchim; Julie Matthews; Mrs. Marilyn Matthews; Mrs. Pauline Matthews; Winnie Matthews; Mrs. Annie Miller; Jane Moore; Flossie Newbury; Annie Osmond; David and Mrs. Evelyn Patterson; Andre Paul; Cammy Payne; Cavelle, Chantel and Mrs. Jocelyn Payne; Cathy and Mrs. Cora Penney; Mrs. Emma Penney; Mrs. Greta Penney; Eileen Pike; Esther, Juanita and Sherri Pilgrim; Marlene and Susan Pittman; Mrs. Marie Prowse; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Prowse; Clara Purchase; Mrs. Isabel Reddick; Amy Regular; Rebekah, Shane and Stella Regular; Rosalind Regular; Mrs. Cavell Rice; Mrs. Dulcie Rice; Judith Rice; Coralee Rideout; Mrs. Meta Rideout; David Roberts; Deneka Roberts; Mrs. Joan Roberts; Miranda Roberts; Benjie, Bethany and Ruth Roossinck; Andy, Jill, Lee-Ann and Mrs. Rowena Saunders; Kimberly Saunders; Boyd Shiner; Jennifer, Matthew and Tara Ann Skiffington; Debbie and Lori Small; Billy and Mrs. Ada Strickland; Tonya Stuckless; Chesley Tapp; Eva and Mary Tarrant; Mrs. Tammy Tobin; Alice Torraville; Tracey, Treena and Trudy Tulk; Mrs. Christine Walters; Mrs. Lillian Wells; Mrs. Sheila Wells; Beryl Welshman; Corey and Mrs. Bessie Welshman; John and Mrs. Elizabeth Welshman; Glenda Whalen; Clinton Wheeler; Mrs. Eileen Winsor; Gloria Winsor; Lorie Winsor; Ivy Young.
SECOND - Henrietta Burton; Brenda-Lee and Nicole Chipp; David and Melvenia Dredge; Jennifer Henstridge; Renee Hillier; Mrs. Sharon Hodder; Tammy Hogan; Marsha Loder; Mr. Malcolm Matthews; Sonya Mercer; Susan Osmond; Osmond Owen; Karen Shiner; Denita Troake; Mrs. Cathy Winsor.
THIRD - Debbie Arnold; Christine and David Boone; Donna and Tammy Boone; Debbie Cross; Joshua Feltham; Jackie Foster; Tammy and Tara Gale; Ethel and Ivan George; Debbie Hancock; Dianne Hicks; Angela Hodder; Gregory Jarvis; Crystal Joyce; Rhyan Matthews; Angie and Kirkie Payne; Doreen Penney; Jimmy and Linda Piercey; Cindy Pilgrim; Ford Regular; Mrs. Alma Rice; Ida Rice; Ryan Rideout; Jeffrey Rogers; Mrs. Connie Winsor; Gina Winsor.
FIRST - Daniel, Mark, Melita, Merri, Shawn and Teddy Allan; Sarah Barkhouse; Jo-Ann, Shelley and Barbara Beck; Mrs. Barry Conrad; Mrs. Edward Corkum; Andrew and Sharon Devoe; Esther, Jonathan and Meredith Dickie; Joanna and Sarah Janssen; Sam and Theresa London; Wendy Mossman; Roseland Mullen; Anna and Paula Nickerson; Paul Nowlan; Andy, Becky and Jake Sarty; Cecile, Emily and Mrs. Dale Stewart; Janice Woodworth; Cheryl, Corey, Julie, Marty and Mr.and Mrs. Robert Young.
SECOND - Hayley London; Danny Mossman; Philip Stewart.
THIRD - Dirk-Jan Bouter; Janice and Matthew Devoe; Alicia Herman; Amanda and Joseph Lawless; Jane London; Nicholas MacLeod; Nathan Mullen; Joel Nickerson; Rachel, Ruth and Timothy Peacock; Melissa Stewart.
FIRST - Bentley, Gillian and Kori Allan; Byron, Rodney and Ryan Allan; Rebecca Bailey; June Baker; Rebekah Beacham; Michelle and Sarah Boulard; Mrs. E.F. Brown; Barry and Mrs. Reta Burke; Benjamin and Wesley Burr; Kevin Carlyle; Vicky Cheng; Angela and Leah Coates; Jenna and Jessica Coates; Mrs. J.A. Coleman; Mrs. William Coleman; John and Maria Cook; Lisa and Robert Covell; Katie and Krista-Lee Crawford; Jenny and Laurie Currie; Adam, Andy and David DeVries; Allison, Leslie and Mrs. Malcohm Dodds; Ralph and Tom Dodds; Mrs. Dwight Dods; Mrs. Earl Dods; Gabriel Drouin; Jeffrey, Julie and Lori Dudas; Katherine, Kevin and Marvin Dyck; Myra and Raymond Farrell; Karen Ferguson; Allan, Derek and Laurie Fergusson; Bethany and Mrs. Janette Fleming; Stacey Fowler; Helen French; Lisa Freymond; Bethany and Sarah Fuller; Janet-Marie, Rebekah and Wendy Fuller; Aaron and Brandon Graham; Leanne, Rachel and Jennifer Grainger; Christine Greff; Dorothy Griffin; Mrs. Kim Habicht; James and Joshua Hale; Jason, Jennifer and Rebecca Harding; Christina and Pamilla Hatherley; Allison and Erin Hayhoe; Gloria and Lisa Hicks; Mrs. J. Hicks; Elissa Hines; Lisa Hong; Mrs. Barbara Houston; Heidi Huggins; Norma Jean Hunt; Carl and Heather Hunter; Katie Hunter; Mrs. Ian Hurlbut; Berwick Hyland; Mrs. Faye Hyland; Jamie Jackson; Erica and Kyla Jansen; Tracy Keller; Daisy Kerr; David, Kevin and Trevor Kerr; Lauraine Kerr; Mrs. Ruth Kerr; Steven Kerr; Darren and Joey Kucman; Bonita and Cathy Lacroix; Gloria Lamb; Landre LaRose; Mrs. Andre’ Lebrun; Rodger Lester; Kirk Linton; Matthew, Timothy and Trevor Lizotte; Vaughan Loucks; Kurt MacCrimmon; Mrs. Diane Maybee; Jake and Mathew Maybee; Mark, Mike and Valerie McBean; Christine McNaughton; Melissa Mearns; Karen and Ralph Mitton; Lori and Valerie Montean; Philip and Scott Montean; Samantha and Stephanie Moore; Jim Bob Morris; Kristy Patterson; Susan Peters; Caleb and Justin Pilkington; Mrs. Barbara Podpallock; Mrs. Miep Pronk; Amanda Pronyk; Gina Redekop; Jennifer Redekop; Marlajean, Peggy-Lynne and Ryan Rodgers; Esther Seehagel; Colleen Serban; Becky and Danny Shepherd; Amy Jo, Matthew, Nathaniel and Timothy Smith; Brian Snooks; Winona Spencer; Brandon Stickland; Carolyn and Katherine Thomson; Alysa Tullock; Kevin VanAlstine; Scott and Stephen Vanderform; Eric and Miriam VanHofwegen; Sean Weeks; Albert and Stanley Whatmough; Eric White; Jordan and Melanie Wills; Mrs. Osborne Wills; George and Norman Wood; Jo-Anne, Paul, Robbie and Mrs. W.J. Wood; Julie and Philip Workman; Joelle and Jonathan Yade; Giovanna and Rachel Yance; Jason, Michelle and Kathy Younan.
SECOND - Erica and Laura Attoe; Chantal Bennett; Andrew Brown; Gordon Dale; Norman Dods; Tracy Dowdall; Francine Drouin; Stephanie Fowler; David Fuller; Timothy Fuller; Marleen Gagnon; Virginia Golden; Martha Grainger; Wayne Green; Judy Hall; Stefanie Heinen; Adam Howe; Jennifer Hyland; Michael Jansen; Jaime Laroque; Mike LaVallee; Joab Levytam; Tasha Linton; Kyla Mitchell; Michael Montean; Sandra Nolan; Jamie Partridge; Jonathan Patterson; Samuel Pegg; Ashleigh Pequegnat; Micah Plourde; J.J. Riley; Jason Scott; Robert and Roland Seehagel; Jeremy Smith; Krystal Smith; Matthew Thomson; Matthew Walker; Christine Wills; Andrew Workman; Kenton and Linsey Yade.
THIRD - Angie Anderson; Ryan Attoe; Charles Bailey; Luke and Nicole Bassie; Kerry Bates; Stephen Bell; Bradley Birtrim; Shaun Bowens; Andrew Coates; Jonathan Coates; Sam Coates; Matthew and Peter deJonge; Chantel Dube; David Fergus; Phebe French; Jennifer Gauthier; Julia Giraldi; Matthew Green; Amanda Guyea; Tommy Harris; Todd and Warren Hayhoe; Amy and Lisa Heinen; Geoff Heinen; Melanie Hewitt; Gavin Howe; Debbie and Mary Jasperson; Matthew Keller; Andrea Logan; Miranda MacCrimmon; Cheryl McBean; Emily and Jeanette McCandless; Mac McNaughton; Bianca and Kenny Mermuys; Jennifer and Rob Mitchell; Anita Mitton; Kathryn Moore; Matthew Moore; Jaimie Morrison; Angele and Erik Plourde; Pamela Pratt; Andrew Rodgers; Stephanie Scott; Sarah and William Shaw; Tracy Turner; Jacqueline and Patty White; Laura Beth Wills; Sheila Yade.
FIRST - Jeremy Hierlihy; Matthew and Mrs. Darlene MacKenzie; Diane and Douglas Palmer; Dean and Rachel Raynor; Kent Scott.
SECOND - Andrea and Rhonda Boulter; Jonathan and Kristopher McKearney; Heather Smith.
THIRD - Christopher MacKenzie; Stephanie Ramsay.
FIRST - Bethany, Sharon and Stephen Aitchison; Christina Amaya; Joanne Antonypillai; Cathy Aouad; Caroline, David and Louise Arendt; Elizabeth and Mrs. Sam Arendt; Mrs. John Arendt; Margaret Barnes; Carol and Eddy Berry; India and Simi Bhagwandass; Diane, Laura, Randall and Sharon Binnie; Giroflee and Prunelle Boucher; Jessica Brereton; Andrea Chan; Caroline and Cathy Cheng; Claude and Norman Cheung; Elizabeth Costaguta; Philip and Mrs. Elisabeth Favarger; Mrs. Lorna Fish; Jennifer Flores; Julie Girardin; David and Jonathan Hodges; Helen Hsieh; Benjamin Jerome; Sarah Kooi; Elisabeth and Marguerite Labelle; Jessica Lang; Andrew Lawn; Andrew and Leslie Lemke; Justin Leroy; Jonathan Lu; Lauren MacArthur; Stephanie Matteo; Allen and Brian McCavour; Martha and Sarah Muir; Eiman and Lili Nasseri; Christina Ouellet; Marisa Politakis; Roshni Ramchandani; Michael and Veronica Rioux; Joy Sarazen; Martha and Rachel Shepherd; Alexander Sorial; Genevieve StDenis; Kenan and Kezia Taylor; Philip Youssef; Juan Zheng.
SECOND - Matthew Brereton; David and Philippe Gagne; Esther and Sarah Gallou; Catherine Ho; Bonnie Lo; Alex Lu.
THIRD - Rachel Ayerst; Robin Brereton; Joshua Gallou; Stephanie Hall; Adrian Nalbandian; Valerie StDenis; Tina Yeh.
FIRST - Coralee and Holly Bateman; Allison Clark; Anna Clark; Charles, Glenna and Stephen Denzin; Grace Muir.
SECOND - Nathan Brown.
THIRD - Katie Clark.