Chapter-A-Day: Volume 2
Norman W. Berry
Table of Contents
Introduction - Volume 2
Our prayer is that each one of us will increase in our affection for, and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. We do not learn Christian doctrine by studying the Bible, but rather through living in our daily life what we have already learned. Then the Spirit of God will teach us more. Luke 8:18 makes this plain. So our happiness as believers does not depend on how much we know but on how much we are living what we already know.
Second Year - Volume 2
Day 1 - Joshua 11
V.1-1.4 Many nations now hear of this strange invading army with super human things happening — like the sun and moon stopping in the sky for a whole day. So one king persuades them to join forces to get rid of this strange army. But they didn’t know that the Lord was directing the sea invaders! The Lord is mentioned four times. Notice (v. 12) they were doing exactly what Moses had been commanded to tell Joshua (Deut. 20:17).
V.15 What a grand thing to be able to say! Are we faithfully following God’s Word? (Acts 2:42; 2 Tim. 2:2).
V.16-23 Faithfulness in following the Lord’s directions brings victory after victory over the “long time” (v. 18), and leads to rest from war when God’s purposes are done. We Christians know from Hebrews 4:9-10 that our “rest from spiritual” battles will only be when we are taken to be with Christ in heaven.
V.20 This is because these enemies would not submit to God Who owns the whole world and all in it. (Read Dan. 4:17; Acts 17:26). Notice well the last sentence. This chapter is the end of the first section of the whole book. Joshua, up to this point has been a picture, for us believers, of Christ winning the great victory over Satan at the cross and bring us into ALL our blessings. Peace follows victories. What depends on Christ always succeeds; what depends on us shows us our weakness.
Day 2 - Joshua 12
This chapter describes the victories God gave them, 33 kings and their possessions, have been taken. Every enemy was overcome.
V.1-6 Describe the two on the East (desert) side of the Jordan River.
V.7-24 The rest of the chapter tells of the 31 kings in the land of Canaan (present day Israel), the main part of “the land.”
V.8 Six places, like six experiences in the Christian’s life — the seventh is to come — with CHRIST in HEAVEN. But in the meantime, we too have to fight against Satan’s subtle opposition (Eph. 6:12; 2 Tim. 3:1-5). God, today, is allowing Satan’s deceptions to increase.
May we be overcomers, not only against moral evil, but, what is worse, evil and wrong teachings concerning the Scriptures.
Day 3 - Joshua 13
V.1 In Joshua 11:23 we read that they “took” all the land. Here it says they needed to “possess” it. We may know some truth of scripture, but do we live it only then do we “possess” it.
V.6-7 Just as no one tribe received all the land, now no one believer can say he understands all the truth of God. That is why God has given to us Christians such verses as Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-27; Eph. 4:15-16. Are you “possessing” the truth? We only “possess” some truth of Scripture when we are LIVING it. Take a minute to read Luke 8:18 “To him (her) that has,” (Deut. 29:13) means that I only have it when I’m living what I already know, then the Lord is going to teach me more.
V.13 God is careful to tell us that Israel didn’t drive out two particular nations. About 400 years later, great king David married the daughter of the king of Geshur (2 Sam. 3:3). Who was their son? Wicked Absalom! God is merciful, but He tells us that if we don’t separate from what He warns us against, there is a price to be paid (Gal. 5:7).
V.22 You remember Balaam? He had succeeded in getting the Israelites to marry these people (Num. 31:16). Here we read of his end.
V.33 One tribe with no land they could call their own, but this is not because of their unfaithfulness, but rather the result of their faithfulness years before (Ex. 32:25-29; Num. 8:5-19). Notice carefully Who was their inheritance! Do we prize Christ above all the things of this life?
Day 4 - Joshua 14
V.1-5 The 9 tribes inherit land according to the Lord’s commandments. An inheritance is something set aside ahead of time for a particular person. God’s thoughts had not been about the east of the Jordan, but about the west of that river. Notice that the word “inheritance” is written in italic. It is added by the translators in 13:15, 24, 29. They are not in the original.
V.6-15 One of God’s faithful men! Because of the Israelites’ failure, he had to go with them about half of his life, 40 years in the wilderness, before he received that which was promised to him. He kept on by faith in the Lord. Here he gets the “good report” which God tells us about in Hebrews 11:1-2, and possesses Hebron (which means “communion”) for himself. Caleb and Joshua, for their faithfulness, are the only two individuals who received a personal allotment of land in Israel! (14:13).
Day 5 - Joshua 15
V.1-12 Judah was Jacob’s fourth son, but replaced Reuben as the royal tribe from which the Messiah was to come (Gen. 49:10). Therefore, Judah is the first tribe to get its inheritance, and they get the largest portion of all the tribes.
V.13-19 The godly example of Caleb affects his relative and his family. It was their wanting more of God’s promised land, that brought Othniel and Achsah together as husband and wife.
V.20-62 How careful God is with every detail of the tribe of Judah’s inheritance. If you and I are obedient to God’s Word, we will receive a greater reward, for it’s going to be in heaven, from the Lord Himself (Rev. 22:12).
V.63 Tribe after tribe failed to obey the Lord to drive out the enemies.
Day 6 - Joshua 16
V.1-4 The children of Joseph are next, right after Judah. Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob, but Joseph became a personal picture of Israel’s Messiah. Joseph was refused by his brothers in his early life but became the one who really rescued them later on. Then he was their provider and their glory as head over all the land of Egypt (Gen. 49:22-26).
V.4 Joseph was given a double portion (Gen. 48:22), his two sons became heads of tribes.
V.5-10 While Manasseh was the first-born (v. 4), Ephraim comes first, because of Jacob’s blessing of Genesis 48:8-20.
Day 7 - Joshua 17
V.1-2 “The rest” means the other half of this tribe. They obeyed God’s original instructions by settling in the land. Each family is named, as if God wanted to show how much He appreciated their willingness to break from the rest of their tribe to be faithful to His Word.
V.3-6 Israel’s inheritance normally was only passed on to the sons in a family. But here was a family with no sons. The daughters valued what the Lord had given their father. They remind Eleazer and Joshua of what the Lord promised them through Moses (Num. 27:1-11). So in this special case the inheritance went to the girls.
V.7-13 The tribe of Mannasseh gets an area in the promised land as well as on the East side of Jordan.
V.14-18 If they wanted more, there was more to be had! And this is like us believers today, we can have as much of Christ as we want, and our lives are showing how much we want!
Day 8 - Joshua 18
V.1 Shiloh was the one place of meeting for all the tribes. It was the place where the tabernacle was set up first when the Israelites came out of the 40 years in the wilderness, into the land of Canaan.
V.2-10 Sad condition! Seven tribes without any energy or desire to possess what had been given to them. They have to be stirred into action. Are we Christians diligent in obeying the Lord?
V.11-28 Of the seven tribes, Benjamin is first. This tribe’s land area was one of the smallest, but it was between the two special tribes (v. 11) and included Jerusalem — later to become Israel’s center.
Day 9 - Joshua 19, Verses 1-23
V.1-9 This tribe of Simeon received the southern part of what had been given to Judah. Judah failed to do what the children of Joseph did in Joshua 17:14-18. There, their faith and desire gave them energy to get more. Here, weakness and feebleness causes the loss of some of the land to others.
V.10-16 Of the cities and villages belonging to this tribe, Gittah-hepher (v. 13) is perhaps one of the most important in the tribe’s history. If you will look up 2 Kings 14:25 you will see whose home that city became in later years — the last word of that verse is another spelling of this city.
V.17-23 A touching story takes place in Shunem (v. 18, see 2 Kings 4:8-37), where the great prophet Elisha went one time.
Day 10 - Joshua 19, Verses 24-51
V.24-31 Two places within Asher’s area became quite famous: great Zidon (also spelled “Sidon” elsewhere) and the strong city of Tyre (vvs. 28-29). The Lord Jesus, many years later, was familiar with the kind of people who lived in those places when He was on earth. He found a woman of those parts who would not leave Him without getting her request (Matt. 15:21-18). These two cities are still in existence.
V.32-39 Chinnereth, verse 35, was a city on the shore of what we now call the sea of Galilee, an area in which the Lord Jesus, many years later, often traveled.
V.40-48 Leshem is the same as Laish. The tribe of Dan not only inherited land near Judah towards the Southern part of Palestine, but they also “went up,” verse 47, to the Northern end above the Sea of Galilee and took some land there where Leshem was.
V.49-50 The people appreciated so much what Joshua had done as their leader, that they give him personally an inheritance. In Greek, his name is Jesus. The Lord Jesus is going to receive His inheritance (Rom. 8:17), and notice who are the “joint-heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:17)! (v. 16)
V.51 Final decisions came from this one place of meeting.
Day 11 - Joshua 20
V.1-3 The Lord reminds Joshua of what He had told Moses. Israel and we are guilty of murder willfully, for we both have rejected God and crucified His Christ. “This is the heir,” (ch. 19:48) they said, come, let us kill Him, and let us seize on His inheritance” (Matt. 21:38) and “We shall not have this man to reign over us” (Luke 19:14).
The death of Jesus on the cross would enable God to forgive Israel, but His death also is the payment for their individual sins.
V.4-9 The elders were to listen to the killer’s story and give him the benefit of the doubt, protecting him from those who would do him harm. The assembly of that city was to make the final decision, if the avenger presented his side of the case. If an avenger never came, the slayer was not free until the death of the high priest then living.
V.6 The death of the High Priest was release for the slayer. The Lord is our High Priest, as illustrated by Aaron.
So we believers are eternally secure from Satan’s power as the “avenger” who would destroy every believer if he could (Heb. 7:24-26).
Day 12 - Joshua 21
V.1-3 These Levites showed that they were not jealous over what had been given to their brethren. They treasured the Lord’s special promise to themselves.
V.4-8 These Levites were scattered throughout the twelve tribes on both sides of the Jordan River. They were the special servants of the Lord.
V.9-42 The children of Aaron were divided into four groups: the priests, the Kohathites, the Gershonites and the Merarites. Each group had its special work as we saw in reading the book of Numbers. Here they are getting part of their rewards. In Mark 13:34 we read something of the same for us today.
V.43-45 What a God we have! How sure is everything He has said! What rest we will find in simply relying upon the Holy Scriptures!
Day 13 - Joshua 22
V.1-9 The Word of the Lord was to be the one standard for all twelve tribes, regardless of where each tribe lived. But the 2½ tribes had to leave their brethren and the place of the tent of meeting in the promised land, in order to go back to the land they had chosen. There could be no “Shiloh” on the east of Jordan. God cannot have two “centers” on earth at the same time, then or now.
V.10-12 But it wasn’t long before trouble started. The altar that was built was certainly impressive to the eye; and a report reaches the 9½ tribes who gather at God’s center; this news upsets these tribes which were in God’s place.
V.13-20 These leaders speak sharply, basing their thoughts on the report they had heard. While they spoke the truth in defending the Lord’s center, they were unwise in speaking at all until they had investigated the report.
V.21-29 The 2½ tribes answer more kindly, saying that the Lord knew their hearts and not what the 9½ tribes had supposed; and readily admit that there could be only one center, that was at Shiloh.
V.30-34 The fight is stopped before it got out of control. Peace is restored, and the Israelites “blessed God” and dropped their ill feelings toward their brethren. But these 2½ tribes which went back to the other side of Jordan had not fully obeyed Deuteronomy 26:1.
About 150 years later they were the first to be taken into captivity (1 Chron. 5:25-26).
Day 14 - Joshua 23
Joshua knew that he was not going to be with his brethren much longer. He calls Israel’s leaders, reminds them of the Lord’s mercy and grace and power shown to their ancestors and to them, encourages them to continue to trust the Lord through the dangers ahead, and points them to the written Word of the Lord for their instructions.
V.11 The key verse. They were to continue as a separated people to the Lord from the peoples who were around them. Their enjoyment of the Lord’s blessings, or their loss of His approval, would depend on their obedience, and on our joy too.
V.14 If you are going on with the Lord each day, with a good conscience in all you do and say, when you read this verse, you probably will say to yourself, “Oh how true ... the Lord has kept me today and He has never let me down once, though I don’t deserve a bit of all His loving kindness to me.”
In Acts 20:17-32 we see another faithful servant.
Day 15 - Joshua 24
V.1-13 God delights to review His ways of mercy and grace to His people. We find such reviews a number of times throughout the Scriptures. Here He begins where the people had been idolaters (v. 2), and then brought them into blessing for which they had done nothing (v. 13). Do we delight to think of what He has done for us when we don’t deserve it? You will see the word “flood” in verses 2-3, 14-15; this refers to the Euphrates River, where Abraham’s father had lived.
V.14-15 It is plain that hidden gods were in some houses! God knew they were there and told the people to get rid of them. What a wonderful example Joshua set before them in verse 15, “me and my house” is something for each one to consider, who is the head of a household. His household was different. Is ours?
V.16-28 The choice and decision were theirs, but it must be in holiness. We cannot allow “strange gods” in our lives, either. (See 1 John 5:19-21).
V.29-33 How good to see the people following the Lord as a result of the faithfulness of Joshua and the elders with him. Christians now are reminded to remember and follow the faith of those who have gone before us (Heb. 13:7-8), that in all things Christ might have the first place with us. This wonderful book opened with the death of the Mediator, Moses. It closed with the death of the priest, Eleazar. These men were only types (pictures) of Christ, our true Mediator (1 Tim. 2:5), and our great High Priest (Heb. 4:14). He is alive for evermore. And then read John 11:26 for the believer’s part.
Day 16 - Ephesians 1, Verses 1-8
The Old Testament book we have just left has given us pictures of the teachings of the New Testament book we begin. Today we can learn the immense lesson that the believer has been given every blessing he will ever receive (even in heaven). We have them now. But we are only going to enjoy them if we listen to God, and live in our life each day the things we have learned and understood. Then, and only then, will the Spirit of God teach us more of the glories of Christ (Luke 8:18). Joshua 1:3 does not say “I shall give you.” What it does say is the key to understanding Ephesians. We are going to have the joy of our blessings if we learn this point. It is not something we learn intellectually. Scripture never can be truly learned through the head. It is always through the conscience.
V.1-14 The highest truth in the entire Bible. Notice that the words “have” and “having” are used about ten times. Verses 3-6 are the work of God the Father; Verses 7-12 the work of the Lord Jesus and Verses 13-14 the work of the Holy Spirit. Notice that each section ends with praise and glory!
V.3 The position in which every true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is, whether we understand it and enjoy it or not. This is what God has done. So we can only thank Him, and that is what “blessed” means.
V.4 Every believer was chosen in Christ before the world was made! Just believe it, and you will thank. Him. This was in the past.
V.5 He chose us for adoption into His family, This is present.
V.6 Christ, still a Man, has been accepted into heaven. We are accepted in Him.
V.S God has made known to us all these secrets.
Day 17 - Ephesians 1, Verses 9-23
V.10 This is future. All this fits in perfectly with what He is going to do at the end — the whole creation, spoiled by Satan and sin, is going to be brought back into one sweet unity, and the Head of it all is Christ.
V.12 All this has been done for us, so that we would be singing His praises forever.
V.13-14 And every believer after he believed, has had a seal, a stamp put on him. This is the Holy Spirit. He is in every believer forever. He is the pledge (promise) given by God until Jesus comes for us, and changes our bodies to make them fit for heaven, God’s presence.
V.15-23 Paul tells us what he prayed on two occasions in this book. The first one is here, the second in the third chapter. I like to call the first one the “then” prayer, the second, the “NOW” prayer. The first takes our thoughts to the future in glory. You’ll see in this prayer that Paul’s thoughts rise right up into heaven. God has the title of the GOD of our Lord Jesus Christ; because Christ is looked at there as the glorified MAN, Who has been down here on earth, suffered, died and been raised again. The church, (all believers) is looked at as “the fullness of Him that filleth all in all.” It’s a short prayer, but has so much in it.
V.22-23 The church is the body of Christ. It is made up of every believer in Him. Just pause and realize that the Lord Jesus is not complete without us.
Day 18 - Ephesians 2
V.1-3 All of us were dead in sins toward God, both Gentiles and Jews. But to all believers God has given. life. “Quickened” means “given life.”
V.4-7 Both Jew and Gentile believers are now one in Christ — not with Him yet. God has done all this so that He might show His great grace toward us in Christ Jesus in the ages to come.
V.8-9 We have been saved by faith (believing). And then it goes on to explain that even the faith (ability to believe), is a gift too. This is proved in the next verse, that it is no credit to us. Everything is of God. These two chapters are telling God’s side of the story of salvation. It has nothing to do with our responsibility. Remember that.
V.10-13 For we are God’s handiwork. Why? So that we may be able to live on this earth to please Him. We used to be Gentiles or Jews before we were saved. At that time, we were separated from Christ, completely away from Him, and with no right to any help or blessing. But now in Christ Jesus; brought to this place of nearness by the blood of Christ.
V.14 In Christ, all believers are united.
V.19-22 All believers are now in one family, one household. We are built on the apostles and New Testament prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the corner-stone. In Christ, all this building fits perfectly together and grows to be a holy temple, or dwelling place of God.
Day 19 - Ephesians 3
The “mystery” is a secret that God kept in His heart until He told it to Paul! This secret is that God was going to have a bride for His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus.
V.6 The mystery is here divided into three things. (a) that the Gentiles should be heirs, a person who inherits something, with the Jews. (b) They and the Jews who believe are in one body. (c) They would share together the promises made by God in Christ in the gospel.
V.7-13 Paul had been given the wonderful work of making known the gospel, that good news of God. To tell of the unsearchable riches of Christ!
V.14-21 So now we come to Paul’s second prayer the “NOW” prayer. Let’s listen in on what he said. To begin with, he starts differently, “the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Why? Because the Lord Jesus is there as the Son of God.
V.19 The emphasis here is on the intimacy of communion, and as our NOW being “filled even to all the fullness of God.” It is God filling us NOW with Himself. This closeness is overwhelming but its real. Verse 16 tells us we are strengthened with might by His Spirit Who is in us NOW. “That Christ may dwell in your hearts” NOW.
V.17 We’re “rooted and grounded in love” NOW. Were inside a cube, “breadth, and length and depth and height” with God NOW. We “know the love of Christ” which is beyond knowledge! NOW.
V.19 He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think” NOW.
V.20 “According to the power that works in us” NOW. Does this cause you to overflow with thanksgiving and praise giving HIM the glory, NOW? (v. 21).
Day 20 - Ephesians 4, Verses 1-7
Now Paul goes back to where he left off speaking of himself as a prisoner (Eph. 3:1).
V.2-3 If we walk humbly, meekly, patiently, putting up with one another, because we love each other, then we will be able to keep the unity of the Spirit. This unity of the Spirit is not the unity of the body. God keeps that unity. But we are to do all in our power to keep the oneness of fellowship. We don’t establish it, we maintain it. Satan has succeeded in making many denominations which call themselves Christian. And there may be true believers in them, but the Spirit of God could not guide 2 believers into 2 different fellowships. God would then be confusing people. The Spirit of God wants to gather all believers around one Center. And that Center is Christ. We find that one center? in the same way as we did when we got saved. We surrendered our will and our own ideas of our goodness. Then the Spirit of God will gather us to Christ.
V.4-6 There are three circles here. The first in verse 4. Within this circle are only true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Being born again is the door into this circle. The second circle is in verse 5. To say “I am a Christian” does not make me one. This circle is made up of true believers and also those who only say they are. In other words, there are professors and possessors in this one. Baptism is the door into it. The third is in verse 6 and has all the people in the world in it. Being born as an infant is the door into it. The end of verse 6 brings us back to believers again.
V.7-16 Every believer can do something for the Lord. And grace and the ability to do it are given to everyone to do it. The Lord Jesus gives these gifts to the believers to help them.
Day 21 - Ephesians 4, Verses 8-22
V.8-10 A quote from Psalm 68:18, imagine! The Lord completely destroyed Satan’s power, and has gone up to heaven as a Man — the enemy is now His captive. The Lord is the same One Who went down to the lowest point possible. Now He can give gifts to His body, the church.
V.11-16 These gifts are people. One person doesn’t have more than one function usually. These gifts continue till the church is taken to heaven. Some Christians take on jobs to do which require four or five abilities which Scripture never tells us of a person having.
V.17-19 A warning not to live like the unbelievers. Then a description of what the unbeliever’s life is really like.
V.20-21 Our life should show we are true believers.
V.22-32 Many different things we are not to do.
Day 22 - Ephesians 5
V.1-2 God and Christ are set before us as Examples. But notice the contrast which follows.
V.3-5 It is hard to believe that we believers could sink so low. But God knows us better than we know ourselves.
V.10-21 Many different warnings and encouragements. From verse 22 to verse 9 of chapter 6, are important instructions for each class of people.
V.14 We believers are to wake up. The “dead” are the unbelievers around us. Christ will then shine upon us.
V.16 We have not much time to live for the Lord.
V.22-32 God now gives us perfect instructions for a marriage.
V.22-24 Wives are to be submissive, to adapt themselves to their own husbands.
V.25-33 Husbands are to love their wives, and the example is given.
V.32 Marriage is a picture of the mystery, that is, of the Lord and His bride — we who are believers.
Day 23 - Ephesians 6
Perfect instructions for a happy family.
V.1-3 Children are to do everything they are told to do by their parents, so long as it is not something which the Scripture forbids. This applies to the wives in Ephesians 5:22-24.
V.4 Fathers are not to tease or irritate their children so that they get angry. But they are to bring them up tenderly, pointing them to Christ.
V.5-9 Servants, slaves in those days, are to be obedient to their masters, as if doing all for the Lord. Masters are to return the kindness in the same way.
V.10 Instruction for perfect protection, by putting on God’s armor.
V.11-19 It protects us from Satan’s schemes to deceive us. He even deceives us into thinking we don’t need it. Our struggle is against spiritual wickedness of many kinds. We’ll be able to STAND if we use it!
V.14 A good conscience.
V.15 Our walk will prepare us to speak to those who are lost.
V.16 Confidence in the favor of God in which every believer stands.
V.17 Using God’s Word to protect our thinking. The sword is like the Word of God. This is for offense as well as defense.
V.23-24 Peace, love and grace — the believer’s possessions!
Day 24 - 1 Timothy 1, Verses 1-11
We will read only the First Epistle to Timothy to keep in line with our steps in the believer’s life. Ephesians has taught us our heavenly calling, and the warfare which will result from following the Lord in this heavenly position, while we’re still here on earth. 1st Timothy was written when everything was in order in the assemblies, and so it tells us that (v. 3) there is no room for private opinions; no other doctrine taught. Sad to say, today we see hundreds of denominations, all claiming the support of the Word of God for the doctrine which they hold on to. John 7:17 says that if any person really wants to know God’s will, God will tell it to that person. The problem is that we let our will work. Even Jesus said “Not My will, but Thine be done,” when He was praying to His Father (Luke 22:42).
Ephesians and 1st Timothy show us God’s one church — God’s church is made up of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ on earth — in its perfect condition as seen by God Himself.
V.3-4 Paul encourages Timothy to remain at Ephesus, because those at Ephesus had been given a wonderful revelation of truth, Epistle to the Ephesians, Timothy is told to be faithful in standing for the truth and in warning those who would oppose it. No opinions were to be allowed!
V.4 Our hearts can be taken up with “fables” rather than the truth, if we are not careful.
V.7 One way to turn believers from God’s truth is for them to go back to the law. It is easy to do, because it then gives us some credit, but the Lord Jesus must have all.
V.7-11 The law was never intended to bring salvation, but to show how very guilty man was before a holy God.
Day 25 - 1 Timothy 1, Verses 12-20
Paul surely takes a low place. He realizes that it is only because of the Lord’s grace that he was given power to go into this service. Three things that he was, before he was saved. He did what he did through ignorance and unbelief.
V.14-15 In verse 13 he had received “mercy” — this was when he was not yet saved — but here we read of “grace,” “faith” and “love” when he has been saved. “Mercy” is for us when we were dead, “grace” is for us when we are alive in Christ. He was the chief sinner. Paul, before his conversion, had been a very moral man (Phil. 3:6), but he had hated Christ so that had made him the worst of sinners.
V.16 Paul, an example to all others of the grace of God.
V.18-20 “This charge” refers back to verse 3. And Timothy is encouraged to keep faith and a good conscience which we all need.
Day 26 - 1 Timothy 2
V.1-2 Remember these verses in days like today. We are to pray for “kings,” those who are in authority in every country, for the people of God who are in every land. The purpose of our prayer is that God’s people may be able to live in all godliness and honesty.
V.4 God desires, not only that men might be saved, but come to the knowledge of the truth. Let us who are believers, obey His Word that we might come to such a knowledge. He desires that all believers would grow to know the truth; it is almost like being saved in a new way. Don’t forget the second one of these two things.
V.5 In spite of what others might teach, it is false and vain to pray to Mary or to the saints for there is but one Mediator between God and men.
V.8 We can pray anywhere. “Holy hands” would remind us that our life should be clean and pure if we wish God to answer our prayers. There should be no anger nor doubting in our hearts.
V.9 The proper apparel for women is not described, but it is said to be modest. Let us remember this, for there is a lack of modesty in women’s clothes amongst the unsaved. The adornment too, should be that of good works, not outward show.
V.12 This is God’s instruction and not the ideas of Paul. A woman is neither to teach a man, nor to be in a job where she is a boss over him. This applies in ordinary things of life as well as in spiritual things.
V.15 Genesis 3:16 shows the sorrow that has come upon Eve and her descendants because of her sin. The believing woman should remember Eve’s sin, and conduct herself in godliness and thank God for this promise.
Day 27 - 1 Timothy 3
V.1 “The office of a bishop” was really being a shepherd or overseer among the people of God. It is not now an official position because there are no apostles or their delegates to appoint them. Secondly, we should remember that these men were elders only in the local assembly. And thirdly, there were always more than one in each place (or assembly). Why would one desire such an office? Surely not for any honor to himself, but because he loved God’s people, and wished to be of help to them.
V.2-7 Timothy is reminded that if a person was to be an overseer among the people of God, his life must be without blame.
V.8-13 Though this official position no longer exists, may each of us want to encourage other believers. Also there were men who took special care of the material needs of those who were in the assembly. They had to be honest and faithful in distributing what was offered to the Lord, to those needy ones. An example of verse 13 is Stephen (Acts 6:5).
V.15 The assembly is: first, the house of God. God dwells in it (Eph. 2:22). Second the church of the living God. It is His! And He is living! Let us not add to it with the names of men who are dead, nor with the name of a doctrine. Third it is the pillar and base of the truth.
V.16 The secret of godliness is Christ. Let us follow His perfect example — true godliness will result.
Day 28 - 1 Timothy 4
V.1 We know we are in “the latter times” because those who once professed faith, and were considered Christians, are departing from the faith. We hear of men in pulpits today who claim to be Christian men, but who deny the faith. Probably the greatest danger among believers today is the giving up of the absolute authority of the Word of God.
V.3 Let us beware of any teaching that is not according to God’s Word, even though it may seem to be very pious and religious.
V.6 Three times from here to the end of the chapter “doctrine” is mentioned. To be able to detect false doctrine, the word means “what is taught,” we need to be well acquainted with “good doctrine.” The more you live the truth you know, the more you will be able to detect error.
V.8 Bodily exercise, profits just for a little time. But godliness is profitable unto all things, here and for eternity. No doubt Paul got plenty of bodily exercise in his endless work for the Lord and His people!
V.10 In the verse the word “Savior” does not mean Savior from sins, but “Preserver” or the one who gives and sustains life.
V.12 Timothy is told how to behave so that he will not be despised — this would be so if his conduct was consistent with what he was teaching.
V.13-16 Let us be diligent in reading and meditating; first for our own need and then to help others.
Day 29 - 1 Timothy 5
The Bible is not simply a book of doctrines, but is filled with the most practical instruction. It would be a wicked thing to pretend to be sound in doctrine and careless in our behavior.
V.1 Timothy was a young man, and he was to remember this in his attitude toward others. Those who are young should thank the Lord for older believers. And those who are older should remember that the young would be encouraged if they saw a godly example in the older person’s life.
V.3-16 The responsibility of the assembly toward widows. Some of them were in need, and they were to be helped financially by the assembly. Some, when they had lost their husband, did not recognize that God had something to teach them. If they acted as in verse 13, it was a sad evidence that their dependence on the Lord was lacking.
V.14 Let us remember that in our days of so much immorality and rebellion against God, this is still the purpose of marriage.
V.22 We are not to make a big fuss over a new convert. We should go slowly.
V.24 All lives will be reviewed. Some unbelievers have lived openly wicked lives, and others seem upright, but God will reveal all. As with believers — the good things they do may not be known by others now. But they shall be shown later by the Lord.
Day 30 - 1 Timothy 6
V.1 Our behavior to our employer ought to be such that he would want to hear the gospel. If we profess to know the Lord and do not obey our boss he will mock the name of God because of us.
V.2 And if we work for a believing employer, let us be just as faithful in our work. The Lord takes note of such matters!
V.6 What does “great gain” mean to you? God tells us what it should mean.
V.8 Again “content.” It is so rare today; people are going on strike because they are not content.
V.9-10 Needed words for us today. Believers possess riches which cannot be taken away.
V.11-12 Timothy is told to “flee,” to “follow” and to “fight.” He is to flee the covetous spirit that is natural to us all. He is to follow the wonderful qualities listed here. He is to fight the good fight of faith. Timothy had learned how rich he was in spiritual things; he was to hold onto these things.
V.13-16 We who know the Lord Jesus should remember the majesty that is His. How utterly foolish to turn from representing such an One, to be taken up with the passing (but not lasting) honors or wealth of this world.
Day 31 - Judges 1, Verses 1-15
Back we go to the Old Testament to see the next step in the pictures (in OT) of the developments in a believer’s life. Genesis — New life; Exodus — coming out into a new place; then worship; then our daily problems; then Joshua — our warfare against the enemies of the truth; now “Judges” — God testing His people to see if they will live in all the blessings God has given them. What does He see? Only failure, despising the land, disobeying — these 2 things go together. So God punished them. What did they do? They cried to Him. So what did God do? Sent a “Deliverer.” When he died, what did they do? Turned back to disobedience. And so on and on through the book we start to read today. Now when we apply these lessons to our life, don’t forget, we believers in the Lord Jesus, have the Holy Spirit living in our body. He is the power which enables us to obey. When we finish this book, we’ll be reading about our mistakes and disobedience too, in 2nd Timothy. Moses, the great leader of God’s people through the wilderness, is dead. Joshua the brilliant leader in the promised land, and the conqueror of it, is also dead. They had both been chosen by God to do their particular work. All that God had commanded Moses, had been written down in a book. And we have that book in our hand, the five books of Moses — Genesis to the end of Deuteronomy. So remember that the people of whom we are now going to read, had the same five books (Deut. 12:1).
The people had promised (Josh. 24:24) that they would obey God, and therefore His Word!
Day 32 - Judges 1, Verses 16-36
Today we start to read the sad story of Israel’s behavior. Through instructions given to Moses, the tabernacle had been built and the priests established to be the go-between for God and His people. The priests became careless and disobedient, so that God could not use them. He never comes to the end of the instruments (people or things) He can use. His new instruments are now the judges — the name of our book. Whether in the days of the judges, or today, power (in the believers) is lost only through disobedience to God and His Word. The children of Israel were troubled later on by these same enemies. But here you are reading why — they did not drive them out of the land which God had given them. They left some, and these were the causes of the trouble later on. This teaches us that Satan will overcome by trickery in telling us that we don’t need to be out and out for the Lord — so long as we are morally good, everything will be fine. But this is how we are deceived. Faith in God and obedience to His Word will bring personal joy, peace and blessing as we shall see as we go on in this book. And as we will also find in our own life as we go on for the Lord.
Day 33 - Judges 2
V.1-5 Do you remember reading in Joshua of the town of Gilgal? They had victories in battle when they started out from Gilgal. It was where the shame of having been in Egypt was taken away. They had been circumcised at Gilgal. Circumcision in the New Testament meaning is death to the flesh for the believer (Gal. 5:6; 1 Cor. 7:19). But now the angel moves from Gilgal to Bochim. “Bochim” (pronounced Bo-kim) means “weeping.” God tells them what was going to result from their carelessness — He would not drive out their enemies. The result was weeping. But it wasn’t very deep, for in verses 12-13 we read what they did! Sometimes we weep when we are in trouble, but go back into disobedience after a while. We could say that verses 11-13 were what Israel was, and verses 16-18 what the Lord did.
V.14-15 We are going to be reading words like these many times in this book. Many believers are constantly in a state of unhappiness and unrest for the same reason. We compromise (give in a little) with the world.
V.16-23 A preview of the book. We surely need to learn that, for our life, obedience is what we should choose (1 Cor. 6:19-20).
Day 34 - Judges 3
V.1-6 The Lord allowed these enemies to remain in the land to test Israel.
V.4 And He does the same to us. He will give us the power to overcome only if we are willing to obey His Word. The details of their disobedience. We have not read of a victory so far.
V.7-8 They gave up the Lord, so He gave them up, but not without previous warnings!
V.9-11 Here is the first turning back to the Lord. It was almost as if the Lord was just waiting to hear them call to Him! They had rest forty years.
V.12-31 But they didn’t learn their lesson. Back they go to doing evil! The Lord didn’t strengthen them, but He strengthened their enemy! Do we not realize that when the enemy is so strong against us, it is because the Lord is allowing it?
V.15 Their merciful God once more hears and answers.
V.30 This time Israel has rest twice as long as the previous time. You will notice that some of the “deliverers” had something weak about them. They would not be the type of person, people would choose. Only God could use them. Because He is their strength (2 Cor. 12:9). The days were evil, because of their disobedience, and therefore everything is in weakness. The individual today who wants to go on faithfully for God, He will give to him strength for the day.
Day 35 - Judges 4
V.1-3 Once again disobedience, once again calling to God, once again God sending a deliverer.
V.4 But there was no faithful man God could use, so He uses a faithful woman. This further gives us an idea of the weak condition Israel was in. Today we see the ascendance of women for the same reason.
V.5-9 This weak man says he will go to battle only if Deborah would go with him! God allowed this to shame Israel. But another woman is going to be the cause of the victory! Surely no man could take any credit.
V.10-24 The campaign — notice verse 23. May we bring God more into every detail of our life.
Day 36 - Judges 5
Today’s chapter is a song. It may seem strange to you to read of such revenge, violence and destruction. But we never learn the truth of the Bible if we set up ourselves as judges. We need to realize that God inspired every word. The Old Testament is understood only if we understand the New Testament. The Old Testament is the story of physical happenings, and mostly about God’s people, the Jews, the Israelites. They were under the law. If they obeyed, they were blessed. If they disobeyed, they were punished. In our day, the day of grace, Christ has come to earth, died for our sins, and through the shedding of His blood, we are cleansed from all sin. Now we stand in a new position. It is a position of GRACE (Eph. 2:8). So don’t mix the two. Law and grace cannot mix. But the sad thing about our day is that many believers do not realize that we have a responsibility also to obey the Word of God. We have all our blessings, but our happiness in them depends on our obedience.
Day 37 - Judges 6, Verses 1-10
V.1-10 Each enemy is, for us, a type of our spiritual enemies today. The Midianites are a picture of earthly things — they could be our house, car, garden, job or even our children. The first 13 words tell us the reason for what happened in this chapter.
V.6 They did not realize that their own disobedience was the real reason. Disobedience so often is the reason for our trials and troubles. The Amalekites a picture of the flesh or the old nature in us. Keep a note of these enemies and what each one means — instructive for your life.
In the first verse, the Lord sent the Midianites because Israel did not drive them out of the land. In the 8th verse, the Lord sent a prophet to stir up their conscience. In the 11th verse, the Lord sent an angel to raise up a deliverer. The Lord loves to take us out of our misery, but only when we turn to Him.
Day 38 - Judges 6, Verses 11-40
V.11-18 God saw only one man, Gideon, whom He was going to use to deliver Israel from their enemies. Because of their disobedience, Israel had sunk to the lowest condition since they arrived in the glorious land.
V.11 Threshing wheat is separating the kernel from the chaff — a picture of separating truth from error (Prov. 25:4; Jer. 15:19; 23:28; 2 Cor. 6:14). We doubt if there is any more important lesson in our life to learn than this one. “To depart from evil is understanding” (Job 28:28). When we confess our sins to Him, He hears, He delights to bless us (Prov. 28:13).
V.13 True statements. It was not that God had made a mistake, or that all this happened by chance. They disobeyed and brought trouble on themselves.
V.15-18 Gideon sees his weakness. This is good. But he needs to look away to God’s power, and he does.
V.19-20 If Gideon had not been threshing the wheat, he probably wouldn’t have had any wheat ready for a meal-offering to God. Unless we are living to please the Lord, we won’t be able to do what it says in Hebrews 13:15.
V.33-40 God graciously proves His power to Gideon.
Day 39 - Judges 7
Gideon has more lessons to learn.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says “when I am weak then am I strong.”
V.2 The great thing in our life is to be able to see that the sins we are going on with are what cause the enemy (Satan) to overcome us. Then when we judge them and forsake them, the Lord delivers us (Prov. 28:13).
V.3 32,000 men had responded to the call of Gideon. But God knew that Israel (not Gideon) would be congratulating themselves on the victory about to be won. So all who were afraid were sent home. What a lesson for us. So often we are afraid to stand up for the truth God has shown us. 2/3 of the army melt away!
V.4-8 Still too many. The test this time is different, it was connected with how they drank water. Those who quickly took a drink of the water were separated from those who got down on their knees and took a long drink. The former numbered only 300. The latter 9,700. Only those who had a purpose before them, who wished to get on with their business, were chosen. They were tested by water. Water is a picture for us of the Word of God (Eph. 5:26). As believers, how much are we willing to obey the Word of God?
V.9-15 Gideon hears the dream. He recognizes that it is the Lord Who is speaking to him. It is good to see the Lord in every happening of our life. The result is that Gideon worships the Lord.
V.16-25 The 300 had one thing to do — keep their eye on Gideon. The believer has one thing to do first of all — keep his eye on Christ. Victory results. It always does.
Day 40 - Judges 8
V.1-3 Many, who had no interest or courage before the battle, are now quick to complain to Gideon. Notice his humble reply. A believer needs to be prepared to face difficulties even from other believers.
V.4 But Gideon didn’t stop to complain. He and his little group kept on, faint, yet pursuing. May we believers keep on!
V.5-10 More complaints from his friends. What a terrible way for the people to act. But we’ll see the result later.
V.11-21 Gideon could have been satisfied to catch the two princes — but he wasn’t. So long as the two kings still lived, the enemy still existed. He pressed on. Some Christians say that believers who press on are fanatical. But we ask who are we pleasing? God or man?
V.22-35 What a warning to us here! Often after the Lord has helped us very remarkably to overcome some trial, we fall into some other trap set by Satan. Very few of us can stand success. Our enemy is very subtle. We can never let down our guards.
V.24 Satan was waiting to trip up Gideon. It seemed harmless for Gideon to ask for these!
V.27 But; see what happens to these things! All Israel would not follow Gideon when the Lord’s work was to be done, but they would when evil was! What a warning to us!
V.33-35 The story ends in sadness. How quickly they forget the Lord! After all the Lord has done for us, after all the joy we experienced when we first accepted Christ as Savior, how quickly we turn back to the poor world.
Day 41 - Judges 9
This is about Abimelech, the son of Gideon. Sometimes a person is really blessed by the Lord in some special work for God. Then others or possibly the person’s own son, thinks they can carry it on. They act on the faith of others. Abimelech was a man who took advantage of the reputation his father had. He uses this power for his own personal gain, not for God. All Gideon’s sons, except one, are killed. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7).
V.5 It is remarkable that Gideon’s oldest and youngest sons are mentioned in this instructive story. In 8:20 an older son was one of the faithful 300! The youngest is the only son who escapes! Jether means “judgment to come.” Jotham means “Jehovah is perfect.”
V.6-57 This proud, self-centered man murdered those who had more claim to represent their faithful father than he had. Punishment falls on him from a humiliating source.
V.56-57 But we must realize that any one today who takes the name of being a Christian puts himself (or herself) in a very responsible position. The true believer also may allow the old life to come out in him. And if this happens then God the Father will deal with us. But always because He loves us. May we have a sensitive conscience and walk and live in the new nature.
Day 42 - Judges 10
V.1-5 Two judges over Israel, in whose life God sees little worth telling us.
V.6 Israel sinks lower still. God tells us what He saw. He lists each god that they followed. He then sums it all up in the last two remarks. It was the Lord, or all these other gods together they were all grouped as one.
V.7 God turns Israel over to two of the nations, Ammon and the Philistines, to whose gods, Israel had turned! Were these nations kind and friendly to Israel because Israel had turned to their gods?
V.8-9 That year! And for 18 years!
V.10 To whom can they turn now? Their confession reaches God’s merciful ear. Is this the confession you make when you are in trouble? The Lord hears it if you do (1 John 1:9). He doesn’t make provision for us to go on carelessly, but He is merciful when we repent and confess our sins.
V.11-14 Again these two nations are mentioned, Ammon and the Philistines; God had before actually delivered Israel from them! And they have gone back and have worshipped their gods! We are doing exactly the same when we compromise with God’s Word.
V.15 What Israel does here is what we believers must do too. Unless we separate ourselves from teachings which we know are contrary to God’s Word, we are not going to grow in our soul.
V.16 God felt their misery more than they did.
Day 43 - Judges 11
Things are going from bad to worse in Israel. Abimelech (chapter 9) was the son of a concubine, but here we have the son of an harlot. God is showing us Israel’s low condition by the weak instruments He uses to help them. And so it is today. God will not use a more refined instrument when Israel is in such a low state. Jephthah seems to be the leader of a rough crowd of men.
V.4-5 Ammon attacks Israel.
V.6-11 Though Jephthah had been a rough man; and although he does make a rash vow (the end of the chapter), in these verses we see the man acting very carefully. He wants to be sure that he has right on his side before he agrees to make a move! It wasn’t just a case of rushing into a war against the Ammonites. Jephthah wanted to be sure that God was behind this move, and that it was for Israel’s good. It is a good thing to remember that if we do things for God in a way which is contrary to His Word, the end will not have God’s blessing. First of all, there must be obedience to His Word.
V.30-40 Jephthah makes a foolish promise to God. He could hardly have expected that a lamb or a goat would come out of his house. We see who came out! We need to be very careful about promises we make to God. God does not ask for payment for the good that He does for us. Jepthah pays for his rash vow.
Day 44 - Judges 12
V.1-7 You will remember how quietly Gideon had replied to these same people of Ephraim. But Jephthah is a rough man and he acts differently. A believer needs to be patient, he doesn’t fight back when criticized.
V.6 Even for not being able to pronounce a word properly, he slew 42,000 men. All this shows how low Israel had sunk at this time.
V.8-15 Twenty-five years pass by. Not a word about the Lord. Only comments on how selfishly they lived.
Day 45 - Judges 13
V.1 After all God has been doing for these people, they go backward once more, and do evil in the sight of the Lord. So God allows the Philistines to overcome the Israelites. When we believers want our own way, God sometimes has to allow troubles in our life to get us to stop and listen to Him.
V.2-25 We can learn a great deal from this story, if we pay careful attention. Notice how much more this wife understands God than the husband does. Understanding God is the result of obedience to what we already know of His Word. To those who obey, His Word is plain and right (Prov. 8:8-9). Israel was sinking down lower and lower, forgetting God. When we see how much failure there was in Samson’s life, we will understand how poor a condition before God, the people were in. Remember this as you read the next few chapters. Otherwise you will wonder why God would have such a mixture of good and bad in one man.
Day 46 - Judges 14
You may wonder why God gives us this strange story, but remember that the days of the Judges were bad. Israel had sunk down to an unbelievably low level. Think also of Romans 5:20. God brings the best out of the worst and Satan does the opposite. God tells the truth, and He is not saying that what Samson did was all right. Hebrews 11:32-33 tell what God saw in the heart of Samson.
V.12-18 An interesting riddle. Verse 14 the “eater” is the lion. But here a picture of Satan (the enemy in great power). But God is stronger than Satan. And out of the victory over Satan by Christ (“the strong”) at the cross, has come forth, the sweetness of salvation. What a contrast between Christ and Samson. Samson was strong. Christ, as a Man was weak (2 Cor. 13:4).
Day 47 - Judges 15
Compare 14:15 with 15:6, and see the awful treachery of the Philistines. If you are wondering how God could put up with all this wickedness and moral corruption, remember that it is only a picture of what God sees and puts up with in the world today. But believers who go on carelessly are warned in 1 Corinthians 11:30. Let us not think for a moment that there is going to be any peace or joy in the heart of the believer today who lives just to please himself (or herself).
V.9-20 The people of Israel are so afraid of their enemy that they blame Samson for their troubles! God gives him strength to overcome his enemies once more.
V.12 What shame on the tribe of Judah! The tribe into which King David and the Lord Jesus would be born.
V.18-20 Even in his victory, his faith is small. But see how faithful God is!
Day 48 - Judges 16
V.1-3 Here Samson falls lower than ever. The Bible says “the way of transgressors is hard” (Prov. 13:15). Samson is receiving the wages of his sins. The guilty man falls under the spell of the “strange woman” (Prov. 5:3). This is the blinding power of sin. Samson didn’t realize her vileness nor his own danger. Careless believers lose their ability to see dangers. His secret with God for his strength was his uncut hair. So long as he kept this he was strong. But he tells his secret to a harlot, who had wrung it out of him for money.
V.21-31 Samson loses his strength, and his eyes. He is degraded into being made the sport and slave of the enemy of God and Israel. But God is about to get victory for Himself. Poor Samson turns to the Lord in his awful condition, and the Lord hears him. But we can learn a lesson ourselves here. Without his natural eyes, he saw clearer with his “inward eyes”. And so we too need the “eyes of our understanding” (Eph. 1:18), to be opened.
Samson had used his natural eyes far too often for selfish and sinful purposes (Judges 14:1; 16:1). Let us remember that we have an old nature like Samson’s. In the end of his life Samson was willing to die for the name of the Lord. The Philistines were honoring their god Dagon. But the Lord could not allow this in the face of such a prayer as Samson’s. Samson brought more honor to God in his death than in his life.
Day 49 - Judges 17
Chapters 17 to the end of the book are a supplement or appendix which tells us of dreadful events which had taken place hundreds of years before the earlier chapters. One reason, suggested by an earlier writer, is that if these dismal events had been inserted earlier, they would have interrupted the main instruction of the book of the Judges. But don’t think of this section as being something that was put in by some human being. All the Bible is divine. God used many writers, but breathed into each what that person was to say.
V.1-6 No matter how bad a person may be, inside him he wants to be religious! By this, we don’t mean that people want to know God, but every heart craves for an object. And Satan gives them a false god.
V.7-13 This priest is glad of a better living, and a wider place to practice his religion. This was really going into idol worship. What a shameful thing that the Lord would be given up, and they would set up a rival to God, but in God’s Name!
Day 50 - Judges 18
The tribe of Dan was the -first of the tribes of Israel to go into idolatry. It slowly got worse and worse, until all of Israel had turned to idols and away from the living God. Finally, God swept them out of their land. Today, we may not have images to worship as idols, but anything we believers have which keeps us from closely following the Lord can be an idol.
V.1 It is interesting to notice that this first sentence is in the book four times (Judges 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25). This tells us why things were so bad in this section in both the moral condition and the religious state.
V.2-31 These verses tell of the dreadful setting up of idols in Israel with such an appearance of holiness. It was, in reality, completely setting God to one side and shamelessly establishing a ritual to Him.
Day 51 - Judges 19
It is hard to believe that a city of Israel could have sunk down to the extreme immorality of Sodom and Gomorrah (homosexuality). On those cities God had rained fire and brimstone for their disgraceful behavior. We are confident you are seeing the parallel between these events and what is happening around us today. Shameful immorality being joked-about and at the same time the introduction of the new age movement which is trying to make man a god.
V.30 It is a good thing we have this verse, for at least: the people said that no such thing had even happened in Israel.
Day 52 - Judges 20
V.1-11 All Israel sends men to gather together to decide what they will do. Notice that it is not because idolatry had come in, but because the social rights were touched. It is like people today being very upset about conditions in our country, but not about people turning away from God.
V.12-18 But God has His way of waking up people, and bringing them back to Him. The people of Israel, through this awful event, are brought to a point where they are concerned that God’s Name has been injured. At first their main concern was for the Levite and his concubine. God was in none of their thoughts. They made their plans to punish the men of Gibeah, but they use human plans. Then they ask God for advice! But God has a way to teach them all, that He must be asked first!
V.19-22 Even though the eleven tribes were morally correct in their position, they were wrong to act in such a hurry. Their own state was bad. Sometimes careless believers act very violently when they think a wrong has been done, but usually it is their own reputation, not the Lord’s glory that concerns them. Like when one in our family gets into trouble.
V.23-48 For the first time they call Benjamin “their brother.” But they are not yet properly humbled before God. Only after this has happened are they in a proper state to be used to punish Benjamin. But Israel lost 40,000 men!
V.28 This is the verse which lets us know that all this took place before the rest of the book of Judges. Phinehas was alive in the days of Moses, before they had come across the Jordan (Num. 25:7).
Day 53 - Judges 21
This last chapter tells how God touched the heart of the people of Israel about the condition of the tribe of Benjamin. This tribe is then able to continue. But remember, this whole section shows the awful condition of Israel. The last eleven words tell why. Similarly today, many believers are doing the same and not obeying God’s Word. Isn’t this why believers are so divided?
Remember the Book of Judges when we read the Book of Ruth.
Day 54 - 2 Timothy 1
In Judges we saw individuals who were faithful to God in a time when almost everyone was disobeying God. In 2 Timothy we will see the same. God had allowed evils to come in among the believers in Timothy’s day, in order that the Bible could tell all succeeding generations of believers how to act when things would be difficult and dark. Remember this when you read 2nd Timothy. It is Paul’s last written Epistle. He was just about to lose his life at the court of the Roman Emperor, Nero. It is a book of encouragement to all who wish to go on for the Lord in spite of the increasing darkness and difficulties from many believers turning away from the truth. By the time the Apostle Paul writes this second letter to Timothy, he had already seen unfaithfulness among God’s people, and failure and weakness in the assembly. May we be sensitive to its message, and learn from it. This book is intensely individual. Take it personally. We are living in the days just before the Lord comes for us — individual faithfulness is essential.
V.5 He thankfully reminds himself of the faith he had seen in Timothy. He had also seen that faith in Timothy’s mother and grandmother. What an encouragement for mothers and grandmothers today! Live what you have learned about Christ. If you teach truth to your children, then there is something even more important — let them see it lived in your life!
V.6 Paul encourages Timothy to make use of the abilities he had received from God. Paul had shown his fellowship with Timothy in using that gift, by putting his hands on him. Showing his oneness with him.
V.8 Though things were weak, yet there was no need to be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord. Are you prepared to stand for the truth? Many believers are afraid because of what relatives would say about them. But is that putting the Lord first? Our opportunity to be faithful to His Word will soon be gone.
V.10 “Brought ... to light through the gospel.” Means that the coming to this world of the Savior has been the complete revelation of God’s love and grace to a lost world. The gospel tells us the wonderful story of this truth.
V.12 Notice the glad confidence of Paul. In spite of his seeing the testimony breaking up, he was not ashamed but committed all to the Lord. We will never be ashamed of having stood firmly in the truth we have learned.
V.13 “Hold fast.” Today is a day of giving up, we know that. All the more reason why we should hold fast the truth that God has given in His Word.
Day 55 - 2 Timothy 2, Verses 1-8
Let’s remember as we read verses 1 to 19 they can be looked at as a section where we learn that you and I can do two things if our spiritual condition before God is good; firstly, we’ll be able to know what God wants us to do, and secondly, we’ll have the strength to carry it out day by day. Wonderful? Wonderful! Let’s do it.
V.1 Once more, he is told to be strong; this time in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. For though people may fail and the truth be given up, yet Christ Jesus remains ever the same.
V.2 Timothy was to pass on the truth to faithful men that they also might pass it on to others. It does not say educated or smart but “faithful men” — men who would stand for the truth that they had learned. Truth does not change or go out of style.
V.3-4 Timothy is compared to a soldier who must learn to endure hardness, to be separate from that which would entangle him, and to please the One who chose him. We are so easily entangled with things that hinder the time we spend for the Lord Jesus. Too often, we blame our duties, but, let’s be honest, do we give Christ our time when our duties are finished? Remember 1 Samuel 2:30. A good verse to memorize and to do.
V.5 In athletic contests, there are rules that must be kept. To cheat, or to disregard those rules, will not win the gold metal. And so in the service of the Lord, God’s Word instructs us in that which the Lord requires, and we dare not ignore this.
V.6 The farmer must work in his fields before he receives any fruit for his work, Timothy’s laboring time was now, and the fruits would come later — so will yours!
V.8 An example of what Paul has been speaking about for the fruit of the Lord was in resurrection. The Lord’s life and preaching seemed so fruitless until that moment. Let us also labor and wait!
Day 56 - 2 Timothy 2, Verses 9-26
V.15 Here we have another comparison. Timothy is like a workman. If he faithfully and rightly divides the truth, he will not need to be ashamed of his work. Let us also “rightly divide” or interpret Scripture in its proper way. We will be able if we have a good conscience.
V.19 Notice two things (1) God’s side, the Lord knows who are believers. (2) Our side our responsibility is to separate from evil (evil teaching —v. 18; immorality — v. 22).
V.20 Some of us live in so-called Christian lands, but “Christian” in name only. “Great house” describes the mixture and includes those who say they are “Christians” but are not true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. “Professors,” but not “possessors!”
V.21 What a wonderful promise is made here to the individual who does separate from teachings which Scripture condemns. That person will find himself (herself) understanding more truth quickly by the Holy Spirit of God (1 Thess. 2:13).
V.22 Four things. Righteousness; we learn from Matthew’s Gospel; Faith, from Mark’s; Charity (love) from John’s and Peace from Luke’s Gospel.
V.23-26 Warnings, red-lights that we’re not to go through,
Day 57 - 2 Timothy 3
This chapter doesn’t tell us about collective discipline, but private individual responsibility.
V.1-5 Chapter 2:19 told us that we should separate from believers who do not obey the Word, These tell us that we should separate from unbelievers who may even have “a form of godliness.” (See 2 Tim. 2:21; 3:5, last part).
V.2-4 What an accurate description of today. We see it around us. And it will not get better.
V.10 But, here was a life entirely opposite to that which had been described. Paul’s own life and testimony were a godly example to Timothy. Ask yourself, “Am I a help and an encouragement to others?” We are living in these very “last days”!
V.13 The conditions around us today will get worse and we cannot stop the change.
V.14 Again that word BUT — continue thou! It may be that the reader of these words has known the truth, and now sees it being given up, and replaced with man’s thoughts. Don’t compromise. Continue thou! Timothy had learned the truth from the lips and life of the Apostle Paul, as well as having had a godly mother and grandmother.
V.15 Let this be an encouragement to praying parents. Are your children hearing the Scriptures read daily in your home? Teach them by showing them the right way.
V.16-17 The whole Word of God is given by inspiration of God, and all of it is profitable. We are not thoroughly equipped if we do not read it all over and over again.
Day 58 - 2 Timothy 4
This chapter gives special direction for serving the Lord when many believers around you no longer want to listen to sound doctrine. Notice two different time periods in verse 1. The Lord will judge the living unbelievers when He appears (see “E” on chart), and 1,000 years later, He will judge unbelievers, the dead and the living ones at the end of the millennium “F” on chart.
V.1-2 Because of the dark days that were ahead, it was all the more urgent that Timothy should preach the word faithfully and at all times. The days of our witness are almost ended. Let us also take this exhortation to heart. Notice that the warning for us in these last days is against religious and ecclesiastical evil. “They will not endure sound doctrine,” some get very angry when this point is stressed. This is exactly what verse 3 foretells. “Itching ears” refers to the listeners. They want teachers who say interesting but possibly false things (v. 3-4).
V.5-8 Paul knew that he would soon be gone, and he encourages Timothy to carry on faithfully.
V.8 Refers to the time when the Lord will come out of heaven with us to judge, and to set up His kingdom (not when He comes for us). If we love someone, we are glad to see him honored. If you and I really love that coming day when Christ shall be King and rule over this world, the result will be that you and I will live for Him today, and each day of our life. It is the day when He shall appear before the world (see Rev. 19:11-16).
V.10 It says Demos loved this present world, (not evil world). It is so easy to do this a little at a time. May we not be guilty.
V.11-22 Paul’s greetings to those whom he loved very dearly, some of whom had served the Lord with him for many years. So Paul lays down his pen.
Day 59 - Titus 1
We get a few glimpses of what Paul thought of Titus in 2 Corinthians 8:16-17, 23 and 7:13.
V.1 Titus receives instructions from Paul on how to bring proper behavior and order to the assemblies, on the Island of Crete. In Paul’s letters to Timothy “doctrine” is more often mentioned, but in this letter to Titus, Paul stresses behavior.
V.2 Let us remember that Christianity is not an improvement of Jewish religion. It is something entirely new, and we are here told that it was in the heart of God before the world began.
V.3 God’s thoughts, from a past eternity, are revealed now through His Word. Paul’s teachings are according to the commandment of God our Savior.
V.5 The purpose of Titus being left at Crete, and the purpose of this letter. He was to appoint elders in every assembly. In the following verses we have instructions as to who would make a suited elder, and by this commission, Titus had the authority of the Apostle Paul to appoint them. Today, we have the Scriptures to show us the proper qualifications of a man who would be suited to act as an elder or shepherd, but today we do not have apostolic authority to appoint them. There are no official elders today according to the mind of God in His Word.
V.9 “Sound doctrine” (good instructions) will result in proper behavior to the glory of God.
V.10-11 Again and again we see false teachers trying to bring Christians under the law. Their mouths are to be stopped.
Day 60 - Titus 2
V.2-10 We have instruction for behavior for aged men, aged women, young women, young men and servants.
V.4-5 The conduct that would please the Lord and would he according to sound teaching, in young women. And it is the elder women who are to instruct them in this. We need this godly instruction today, for we are inclined to be influenced by the careless behavior that is general today.
V.6-8 Here we see that which is suited to young men,
V.9-10 This was the privilege of servants (slaves).
Believers should not be rebellious or covetous (such as strikes).
V.12 We should turn from evil things and live soberly (personally), and righteously (toward others), and godly (before God).
Day 61 - Titus 3
V.1-2 Behavior that is being neglected today. No matter how others may act, and no matter how unjust the authorities may be, we are to be obedient to the laws of our country, for the government is chosen by God (Rom. 13:1). We are not to speak evil of it, or of anyone. Gentleness and meekness are not natural to believers, but remember we have a new nature, and that is the way it acts.
V.3 We were just like this before the Lord saved us.
V.4 Gives us the source of salvation.
V.5 gives us the way of salvation,
V.6 gives us the evidence of salvation.
V.5-7 They were not told to pray that the Holy Ghost would come to earth — for He had come. So here we are saved, washed, renewed by the Holy Ghost, justified and heirs. What a complete salvation!
V.8 As a result of all this, let us be careful to maintain good works.
Day 62 - Ruth 1, Verses 1-5
Last month we were reading in the Book of Judges. We mentioned that it was a very dark day for Israel. They had just come into the promised land. Because they did not drive out the people in it, they soon mixed in with them. These enemies soon overcame the Israelites. In your mind, put the Book of Ruth into the very early part of the Book of Judges, because that is when it took place. The story we’re starting today is like bright sunshine suddenly bursting into a very dark and clouded day. One young woman, a stranger, acts in faith, and comes into the richest blessing an Old Testament person could have — to become the very ancestor of our Savior, the Lord Jesus!
Through man, the worst comes out of the best — the first worship led to the first murder (Gen. 4). But through Christ the best comes out of the worst, “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Rom. 5:20). This book is a beautiful example of the latter.
V.1 A man an Israelite finds himself with a decision to make — to stay in Israel where a serious famine has come — or to go elsewhere. He could learn from Deuteronomy 8:7-20 that God was speaking to His people, that there was disobedience. To have stayed, and obeyed God, would have been to trust Him. He disobeys and goes to Moab. A wicked place surely. He chose the worst. He probably reasoned, “I must take care of myself, my wife, my two boys.”
V.2-5 What disaster comes to this family. The father dies first. If the wife, Naomi had been sensitive to God’s action in taking away her husband she would have returned to Israel at once. But no, she stays. Next, her two boys marry Moabite girls, which was absolutely forbidden (read Neh. 13:1). She doesn’t stop them. One son dies. She still has forgotten God’s Word. Another son dies. At last she is stirred. She hears something. In the ten years, only one of the family of four is left (Gal. 6:7).
Day 63 - Ruth 1, Verses 6-22
V.6 Naomi (her name means “pleasantness”) decides to go back to the land of Israel.
V.7 She and her two daughters-in-law (three widows) start back — a good beginning.
V.8-9 But instead of encouraging them to keep on with her, here is what she says! This shows us that Naomi still thought it all right to stay in that wicked land. A careless believer does not see any harm in staying in worldly things. Believers lose their discernment when they get out of daily communion with the Lord.
V.11-13 What arguments she uses!
V.14 A moment of decision for two girls. Are you in a similar condition? Follow Ruth’s decision! Orpah disappears into oblivion forever.
V.15-17 What a contrast.
V.18 Are we steadfastly minded (See Acts 2:42).
V.19-22 Naomi’s life of disobedience has so changed her appearance that the people hardly recognize her. We have far more responsibility to obey than Naomi ever had for we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us (1 Cor. 6:20). So for the believer, we can say that chapter 1 is “deciding to follow Christ.”
Day 64 - Ruth 2
We believers could say that this chapter is like “Meeting with Christ.”
V.1 We are immediately introduced to a man — Boaz. His name means “strength.” He is a picture of Christ. He is rich, and also a relative of Naomi’s dead husband. Boaz didn’t lose out by staying in Israel during the famine. Our blessed Lord became a Man in order that He might be one of us, a Kinsman, our Redeemer (Phil. 2:7).
V.2-17 A picture of us (Ruth) being found by the Lord Jesus (Boaz).
V.8 But when he has found Ruth, the first thing he tells her is not to go into any other field. The Lord Jesus warns us believers too, not to mix with the world. When close to Him, we are protected, happy and blessed.
V.14 She goes IN for communion with Boaz. She goes OUT for service.
V.17 She obeys and reaps a good harvest — about 10 days food for an individual.
V.18 Love always gives.
V.19-23 Obedience to God’s Word always brings blessing, unity and joy.
Day 65 - Ruth 3
The key to this chapter is “rest,” so for us it is a picture of our finding rest in Christ.
V.1-15 Obedience and submission are two great pillars on which this rest depends. Ruth displays both in this chapter. There is no suggestion of immorality here. Boaz and all others in the city knew that Ruth was a virtuous woman. He wants a woman of worth for his wife. In Scripture we learn that believers are to be the bride of Christ (Eph. 5:25-32). We are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world and pure for Him.
V.16-18 Apply them to yourself as a believer.
Day 66 - Ruth 4
V.1-12 Boaz was obviously an upright man. According to Scripture (Lev. 25:25-28), he knew that the closest relative to Ruth’s dead husband had the responsibility to buy back (redeem) the land formerly owned by him. So Boaz meets this closer relative in the city. Ruth is a picture of Israel, which will come into great blessing in the future millennium “E” to “F” on your chart. However, we may also see her as a picture of a lost sinner. The close relative can be a picture of “the law,” which could never redeem. But the law has to have its opportunity, which it did, though it could never do the work. Christ alone can redeem us from sin. Boaz is free to take Ruth to be his wife.
V.13-22 Later a son is born. He becomes the ancestor of great King David. But from Matthew 1, we can trace this line to a greater than David, and thereby learn that this is more than an earthly love story, for it leads us on to the birth of the Son of Man, the Lord Jesus. In David the nation of Israel rejoiced, but in Him who was great David’s greater Son, all the nations of the earth will rejoice. (In the millennium).
Day 67 - 1 Samuel 1, Verses 1-11
Remember that the Old Testament gives us the history of God’s people. But from the New Testament we learn that these happenings are illustrations of our Christian life. Otherwise we could never understand why there was so much killing and warfare. We often don’t realize that God is teaching us that this was necessary, and therefore we are careless about putting out of our life the things we know are not pleasing to the Lord.
V.1-3 In Joshua 18:3 we noticed that the Lord had chosen a place called Shiloh, when the Israelites finally finished their 40 years wandering in the wilderness. Eli was the name of the priest of the Lord who was in Shiloh. Today we read of a man named Elkanah, and his wife Hannah.
V.7-11 Their faithful visits to the house of the Lord. In verse 11, Hannah promised that if the Lord would give her a son, she would “give him unto the Lord all the days of his life.” What a wonderful thing it would be if believing parents today would really wish such a thing for their children.
Day 68 - 1 Samuel 1, Verses 12-28
V.12-19 These verses further show us possibly why God kept Hannah waiting so long before He gave her the child — the bad state of the priest. He thought Hannah was drunk. But she was in great sorrow, and waited patiently on the Lord. Hannah and her husband return to their home. Notice the last five wonderful words!
V.20 Hannah’s prayer is answered and she is given a son whom she calls Samuel which means “asked of God.”
V.24-28 Notice three things about this little boy Samuel, who is brought to the house of the Lord at Shiloh, and left there. First, he was weaned. Perhaps this would mean “separation,” for he would now be eating new and different food in the house of the Lord. Second, a sacrifice was offered! In order that they might stand accepted in the presence of God, there must be the death of a sacrifice. Third, he is brought into the presence of the Lord at Shiloh. Notice in the last verse, the word “LORD” is mentioned three times, and then it ends with the word “there.” For the believer today, it is important to remember that the Lord Himself is the only gathering center, for all who have put their trust in Him (Matt. 18:20).
Day 69 - 1 Samuel 2, Verses 1-11
V.1-10 Hannah rejoices “in the Lord,” and mentions His Name 9 times in her prayer! But there are other amazing things about her prayer. You’ll have to read it slowly to see what a vast meaning is hidden in it. It presents a picture of what has taken place after the death and resurrection of Christ (which took place over 1,100 years after Hannah’s prayer!)
V.8 First the grace of God taking out the guilty sinner to the throne of glory. Second, verse 9, the perfect safety of the saints of God. Third, verse 10, the time of tribulation after the church is called to heaven, “D” on chart. Fourth, verse 10, the coming of Christ in power and glory, “E” on chart, and the setting up of His kingdom on the earth. Millennium “E” to “F” on chart. What a prayer!
Day 70 - 1 Samuel 2, Verses 12-28
V.12 The two sons of the priest Eli were wicked men. Notice what it also says about them.
V.13-14 It seems that the customs, or the way the priests did things, replaced God’s instructions originally to Moses. Here were some.
V.12-17 God takes notice of the sin of those who were in the position of priests. Their selfishness and wickedness must be punished. The more a person knows, the more responsible he is, and the severer the punishment if he disobeys.
V.15-16 This was worse. The original Passover (Ex. 12), was the only occasion when the sacrificed lamb was to be roasted. All Passovers after were a memorial only of the first, and were to be boiled or cooked. Here the priest wanted to roast his part. Christ our Passover, died once. We have a memorial weekly of that death.
V.17 Notice how serious an offense this deed was “before the Lord.”
V.18-19 Samuel continues to go on with the Lord, even though there is so much evil around him. In a sort of way, young Samuel has taken the place of a priest. The priesthood was God’s established method by which a man could come near to God. But when the priesthood had failed, God can work in grace, and that is what He is doing here. God is showing how He can come close to man by His grace. His praying mother came to visit him, and watched him grow.
V.26 Samuel grew on, and pleased the Lord. The Lord can keep us from the wickedness that is all around us.
V.27-36 God has seen all that is going on, and there will soon be punishment for it.
Day 71 - 1 Samuel 3, Verses 1-10
V.1 The wickedness of the house of Eli was in sharp contrast with one faithful person. “The child Samuel ministered unto the Lord, and the Word of the Lord was precious (rare) in those days.” Just one young boy surrounded by much evil. Who is willing to walk with God today? It is dark and evil, but still possible to walk with God. The challenge is very personal, though you will not find yourself alone, for there are others also to whom the word of the Lord is precious.
V.2-3 Here we have a night-time story. Eli the priest was almost blind; the lamp of God in the temple was going out, and it was a very dark time in Israel’s history. This is a picture of the day in which we are now living. The light of the Word of God has been rejected, and those who ought to be able to guide and instruct God’s people are almost blind.
V.4 Even at such a time of darkness as today, there is still the voice of the Lord to be heard.
V.5-10 Samuel did not recognize the call of the Lord. But at last it is made clear to him that the Lord was really calling.
Day 72 - 1 Samuel 3, Verses 11-21
V.11 We don’t know how old Samuel was at this time but he was a boy. The Lord tells Samuel that what He was going to do would make everyone’s ears tingle! The Lord waited long, but Eli did not correct his guilty sons, nor did they turn from their wicked ways. God may wait patiently, but he will not overlook sin.
V.12-14 The Lord said He would do this. Take time to read in 1 Kings 2:27 what happened about 120 years later. Does God say something and not carry it out?
V.15-20 Samuel tells the whole message to Eli, and though Eli submitted to it, he didn’t seem to feel responsible to correct his guilty sons, even then.
V.21 And it was in Shiloh, the one place the Lord had chosen to set His Name. The Lord will reveal Himself to a believer today who is willing to hear and obey. Notice carefully how the Lord reveals Himself.
Day 73 - 1 Samuel 4
V.1-2 Samuel is now the prophet. Judgment on Israel comes suddenly. God’s people Israel, are faced with a powerful enemy, the Philistines. At the first battle, there are 4,000 men of Israel killed.
V.3 They decide to bring the ark with them “that it may save us.” What a terrible thing to do — like using the Lord as a convenience. They never felt that their own sinful condition was the reason for the defeat.
V.5 When the ark is brought to them, they shout with great self-confidence.
V.10 This time there are 40,000 Israelites killed in battle! The ark of God is taken by the enemy, and Hophni and Phinehas are both killed — just as God told Samuel. The ark was the highest and holiest picture of the presence of the Lord.
V.12-18 The sad end to old Eli, he had just heard of the death of his sons, and that the ark of God was taken. And it seems that the taking of the ark of God brought him more grief than the loss of his two sons. It is good to understand this.
V.19-22 The wife of Phinehas hears that her husband and his brother both are killed. She is in pain in giving birth to a child, and is at the point of death. She asks that his son be called “Ichabod” (which means “there is no glory”) because the ark of God was taken. For her, this was the worst news. When the ark of God is lost by Israel, everything is gone! The ark was never in the House of the Lord again.
V.21 Notice the order of importance in which this woman places the three dreadful events.
Day 74 - 1 Samuel 5
We can imagine the Philistines boasting as they brought the ark to their land and put it in their idol temple.
V.3 But the next morning their idol had fallen down before the ark of God! They lift up the idol, Dagon, and set it back in its place. It was God Who caused this.
V.4 The next morning the idol has fallen down and its head and its hands have broken off!
V.6 God will not permit His holy ark to rest in a heathen temple, and more than that, there are plagues among the Philistines and they are afraid to keep the ark any longer.
V.8 Instead of repenting and sending the ark back to Israel, they just send it to another part of their own country.
V.9-10 Again the Lord brings plagues and suffering upon these heathen. No doubt they were afraid to destroy the ark, for though they were heathen and worshipped idols, yet they knew that the God of Israel was the true and living God. 1 Samuel 4:7 confirms this.
Day 75 - 1 Samuel 6
V.1-9 The false priests among the Philistines try to decide what to do. Afraid to keep it any longer, they don’t know just how to send it back. At last they put the ark on a new cart, drawn by two cows, and a box of golden gifts sent along with it. God directed those cows to leave their calves, an unnatural thing and to walk slowly back toward the land of Israel.
V.14-15 These cows pulled the cart with its wonderful burden, right into the field of a man named Joshua, an Israelite. He, and those with him, at once offered a sacrifice to the Lord.
V.19 A sad note, and a warning. Do you remember something about this wonderful ark? it was a large box of wood, covered with gold, and inside it were the two stones on which the ten commandments were written. Covering the ark, was the mercy seat, made of pure gold, with two cherubim (like angels) on it. Now in order to look into the ark, they would have to lift that covering (mercy seat). This of course, would expose the ten commandments. See how many died for doing this. For us, it would be like intruding beyond what has been told us of the Person of Christ (see Matt. 11:27).
Day 76 - 1 Samuel 7
V.2 Twenty years have passed by, and the people of Israel now lament “after the Lord.” This is good. It is not only the ark, but the Lord Himself. But what a long time to waste. We need not remain away from the Lord. If we have failed, He waits with forgiving love to welcome us back.
V.3 But now after 20 years of silence, we hear the voice of Samuel.
V.5 The center now of the whole administration of Israel.
V.3-9 The children of Israel had taken heathen gods. People always want something to worship. They must first repent of this, and get rid of their false gods. Samuel pours water on the ground to show how weak and helpless they were. There is no shouting or boasting here just confession and prayer. If we are facing problems we should do the same thing. The Lord knew all about those idols.
V.10 The result of their complete trust in the Lord, and their confession of their own weakness. The Lord brings about a mighty victory, against the very enemy that had so badly defeated them 20 years before. If there is a confession of sin and a crying to the Lord, He will hear and answer! (1 John 1:9).
Day 77 - 1 Samuel 8
Those sons surely did not know that what they did would be written down for us to read about today. They try to take bribes secretly and hope it will never be known. We believers can easily follow this road and choose being like careless Christians. But are we obedient to God’s Word? We need to remember that all our doings are known by the Lord, whether good or bad (2 Cor. 5:10).
V.5 The people ask for a king to reign over them. In their heart they didn’t want God as their King.
V.6-9 Samuel was so troubled about this that he asked the Lord what to do. The Lord tells Samuel “they have rejected Me.” They wanted to be “like the nations.”
V.10-18 Samuel tells the people what kind of man would reign over them, and the problems they would have with him.
V.19 In spite of this they answer “No, but we will have a king over us,” that we may be like all the nations. There it is again. They don’t want to be known simply as the people of God. What was at work? Their will! is ours?
Day 78 - 1 Samuel 9
Saul is to be the king over Israel. Up to the end of verse 14, we see the way the Lord directs Saul to the place where he is to meet Samuel. He was just looking for the asses. But God was directing him each step and for a purpose.
V.15-16 The Lord had told Samuel ahead of time, that Saul would come to meet him.
V.20 Samuel knew all about the asses. The Lord had told him.
V.21-27 How surprised Saul must have been at the things that happened here. He left home for another purpose and now it turns out that Samuel the prophet had been expecting him and had told the cook to save the very best of the meat for this special guest. Remember, the eye of God is upon you also. What we are “seeking” in life is what our life really is. He has a message for you, for He knows all about you and wants to bless you.
What an unstable man Saul was! He ignored the man by whom God had done so many things, and ignored the God Who was behind it all!
After we believers are taken to heaven, the Antichrist will appear in Israel. He will announce himself as the Messiah. Today we’re seeing billboards announcing the soon coming of the Messiah. He will be the false one — not Jesus. In our chapters king Saul can be a picture of this false man. Saul was of the tribe of Benjamin — one of the two tribes already in Israel. Saul was not the king that God wanted, king David was. Saul was anointed secretly — David publicly.
Day 79 - 1 Samuel 10
V.1 Now Saul finds out the real purpose of Samuel’s message. He is anointed to be king!
V.9-13 All the things that Samuel told Saul, happened one by one.
V.17 What was the condition of Israel at this moment? Very sad. But still God remained! The God of Bethel, Who had promised to Jacob never to forsake him. Samuel calls the people together to present to them their king. As yet, they did not know who he was, for Saul had not told them, and neither had Samuel.
V.18-19 Samuel faithfully reminds them of guilt in rejecting the Lord, who had done so much for them. In the verses that follow, all seems well at first. When souls turn from obeying the Lord, things may seem bright for a while, but we can never, never turn from the Lord and be truly happy — though we may think we are.
Day 80 - 1 Samuel 11
V.1-11 Here Israel meets its first difficulty under Saul. God still loves His people, though they have rejected Him, and here He gives power to Saul and the people to win a mighty victory over their enemies the Ammonites. We notice that God gives Israel an easy test first, there was a total victory (v. 11). But the harder tests were to come later.
V.12-15 You may remember the place “Gilgal” when Joshua was leading the army in taking the land (Joshua 5). That place became the starting place for their victories. Now we see that at this very same place they make Saul their first king. In spite of their self-will in wanting a king, the Lord here gives them the opportunity to make a fresh start under a king.
Day 81 - 1 Samuel 12
Samuel asks the people to tell him if he had been dishonest or unfair. They all admit that he had been true and honest.
V.6-12 The past history. They had turned against the Lord, and had been tested by powerful enemies. And yet when they cried to the Lord, they were delivered! What mercy!
V.13-15 Though they had rebelled and rejected the Lord as their king, yet the Lord promises, through Samuel, that He will bless them and their king, Saul, if they will follow the Lord. This was surely forgiving and gracious, for it shows how much God loved those people, and wanted to bless them.
V.16-19 The people admit that they had sinned in asking for a king.
V.22 Unfaithful people, faithful Lord and faithful Samuel.
V.23 Our book opened with Hannah’s unceasing prayer (1 Sam. 1:12) and here the one she had prayed for is unceasing in prayer for the people. Don’t give up praying for others, in particular. Samuel promised that he would never stop praying for them and then he warns them once again not to turn aside from the truth of God.
Day 82 - 1 Samuel 13
V.6-7 Here we find God’s chosen people hiding and trembling before their enemies. We also shall find the enemy too strong for us when we, through carelessness, have a bad conscience because of things we’re allowing in our life.
V.8-14 It might not seem to us that Saul made a very serious mistake, but it was disobedience to the Word of the Lord. Saul was afraid that the people would run away, and so, instead of waiting as Samuel had told him to do, he himself offered this sacrifice. This was only to be done by the priests — not by a king. How common it is today for people to feel that they have a perfect right to worship the Lord just the way they choose. God had made His will known to Samuel, but Saul rejected that, and this made his disobedience very serious. For this reason, he lost the kingdom!
V.17-23 There were no swords or spears in all the land except with Saul and Jonathan — certainly an indication that they were in a weak condition. Let us always be on guard against our enemy, and always have with us the “Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God” (Eph. 6:17).
Day 83 - 1 Samuel 14, Verses 1-21
Jonathan, the son of Saul, loved the Lord, and had a brave and fearless heart.
V.1-2 Jonathan and his armor bearer are secretly planning to go right into the camp of the enemy to fight, and at the same time Saul is resting under a pomegranate tree!
V.3 A priest, wearing the proper clothes was there, but he was not used for his proper work.
V.4-6 It took courage to go out against a whole army, with just one man with him. But Jonathan’s trust was in the Lord.
V.7-17 With perfect confidence in God, Jonathan and his armor bearer enter into the powerful army of the Philistines. See the result! The Lord is with them.
V.17-20 Saul didn’t even know that his own son was there fighting the battles of the Lord.
V.21 Here is a sad thing — some of the Hebrews (Israelites) had been living among their enemies, the Philistines. They were friends with the enemy! It reminds us of James 4:4.
Day 84 - 1 Samuel 14, Verses 22-52
V.22 Those who had no desire to fight the Lord’s battles, now hear that the enemy fled, so they suddenly come to life. Like us sometimes — when life gets difficult to stand up for the Lord, we hide. But when other believers have stayed and stood up and succeeded then we reappear to get some benefit.
V.24 What King Saul did. The only part he contributed was to trouble and hinder the people of Israel and particularly so the man who deserved most credit — his son Jonathan. Saul only thought of himself in verse 24. Now that he had been in power only a little while, all thought about God was gone.
V.27 Jonathan hadn’t heard his father forbid anyone to eat that day.
V.29 Shows us how far apart father and son really were. Jonathan was the one God was using, not Saul. The food had strengthened Jonathan.
V.30-33 The people, seeing how Jonathan was helped, go out to battle, win, and eat the sheep, oxen and calves in defiance of the king. But they go too far, for they ate the blood too. This was a sin against God.
V.34-52 Saul builds an altar to the Lord at the very time he had brought his son under the sentence of death.
V.47 Though Saul attacked the enemies, he didn’t destroy them as he should have.
Day 85 - 1 Samuel 15
V.1-5 Long ago, the Lord warned Israel that they were never to be at peace with Amalek (Ex. 17:16). Amalek is a picture of the old sinful nature that is in us. We are to consider it dead, and to put down every effort of that old nature to act (Rom. 13:14). Saul was plainly told that he was not to spare any.
V.9 But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep. This was disobedience.
V.13 Saul tells Samuel that he had “performed the commandment of the Lord.” No doubt he thought Samuel would not know of his disobedience, but guilt cannot be hid from God.
V.15 When Samuel tells Saul that he knows of what has been done, Saul tells a lie. Will God be pleased if we bring to Him as a sacrifice, something of the old nature that has been condemned? Of course not.
V.22-23 Important verses. The Lord wants obedience! “To obey is better than sacrifice.” True worship of God cannot have any of the “old nature” in it — even singing and service are not worship.
V.30 The pride and vanity of Saul. He knows that he has sinned, but wanted to honor men before he honored God.
V.32 Samuel himself puts king Agag to death. Thank God there will be a complete end of Satan, and it is the Lord Himself who will see to it.
V.35 Saul is rejected and Samuel never visits him again, but he mourns for him. In faithfulness to the Lord we may not be able to go along with those believers who are disobedient to the Word of God, but we ought to mourn for them.
Day 86 - 1 Samuel 16
Now begins the wonderful story of David, for God still loved His people and was determined to bless them in spite of their failure. So instead of continuing to mourn for Saul, Samuel is told to go and anoint a new king. And this is beautiful for the Lord says “I have provided me a king.”
V.6-12 Samuel, as directed of the Lord, goes to Bethlehem, the very town where our Lord Jesus was born 1,000 years later. The sons are brought before Samuel, who spoke as intimately to the Lord as if He were standing right there. Samuel is impressed by the height and appearance of the eldest. Samuel goes from one to the other. Are these all your sons? asks Samuel. “No, there is one, but he is keeping sheep.” Look what it says about him.
V.19-23 David is suddenly called into the presence of king Saul, to act as servant to him, especially to try to help him when he was troubled by an evil spirit.
Day 87 - 1 Samuel 17
V.1-11 The well-known story of Goliath.
V.11 The result of not trusting the Lord. Like us, sometimes?
V.12-27 Jesse was thinking about his sons in the army, and he sends David with a message and a present. From now on David is a picture of Christ.
V.26 While all the others trembled and were afraid, David knew the living God was on the side of Israel and was not afraid.
V.28-29 His brothers accuse him of carelessness and pride. The Lord Jesus “came unto His own, and His own received Him not” (John 1:11).
V.30-39 Saul suggests that David put on the king’s own armor. But David takes it all off, for he would not dare to go in the strength and armor of men, but in the power of God. He says “the Lord ... will deliver me.” Have you ever faced a temptation in your own strength and found how weak you were? But if we trust in the strength of the Lord, there will be victory.
V.40 David picks out five smooth stones and has them ready in his bag. It is a good thing to have the Word of God ready to meet any attack of the enemy.
V.49 With one of these stones, the victory is won! David is a beautiful picture of our Lord Jesus who went into the valley of death to defeat our mighty enemy. At the cross He defeated Satan and death, and now we share the wonderful victory.
Day 88 - 1 Samuel 18
V.1 David’s victory was for all Israel, but it drew the heart of Jonathan (son of Saul) to David.
V.4 Jonathan not only said that he loved David, he showed it. Are we willing to show our love to the Lord Jesus by our obedience to His Word?
V.5-9 David is in trouble. Saul hears the songs of praise to David and he becomes very jealous.
V.10-11 The jealously is so bad that Saul tries to kill David.
V.12-30 Saul sees that he cannot kill David, so he tries to make trouble for him in other ways. But through it all, David behaves himself more and more wisely. It is beautiful to watch the conduct of David as he is hated by Saul and loved by Jonathan. Is it not true that our Lord Jesus is more bitterly hated and more warmly loved than any other? And each one of us is on either one side or the other.
Day 89 - 1 Samuel 19
V.1 Jonathan lives in the palace with his father the king, and he sees continual hatred against David, his special and beloved friend. Perhaps we have found it much the same. We love the Lord Jesus, and we love to hear others speak well of Him. But we have to live and work with those who are like Saul they actually hate the Lord and take His precious Name in vain.
V.4-7 Here we see the faithfulness of the love of Jonathan for David. He speaks “good of David unto Saul his father.” This must have taken a lot of courage. It is not easy to speak well of the Lord Jesus among those who hate Him, but surely we would not be silent at such a time. Saul listens to his son and promises that David will not be put to death.
V.8-17 Saul soon turns from those good promises.
V.18-24 David runs to Samuel. Saul hears and sends messengers to capture David, and finally goes himself to take him but see how the Lord takes care of His own. Neither Saul nor his mightiest men can touch one whom the Lord protects.
Day 90 - 1 Samuel 20
V.1-4 David tells Jonathan of his great danger, and Jonathan bravely answers. That was a wonderful promise to make, but sad to say poor Jonathan failed to keep it, as we shall see. If we really love someone, we are glad to do what they desire.
V.14-17 David promises that he will not only show kindness to Jonathan but to his house (family) forever.
V.18-34 Jonathan is next in line to the throne, but he has to choose between his father and his best friend. To which one shall he remain true? Have you ever faced a test like that? Let us always be true to our Lord Jesus Who died to save us and to deliver us from our mighty enemy.
V.35-39 In verses 19 to 22 Jonathan told David how he was going to get the message as to whether it would be safe to come into the king’s house or whether David should run away.
V.41-42 They loved one another and David’s love was greater. Count the number of times it tells us of the love they had for each other. Don’t forget, David is a picture of Christ, Jonathan a picture of a believer who loves the Lord.
Day 91 - 1 Samuel 21
V.1-6 David, the anointed king, is rejected just as the Lord Jesus was rejected by those who ought to have received and honored Him. So when David comes to the priest and asks for food, he is given the hallowed bread that had been on the table of showbread! The Lord Jesus Himself speaks of this in Matthew 12:3-4. He, like David, was a rejected, though anointed, King. This is telling us that the “former things are passed away” (Rev. 21:4). So when the Lord was rejected, the eating of the holy bread was no longer an offense in God’s sight.
V.10-15 Now David is so afraid that he goes to the Philistines, the enemies of Israel, to find shelter. Here David fails to be a type of Christ. He acts like a man of the world.
V.13 If we ever turn our eyes from the Lord, and fail to trust fully in Him, it is surprising how foolish we can act (Rom. 8:31).
Day 92 - 1 Samuel 22
David, the anointed king of Israel, goes away and hides in a cave! In verse 1 we read of his family going there. That was natural, but in verse 2 we read 3 times about “everyone.” Certainly not ones who could help David. Just the opposite. Just think of the 3 groups. Who was the attraction? A man who King Saul was hunting like an animal! This man was an outcast! Once again David becomes a picture of our blessed Lord Jesus. He had won the hearts of the people. Yes, but he also was God’s choice to be king. Not only was the future great king of Israel there, but there was also a prophet (1 Sam. 22:5), and the future high priest (1 Sam. 22:20-23). Our blessed Lord Jesus is King, Prophet and Priest. May each of us who knows the Lord as Savior realize we are following one Who has been rejected by this world. Now just where would we prefer to be — in the palace of king Saul, where David was hated, or in the cave where he was captain? All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ today are actually in this position. We follow a rejected Man and we are hidden with Christ in this world, a cave. Is it worth it? Our happiness doesn’t depend on nice circumstances but on how close to Christ we are living.
V.6-19 Saul is so filled with pride, that he will get rid of anyone who tries to help David. And we must remember that if we wish to be true and faithful to our rejected Lord, we also will meet with those who will reject and oppose us.
V.20 One of the priests escapes and runs to David for safety. David’s words must have been enough to drive away all fear from Abiathar. Are we prepared to take our stand beside our Lord in the place where He was rejected?
Day 93 - 1 Samuel 23
V.1-2 David did what each of us needs to do daily.
V.3-4 David’s friends still think that it would be safer not to go against the Philistines. David is patient with them and goes and prays to the Lord the second time and gets the same answer, “Go,” but adds something to what He had said the first time. Are you getting that message? You will if you keep close to Him (Read John 15:7).
V.9-15 Again David asks direction from the Lord, and this time, instead of going out to fight, he is directed to escape. Saul seeks him every day but cannot find him. The Lord Jesus does not promise us popularity and honor in this world — rather it may be persecution. But if it is for the name of the Lord, we can rejoice.
V.16-18 How much better if Jonathan had shared the trials with his friend David.
V.19-29 Saul surely tries hard to find David to capture him, but God takes care of David. Nothing seems to get through to Saul from the Lord. He doesn’t leave David alone because he has learned this from the Lord, but because the Philistines had attacked his land! Remember this when you come to chapter 28.
Day 94 - 1 Samuel 24
V.1-2 It seems hard to believe that Saul could be so determined to get rid of David, who was the one chosen by God instead of Saul (1 Sam. 15:1).
V.3-8 David’s men tell him to take the opportunity to kill Saul, but David refuses. He knows that Saul is still the king, even though he is acting so badly.
V.9-15 See the humble place that David takes. He calls himself a dead dog, a flea. He was quite right to honor king Saul, in spite of all the persecution that he had suffered. The day is coming when the Lord will have His rightful place. But in the meantime, He has told us to obey the authorities over us. On the other hand, the authority of God comes first, and we must never give up obedience to the Word of God, simply to obey the commandments of men.
V.16-22 Saul weeps when he hears the voice of David, and makes all kinds of confessions. We shall see whether he meant what he said.
Day 95 - 1 Samuel 25
V.1 We could name this chapter “A man’s foolishness and a woman’s faith.”
V.2-9 Nabal was very rich, but hot-tempered and proud. His wife was beautiful and wise.
V.10-13 David sends some of his young men to ask food from Nabal, in return for the protection he had given to Nabal’s shepherds. Nabal rudely refuses, and David, in anger, sets out for revenge.
V.14-17 Some of the young men of Nabal see that there is trouble on the way, and so they tell Abigail what has happened.
V.18-31 The wisdom of this woman. She hurries to meet David with a great gift and takes a place of being the guilty one.
V.31 She reminds him that if he sheds blood in his anger, he will live to regret it. Every picture of our Lord Jesus has failure somewhere, for the Lord Jesus never acted foolishly but He will come forth from heaven to bring punishment on those who have rejected Him. And who will be brought into blessing? Those who have admitted their guilt and have received His mercy.
V.32-35 David at once sees the wisdom of this woman’s pleadings and he thanks her for it, and turns away from his purposes.
V.36-44 Nabal gets his punishment. What a wonderful picture of the love and grace of our Lord Jesus that would not only spare us from punishment, but bring us into the nearest place of love and blessing.
Day 96 - 1 Samuel 26
V.1-4 It seems hard to believe that Saul never gives up his hunting of David.
V.5-10 All the soldiers, who ought to have been guarding him, are asleep. Abishai wants to take that spear, and kill Saul right on the spot, but David will not allow him to do this, for he knows that Saul is still God’s anointed king, and he will not injure him.
V.11-16 David acts in patience, forgiveness, and trust.
V.21-25 Saul’s heart toward David is unchanged, though these words sounded so sweet. Particularly the last verse. David seems to sense this, as the first verse of the next chapter indicates.
Day 97 - 1 Samuel 27
In this chapter, David is certainly not a picture of the Lord Jesus. But it does show the weakness and mistakes of every one of us who is a believer in the Lord. Let’s not forget it!
V.1-4 David escapes into the land of the Philistines, the very enemies of Israel. What a strange thing to find Israel’s future king, the one who had killed Goliath, finding shelter among the Philistines. We believers sometimes turn to the world for help, and that is what David was doing.
V.5-7 David settles down in the enemy’s land in a city called Ziklag.
V.8-12 David acts and speaks falsely. When we take one step in the wrong direction, it often leads to something worse. David tells a lie, and tries to cover it by saying that there is no one left alive to tell on him! Who tells the true story? The Lord does. He heard that lie! We can never hide anything from God.
Day 98 - 1 Samuel 28
V.1-2 David now finds himself in a hard position — a picture of a believer who compromises the truth. He had chosen to go and live with the enemies of Israel, and now he finds himself faced with the problem of fighting against his own people. If we do not remain faithfully on the side of our rejected Lord, we may find ourselves standing with those who resist the truth.
V.4-5 Again the mighty army of the Philistines is gathered against Israel, and Saul the king trembled greatly. Samuel was dead, David was gone away, and Saul didn’t know where to turn, for he was a stranger to the Lord. This is the contrast with David in 1 Samuel 23:1-4. So he turns to a “witch.” There were such in those days, and they were under the power of demons. Saul can turn no where else, so he turns to the devil for help.
V.7-20 What a terrible experience! The witch is amazed to see Samuel, and Saul is terrified at the message Samuel gives him. “Tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me.” Dead! Of course, Samuel was obedient and Saul was disobedient, but they would both be in eternity. Some people would like to think that spiritists have power such as is here displayed. But that is not true. God brought up Samuel, and the witch was as frightened as Saul was at his coming up. She was used to demons impersonating dead people. They didn’t frighten her. Now Saul has just one day of life left him. Will he turn to the Lord and confess his guilt? Sad to say, he did not. Here was a man who was told that he would be dead in one day, and yet his heart was so hard that, though terrified, he went his way without God.
Day 99 - 1 Samuel 29
What a strange picture in this short story. David, the fearless Israelite who had fought against Goliath and the Philistines, is now going out with the Philistines to battle against Israel! Always remember that God did not write the Bible to exalt any man or woman, but to show His own perfection and glory. Every person fails. But also never forget that when we have accepted Christ as our Savior, we have been made as perfect as He is (Heb. 10:14). We have received Eternal Life (1 John 5:11). Do not confuse our perfect, holy position before God in Christ, with the old life. When we do what we want we are going back to that old life. We only sin because we want to (Read Rom. 8:2). They go on side by side. On the first, Scripture says He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, all believers (Heb. 10:14), and Paul said “In me, that is in my flesh dwells no good thing” (Rom. 7:18).
V.7-8 Even when David is told that he is in the wrong place, he argues that he wants to stay. But the Lord was over all this, and He will not allow David to go out to fight against Israel.
Day 100 - 1 Samuel 30
V.1-21 What happened during David’s absence? The Lord has surely allowed this. If we wander from the Lord, He is faithful in bringing us back, but we may suffer for our disobedience.
V.3-6 David and his men are terribly discouraged, for it seems that they have lost everything. And those who had been so faithful to David even suggest stoning him to death! But “David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” Even though he had wandered so far from the Lord, and had mixed up with the enemies, yet when he is in deep trouble, he knows that he can turn to the Lord and will find Him faithful.
V.11-15 An interesting story of an Egyptian servant who was left to die. It is a picture of just what we were like. We also were servants to sin and Satan, and we would have died in our sins if the Lord had not found us. David shows him kindness and strengthens him, and then asks him if he could bring him to the company of soldiers that had burned and robbed Ziklag.
V.16-20 What a mighty victory David recovers all. Yes, the wives and families of every one of those men were recovered alive and well. How thankful we should be that our Lord Jesus, through His death for us, has recovered all. It is finished. He has been victorious for us so that we now can enjoy all the blessings that result from that victory, and can look forward to eternal joy and happiness.
V.26-31 There were enough things from that mighty victory to send gifts to many others. Not only shall we enjoy the happiness of our Lord’s home and His love forever, but there will also be blessing for others even for the believers on earth.
Day 101 - 1 Samuel 31
V.1-6 Here is the sad end of Saul and of his sons.
V.7-10 The heathen Philistines now boast in their victory over Israel and king Saul. Once Saul was so mighty and David was so despised. Here is the sad end of that boasting king.
V.11-13 We are glad to read of the valiant men who honored Saul, as God’s anointed king, even though he had been such a failure. We shall see later that David took notice of this, and showed his thanks to these men who risked their lives to show respect to their fallen king Saul. Let’s look back over this book we’ve just finished reading. What stories of failures of men! Almost all of them! It really looks as if God was giving up on them — Samuel the prophet has died, king Saul and his sons are slain by the Philistines; even David had gone over and lived with the Philistines, Israel’s bitter enemy. All is gone. No hope or blessing for Israel, except in the mercy of God! But this is exactly what we find in the second book of Samuel.
Day 102 - 2 Samuel 1
Forty years before this event, the children of Israel had wanted to have a king over them, like all the nations around them. This really was wrong and a sin. But in grace, God allowed them to have their way. God was willing to let them have a king until the day would come (still hasn’t come) when a greater than King David would reign! David is a type of the Lord Jesus as King. Originally, God had set up the priests as the governing group over His people. But, sad to say, they failed. Now God turns to using a king. Of course, we realize that God knew that the kings would fail too. You might wonder why God would choose this method of ruling His people. With a king, all was now going to depend on the obedience and life of one man! If he obeyed the Lord, all the people would be blessed. Do you know what this would be a picture of? Of Christ, when He comes to reign over the whole world! That will be in the millennium.
V.1-16 One of Saul’s enemies (the Amalekites) comes and tells David what he thought would be good news. This was natural, for the Amalekites had known that Saul was trying to kill David. But we learn the inmost feelings of the heart of David. He knew that Saul was God’s anointed king, and he would not raise a finger against him. So he punishes the man who did.
V.17-27 The saddest lament of one man for another. Again, we see the tender heart of David.
Day 103 - 2 Samuel 2
V.1-3 David doesn’t rush to take the kingdom, but he goes where he is told by the Lord. He doesn’t take a step without asking the Lord. If we were more like this, we would be far happier!
V.4-32 You may wonder why there is so much detail about these apparently unimportant people. It will be a bit hard, but try to understand that all this is a picture of the time when the Lord Jesus comes to reign over Israel and the world, and gradually takes control.
V.8-32 Here we see Saul’s family interfering with David’s progress. Abner had no authority from God to try to make Ishbosheth the next king.
V.10-11. David is made king at first (for 7½ years) only by the tribe of Judah. When the Lord comes to reign, first He is going to deal with Judah, which today is already in the land of Israel. Then, later, He will gather from around the world, the other ten tribes.
Day 104 - 2 Samuel 3
V.1 David only gradually becomes stronger.
V.6-21 Abner had been Saul’s army general. He had been all for Saul and his family (v. 6). Abner’s pride was deeply wounded by a protest made to him by one of king Saul’s sons. He goes over to David’s side. In fighting each other, they are forgetting their real enemy, the Philistines.
V.12-21 David realizes that Abner is sincere. It was very humbling for Abner to come to David in this way. Abner goes to some of the tribes of Israel to persuade them to follow David. Has the Lord Jesus won your heart like David won Abner’s?
V.22-39 We see a contrast in this man. He did not understand the change in the heart of Abner. And Joab is suspicious of Abner, accusing him of treachery to David.
V.27 He does a dreadful thing.
V.28-39 David puts all in its true perspective. We see the tender heart of David. If we are close to the Lord we learn the correct view of everything. It is better when we get God’s thoughts. Then, though everything may go wrong for us, and we suffer unjustly, we can have the assurance that God’s way is perfect.
Day 105 - 2 Samuel 4
Another good lesson. An unbeliever understands very little of God’s heart of love. These two men thought that they were going to please David by killing Ishbosheth. Little did they understand David’s heart. Ishbosheth was Saul’s son. Saul had tried many times to kill David. But David had shown before how he felt toward anyone who would try to harm Saul (2 Sam. 1:16). So these two men should have known better. But unbelief never understands. We are constantly applying the events in David’s life to the believer’s life today.
Day 106 - 2 Samuel 5
Though the people knew that David was to be the king (v. 2), they didn’t really want him yet. They had other things that they wanted more. David had never once acted to take the kingdom himself. The people should have acted, so God has to work. He finally removed Saul, Jonathan, Abner and Ishbosheth. So long as these men lived, the people were quite content to let things drift.
We believers may belong to Christ, but are we acting for His glory? Are we discarding the things which we know are not according to the Word of God? Do we keep on in religious association with people who openly do not obey the Word of God? God has one Person around Whom He wants to gather all believers. That Person is Christ. If our love for Christ is weak and dull, we will let things drift. The people finally came together to make David king.
V.6-12 All through Joshua’s life, and after, Israel had never been able to take Jerusalem, the great stronghold. Now, at last, David takes it. Zion is the name of the mountain on the south side of the city of Jerusalem. It is a picture of God’s grace. It will yet be the center of God’s grace on this earth in the millennium. Isaiah 52:1-8 is a beautiful look into that time. But our “Zion” is now (See Heb. 12:22).
V.17-25 News of David being made king over all Israel, stirs up the enemy. When we exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, this always stirs up the opposition of Satan.
Day 107 - 2 Samuel 6, Verses 1-7
David did not have the ark with him in his new capital. He could not have real rest without the Lord’s Presence. Neither can we believers have true heart-rest until we are living close to the conscious presence of the Lord.
V.1-3 But not a word about their asking how this was to be done. They acted by their own thoughts!
V.4-7 Sad results. We often ask the Lord’s help about problems, yet think that we can decide how and where we are going to worship the Lord. What a sad situation exists today among the believers. So many trying to act for the Lord’s glory without asking Him the question Peter and John asked the Lord in Luke 22:9, “where wilt thou”? Nowhere do we need more direct guidance froth the Lord than in the question of the worship of God. Where did they get the idea of a new cart? From the heathen Philistines we read of in 1 Samuel 6:7. Where do we get many of the religious customs of today? From a mixture of paganism and Old Testament ritual.
V.6 Did this man do the right thing in steadying the ark? But God tells us the answer. He had said that no one but a priest could touch the ark. So the whole thing was wrong.
Day 108 - 2 Samuel 6, Verses 8-23
V.8-10 Do we do right in getting angry when the Lord tries to show us that we are acting in disobedience when we are connected with what is contrary to God’s Word?
V.11 But what a difference with this man. He was blessed.
V.12-23 Now David acts according to the Word of the Lord. Turn to 1 Chronicles 15:25-29 to see who carried the ark. The result is great rejoicing. May you find this joy!
V.20-23 One person despised all this in her heart! She didn’t say a word! But God knew, and acted, and she was the loser.
Day 109 - 2 Samuel 7
V.1-3 Grand views of David’s heart toward God. David valued what God had done for him, so he wants to build a place suitable for the ark to dwell in. Like speaking about a Person. And so it was, because the Ark represents the Person of Christ.
V.4 God spoke to the prophet Nathan. What an experience for Nathan to actually hear the Lord’s voice!
V.5-17 Nathan listened to every word! He didn’t forget a thing (v. 17).
V.5-11 The Lord reviews all the way He had led David. He also speaks of the future when Israel’s trials will be over (v. 10). The Lord appreciated the desire in David’s heart.
V.12-17 Instead, God will build David a house. By this it is meant that David would be the beginning of a line of kings. It would be the “house of David.” God is always the “Giver.”
V.18-29 When David hears all this wonderful future for him, so he says “who am I?” This is how we feel when we realize something of what the same Lord Jesus has done for us personally. We can learn much from these beautiful words. Everything comes from God!
Day 110 - 2 Samuel 8
V.1-8 David destroys the Philistines and the Moabites. “Houghed” in verse 4 means to cripple. We need to constantly remind ourselves that these enemies of Israel are pictures of the Christian’s spiritual enemies, which are always trying to interfere with our joy in the Lord. If we think of our spiritual enemies as people, we are likely to be deceived by Satan into thinking we are cruel when, for instance, we won’t compromise with bad teaching.
V.9-18 Many of these Gentile nations came to Jerusalem to bless the king and bring him presents. Power, glory and blessing come to David in abundance.
V.15-18 Order and good government are established.
Day 111 - 2 Samuel 9
Now a sweet story. (What a picture of God’s mercy and grace to us as lost sinners, brought into the highest blessings). Mephibosheth belongs to the family of Saul, the enemy of David. What benefit could Mephibosheth be to David? Why did God ever pick us up? Only because of what He is. See if you can see other ways in this story in which it is a picture of us.
V.13 Looking at Mephibosheth sitting among the king’s sons, no one would know he was lame on both his feet. God has seated us around His table. We are fit for His presence because the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ has cleansed us from all sin (1 John 1:7) Mephibosheth accepts all the favors, and enjoys them.
Day 112 - 2 Samuel 10
V.1-3 Now David wishes to show kindness to another man. The exact opposite happened in this case. The man refuses the kindness. This is just what happens when a person hears the gospel and decides he won’t accept it.
V.4 Not only does he not accept David’s kindness and suspects David of mischief, but he insults the messengers! The unbeliever never appreciates the grace of God.
V.6-19 Punishment follows. Notice that several join together, but they cannot stand against David’s strength. No one will be able to stand against the Lord when He comes to punish the unbelievers.
Day 113 - 2 Samuel 11
A dark chapter, Sin and shame for David. Always remember that the types of Christ in the Bible are not perfect human beings. God didn’t write the Bible to exalt man, but to exalt Christ.
V.2-4 Notice that David had several opportunities to stop his sinful course, but didn’t. It is often that way for believers. The time to refuse Satan’s temptation is at the very beginning. Instead of David being active, he is taking his ease. The old saying is true “Satan finds many things for idle hands to do.” Sin follows.
V.6-25 Then the worst efforts to cover up the sin. Uriah was a true and faithful servant to David, though he was not a Hebrew. David brings brave Uriah to his grave! What a shameful thing to do!
Day 114 - 2 Samuel 12
V.1-4 God saw all, and now He acts. The Lord may let things go on, but there is a day when all must be settled. The prophet Nathan tells David a touching story, but it has a serious meaning.
V.5-6 David gets angry at hearing the story. How quick we are to see the faults in others. When David saw Nathan coming to him he should have had a conscience, but he has been hardened by sin.
V.7 Only four words, but they hit hard.
V.7-12 Then the results. God’s highly privileged servant would have to receive severe punishment.
V.12 What is done secretly will be seen openly. We can hide nothing from God.
V.13 He confesses that the sin is against the Lord — all sin is.
V.15-23 When the child lived, David believed that the Lord might mercifully save it. But when it died, he accepts the fact from the Lord. Also, Matthew 18:11 assures us that a child who dies, goes to be with the Lord.
V.24 How gracious the Lord is. He never changes. Sin must be punished to the full. But grace abounds. This very woman becomes the mother of Solomon, the greatest king Israel ever had! God hates sin, and will not have it in His presence. He has sent His Son, since King David’s days, and has punished Him for the sins of every believer. Have you been sheltered by His precious blood?
Two very dark chapters. In today’s we have read of David’s adultery and murder. Tomorrow we will read of fornication and murder committed by David’s son.
Day 115 - 2 Samuel 13
V.1-18 What dreadful behavior by David’s eldest son! Amnon’s love for his half-sister was plain lust which turned immediately to hate when it was indulged in.
V.19-29 Sin is costly. Lies, deceit and murder are the result.
V.30-39 Further confusion. Absalom runs away. But look at 2 Samuel 12:10 to see that David had caused all these sorrows in his family because he had despised the Lord.
Day 116 - 2 Samuel 14
Today we see the mercy of David in allowing Absalom to come home. The king has a tender heart toward his son, yet realizes his responsibility to God to punish Absalom for the shedding of the blood of Amnon.
V.1-3 The subtle (tricky) Joab knew the heart of David was anxious to have his guilty son Absalom back again. So he uses this woman who pretends to be a very sad person.
V 4-20 Joab had made up a story for her to tell the king.
V.12-20 The king gives her his word. To act in grace was what David loved. Like Mephibosheth in chapter 9. The act was working well. If David could spare someone else’s son, would he not spare his own son?
V.13-20 But the king sees the workings of Joab in the whole visit.
V.21-23 The king does not change his mind, but orders Joab to bring Absalom home. Joab really knew nothing of grace himself, but he knew it was in David.
V.24 The guilt of Absalom was still in David’s mind, so we see the restriction put on Absalom.
V.25-27 What Absalom looked like. Both Saul and Absalom were very attractive to the eye.
V.28-33 Joab has another scheme worked out to get the king to receive Absalom. We can see plainly that though David was a good king, he was a poor father in many, many ways.
Day 117 - 2 Samuel 15, Verses 1-18
After all the gracious way Absalom has been treated, now his treacherous heart is exposed. After all the kindness and grace of God to man has been shown at the cross in bringing salvation, then after all this, there is yet going to arise on this earth, the man of sin, the antichrist. This will happen after we believers arc gone to glory see chart and 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12. Absalom is a clear picture of the antichrist. The last sentence of yesterday’s chapter indicated that Absalom was taking a very low place before his father, but notice the first sentence of our chapter today, “after this” which shows the true heart of Absalom ... he exalts himself!
V.1-16 Absalom works out his subtle plans. There are two objects he is after. One is to undermine the king, the other to build himself up. So he uses flattery. Absalom never loved these people as David did.
V.7 This probably should be “four,” not “forty.”
V.7-9 Notice that Absalom uses the Lord’s name while he is lying to his father. His father is thoroughly deceived.
V.10 He has his plan well organized throughout Israel to start a rebellion against his father.
V.11 He even deceives these 200 men.
V.12 Worse He offers up sacrifices to the Lord while working his deceits!
V.13-18 King David now must gather his few loyal people around him, and leave his capital Jerusalem.
Day 118 - 2 Samuel 15, Verses 19-37
A wonderful example of faithfulness to David personally by a man from an enemy country (Philistine). Read these verses slowly and realize that King David had won Ittai’s heart so much that nothing would stop him from following David totally, including his little children. It is one thing to follow the Lord when we have a lot of people with us, but another when everything opposes and only a few are with us as we follow a Man, Who has been rejected.
V.24-29 A century before this, Israel didn’t have a man like David as their head. In 1st Samuel 4:3-4 the people and the priests panic when they are attacked, and bring the sacred ark out into the battlefield, and lose it to the enemy. In contrast, here David refuses to use such a sacred object and orders the priests to take the ark back to Jerusalem.
V.30-37 Notice what David does (v. 31). He pours out his heart to God. He directs the priests to stay with his rebellious son.
Day 119 - 2 Samuel 16; 17
V.1-4 David is deceived by the lies of Ziba. Go back to chapter 9 to see who he was. David believes the lie, and gives Ziba all the land which belonged to Mephibosheth. But there is a beautiful sequel to this which we will see shortly.
V.5-14 A contrast with the gifts of verses 1 and 2. David experiences comfort and hatred. Fruit from one stones and curses from another. In this case, we hear the humbled king holding back his men from shedding blood.
V.15-23 The two advisors have opposite ideas for Absalom. The message is passed on and finally reaches David, who quickly crosses the river Jordan.
V.23 Ahithophel’s end.
V.24-26 Absalom pursues David.
V.27-29 David has friends who have tender and generous hearts and send these gifts. What an encouragement all these things must have been to David and all with him!
Day 120 - 2 Samuel 18
V.1-5 David makes his plans.
V.6-18 The climax arrives. Absalom who was such a tricky, vain and wicked man, dies by hanging on a tree; his head (his intelligence) caught in the branches. We might be wondering why God gives us all these details. What do they mean? If you will look on your chart (“C, D, E”) you will see the period of time called the “tribulation.” It takes place just after all the believers in the Lord Jesus will be caught up suddenly to heaven (maybe today!). Then a man will appear on earth in Israel who will claim to be the “Messiah” (2 Thess. 2:7-10). He will be allowed by God to “steal” the hearts of millions of people by deceiving them into thinking that he is the promised One. Then he will suddenly change and announce he is against God. He is the “Antichrist” (1 John 2:18; 4:3) the Lord Jesus will cast him alive into hell (Rev. 19:20). There he is called the “false prophet.” “E” on chart.
So now we can better understand that Absalom is a picture of this man.
V.33 Whether David should have felt the way he did, is doubtful. The Lord had brought punishment on Absalom, and probably he should have been thinking God’s thoughts more. Nevertheless, it shows us David’s tenderness.
Day 121 - 2 Samuel 19, Verses 1-15
V.1-15 The king’s leaders are unhappy at the sorrow which David had for his son Absalom. Joab speaks pretty sharply to David. Possibly David did overdo the sorrow, forgetting that God was directing everything. The types always fail in some way. David fails but the Lord Jesus never! All will be perfect when the Lord Jesus comes in power.
Day 122 - 2 Samuel 19, Verses 16-40
V.16-23 Do you remember what this man did to David when David was fleeing? (16:5). Now David accepts this man on his words. During the millennium there will be many who pretend obedience but what is really in their hearts will come out, and they will be punished. Try to remember this man when we come to king David’s son Solomon. He has something to say about Shimei.
V.24-30 Beautiful contrast. There was no pretending here. Go back to chapter 9, also 16:1-4. But today we learn what really was in Mephibosheth’s heart. All the time David was away, notice what Mephibosheth did not do! Also notice the difference between the words of Shimei (v. 20) when he talked to King David, “I have sinned” and the words of the faithful Mephibosheth (v. 30) when he heard that Ziba (v. 26) had deceived him, he said “Let him take all.” He was satisfied to have David back, so he didn’t care about the properly he had lost (Read Heb. 10:34).
V.31-40 Another lovely character. This man had no interest in earthly glory or rewards. He loved David and supported him in David’s time of rejection. Are we faithful to Christ during the time of His rejection? David wants to reward Barzillai, but cannot. The type fails again. But everyone will receive his due reward when the Lord Jesus comes (1 Cor. 4:5).
V.41-43 The people try to outdo each other in bringing their king back to his beloved capital. What a glorious day is coming when the Lord Jesus shall return to reign over this earth in righteousness, and we will be with Him (Ezek. 43:2; Rev. 5:10).
Day 123 - 2 Samuel 20
Another traitor appears — Sheba. You may have remembered that Joab had been replaced as David’s army general by Amasa (2 Sam. 19:13). But here we see Joab acting firmly and bravely for the king in getting rid of the traitor Sheba, although he acts very deceitfully towards Amasa and murders him. Joab was always too hard a man for David (2 Sam. 3:27-39), particularly the last verse.
Day 124 - 2 Samuel 21
V.1-14 This section proves a very important point — that God is holy, and although something done long ago is forgotten by the people, God remembers it and it must be paid for “God requireth that which is past” (Eccl. 3:15). To understand this chapter, we must first read Joshua 9:3-21. A promise was made that these people, though they had deceived Joshua, would not be destroyed. But king Saul, many years later, in his pretended zeal for the Lord, kills some of them. Now, many years later, God sends a famine for 3 years. David asks the Lord and is told why. There is a danger in thinking that what is past is past. We may go on in a Christian fellowship and not inquire how it came about. Just shutting our eyes to it will not do. It must be judged and separated from if we are going to be blessed of the Lord. David inquired of the Lord. Luke 22:9 is a good question for us all. The balance of this chapter tells us of the feelings, energy and strength of David’s people as his own physical strength declines.
Day 125 - 2 Samuel 22
Psalm 18 is very similar to this chapter. A combination of the history of Israel with David as the type of the Messiah. This may be hard to understand. If so, just read the chapter. May the Lord be valued by each one of us as He was to King David. Count the number of ways the Lord was valued by him.
V.2 “My”, “my,” “my” and so forth.
Notice the sorrows through which the Person is passed, and then brought out of them as the Deliverer. A story of sorrows and sufferings followed by joy and victory.
Day 126 - 2 Samuel 23
A contrast with yesterday’s chapter. A review of David’s life. It started out with such hopes, yet never fully succeeds. And no one knew it more than King David himself! We see here a combination of joy and sorrow. Joy when he thought of the coming true King who would sit on his throne — sorrow when he realized how poor a picture he was of this One! And yet in all this, he is a broken and humbled man. We learn that our failures do not affect our wonderful position in Christ. But our enjoyment of our position is very much affected by our life. We owe all to Christ. As we realize this, we grow in grace.
V.8-39 A brief history of the main points in the life of the mighty men who were with David in his life.
V.14-17 What love for David must have been in the heart of these men to be willing to do this great act. But what grace do we see in David when he pours the water out on the ground! He looked at it as if it was the blood of these men!
V.18-39 More brave men. The believer today is to go on quietly: humbly for the Lord. To accept shame, loneliness, misunderstanding, loss, even persecution for Him, will bring us into sweet peace and confidence in Him. Then the Spirit will unite us with others (2 Tim. 2:22). These men knew David. This gave them (and us) strength and courage. Soon we shall reign with Christ. Now is our time to suffer with Him (2 Tim. 2:12).
Day 127 - 2 Samuel 24
David’s sad failure. Instead of being satisfied in knowing that the Lord was his strength, he wants to number the people to see how strong he is! When the people were numbered, each had to pay money for an atonement for his soul (Ex. 30:12). Here none was paid, so punishment fell from God.
V.3 Joab didn’t care so much about pleasing the Lord, but he knew the Lord would be angry at his uncle, King David.
V.4-9 The king goes ahead nevertheless.
V.10-14 At first it looked as if God hadn’t noticed it, for He let it go for nine months and 20 days! The Lord saw everything and gives David three choices. David chooses to fall into the hand of God rather than into the hands of men. Because of love for David, God did not spare him. But in the middle of the plague, and in the very city from which the orders were originally given, mercy reaches out. The plague is stopped.
V.17 The guilty man speaks to God and is heard.
V.18-25 A Gentile provides the place for an altar to be built, to sacrifice to the Lord. It will cost you something to separate from other believers, to worship God in truth. The location was the very spot where the great temple of Solomon was to be built. This is a picture of a yet greater day to come on this earth, a link between heaven and earth. For near here our blessed Lord Jesus died upon the cross, shedding His precious blood, that we believers might be made fit to enter God’s presence.
Day 128 - 1 John 1
In 1st and 2nd Samuel we had heard of God choosing a king for His people Israel, and we saw God’s hand working behind the events. King David is a picture of the blessed Man Whom God had in mind — our Lord Jesus. A thousand years have passed between 2nd Samuel and 1st John, and now we are reading of the Lord Jesus, having come to this world. He has given each believer that which He is Himself, “eternal life.” It is the life which was with the Father from a past eternity, and which is in the Son of God. It is in this life that believers enjoy communion with God the Father and God the Son. So we can learn that each believer in the Lord Jesus is one of the children in the family of God. We were born into it when we believed in the Lord Jesus. We have eternal life — Jesus is eternal life. He could not sin, nor can a believer in that new life we have received from Him. Read 1 John 3:9. Believe it and you will enjoy it. Live it and you will be a spiritually healthy Christian.
V.1-3 John wrote his Epistle long after the other writers. Modernists of that day were saying Christianity was very good as a foundation, but that it was growing old, and new ideas were needed. We hear the same today. So John is showing that the PERSON OF OUR LORD, the true manifestation of divine life itself, cancels out all such proud thoughts.
V.4 Few of us believers know fullness of joy. Yet it is for us all. Fullness of joy is spoken of at least four times in Scripture (1) Fullness of joy through obedience John 15:9-11. (2) Fullness of joy through prayer John 16:24. (3) Fullness of joy through communion John 17:13 and (4) our verse. The Holy Spirit is the source of the believer’s thoughts in his life in Christ, and He cannot give thoughts different from those of the Father and the Son. God has given us the full ability to enjoy this life, but we need to realize that it is only if we live this life daily that we are happy in Him.
V.6-7 Every unbeliever walks in darkness, and every believer walks in the light, so far as his position is concerned. But a believer surely may turn his back on the light, if he is disobedient to the Word of God. Nevertheless, the light still shines on him. God wants all believers to be in one fellowship, but our life of obedience is what produces that fellowship.
V.8 A believer is mistaken if he says this.
V.9 The pride of our will is broken when we confess a sin to God. We could ask for forgiveness without the conscience being touched; this would bring carelessness and coldness into our life.
V.10 An unbeliever might say this, but a believer cannot.
Day 129 - 1 John 2, Verses 1-14
We have an Advocate — one who pleads for another, like a lawyer does. The Lord Jesus takes care of our case before the Father. Our part is to confess the sin to our Father. He owes it to His Son to forgive us, for Jesus has died once for those sins. Unconfessed sins on us will bring unhappiness.
V.1 The previous things were written in order that we should not sin. But if we do sin, God has the remedy — Christ the Advocate.
V.2 “Propitiation” means the way that God can righteously be satisfied about sin. The words “the sins of” are in italics. They are not in the original writings. “Sin” is the nature, “sins” are the fruit of that nature.
V.3-6 The new nature of a believer is an obedient one.
V.7-8 These prove that the ten commandments are not being referred to, but the Word of God.
V.9-11 Blindness and darkness both are characteristics of the unsaved.
V.12 Does this thrill you? In these Epistles, “little children” are the believers of any age but who may not have known the Lord long.
V.12-14 Three stages of growth in a believer: little children, young men and fathers. God does not wish us to remain little children.
Day 130 - 1 John 2, Verses 15-29
V.15-17 “The world” is referring to the spirit of the world, not this physical world. In this Epistle, John is writing to us believers as being in the family of God. Every believer in Christ is in it. How we behave is what these words are about.
V.18-19 We are hearing more and more about people who claim to be “the Christ.” Keep as far away as possible from them. We know that it is the “last time.”
V.20 Every believer who listens to the Word of God and bows to it hears exactly the same as every other who does likewise. This is what brings unity among the Lord’s people.
V.22-23 Two comforting views of the Lord Jesus — as the Christ and as the Son of God. When people deny this, they lie. It is very important to believe this.
V.28 As you read through this Epistle, you can see that almost everything mentioned is built upon what the Lord Jesus said on His last night on earth; John 13-16. Read this verse and then read John 14:3. This promise banishes all anxiety and disturbance in our life.
Day 131 - 1 John 3
V.1-2 We are NOW children of God. The next thing to learn is that we shall be like the Lord Jesus when He comes in glory (“E” on your chart). Every beauty, every excellence of His character will be reproduced in each of us. But read 2 Corinthians 3:18 and learn that the more we look at Him even now, the more like Him we become!
V.5-6, 9-10 The third great thing to learn — The believer who truly is the Lord’s, does not practice sin. He does not go on doing things which he knows to be contrary to God’s will. He has two natures, they hate each other. His new nature cannot sin. He can say “the new nature in me.” Then he will not feed the old nature, because he knows that God sees it as dead (Rom. 6:6).
V.14-15, 17 We have passed from death unto life! Many true believers do not know this. Another thing — we love other believers. If love has replaced hatred and selfishness in my heart, then I know I have passed out of death unto life (Read John 13:34-35). The test of love is this — if I have the means to help others, I do.
V.19-21 The believer has confidence in God. He who does not have a bad conscience in God’s presence, can look up and speak to God in prayer with happiness, as to a Friend with whom he is on good terms. But if there are sins on our conscience, then we cannot ask in confidence. We must confess them to be forgiven.
V.22 The believer has power to obtain from God by prayer whatever he asks. But we need to read the whole verse! If God is to listen to us, we must first listen to Him! Notice the two different things. There are many things that it would please God for us to do that He has not exactly told us in His book. A father is pleased when his children do the things which they know please him.
V.24 We have the Holy Spirit within us (Eph. 1:13); how rich we are!
Day 132 - 1 John 4, Verses 1-10
V.1-6 We are hearing much these days about the “spirit world.” People are rushing to hear speakers who claim supernatural powers. A spirit-controlled person may be Satan-controlled. Never forget there are lying spirits as well as lying people. These verses tell us to test the spirits. False prophets are controlled by false spirits. They are real, and from Satan himself. How are we to test them? In this way — do they confess that Jesus is Divine? God has told us that demons can control people. The believer is preserved from this power to control us, but we can be deceived if we do not use this test. This is why we are so often warned in this Book.
V.7-10 This serious warning is followed by assurance of God’s love. We will see seven great facts about love.
V.7 The first — love is of God. Every particle of real love that there is in the world came from God. Real love is to delight in helping others. People talk much of love these days, but most of it is selfishness. Everyone who loves is born of God. Do not confuse natural affection with God’s love.
V.8 Love is what God is. See also 1 John 1:5. Light and love are combined in God. The whole Bible rests upon these two great pillars.
V.9-10 Jesus Christ is the supreme manifestation of the love of God. But that is only one side. The other is that He sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. “Propitiation” means this: God has been outraged and insulted by man’s sin. But the Lord Jesus has come to earth and has done such a work in the sacrifice of Himself for our sins, that God is completely satisfied and can now show mercy to us who had sinned so dreadfully.
Day 133 - 1 John 4, Verses 11-21
V.11 This sounds simple, but is it true of us?
V.12-26 What a wonderful thought that we dwell in God and He dwells in us.
V.17 When we stand before the Lord at the judgment seat, we shall be perfectly at ease, for we shall be like Him! We are like Him now! Do we live this out in our life?
V.18 To learn more of His love is to be delivered from all fear.
V.19 Love does not begin with our loving God, but with His loving us.
Day 134 - 1 John 5
V.1 Every true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is a child of God, Who is all-wise eternal, holy, almighty. Having a Father like this, what responsibility is ours!
V.4-5 Every true believer has gained the victory over the world! The world is an enemy of God. It does everything it can to drag us clown to defeat. Daily faith in Christ is what enables us to have this victory over the world.
V.6-10 Every true believer has the Holy Spirit in him. The Spirit is truth, and He is a witness to us of truth. Strong words!
V.11-13 Every true believer has eternal life (v. 13).
V.14-15 Every true believer has confidence in God, so that whatever we ask of God, if it is according to His will, He hears us. We know if it is according to His will by paying attention to, and obeying His Word.
V.16-17 Every true believer has power in prayer, for himself, and for others. The latter part of the verse could refer to a believer who continues on in a life of disobedience — it may end in the Lord taking that person away. Of course they are saved (l Cor. 11:30).
V.18 Every true believer has this perfect security.
V.20 Every true believer has “God-given” knowledge. He knows God! Great scientists may be able to put a man on the moon, but he cannot put the knowledge of God in a man!
Day 135 - 2 John
Love in truth and truth in love, is the character of the book.
V.4 We have the truth, for God’s Word is truth. But it is quite another thing to be walking in the truth (living the truth). The Apostle John rejoiced greatly when he saw this in the children of this woman.
V.5-6 Walking in truth will show itself in love for other believers.
V.7 Walking in truth will protect us from deceivers.
V.9-11 Truth is centered in Christ. He is truth (John 14:6). He is God become Man. This is the meaning of the “doctrine of Christ.” The lady was to keep outside her house all that was not according to this doctrine. The sins of those who did not hold this would be transferred to her if she allowed those into her house and greeted them. If we think we can win Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses to Christ by allowing them into our house for a discussion, we are disobedient to God’s Word. Both deny that Jesus is the divine Son of God.
Day 136 - 3 John
In 2nd John we have read of a home which was to be the sanctuary (dwelling place) of truth. In 3rd John we read of the house of Gaius which was to be the “guest-room” of the truth. Gaius was the truth’s “fellow-helper” are we? 2nd John has warnings of whom to keep out. 3rd John welcomes all walking obediently.
V.1-6 What a wonderful home this must have been to visit. All those who walked in the truth felt at ease there.
V.5 Everything he did was done faithfully.
V.7 Is it right for believers to receive money from unbelievers? Here is Scripture’s answer.
V.9-10 Diotrephes loved, but not the truth. Self-love is the opposite of divine love. He was in the assembly of believers, which makes his deeds all the worse.
V.12 Demetrius was a follower of that which was good. It is important for us to have a good report.
Day 137 - Philemon
A lovely letter showing us how this eternal life we have been reading of, works in everyday living. It concerns a slave called Onesimus who ran away from his master, Philemon, and ended up in Rome. Here he met the Apostle Paul, and was saved. Paul sends him back to his master with this letter.
V.1-9 A glowing introduction to Philemon, a dear friend and brother, in the Lord, of Paul.
V.2 “The church in thy house.” We can see that the word “church” does not mean what so many people take it to mean a building of brick or stone. It means an assembly, and this assembly met in the house mentioned here.
V.10 It would seem that Onesimus met Paul in prison and was saved through him. How wonderful are the ways of God!
V.11 Apparently Onesimus was not a very reliable servant, but now that he is saved, it will all be different. When we come to Christ, our whole life is changed.
V.12-14 The newly converted man’s life is so changed that Paul would like to have kept him.
V.15-16 He left as a run-away slave, and he returns as a brother beloved!
V.17 “Receive him as myself”! Receive a run-away slave as the apostle! Yes, and when we meet the humblest believer in the Lord, we should remember this too. Notice finally that in Colossians 4:9, we read “Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother.” How happily it all turned out.
Day 138 - Jude Verses 1-13
It would seem that Jude is the same person as Judas, the Apostle (Luke 6:16; John 14:22), and as Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus (Matt. 10:3; Acts 1:13).
V.3-4 Jude had wanted to write about the joys of being a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, but because ungodly men had crept in amongst them, instead he had to write a serious warning to beware! Jude, the writer, has to go back to the first principles of the faith. Our western world once was truly a Christian area, but it has mostly given up the truth of Christianity. However God is still holding back the evil. After we are gone it will come in like a tidal wave (2 Thess. 2:7-8). But “the mystery of iniquity doth already work.” In Peter’s Epistles, it was in the world — in John’s it is seen as going out of the assemblies (1 John 2:19) — in Jude it is coming in to what professes to be the “church.” We need Jude’s Epistle right now, because many of our readers are not conscious of the evil teachings to which they are exposing themselves. Read carefully the 4th verse. Were they aware of what was creeping in?
V.5-13 Four groups are described here, as examples of apostasy — this means “giving up the truth they once held.” (1) Those who came out of Egypt, yet never reached the promised land. (2) Angels who gave up their former position. (3) People of Sodom and Gomorrah, went back into immorality. (4) Those who were stealing in amongst the believers.
Day 139 - Jude Verses 14-25
V.14-15 These two verses should cause us to bow our head in wonder and praise to God. Three men are involved — Enoch, Moses and Jude. Approximately 1,100 years were between the first two, and 1,300 years between the latter two. Not one unsaved person will escape. Nothing was recorded of what Enoch said before Moses wrote the book of Genesis. Secondly, nothing is written in the Old Testament concerning these statements when Jude wrote his Epistle (letter)! So Jude writes that Enoch had prophesied of the judgment of the ungodly when the Lord Jesus comes with ten thousand of His saints! Events around us today, about 2,400 years later, are shaping up quickly so that we are living in the very last days. Always remember that these events will take place 7 years (or close to 7) after we believers are caught up to be with the Lord forever.
V.18 Mockers today? You answer that!
V.20-25 Wonderful contrast for the believer! His responsibility is: building, praying, keeping and looking.
Day 140 - 1 Kings 1, Verses 1-27
Today we go back to the Old Testament to look at more pictures! 1st and 2nd Kings are a continuation of 1st and 2nd Samuel, King David is a picture of Christ winning the wonderful victory over Satan and the power of evil; Solomon is a picture of Christ in peace, prosperity and wisdom, reigning over the earth in the millennium (see your chart).
V.1-4 Different efforts were made to keep King David alive; all human methods.
V.5-10 Even after David dies, another of his sons, Adonijah, rebels and announces himself the new king. You may remember God said that the sword would never depart from David’s family because he had sinned (2 Sam. 12:10), so here it falls again. David was a good king but a poor father. He had never corrected this son. Adonijah did not want to have with him those who were devoted to God’s king, David.
V.11-27 Bathsheba and Nathan seem concerned about their own welfare as well as whether Solomon should be king.
Day 141 - 1 Kings 1, Verses 28-53
V.28-40 King, priest, and prophet (verses 28, 32) are all together. In the millennium (see your chart) this will be Christ’s place. He is all three (See Rev. 19:16; Heb. 7:21-28). Solomon is proclaimed king of Israel. About the year 1015 B.C. He reigned for 40 years. God had chosen him to be a king who would be wise, make righteous decisions and rule over Israel at the time of its highest glory, prosperity, unity and peace.
V.41-53 The news of God’s choice brings fear to those who wanted Adonijah to be king. He was Solomon’s elder brother. He is another picture of the days which are yet to come in the tribulation (“D” on your chart) when the head of the revived Roman Empire — it is taking shape in Europe now — called the “Beast” (Rev. 13:1). Then there will be another man, the “man of sin,” the “antichrist” who will try to rule the world. The Lord Jesus will suddenly appear in the sky, we believers with Him; “E” on your chart, and will destroy both these men (Rev. 19:19-21) and cast alive them alive into hell. Then the Lord Jesus will be the Ruler of the world for 1,000 years (“E” to “F” on chart). So in our chapter we see a picture of all this. Doesn’t it thrill your heart to realize that the Lord Jesus will yet have His right place in this world?
Day 142 - 1 Kings 2
V.1-4 What wonderful words for us all to apply to our life. What God here promises to do to Solomon, He will do to you too, but it requires obedience to God. Let Him prove it!
V.5-9 David had shown mercy to Joab and Shimei, but these two men did not repent, so their punishment is to be settled by wise Solomon. And as David remembered their bad acting, he also remembered the kindness of Barzillai (2 Sam. 19:31-38).
V.13-25 No repentance no blessing! Adonijah knew who God’s choice was (v. 15), but instead of personally going to Solomon to humble himself in confession, he sends the king’s mother to try to get a favor for himself.
V.26-27 Abiathar’s faithfulness to David is not forgotten. But Abiathar had not continued with God’s choice instead he had sided with Adonijah (1 Kings 1:7), and now he loses his favored place as priest.
V.28-35 Joab had been the general of David’s army, but he had not acted according to the desires of the king.
V.36-46 A simple way to avoid death, but after three years Shimei no longer remembers the king’s words. This cost him his life. These two chapters are strong reminders that our life is going to be reviewed before God.
Day 143 - 1 Kings 3
V.1 “Made affinity” means he “joined himself’ by marriage with the king of Egypt. This was Solomon’s first step in the wrong course. “Brought her into the city of David” she did not belong in the royal palace. “An end of building his own house.” Solomon placed more importance on finishing his own house than on the Lord’s house. “The wall of Jerusalem” should have had a more important place in his thoughts, and it would have kept Solomon from his first mistake.
V.3 But there is hope for better things, because his heart was right. The closer we get to the Lord, the more we will see things in our own lives as He sees them, whether good or bad.
V.4-9 In some things Solomon did what was right; here is one example. The Lord was pleased.
V.10-15 Solomon received inner power from God, had understanding, and was given far more than he could imagine. He responds with praise and thanksgiving to God, with God’s people in God’s appointed place.
V.16-28 God’s wisdom works in a world of sin and selfishness! If we walk with God each day, He will cause us to make right choices for His honor, and others will see the results.
Day 144 - 1 Kings 4
V.1-28 Everything was in godly order under God’s king and all the people were happy. These chapters give us a little picture of the Kingdom of Christ in the millennium. In that future time Israel (all twelve tribes) will be happily gathered together around Christ, their King, and nothing will be lacking (v. 17)!
V.20 We can’t pass this verse without a comment. It seems so much like a wild party or self-indulgence — as we find said by the foolish men in Luke 12:19. However, it is really a picture of the future millennium, when everyone will enjoy personal peace. But for today the believer is in a world where there is no peace. Instead we are to be witnesses for a rejected Christ. So the beautiful verse for us is Romans 14:17; think that over.
V.29-34 From the greatest to the least, Solomon was above all and could speak with intelligence on any subject. Verse 34 reminds us of Zechariah 14:16, for Christ is “the King.”
Day 145 - 1 Kings 5
V.1-11 Not only is all Israel rejoicing under their king, but here is a Gentile king happily doing what Solomon asks! In Christ’s kingdom, the whole earth will obey Him. Luke 2:14 shall be fulfilled.
V.12-18 Many hands busy at one building. Probably the most magnificent and costly building ever erected on this earth. God Himself spoke about it. Read what He said (1 Kings 9:3). These words make us realize that the temple is a picture of the great and glorious reign of Christ during the 1,000 years known as the millennium. Though this building was later destroyed, then rebuilt and destroyed once more, it will again be rebuilt. But Scripture always speaks of it as one house (Read Hag. 2:9). When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He called it “my Father’s house” (John 2:16).
V.17 Interesting verse. The stones have three descriptions. Keep this in mind and turn to Ephesians 2:19-22 to see that each believer is a stone in the temple God is now building. Does that fill your heart with joy?
Day 146 - 1 Kings 6
V.1-10 This building was more than twelve times the size of the tabernacle building. The tabernacle had been made of boards which could be taken down and moved, necessary for traveling through the wilderness, but this temple was built of stone, as a permanent building in the promised land. This temple went up without a sound from man’s tools (v. 7).
V.11-13 Further blessing for Israel depended upon Solomon’s faithfulness.
V.14-22 The cedar tree represents the glory of man at his best. It is all hidden in this temple by being entirely covered with gold (divine righteousness). The “oracle” was the room for the ark (v. 19), and there was also the altar (v. 22), just as in the tabernacle, though everything was in larger scale except the ark.
V.23-28 Cherubim for the ark are connected with this room too. In the millennium there will be the government of the Lord to rule everything perfectly and judging sins every day. Cherubim (heavenly beings) carry out God’s punishment for sins.
V.29-36 The tabernacle had a veil of linen in front of the room in which the ark stood, but in this temple there are folding doors of wood covered with gold. In Christianity we believers have no “doors” keeping us from the presence of God (Heb. 10:19-22); but Israel did not and will not have such a favored place of liberty.
V.37-38 The temple is finished.
Day 147 - 1 Kings 7, Verses 1-22
V.1-12 The house of the king was over 4 times bigger than the temple and took Solomon almost twice as long to build it. Do we learn something from this? But in the day when all this is fulfilled on earth, we believers will be with Christ, sharing not only heavenly blessings, but His rule over the earth, as “the bride, the Lamb’s wife” (Rev. 21:9-27).
V.7 Here also Solomon gave decisions on all matters concerning the kingdom. It is all a picture of the reign of Christ during the millennium, when the Lord shall rule the world through Israel.
V.15-22 Two pillars “Jachin” (meaning “He will establish”) and “Boaz” (meaning “in Him is strength”), both beautifully decorated. Christ will fulfill both in His own blessed Person in the millennium. He alone can be the same for us Christians now.
Day 148 - 1 Kings 7, Verses 23-51
V.23-46 One huge bowl about 15 feet across its brim — it held almost 13 thousand gallons of water — resting on twelve brass oxen.
V.47 “Found out” means that the weight was so great that Solomon could not measure it! Brass, in Scripture, is a picture of endurance, or testing. This verse enables us to understand a little, but never fully, what Christ endured on the cross. It was only known to God. (See Heb. 12:1-4).
V.48-51 What David had prepared, Solomon brings in, and all is complete. Christ will do the work of repentance in Israel’s heart (Zech. 12:10) and He will also establish them in His land of promise in peace (Psa. 29:10-11; Isa. 32:15-18).
Day 149 - 1 Kings 8, Verses 1-32
V.2 This was the Feast of Tabernacles (see your notes on Lev. 23).
V.3-4 All was godly order here, according to Numbers 4.
V.5 They willingly offered more than they could count.
V.6 The only piece of furniture from the tabernacle which went into the temple.
V.8 The priests could go into “the holy place” but not into “the oracle” (the “holiest of all”), where the ark was. They could see the end of the staves only, but that was enough to remind them that God was with them. The rest of the people of Israel who were “without” (outside the building) did not see any of this. Today we who are Christians are priests and it is our happy privilege to be able to go through the veil into the very presence of God (Heb. 10:19-22).
V.10-11 God proved that He was pleased, by having a cloud (the glory of the Lord) fill the temple. So it was with the beginning of the church (Acts 4:31-33).
V.12-21 The voice of praise and thanksgiving to God out of a full heart!
V.22-30 The voice of prayer and supplication to God out of a dependent heart! Notice the importance of “the place” where the Lord said His Name would be. There was only one such place in all Israel and for all Israel. Compare Matthew 18:20 and see what “the place” is for believers today.
V.31-32 Individual sins were to be settled “in the house” (the Temple), if they could not be settled privately between neighbors (compare Matt. 18:15-17).
Day 150 - 1 Kings 8, Verses 33-66
V.33-40 Sins of which the people as a whole were guilty, were also to be forgiven if there was confession “toward this house.” In 2 Corinthians 7:8-12, the assembly at Corinth had learned to forgive when there was confession of the evil done.
V.46-53 This later happened to Israel. Daniel 9:4 shows us a man who remembered these verses about 400 years after Solomon’s prayer.
V.55-61 How dependent Solomon was! That is the only safe attitude for us, too.
V.62-66 If you and I are living with a good conscious toward God we would be happy just as these people were! The Lord wants us to be happy every day and He has told us how we may be happy — by obedience to His Word.
Day 151 - 1 Kings 9
V.1-9 The reason why Israel has had terrible trouble for the last 2500 years! (Hos. 3:4).
V.10-14 In chapter 5, Solomon had given Hiram all that was agreed upon. These 20 cities were an additional gift, but Hiram called the gift “Cabul” which means “of no value.” Hiram apparently did not appreciate receiving some of the promised land of Israel, thinking more highly of his own city of Tyre.
V.15-23 There was a difference between the Israelites and those of the nations who had previously controlled the land. In Matthew 17:24-27, the Lord Jesus points out this difference to Peter. But then He had Peter pay the tribute money, because at that time the Gentiles were in control.
V.25 In the millennium (see your chart), the sacrifices will be carried on again under the direction of Christ, Israel’s King. The church will never participate in them, for we, the church, will be in heaven at that time.
V.26-28 Solomon’s fame is beginning to spread further through his servants.
Day 152 - 1 Kings 10
V.1-3 His fame reaches the ears of a queen over 1,400 miles away in Southern Arabia. His fame is in connection with the Name of the Lord. Even though a queen, she must take the learner’s place before king Solomon. What a picture of Christ Who will be King of kings and Lord of lords!
V.4-9 She not only paid attention to Solomon’s words and works, but she carefully watched every move of his servants and how they were dressed!
V 10-13 She gave to him. Believers have the privilege of giving to the Lord, as well as giving ourselves, and what we possess. But then he gave to her. The Lord will be the “Giver” and we the receivers.
V.14-22 Solomon’s wealth was so great that silver was not even thought about (v. 21)!
V.23-29 This is what will be true of Christ in His kingdom on earth during the millennium.
Day 153 - 1 Kings 11
V.1-8 But — what a sad word! Could it be that this man would depart from following the Lord Who had blessed him so greatly? Yes. And so may we if we are not on guard. “Strange women” means that they were not Israelites. If we keep company with unbelievers, that is what they will do to us (v. 4).
V.9-13 Solomon did not stop being a believer, but he is now a disobedient believer, and so the Lord takes away the honor Solomon had as God’s leader among His people. This is what is called the “government” of God (See Gal. 6:7).
V.14-25 Two trouble makers now appear. That is why it says “And” at the beginning of verse 14. The believer’s failures are what give strength and opportunity to our enemies. Hadad was related to Israel. Rezon was a Gentile.
V.26-40 We will be reading quite a bit about this young man. He had some good ways (v. 28), and some bad ways (v. 26).
V.41-43 Only 3 kings, Saul, David and Solomon reigned over the united kingdom of Israel through their adult life. Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel for forty years. The next King Who shall reign over a united Israel is the Lord Jesus Himself! (Read Psa. 48:2). He will be King for 1,000 years! (see “E” to “F” on your chart).
Day 154 - 1 Kings 12, Verses 1-20
V.1-5 Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, had a good beginning with “all Israel.”
V.6-11 But he soon begins to slip, by not listening to those older and wiser than he. “Scorpions” (v. 11) — a kind of whip with knotted points.
V.12-15 Rehoboam used rough, harsh talk, and we shall see the results. But the Lord was using all this to bring about what He had planned and written in 1 Kings 11:26-32 and because of verse 33.
V.20 The promise of 1 Kings 11:37, was said privately to Jeroboam. The ten tribes did not hear that, but here they fulfill it and rebel against God’s king.
Day 155 - 1 Kings 12, Verses 21-33
V.21-24 These two tribes had to submit to the Lord in the sorrowful split that had taken place, for all the people were guilty.
V.24 There is a remarkable statement in the middle of this verse, “this thing is from Me.” Has something happened in your Christian life that has been a real sorrow to you? Remember, you have not been placed where you are by chance. He has allowed it so that you might learn that the best friend is Jesus. When we are in difficulties or trials, the closer we get to the Lord, the more we will understand that the Lord is saying to us, “this thing is from Me.”
V.25-33 He knew very well where God’s center still was (11:27, 38), but his own self-importance was getting in the way of obedience to the Lord. The results? He made false centers of worship and his own arrangements in those places. What does the Scripture say of this human division (v. 30)? Christ is God’s Center, and His Name alone. The Word of God is the only source of true teaching as to worship and Christian order in the assembly.
Day 156 - 1 Kings 13, Verses 1-10
V.1-3 The Lord sends His messenger with a serious warning to those who were gathering in a false center at Bethel. When you have read these 3 verses, turn to 2 Kings 23:16-18, to see that what is said here was carried out there about 350 years later!
V.4 The king was out of his place in being at an altar. Those who are in a wrong place of worship today also lose their discernment of what God requires. The king is angry, and immediately God causes his arm to be withered.
V.6 Godly kindness to one who did not deserve this mercy.
V.7-10 A real test for the man of God after he had performed this miracle on the disobedient and rebellious king.
Day 157 - 1 Kings 13, Verses 11-34
V.11-19 The man of God cannot rest on his past faithfulness. He had the Word of God, and God Himself could not have given the angel opposite directions. The man of God disobeys through a deceiving prophet (religious teacher).
V.20-22 If we know the will of God but do not put it into practice (obey) we will lose out in our soul.
V.23-32 The prophet mourned his death. But he made no move to get out of that false center at Bethel. Do you say, yes, I know that denominations and divisions among God’s people are wrong and that all Christians should be gathered only to the name of the Lord Jesus? If yes — are you carrying this out? This is the real way to bringing glory to the Lord.
V.33-34 Even after all this, Jeroboam goes on with his own planning.
Day 158 - 1 Kings 14
V.1-5 He continues his schemes, but the Lord is not fooled and neither is the Lord’s servant who stayed in the right place.
V.6-16 God tells Ahijah who the woman really is! God told him a lot more as well. Awful message, but who did Jeroboam have to blame? What a mercy is verse 13. The child was not old enough to be personally guilty of his father’s bad ways, so the Lord takes the child to Himself out of that sinful house (see Matt. 18:10-11, 14).
V.17-20 Two deaths.
V.21 The Lord tells us again where His one center was.
V.22-24 But it is important to notice that those who were at the place where the Lord had put His Name, were also unfaithful.
V.25-31 The Lord allowed the king of Egypt to attack Jerusalem and even to break into the house of the Lord and take away its treasures. Notice that the king makes more shields, but to defend whose house? When we do not value Christ as our one gathering Center, the Lord sometimes allows the enemy to rob us of our treasures.
Day 159 - 1 Kings 15
V.1-8 Rehoboam’s son now becomes king of Judah. He follows in his father’s steps and has no heart to please or obey the Lord. Notice the length of his reign.
V.9-15 Faithful king, especially in his own house with his unfaithful parents. A real encouragement to any whose parents are not saved.
V.16-24 But he did not continue faithfully when outsiders threatened him. Be careful about how far you go in your relationship with unsaved neighbors, school-mates or business people.
V.25-34 Those who followed Jeroboam. God never forgot what Jeroboam had done in leading Israel away from God’s center (vvs. 26-34). And not one king of those 10 tribes ever did “what was right in the sight of the Lord,” because they always opposed that one center and encouraged the division of God’s people.
Day 160 - 1 Kings 16
V.1-7 Basha reaps his own punishment because of his bad example before the 10 tribes.
V.8-14 Sorrow through strong drink — it is a sin against God to get drunk (Gal. 5:21).
V.15-20 He was the king for just 7 days, and then lost his life, because he plotted the death of another compare (1 John 3:14).
V.21-28 What a reputation this fellow had (v. 25). He did better than all before him. He was a success but it was all evil in God’s eyes!
V.29-34 But Ahab went even further, deliberately marrying a wicked woman of the Gentiles, worshipping heathen gods, and then setting up a heathen idol, “grove” (v. 33).
Day 161 - 1 Kings 17
V.1 “Elijah” means “Whose God is Jehovah.” The ten tribes had been led further and further from the Lord by their kings, until Ahab actually turned them to open idolatry. So Elijah is a rebuke to Ahab and the 10 tribes, and he suddenly speaks up.
V.2-6 He was not popular and had to hide himself, but the Lord took care of him.
V.7-16 It was humbling for him to be fed by a widow woman, off in a corner outside the land of Israel. But he is obedient, and blessing comes to this Gentile home as a result.
V.17-24 God, in Whom is the power of resurrection, shows this power in a Jew for a Gentile. So is God’s way today in giving eternal life to us Gentiles, who were dead in trespasses and sins.
Day 162 - 1 Kings 18
V.1-6 “Obadiah” means “Servant of Jehovah.” He risked his job to save some of the Lord’s servants from his master’s wife. These 100 prophets are a picture of the remnant of Israel, after we believers are in heaven, who will be preserved in the awful persecutions by the Antichrist.
V.7-8 Obadiah may have feared the Lord, but he was serving a wicked, idolatrous king. Therefore, he had no courage to tell the truth to king Ahab. Obadiah knew the good things of this earth, Elijah knew the good things of heaven.
V.17-20 How hardened was Ahab! How courageous was Elijah! (verse 15 tells why).
V.21-24 Elijah asks a good question.
V.21 The disobedient people, following a sinful leader, are silent and then answer insincerely.
V.25-29 The false teachers have no power, and only make fools of themselves in the presence of God’s servant.
V.30-39 The false prophets had made their own altar (v. 26), but Elijah restores and uses the altar of the Lord. This altar and the sacrifice represent Christ in His death on the cross, suffering under the fire of God’s judgment against sin, and alone bringing glory to the Name of Jehovah on behalf of all 12 tribes of Israel — the whole nation, 12 stones.
V.40 All the false teachers die.
V.41-46 Showers of blessing through God’s servant so will it be in the millennium; punishment first, then blessing (see Psa. 72, especially verse 6).
Day 163 - 1 Kings 19
V.1-9 Every picture of Christ in the Scriptures, falls short. Poor Elijah runs for his life from this wicked woman, instead of leaning on the Lord’s power. But the Lord graciously cares for His failing servant, strengthening him for what he could not do himself.
V.10-12 Now it is the Lord’s turn to ask a question. Elijah’s answer showed that he had become proud of his faithfulness, the Lord’s answer a still (soft) small (gentle) voice.
V.13-14 He is not humbled, but keeps on with his pride.
V.15-18 So he loses his place as the Lord’s prophet. Serious words for any who would be servants of the Lord today.
V.19-21 Singleness of heart is needed to be a follower of Christ. Elisha was learning faithfulness in his work at home, but he almost let his parents come between him and following God’s servant. Christ must have the first place in our hearts.
Day 164 - 1 Kings 20
V.1-6 Ahab had no power over enemies because he had turned away from the Lord (first step downward) and gave himself over to the Gentiles (second step). This led to the encouraging of the ungodly to try to go further in taking everything of value (third step).
V.7-21 Ahab tries to bluff his way out of the difficulty (v. 11), but he only makes things worse. An unnamed servant of the Lord delivers the Lord’s message of mercy. Would this humble Ahab?
V.26-34 Israel’s power was in the Lord (v. 28), not in their own abilities. Does the victory produce obedience? Is making a covenant (agreement) with the Gentile king honoring the Lord?
V.35-43 Ahab is exposed by a man who understands God’s thoughts. God insists on the separation of His people from the ungodly. Those who treat this lightly will bring on themselves the heavy hand of the Lord. Ahab will not even now admit his wrong, but goes home heavy (sullen) and displeased (vexed).
Day 165 - 1 Kings 21
V.1-3 Another faithful man in Israel. Naboth would not give up his inheritance from the Lord. How could money or some other piece of ground replace what God had chosen for him?
V.4 Same words said of Ahab here as the last verse of chapter 20. Worse to come.
V.5-16 Terrible act by Ahab’s wicked wife. The leaders of that city were under the power of this woman. But God recorded it all.
V.17-26 And God will punish evil doers according to what He has seen.
V.27-29 Ahab finally humbles himself, and the Lord shows that He sees this too. The punishment must come, but in mercy the Lord says He will give a little relief in his own lifetime.
Day 166 - 1 Kings 22, Verses 1-28
V.1-4 If the words of Ahab, king of the 10 tribes, were bad in chapter 20:4 (with a Gentile), these words (in verse 4) of the king of Judah to Ahab are worse!
V.5-8 Jehoshaphat, in a wrong association, has a troubled conscience. Ahab is satisfied with the advice of those who told him what he wanted to hear. But there is another faithful man whose advice is not wanted.
V.9-12 Can 400 men be anything but right? Is it true that “in numbers there is strength”? These were the reasonings of the mind, but not God’s thoughts.
V.13-18 Is the truth of God ever “evil” (v. 18)? To the person unwilling to follow God, it is.
V.19-28 The servant of God knows what kind of a spirit is behind the 400, and he plainly tells them all. He is like the Lord Jesus Who suffered such terrible treatment from His own people, without being delivered by God (See Lam. 3:30; Matt. 26:67-68).
Day 167 - 1 Kings 22, Verses 29-53
V.29-33 Jehoshaphat almost loses his life because of his wrong association.
V.34-40 It looked like an “accidental” shot, but God will see to it that His Word is fulfilled in every way.
V.41-50 There were some things Jehoshaphat failed to do — God does not miss anything in our lives — but at least he seems to have learned his lesson with Ahab (v. 49). And he did do some good things which are also written down (v. 46). God is writing up His people (Psa. 87:6). What is He writing down about us?
V.51-53 Another king of the 10 tribes another sad story of “like father, like son.”
Day 168 - 2 Kings 1
V.1-2 Ahaziah is the new king of Israel (10 tribes). There must have been very poor training in Ahab’s home, because the son seems to have no knowledge of God. When Satan gets hold of a person, their mind becomes a slave to all kinds of wickedness. Here we see the new king’s mind completely under the power of Satan. Notice what he does when he has this accident. There are no accidents with God. Although he does not inquire from God, the Lord was watching!
V.3-4 The definite answer comes, not from the false god, for it had no life, but from God Himself.
V.5-16 Elijah — his name means “my God is the Lord” — is given the job of bringing the Lord’s message. The king is very angry when someone goes against his wicked ideas. He is going to use violence. Do we get angry when someone shows us Scripture which proves us wrong?
V.17-18 God will always have the last word. The earlier in our life we learn this, the sooner we believers are going to become happy. How many times did you read “thus said the Lord” in this chapter?
Day 169 - 2 Kings 2
V.1-11 We have not heard of Elisha since the day Elijah called him to follow him (l Kings 19:19-21). No doubt God was training His servant Elisha secretly for the work he was to do. But here we see him learning his lessons openly. Though he is going to be privileged to witness something which had never been seen before by a human being, he is to be tested.
V.2-6 How many times does Elisha tell Elijah “I will not leave thee”? The sons of the prophets try to discourage Elisha from following Elijah. Notice how many times they try.
V.8 In Joshua 3, God stopped the waters of Jordan for millions to pass over. He will now do the same thing for two men!
V.9-11 Here Elijah is a beautiful picture of the Man Christ Jesus Who ascends to heaven. Elisha a picture of us, is left here on earth. Elijah asks Elisha what he wants most. He asks for nothing on earth, nothing material. His answer shows where his heart is. He wants spiritual power. It must come from God. If Elisha is to get his request, he must be watching “the heavenly man,” Elijah. If we are going to have spiritual power, it must be through keeping our eye on Christ. The sight of Christ in heaven is the secret of power down here. The martyr Stephen (Acts 7:55), is an example of this.
Elijah ascends to heaven, not in a chariot of fire, but by a whirlwind.
V.12-14 Elisha now becomes a representative of a man in heaven. This is what each believer is to be. The effect on him was that he, first of all, tore his old clothes. He was finished with the old life. Secondly, he now has the garment of the ascended man. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 for the way we should he living.
V.15-18 These have no spiritual intelligence. A believer who stands afar off, seldom knows the right path to follow.
V.19-22 Jericho, a city under a curse Joshua 6:26, is a picture of this world. Only Christ can make the waters of this life sweet. And He does. Have you experienced this in your Christian life?
V.23-25 People think that God will not punish those who mock His love and grace! The sons of the prophets had shown unbelief. The men in the city didn’t care about the ascension of Elijah. But these mock, so here is the result.
Day 170 - 2 Kings 3
Getting friendly with a person who does not live in obedience to the Word of God, always brings trouble.
V.1-3 This king Jehoram only partly turns away from following idols. What a mistake this is for a believer! Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, is a God-fearing man, and should never have allowed himself to be friendly with Jehoram. He should have kept separate.
V.4-9 One compromise always leads to another. Now the wicked king Jehoram is joined with the God-fearing Jehoshaphat and the heathen king of Edom. No praying before they start out!
V.10 The God-fearing king isn’t the one who mentions the Lord first.
V.11 Rather late! Had he inquired earlier, no doubt he would not have been there! Here comes Elisha. What can he do?
V.12 Nice thing to have said about him!
V.1.3 Elisha speaks fearlessly and plainly.
V.15 There is such a mixture and so much confusion that Elisha cannot discern the Lord’s mind. He knew the evils around him, but he did not yet know the remedy. The minstrel playing music helps him to get the whole sad situation out of his mind, so that he can find out God’s thoughts.
V.16-27 Elisha discovers that God is going to be merciful and gracious. What a God we have!
Day 171 - 2 Kings 4
The story of a poor woman in verse 1 and of a rich woman in verse 8. Both were blessed by the Lord. Then of death — a husband dead (v. 1), a son dead, (v. 20) and then “death in the pot” (v. 40). But the Lord brought a blessing out of each (See Lam. 3:32-33).
V.1-7 A woman who is in need, and nothing she can do will fill her need. God wants us to bring every problem to Him. But He wants to make us realize our utter helplessness before He steps in. God uses simple things — empty things. Her faith kept on borrowing, till there wasn’t another available vessel. She separates herself and her boys from outsiders, and the filling starts! God was inside with her. Our part is to provide empty vessels. God’s part is to fill them. Oil is a picture of the power of the Holy Spirit.
V.8 If you are anxious to please the Lord, yet find the times difficult, this story cannot fail to encourage you. The days of Elisha were very similar to ours.
V.9 Notice the personal faith of this woman. She was able to discern. But what a nice impression Elisha left on them!
V.12-17 A beautiful answer the woman gave verse 13. Is that where we dwell? Are “our people” the Lord’s people?
V.16 What God promises, He is able to perform. A child is given.
V.18-37 But she has still a greater lesson to learn. And that is, that the life-giving God is also the God of resurrection. The child has died but the Lord gives it life again! Wonder of wonders. Death has come into our life too, through sin. But God has made us pass from death, unto life (John 5:24). This woman is in the “faith chapter” (Heb. 11:35).
V.38-41 A delightful story in just four verses. Even though there was a dearth (a famine) Elisha the “man of God,” provides a meal for these young men. They were all facing him. The pot was large enough to feed them all. It can be a lovely picture of Christ (pictured in Elisha) feeding us with healthy teaching — Jesus said “I am the living bread” (John 6:51-57). It is good for us to be looking at the Lord Jesus; as these men were facing Elisha.
V.39 But someone thought he could improve the meal by adding to it. Just like false teachers are doing these days. But it turned out to be poison.
V.41 Meal, or flour, in Lev. 2, the meal offering was very important. For us it is a picture of the pure, even, life of the Lord Jesus. When we have problems, look up to the Lord Jesus in heaven, he said, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). That is what He wants us to do constantly. The meal remedy worked, and we today will find that He will speak to us. Try Him.
V.42-44 Read it carefully, or you will miss what it is saying. It is a miracle like Matthew 15:33-39. So we have had three things happen. Death resurrection and food to sustain life. So we have these three also (1) we were dead in trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1). (2) We are born again into a new life (Eph. 2:6). (3) We have been given food for our new life, the Word of God that we might grow by it (1 Peter 2:2).
Day 172 - 2 Kings 5
A little picture of a great truth in the Bible, that because Israel turned away from God — in spite of all His mercies — He has turned to the Gentiles. But a little maid (an Israelite) is used to bring a message to the Gentiles. Watch for four messages given to others in this great story.
V.1 Now Israel is in captivity and the Gentiles have been allowed the victory. In this beautiful story try and see for yourself how the “little maid” is so faithful and trusting. Never had such a miracle been performed before Luke 4:27. Though while the message was being passed from one to another some told it incorrectly. Nevertheless, Naaman heard the true story later. His great pride is broken down, he washes, and his flesh becomes as the flesh of a “little child.” When we accept Christ as Savior, we are washed in His precious blood, then we are “born again” (Luke 18:17).
V.17-19 The “two” loads of earth speak of the Jew and Gentile brought together (Eph. 2:15) and of the “two or three” (Matt. 18:20). The new ground on which we worship God.
V.20-27 Material gain (the love of money) has spoiled many believers. When sin comes into he believer’s life he is soiled. Did you find the 8 messages in verses 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, and 22?
Day 173 - 2 Kings 6, Verses 1-14
Elisha is able to adjust to all kinds of people kings, widows, lepers and now to men building a house. The Apostle Paul could preach to kings (Acts 26:1-2), and pick up sticks for a fire (Acts 28:3). They were both like our blessed Lord, Who designed and created the world, yet could take up a little child in His arms.
V.1-7 This story can be like a believer; he has the truth “loaned” to him, but loses it. Usually, we start down that road when we stop reading the Scriptures each day. He has to go back to the very spot where he lost it.
V.6 The “stick” (wood) can be a picture of the cross of the Lord Jesus. We need to realize that the death of Christ has paid for our sins.
V.7 Then we reach out our hand and we are restored and thankful.
V.8-23 Once more we see God’s grace working through Elisha. This time it is to warn the king of Israel of the secret plans of the enemy!
V.11-14 The king of Syria sends a whole army to catch one man. The ungodly person realizes his weakness against God and against God’s people. So we need to realize that if God is with us, it does not matter how strong the enemy may appear.
Day 174 - 2 Kings 6, Verses 15-33
V.15-17 To natural sight, Elisha’s position was hopeless. But to faith there is a bright side. May verse 16 be our constant thought. It will be, if we live with a tender conscience toward the Lord.
V.19 Elisha was the “man of God” in verses 6, 9-10, but notice it is missing here.
V.20 Elisha was experienced with the power of God, and wouldn’t neglect showing the grace of God. If we are conscious of the grace, we will know the power.
V.24-33 Now we come to Elisha’s last great appearance. Remember that Israel’s own disobedience to God had brought this famine on them. Read the warnings in Leviticus 26:21-29 and Deuteronomy 28:49-57.
V.30 Notice that the king wore two things. He was trying to be two things at once. Had he worn just the last item mentioned, there would not have been this famine. He was half-hearted in his humility. Sackcloth is a picture of repentance and humility.
V.25-32 Notice the contrast between what all the people and the king were doing with what Elisha is doing (Isa. 26:3).
Day 175 - 2 Kings 7
V.1 Through a message from the Lord, Elisha tells what plenty there is going to be the next day! Through a message from the Lord, believers know that though they pass through a world of violence and famine they have a bright “tomorrow.” And it may be today.
V.2 But an unbeliever scoffs at the Word of the Lord.
V.3-16 Through four men who had leprosy the wonderful discovery is made that God has acted. Nothing else had caused the enemy to run (v. 5). The plenty comes, according to the Word of the Lord.
V.17-20 The king puts this unbeliever in a place of responsibility, instead of dismissing him from his job. But God acts if the king doesn’t, and here is the dreadful end.
Day 176 - 2 Kings 8
V.1 Neither the misery of the people of Israel nor the mercy they received from God, turned their heart to God! So Elisha tells this woman that the Lord has called for a famine! The Lord often speaks to us through the circumstances He allows in our life, even when, it wasn’t our own actions that brought them on. The believer who understands that it is the Lord speaking is not disturbed by them.
V.4 You will remember the man who lied to Elisha about Naaman (2 Kings 5:20-27). Now we find him sitting, talking with the unbelieving king. He is talking of the “great things” Elisha had done. Nothing about the Lord.
V.5-6 The woman has her lands restored to her.
V.7-15 When this king was in prosperity, he had sent an army to capture Elisha (2 Kings 6:14), but now in his illness he sends Elisha a present! The world, when it faces a calamity, sometimes calls on God, but only for selfish reasons.
V.10 Elisha walked closely to the Lord, and therefore knew His mind. Though the king could have recovered, he was going to die by another means.
V.11-12 Elisha is obviously affected by the thoughts of what was ahead for his beloved people, not by what was going to happen to the king of Syria.
V.13 The man Hazael does not know his own heart.
V.14-15 The murderer takes the throne!
V.16-29 The sad story of many people.
Day 177 - 2 Kings 9, Verses 1-24
V.1-4 It may be difficult for you to sort out the kings of the two kingdoms in the land of Israel. Not one of the kings of the 10 tribes — called the “kingdom of Israel” — obeyed the Lord. Their wickedness brought on themselves the severest punishment of God, as we are now going to read. So prepare yourself, remembering that the Lord had warned them.
V.1-4 Elisha, the Lord’s prophet, doesn’t get involved with this new king over the kingdom of Israel. He sends one of the sons of the prophets to proclaim him king.
V.4-26 But there were two messages delivered to this other man. (1) To tell him that he was to be king; (2) to tell him to punish the house of Ahab for all its wickedness. Both messages appeal to Jehu’s nature. He carries out the second with great energy. God was punishing for the evil, but Jehu was doing it to strengthen his own position as king.
Day 178 - 2 Kings 9, Verses 25-37
V.25 If you would like to trace something interesting, look back into the history of king Ahab and see what the Lord said would happen (1 Kings 21). Read it to see why and how God had made the promise that punishment would come. Just stop for a moment and try to think how awful it is going to be for our unsaved friends and relatives when they die, to suddenly realize that they are lost and will be in hell forever, because they didn’t believe the Word of God which had so plainly told them that they would be damned if they did not believe (Read 2 Thess. 2:12). But, may we who are believers, remember the precious blood of Christ which was shed so that we would never, never be punished for our sins — He took the punishment. May we realize the awfulness of one sin.
Many, many years went by, but here we read of the field of Naboth again! Neither Ahab nor Jezebel escaped.
Day 179 - 2 Kings 10, Verses 1-17
We could never understand the awful events in these verses unless we remember two things, (1) that a perfect and holy God has put them in the Bible, and (2) that He sooner or later punishes every sin that is ever committed. Either you will be cast into hell for your sins, or Jesus has been punished for every one of your sins.
V.1 Samaria was the capital, Jezreel was a place in Israel; Jerusalem was the capital of the kingdom of Judah.
V.2-3 King Jehu uses these strange methods to do what God had told him to do.
V.4-5 The leaders of Israel are afraid, for they suspect something is going wrong.
V.6-7 The severe punishment from God falls on these seventy princes, the sons of wicked king Ahab.
V.9-11 Not only the princes, but all these four groups. It was total removal from the earth of all those who had served Ahab. Remember this is a picture of God’s righteous punishment of every unrepentant sinner today.
V.12-17 These men, who had come from the King of Judah, were killed on orders from Jehu, he even boasts of his zeal for the Lord in all that he was doing!
Day 180 - 2 Kings 10, Verses 18-36
God was acting for a different purpose than Jehu was. Jehu was doing all this to strengthen himself as king. Both purposes were being accomplished!
V.29-30 But God saw exactly what the heart of Jehu was like.
V.31-36 You would think that Jehu would have learned something about God from all these things, but no. He was just like millions today, thinking that God doesn’t notice everything, even the heart of the man who was carrying out His purposes.
Day 181 - 2 Kings 11
Now we go over to the other line of kings — the kings of Judah. We find murder and violence there, too. But try to keep the two kingdoms separate, Judah and Israel.
V.1-3 This wicked woman — the daughter of king Ahab, called the daughter of Omri, who was the father of Ahab (2 Kings 8:26) — murders her grandchildren and takes the throne of Judah herself. But one of the little boys is saved and hidden from Athaliah for six years.
V.4-16 The plot and its result.
V.17-21 It is so beautiful to see that in the middle of this story of murder and treason, a faithful man, Jehoiada the priest, is thinking about the Lord, and how he can bring the people back to Him! For awhile he succeeds.
Day 182 - 2 Kings 12
Jehoash, sometimes called Joash (v. 19), was faithful to the Lord while this priest lived. Jehoash seemed to rely on the priest Jehoiada more than on the Lord. We make a great mistake when we look up to men. We will always be disappointed if we do. Remember, we are now reading about the kingdom of Judah. Not one of the kings of Israel after the division had really turned back to the Lord but some of the kings of Judah did. This was one of them.
V.4-6 This faithful priest is lovely to read about. When he died he was so well thought of that he was buried among the kings of Judah in Jerusalem (2 Chron. 24:16). Now the temple is repaired. Notice how bad the condition of it was. When we turn back to the Lord, we realize how far away we have been. But it is a happy time when we realize that coming back to the Lord surely makes us notice the condition of His house. Only then do we have the energy to “repair it.”
Day 183 - 2 Kings 13
V.1-13 Jehoahaz, king of Israel — don’t confuse the two kingdoms — not only took over the kingdom from his father, but his sins as well. God had rewarded his father for his obedience (2 Kings 10:30), but punished him for his idolatry, but there is no sign of returning to the Lord.
V.14-21 The faithful life of Elisha has been long. He lived under kings Jehoram (son of Ahab), Jehu, Jehoahaz of Israel and Joash (king of Judah). We come now to the evening of his days, his sun is about to set. Many of us believers have stood at the bedside of a faithful old Christian. What a great experience this can be. Here we stand by such an one.
V.15-19 Elisha uses this to encourage the king against their old enemy Syria.
V.21 Even in the hour of death, God shows His power. Possibly a glimpse into the future, when Israel itself shall be miraculously brought back to life — after the church has been caught away to glory see your chart. (Also look at Dan. 12:2).
Day 184 - 2 Kings 14
V.1-4 For a moment it might appear that king Amaziah was going to restore the worship of the Lord according to His Word. But he only went part way. There was only one place to worship the Lord. They thought it would be all right to have other places called “high places.” In this case, they weren’t for idol worship, but for the Lord. But they didn’t please the Lord, for He had given careful instructions as we have often read together.
V.8-14 There were many attempts to heal the division of Israel and Judah, and it certainly was God’s desire that they should be one. But the fault lay in the giving up of the worship of the Lord. The result here is that Jerusalem (God’s center) is attacked. The gold from the temple of God is stolen, and the wall is broken down.
V.15-25 No returning to God or His Word. No doubt there was much worshipping going on, but it was not of God. The result was only sorrow.
V.26-27 What words! God saw the bitterness, they didn’t.
Day 185 - 2 Kings 15
V.1 Don’t confuse this king Jeroboam, King of Israel, with the first king of the divided kingdom of Israel.
V.4, 35 Almost the same as in 2 Kings 14:4. People worshipped where they chose. As you read this chapter, with all its changes, confusion, and godlessness, you must realize that this is just before Israel, the 10 tribes, is swept away. To our day they have never been found. But they are somewhere, for they are to be gathered back into the land of Israel after we, are gone! In this chapter we see a reflection of our own days; for many believers today are worshipping God the way they think is right. The Word of God has little power over their life. Each one of us should ask himself, “Am I willing to bow to what I know the Word of God is saying to me!”
Day 186 - 2 Kings 16, Verses 1-10
The story of Ahaz king of Judah. He had a good father (2 Kings 15:32-38) to show him the right way of the Lord. He is a picture of believers who stubbornly refuse to change their ways to conform to the Word of God (See Hos. 4:17). A person who persists in following his own way, is often led away into worse error. This king is an example.
V.10-18 Ahaz, king of Judah, goes to visit the king of Assyria. But God wants His people to keep separate from those people who worship idols. Notice what appeals to his eyes! He prefers this altar to the one which God had designed (Ex. 27:1-2). Did this please God? Of course not. Many believers today think that it is perfectly correct to learn a bit from different religions. Denominations which borrow from Judaism and the other religions are doing this. Pray that our eyes might be opened to see the errors into which Satan is leading many believers. All done to rob the Lord Jesus of the glory He deserves.
Day 187 - 2 Kings 16, Verses 11-20
V.11 The priest back at home, who should have been a guardian of God’s truth, weakly goes along with the king’s plans and makes an altar, copying the plan which the king had sent him. Many believers today are doing the same thing. They are worshipping at altars that are copies of the Old Testament Jewish laws. For instance, having a building which is called the house of God this is copying the temple idea. God says He doesn’t live now in temples (buildings) made with hands (Acts 17:24), but He lives in every believer (1 Cor. 6:19). Or having one man, appointed by the congregation, who does all the preaching, and who alone is allowed to give the bread and wine at communion — this is copying the priest idea from Leviticus, and quenches the Spirit of God (Eph. 4:30; 1 Thess. 5:19). And God says that now all believers are priests (l Peter 2:5) and that all believers are equally important (1 Cor. 12:140. If our own will, what we think, takes over, we will not be able to see anything wrong with these things (Job 34:32).
V.12-13 He probably thought that it was very attractive looking. The human mind must have some form of religion, and if left to itself, always goes to something attractive to the eye, but which is really idolatry. See verse 2 for God’s opinion. We all need to be reminded that the Word of God, as guided by the Holy Spirit, is the only authority.
Day 188 - 2 Kings 17
God’s patience has run out. We have read a long sad story. God sent warning after warning, prophet after prophet, but they refused to listen to any of them. Now the enemy comes. The kingdom of Israel (the 10 tribes) is swept away, never to return for the 2,600 years which have gone by since then. We are living in exactly the same conditions. The Word of God has no effect on most people, and little effect on believers. Indifference (not caring) is the disease of our days. In Revelation 3:16, God is speaking about the last days of the church’s history on earth we are there now. Read what He says He is going to do with the professing Christians — just what He did with the kingdom of Israel in today’s chapter. Read carefully. It is just like today. Don’t think of it as applying only to the unsaved. True believers are poisoned by false teaching as never before. Our voice is feeble, but we raise it for God and His truth. Are you continuing on in the poison of compromise and the traditions which men have established, and refuse to accept God’s warning in His Word? God wants all believers to separate from religious evil (2 Cor. 6:17). As you read the chapter, notice how many times it says that they did not listen or obey (vvs. 7-12, 14-17, 22, 40).
V.36 The God who had so mercifully redeemed these people out of Egypt, Who had led them across a trackless wilderness for forty years, Who had given them the good land where they ate without scarceness, and lacked nothing in it (Deut. 8:7), now has to turn them out of it for disobeying Him (see Hos. 9:17). So it is a sad story. But we wonder how many readers are willing to say to the Lord “Yes, I want to put Thee above all my present thoughts and obey Thee.”
Day 189 - 2 Kings 18, Verses 1-16
V.1-8 Now back again to the kingdom of Judah. In the whole story of king Hezekiah, we see what can be done when the heart is turned toward God. If only the other kingdom had done this! Notice how the Lord was pleased, and helped him.
V.9-12 The Assyrians had taken the other kingdom captive. Its capital was Samaria. The reason why the enemy could win was not because they were stronger, but because of what we read in the 12th verse.
V.13-16 Eight years later, the Assyrian army returns to do the same thing to the kingdom of Judah. But will it succeed? Will king Hezekiah also be disobedient, or will he turn to the Lord? He had a very disobedient and foolish father (2 Kings 16:10-20), and it would have been easy for him to follow his father’s ideas. At first, when Assyria took the other towns of Judah, Hezekiah pays a tribute. But this was not trusting the Lord. It only put off the evil day.
Day 190 - 2 Kings 18, Verses 17-37
The three representatives of the Assyrian king meet the representatives of king Hezekiah. They do their best to discourage any trust in the Lord or in anyone else. They apparently knew that Hezekiah was trusting in the Lord, so they mock the Lord really.
V.32 The enemy offers them an imitation of their own wonderful land (Deut. 8:7-8). The enemy’s land was certainly not anything as good as their own land of Israel. Satan’s prizes are false.
V.37 Not having faith in the Lord as Hezekiah had, these three men are very upset, and bring the message to Hezekiah.
Day 191 - 2 Kings 19
V.1 Though he is upset, he does the best thing — he goes to tell the Lord. What a grand thing for us to remember!
V.2-5 Secondly, he sends to Isaiah, God’s prophet. It is good to talk to believers who live close to the Lord when we are troubled. They often have a message from the Lord for us.
V.6-7 Isaiah’s message. Could the king fear after hearing such assurance?
V.8-13 But the enemy doesn’t slow down.
V.14-19 This time Hezekiah takes the enemy’s letter right to the Lord. We can read his actual prayer short and direct.
V.20-34 God reviews the whole case, telling in more detail than Hezekiah probably knew, of the proud boasting and plans of the enemy. Then God tells what would really happen.
V.35-37 One angel destroys 185,000 in the enemy camp in one night.
Day 192 - 2 Kings 20
V.1 The king gets a serious illness. But by the power of God he is restored. Sometimes the Lord has to speak to us through an illness to draw us closer to Him (See 1 Peter 1:6-7).
V.2-3 He prays, and God hears and cures him.
V.4-7 God promises him these years.
V.8-11 Love and power are combined in God. A great miracle is also performed. Hezekiah has a lot to be thankful for. We would surely think that a man who has experienced such great things from the Lord would never make a mistake, would walk carefully.
V.12-13 But look at what he does! The human heart cannot stand success unless it leans on the Lord. Hezekiah doesn’t say a word about the Lord having given him all his wealth.
V.14-21 One thing can be said for him, he took it humbly from the Lord.
Day 193 - 2 Kings 21
Hezekiah’s son Manasseh was born during the additional 15 years which God gave to the father, for he was only 12 when he became king. Apparently, any teaching he may have received from his father didn’t make much impression on him.
V.2-9 The details of his wickedness are clearly given us. Notice again that the acts were religious evil. He built many altars.
V.10-16 With equal detail, God tells what He will do as the result of this wickedness. Though the Lord is so longsuffering and merciful, He is holy, and sin must be punished, though the punishment may be delayed. (Read Eccl. 8:11). This verse describes the world today.
V.19-26 His son Amon followed the father in his wicked ways. What a dreadful end he had.
Day 194 - 2 Kings 22
We could expect that the next generation would continue the downward and disobedient life. But suddenly we see a bright star in the darkness — king Josiah, Amon’s son.
V.3-7 These verses seem to indicate that the young king earlier had ordered the repairing of the temple.
V.8-20 While clearing the dirt out of the temple they come across a copy of the Word of God. Just the 5 books of Moses — Genesis to Deuteronomy. This apparently had been lost for many years. Notice the effect it has on the king. This is what we all need to learn. If the Word of God does not change our life, it is because we are careless and indifferent. Read Isaiah 66:2, for a good promise. King Josiah did this. Though God was going to punish the people, He would spare the king from seeing it. There can he no growth in the soul of any one of us unless we separate from the evil around us (2 Tim. 2:19-26).
Day 195 - 2 Kings 23, Verses 1-14
V.1-2 Having read the Word of God himself, the next important step was to have it read to all the people. It would not have been right just to tell the people about the Word. He wanted them to hear the words for themselves. That is why we say repeatedly that the purpose of these outlines is to encourage you to read the Word of God for yourself and have it affect you.
V.3 He doesn’t ask them to do what he was not doing himself. The italic letters, not in the original writings, give the impression that the people first made the promise. But it was really the king. Then the people agreed.
V.4 The first job was to get rid of the corruption. And this is always God’s order. Believers don’t learn God’s truth until they are willing to separate from what they know is wrong in their life (Isa. 1:16-17).
V.5 Then the religious evil had to be put away. Do you understand what this means in your life?
V.6-14 Does he say “oh, what is the harm in that?” or “everyone is doing it, so it might be all right?” No. He decided everything by what God’s Word said. Are we?
V.12 Notice the last word in verse 4 — Bethel (also in verses 15, 17). Now turn back to 1 Kings 12:26-29! This was hundreds of years before. (See Eccl. 3:15, last part). God doesn’t change. He had foretold 350 years before that “a child ... Josiah” would destroy the altar of Bethel (1 Kings 13:2). Not only is Josiah’s name in the Bible 350 years before he is born, but also that he would do this to the very same altar!
Day 196 - 2 Kings 23, Verses 15-37
V.15-20 While king Josiah was ordering all these idolatrous things to be destroyed, he noticed some places where people had been buried (sepulchers). There were the places where the bones of the false prophets who had lived many, many years before. His eye caught a name which was engraved on a sepulcher. The men told him that it was the grave of that man of God who had lived about 350 years before (1 Kings 13:1, 30). So we see the two results — preservation for the two prophets, and destruction for all which was not of God.
V.21-23 One of the reasons this Passover was never equaled before or after it, was because everything was done according to God’s Word! What a message for every one of us today.
V.24 Remember that idolatry is always connected with worship. The human heart is never satisfied unless it has an object to worship. Today Satan is succeeding in deceiving millions through his cults with religious appearance. Even true believers are being led away from the truth of Scripture.
V.25 Those awful conditions were no hindrance to this king. Read carefully what it says about his faithfulness. Notice it was with his spirit (heart), soul and body (might).
V.26-27 In spite of the faithfulness of the king, God would not change from the severe punishment He had already announced (Read Jer. 15:4).
V.29-37 The punishment commences. Judah loses its faithful king Josiah, and gets two evil kings, both being the sons of Josiah. The kingdom of Judah is under the control of the king — “Pharaoh” means king. Like Caesar, Kaiser, Czar.
Day 197 - 2 Kings 24
Four kings of Judah come and go within 23 years. Jehoahaz reigns only 3 months (2 Kings 23:31), Jehoiakim, 11 years (2 Kings 23:36), Jehoiakin 3 months (2 Kings 24:8), and Zedekiah 11 years (v. 18). The Lord’s name is mentioned 10 times in the chapter. Notice the circumstances surrounding each time. God had repeatedly warned the kingdom of Judah of what would happen if they were disobedient. They paid no attention. They saw the kingdom of Israel (the other ten tribes) carried away into captivity. They paid no attention — and now God acts! All is utter confusion. Firstly, they were under the control of Egypt. Now comes Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon and they are under Babylon. Everything was falling apart. Do you see the same thing happening today in our countries? And for the same reason — disobedience to the Lord.
Day 198 - 2 Kings 25
V.1-21 Here is the sad end of the story of disobedience to God. This beautiful land which God had given to Israel, has been lost to them, and now Judah is being taken captive to Babylon. They will remain there for 70 years; then a faithful little remnant will be brought back. God always has His few.
V.22-26 Most of the people who remained in the land turned to Egypt for help. God had told them to submit to the king of Babylon and He would preserve them. But they refused and are destroyed (read of the same incident in Jer. 43). So we come to the end of this book of 2nd Kings, with many incidents, some bright but most dark; about many men, women, youths and children, some faithful, some unfaithful to God. How will your and my life show up when it is reviewed before the Lord Jesus Christ? This is our only opportunity to live faithfully for Him. Proverbs 14:23 says “In all labor there is profit.” But in the believer’s life no labor brings richer, more lasting fruit, than the patient, prayerful reading and living of God’s Word. Many have found this to be a life of joy. We believers cannot progress, but will go down and down, unless we are willing to step out of the religious evil which is all around us. Does this strike a chord in your heart?
Day 199 - Revelation 1, Verses 1-11
Yesterday we finished reading of God’s people living under kings and God’s law, today we start reading a Book of how God evaluates His people; how they lived under His grace up to the end of His testing time. Failure under God’s favor. Such is the heart of man. The lake of fire for the unsaved — glory with Christ forever, for the redeemed. God revealed this and gave it to Jesus to show to His servants. The book shows us what Jesus has been doing since He went to heaven, and what He is going to do very soon. The book was written by the Apostle John who had been banished by the Roman Emperor, to a little Island in the Mediterranean. There are sections to the book. The first is in the first three chapters and is about our present time. It was written 2,000 years ago, before anything in the present “Day of grace” took place — between “B” and “C” on your chart.
V.3 and chapter 22:6-7. These promises are for you and me. We will enjoy them if we are willing to obey. In this Book, God shows us His “blueprint” of the future. Yet people say that they wish they knew what is going to happen in the world! As you read this Book, keep your eye on Christ. (Look at the first five words!) If our eye is on Him, our mind shall understand, and our heart shall be warmed.
V.5 The Lord Jesus Christ is all-powerful and yet all love. A beautiful verse. Memorize it.
V.7 “E” on your chart. This is His coming in glory (with us, not for us).
V.8-11 The Apostle John was made a prisoner because he preached about Jesus. He wrote seven letters to seven assemblies of believers in these seven cities. Although Satan may have thought he was getting rid of the Apostle John, God meets him on that island called Patmos. It’s still there. Through him, God gives us the guide book through the rest of time into eternity!
Day 200 - Revelation 1, Verses 12-20
V.12-16 These verses describe the Lord Jesus as He watches those who profess to be Christians. “Christendom,” as it is called, is made up of all the people who call themselves Christians. The Lord gives us details of how powerful and all-seeing He is. We do not see the Lord Jesus here in the way we generally know Him, that is, as Head of the body (Col. 1:18) or as the One Who is praying always for us (Heb. 7:25). But we see Him here as a Judge Who sees into every detail of the life of every true believer in Him. This should bring encouragement and confidence to each of us believers, for then we realize that, as we pass through difficulties because we are faithful to Him, He sees us and provides us with the necessary strength to keep on for Him (2 Cor. 12:9).
V.20 The seven golden candlesticks represent the seven assemblies in these seven cities to which he is now going to write, one by one.
Day 201 - Revelation 2, Verses 1-7
These two chapters (2 & 3) are very helpful to us if we read them carefully. They are made up of seven letters written to seven different cities where believers lived. In each a different spiritual condition exists. Just as in the case of individuals. The Spirit of God has shown us that all these seven letters are telling the then future from the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came down to earth, right until the day the Lord Jesus comes for the believers. All written before it took place! Now a word about “the church”. First read the following Scriptures (1 Cor. 12:12-13, also 10:16-17). Connect these with Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:15-16; 5:23. If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are in the one and only church which scripture allows. You are also in the one body too, for the church and the body are the same thing. Ephesians 1:22-23 says it plainly. Think about that carefully.
V.7, 11, 17, 29 and chapter 3:6, 13, 22 have the same words. Only true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have spiritual ears to understand the message of Scripture. But are we using them?
V.1-7 Ephesus is our first letter. This assembly or church is mentioned in Acts 20:17-38; 1 Cor. 15:32; 1 Tim. 1:3; 2 Tim. 1:18 and of course the whole book of Ephesians. The Lord tells us that He could see something very seriously wrong — they had left their first love. When we first accept Christ as Savior, there is great love in our heart toward Him. But, unless we are careful, this love grows cold. When this happens, discernment, joy and power go out of our life.
V.1-3 A blessing is promised to each one of us who reads and hears this book.
In history, the period covered by this letter, took place in the first centuries after Pentecost.
Day 202 - Revelation 2, Verses 8-29
V.8-11 Smyrna; the word means “myrrh” (the sorrows of persecution). This covers the time when the believers went through a dreadful time of persecution in the third century. No fault is found with the believers during this time. Persecution drove them close to Christ. “Ten days” may represent ten dreadful persecution periods under ten Roman dictators.
V.12-17 Pergamos means “much married.” Satan now changes his methods. Instead of persecuting the believers, he led unbelievers to become nominal Christians. In the time of Constantine (about AD 288 to 337) thousands of this Roman Emperor’s subjects became Christians, some in name only. The believers allowed these people among them. We read of the result. May we take this warning to ourselves. The political world and the religious world were married.
V.18-29 Thyatira. This period was when the Roman Catholic church dominated. Corruption is here, and the Lord speaks very severely.
V.20 “Jezebel” this was the name of the wicked woman who was married to one of the kings of Judah. 1 Kings 16:30-31 and 21:25. She is a type of what was happening spiritually here.
Day 203 - Revelation 3
V.1-6 Sardis can be a picture of Protestantism. She escaped from Rome, but soon sank into worldliness and politics.
V.1 “Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.” It was a name that should have had life, but here we see spiritual death. We need to think this over carefully. Are we just shrugging our shoulders, and going on carelessly? There is not one good word said of this group.
V.7-13 Philadelphia. This is a beautiful description of a happy condition. Christ Himself is in the midst. Notice the encouraging things said to those who lived for the Lord. This letter does not describe any particular time, but rather presents to us those who stand for the truth of God. It is faithfulness to the Lord Himself which can exist in any period of this “day of grace” (see chart “B” to “C”).
V.14-22 Laodicea. Not definite evil in doctrine that is condemned here, but of being taken up with money and things. Profit and pleasure are the two great attractions Satan sets before people. They did not know that they really were wretched, poor, blind and naked. These are not true believers, but professors only mixed in among true believers.
V.19-22 The true believers. But even with them, Christ is outside, and has to be knocking on the heart’s door to be invited in! He does not do this to an unbeliever. The unbeliever first needs a new heart. Laodicea is a description of our western world just before the Lord comes for us.
Day 204 - Revelation 4
The second section of the book commences. The third chapter ends prophetically with the coming of the Lord Jesus for the believers, so now this chapter takes us over into the events which will take place after “the church” (the true believers) is taken to heaven. So between chapters 3 and 4, the “rapture” of the believers to heaven has evidently taken place, for now the believers are seen in heaven. A throne is seen, and God on that throne, but described to us in a form which could be seen.
V.4 The 24 elders can be a picture of all the redeemed people; 12 representing the Old Testament days and 12 “the church” of the New Testament. The seats are thrones, these elders are sitting as kingly priests with crowns on their heads. If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, then this scene in heaven is describing your position there!
V.6-9 The “four beasts,” or living ones, are a picture of power, firmness, intelligence and speed, in carrying out God’s orders. Or, they can be understood better as Majesty (the lion), Endurance (the ox), Intelligence (the man), and Rapidity (the eagle). These show us the great government of God.
V.10-11 God is worshipped by all as Creator — different in tomorrow’s chapter.
Day 205 - Revelation 5, Verses 1-7
The glory of the Slain Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Redeemer, opens up before us. He has won the rights to the earthly inheritance. This wonderful chapter contains four different visions (1) “I saw” (v. 1); (2) “I saw” (v. 2); (3) “I beheld” (v. 6); (4) “I beheld” (v. 11). The One Who sits upon the throne has a “book” in His right hand. This book contains details of the future events to take place on the earth.
V.2-5 Who could be worthy to open such a book? No man was found.
V.5-7 The Lion of the tribe of Judah (Jesus) was the only One found worthy to do this! Prophesied about far back in Genesis 49:9-10. It is wonderful to see how Revelation, the last Book, has some of its beginnings seen in Genesis, the first Book (See also Heb. 7:14). But when John looked, he saw a Lamb as it had been slain — Jesus, of course. What a sight this must have been to the Apostle John, sitting on a tiny island in the Mediterranean Sea.
Day 206 - Revelation 5, Verses 8-14
V 8-14 All in heaven once more burst out in praise and adoration to God. But now seen as the Redeemer (v. 9). “Lord” by right of creation in chapter 4; “Lord” by right of redemption in this chapter.
V.9-10 The inside group is made up only of redeemed people. They sing saying “Thou art worthy.” They speak directly to Him.
V.11-12 The next circle is the angels, hundreds of millions of them. They speak of the Lord and say “He.” Because they never sinned they don’t know Him as Savior.
V.13 The outside circle — the whole creation; the “Hallelujah” chorus rolls through the universe.
Day 207 - Revelation 6
This chapter gives the answer to the question often asked today “Why does God allow all the evil to go on and on in this world?”
This “book” referred to in Revelation 5:2-5 had seven seals, which are to be broken open, one by one. It is the book of God’s judgment (punishments). But the details are in symbols. The horses may represent: (1) A white horse and rider: a victorious conqueror (v. 2). (2) Red horse; wars and civil upheavals (v. 4). (3) Black horse; mourning and famine (v. 5). (4) Pale horse; pestilence (v. 8, it is referred to in Ezek. 14:21). The riders representing those who control these things. God, for thousands of years has been silent, watching, listening to every word said, allowing Satan to be the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), enduring the insults (and yet never losing control). And now He intervenes! People plan for a better world! But evil shall get worse and worse, and shall go on till Satan is worshipped.
These are the events to take place on earth after the believers are taken to heaven. The world will go on just as it goes on the day before the Lord Jesus comes. Business will continue, many churches will be the same. Everything will go on as before, for a little while. Then the trouble will start.
V.9-11 Those Jews who are killed for preaching the gospel of the kingdom — that the King the Lord Jesus is coming back to set up His kingdom.
V.12-17 Dreadful! The governments federal down to civil (town) will collapse. There is terror and utter despair everywhere. People are crying out to die, but worse is to come.
Day 208 - Revelation 7
V.1-8 This chapter interrupts the description of the sixth chapter — it ended with the sixth seal. Many in Israel are going to believe the Lord, and turn to Him. They are going to be preserved through these dreadful days.
V.9-17 These are Gentiles, not Jews. Those who have believed the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom. (See Matt. 24:14, 36-41). Notice that in verse 40 and 41 it is the reverse of the “rapture” for those were the unbelievers who disappear.
Day 209 - Revelation 8
The seventh seal introduces the seven trumpets. They are like a final call. And they sound over all the western nations of the world. All these nations at this time have turned away from God.
V.6-13 You can realize that this is the awful future of the proud nations which today go under the name of being Christian.
V.13 Here is the announcement of the climax of awful punishment to come on the earth. But particularly the western world.
Day 210 - Revelation 9
V.1 A star, someone in great political power, falls from the heavens.
V.1-3 Dreadful calamities come on the earth as a result of his coming. The bottomless pit is opened. What a terrible day that will be for this poor world of the unsaved. And just to realize too that all this will take place shortly after the Lord Jesus has taken the believers to heaven. We believers will not pass through the tribulation (Rev. 3:10). Satan’s power is seen increasing in these 3 verses. The Holy Spirit which is on earth today, holds back Satan’s power. But at that time, the Holy Spirit has gone back to heaven, and Satan will have great power.
V.4-6 Many Jews will not believe the gospel of the coming kingdom, and these verses describe those unbelieving Jews.
V.7-21 Forms of wickedness which before this have been held back, will now break out. These verses seem to be referring to the East — Euphrates river (v. 14).
Day 211 - Revelation 10
Once more there is an interruption (to end of 11:13) in the telling of the events which are to take place on the earth.
V.1-3 A mighty angel appears, probably the Lord Himself. It is wonderful to realize that the Lord Jesus is in control of all. Even though we are reading of such staggering catastrophes, nothing gets out of His hands. We are safe in that Hand (John 10:28).
V.8-11 This is exactly the meaning of John eating the book. It was sweet to know that God was telling him about these coming events, but dreadful to realize what it must be for those upon whom God’s punishment fell.
Day 212 - Revelation 11
V.1-2 A little preparation for the future for those believing Jews who will continue on into the millennium. Keep your eye on your chart. These chapters so far, are all about the first half of the 7 years.
V.2 Forty-two months is 3½ years. This refers to the last half of those 7 years. And this, properly speaking, is the tribulation period — not the whole 7 years. For in the first half, the antichrist is pretending he is the Messiah.
V.3-13 God has power on earth. So these two witnesses, who prophesy in Jerusalem, show us this. 1,260 days refers to the 3½ years. But they are killed. It looks as if God’s power is gone; this world doesn’t change. The Roman power leaves their dead bodies on the streets to show its victory (v. 8). When suddenly these bodies come back to life and are taken up to heaven! Then follow more catastrophes. This ends the parenthesis from Revelation 10:1.
The first signs of the millennium start to appear.
V.14-18 At long last the Lord Jesus begins to take His power over the earth.
V.15-17 “In heaven” who would these people be? Us; those who have put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. We will give thanks to the Lord God Almighty! What a day is coming!
V.18 This verse ends the general history or story of the book. From here on, certain details are taken up, one by one. The time when the dead will be judged is announced. It does not mean that they are judged at this time.
Day 213 - Revelation 12
V.1-6 Christ’s coming to earth was the beginning of God’s great work. So now we read of a woman (Israel) and the child (Christ) born to her. The dragon (Satan) waits for the birth to devour (eat) the child. But the child escapes.
V.6 Refers to present day, when Israel is scattered.
V.7-13 These explain why she (Israel) had to fly. They refer particularly to the last half of the seven years (1,260 days in verse 6) when Satan has been cast down onto the earth.
V.14 “A time” equals 1 year, “times” equal 2 years, “half a time” equals one half a year. This again makes 3½ years. During this time of tribulation, the Lord is protecting the Jewish believers.
V.15-17 “As a flood after the woman” refers to the Gentile nations whom Satan uses to try to destroy Israel during this tribulation period. Satan hates the believers in Israel and turns his fury against them.
Day 214 - Revelation 13
V.1-10 This is the Roman Empire coming back into existence — a “beast” rising out of the sea. The sea is a picture of the restless mass of the Gentile nations in western Europe.
V.4 Through this power, the people will turn to the worship of Satan.
V.11 “Another beast” represents an entirely different person from “a beast” in verse 1. This is the “man of sin,” the “Antichrist,” (2 Thess. 2:3-10), the “false prophet” (Rev. 19:20); these 3 names describe the same man. These two powers — the head of the Roman Empire “a beast” (of verse 1) and the Antichrist “another beast” — together with Satan form the trinity of evil. They will control the western world during that awful time until the Lord Jesus comes out of heaven in fury and rage (Rev. 19:11-13; 2 Thess. 2:8), and casts these 2 men, alive, into hell (Rev. 19:20).
V.12-18 These men will have great power.
V.16-17 Everyone will have to have a mark in their forehead. If not, they will not be allowed to buy or sell!
V.18 A lot of people try to tell the meaning of these numbers “666.” But our advice is not to waste time trying to figure out what is not plain. We believe that the true meaning of this number won’t be known until the “beast” appears.
Day 215 - Revelation 14, Verses 1-12
V.1-5 Five verses describing an amazing contrast. We have read of the dreadful fate of those who followed the false lamb; now we see the rejoicing followers of the true Lamb. It is like a view of what we in heaven shall look down on, on earth during the thousand-year reign of Christ. Heaven AND earth shall rejoice and sing. Does that thrill you to know that you will be looking down on this? And we can read about it now! We have seen that the followers of the false Christ had received a mark in their forehead, so these followers of the true Christ have His name and His Father’s written in their forehead!
V.6-7 The preaching of the everlasting gospel is God’s good news from heaven for this poor world. This is God’s final call and goes out to every corner of the globe.
V.8 The corrupt and wicked organization of this world is called “Babylon.” God is going to smash it to pieces.
V.9-11 The awful doom of those who have worshipped the devil and his men. We are here dealing with people and things that are eternal! (1) The eternal existence of God (Rev. 10:6). (2) The eternal glory of the Lamb (Rev. 5:13). (3) The eternal reign of the believer (Rev. 22:5). (4) The eternal doom of the devil (Rev. 20:10). (5) The eternal torment of the lost. “No rest” our verse 11 and Revelation 20:10.
V.12 What a contrast here. The patience of the saints. In that day which is unequaled by any time in the history of the human race, we are reading of believers who are facing immediate death. But it would be better to be killed by the “beast” than to be tormented with “the beast.”
Day 216 - Revelation 14, Verses 13-20
V.13 What a sweet promise for those who die “in the Lord” during that fearful time.
V.14 The Lord Jesus, the Son of Man, here is going to start to sweep guilty unbelievers off the earth. Notice what He has on His Head and in His Hand! A sword is used for carrying out judgment, but a sickle is for reaping a harvest. The believers and unbelievers are separated in this harvest. The wheat (the believers) will be gathered into His barn and the tares (unbelievers) will be gathered into bundles for burning (See Matt. 13:30, 39-43).
V.15-20 These actions of the angels may look as if everything is going to happen instantly, but these events are going to take place over the 3½ years of the great tribulation. What a dreadful day for this world. And it is very close too! Nothing in the history of this poor sad world could ever match this for awfulness. The blood will run to the horses’ bridles! And people today laugh and do not listen to the gospel, the good news of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
V.20 A thousand and six hundred furlongs is about the length of the land of Israel (about 200 miles or 320 km).
Day 217 - Revelation 15
V.2-4 The many Jewish martyrs who die for their faithfulness to the Lord are seen here in heaven. You can read in Revelation 20:5 as to how they are in heaven, even though they might have been living on the earth at the Rapture (See “C” on your chart). They had never heard the Gospel of the grace of God, so are not taken then. But now they have a special resurrection and form part of the first resurrection (the rapture).
V.5-8 When we think of the temple in the Old Testament Scriptures, we think of quiet order and priests going about doing the service. And we also think of the kindness and grace of God making a way for His people to meet Him. But look at the contrast here. Seven angels (not priests) have seven plagues. God’s terrible anger is going to be poured out on this earth. But let us never forget the truth of this. That now it is grace and love. Later it will be anger and punishment.
Day 218 - Revelation 16
Here we come to the climax of the punishments which fall on the earth out of heaven. There are seven different vials (or bowls) which are poured out over the earth.
V.1-2 Dreadful miseries fail.
V.3 Not physical death, or literal blood, but symbolical. All pretense of faith given up. A complete turning away (apostasy) from God.
V.4-7 A river in Scripture is usually a picture of health and refreshing life, but here it is the direct opposite.
V.5 An angel often is in charge of something for God, to carry out His orders. Here the angel justified God, because God is righteous.
V.6 Water is usually a type of life, here it is of death.
V.7 The altar is a symbol of God’s presence. A voice agrees with all these severe punishments from God.
V.8-9 Extreme oppression scorches mankind. But the people don’t repent, they blaspheme God!
V.10-11 Western Europe will feel the fury and rage of Almighty God.
V.12-14 The Eastern nations where Moslems (Islam), and other religions are, shall next get their reward for their slighting and hating God. Out of these countries will pour dreadful cults and wickedness. We see it happening today.
V.15 “I come as a thief,” is a warning in preparation of the seventh and last vial.
V.17-21 Now comes the end of Gentile world domination, the end of man’s day.
V.19 “Great Babylon” the full-blown development of all mere human religion, all that is opposed to God is the chief object of punishment. Her title “great” points to her vast religious power. But her complete destruction has come. Are we keeping separate from this wicked system? (Rev. 18:4).
V.21 The worse the punishment, the more men blaspheme and hate God. It does not turn anyone to Him. Men are unchanged, unless the Spirit of God, in grace, converts and saves. How patient God is!
Day 219 - Revelation 17
A dreadful description of the religions of the western world in that time. Many people might say, “Surely not the churches in the world today.” Well, you read this chapter slowly and carefully. Every unsaved person who is living when the Lord Jesus comes, will be left behind for these days. The religions of the unsaved will go on as they go on today. What does Scripture say to us today? (Read 2 Cor. 6:14-18). Do not forget that every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ will be caught away from this earth when He comes the first time. Most people know which city is built on seven hills (v. 9).
V.7 The religious power shall control the political power.
V.13-18 Western Europe will fight against God.
V.16 The beast is the head of the political power the revived Roman Empire. The “great whore” is the religious organization.
Day 220 - Revelation 18
This whole chapter is the laments of those who see the destruction of the religious power. She has brought great splendor and appearance of righteousness to the world. But it was hypocrisy. However, it well suited the unsaved, because they could go on in their sins while attending her religious services. They are sorry to see her destroyed.
Day 221 - Revelation 19
V.1-10 There is joy in heaven because punishment of evil is carried out. God is thus honored — the wicked, false religious system, the false bride is destroyed. The true bride is in heaven and is about to be displayed. While these awful things are happening on earth, a great event takes place in heaven. The marriage of the Lamb. The Lord Jesus is married to His bride — the Church of the New Testament — and who is she? Every sinner who has been cleansed by His precious blood, by the death of Christ, and since the descent of the Holy Spirit. What a wonderful day for us! This ends the second great section of this book. Now the last section.
V.11-21 The Lord coming in glory, “E” on the chart. These verses describe that event. He comes in rage, the lowly Jesus Who has been despised and rejected, will come as a conquering King and Victor. He is King of kings, and Lord of lords. At long last, He has His right place. Do we give Him this place in our hearts today?
V.14 “The armies” in heaven are not angels but saints (we believers), they follow their Captain. This is the fulfillment of Enoch’s prophecy (see Jude, v. 14).
V.19-21 A vast army, led by the beast, the head of the Roman Empire, gathers together to fight the Lord Jesus. All are destroyed by Him!
V.20 Who can paint in words the horror of such a doom (punishment)? This will be the punishment of two persons, one a Jew (see outlines on Rev. 13:11) and the other a Gentile (Rev. 13:1), and perhaps both on the earth at this moment! “The lake of fire” is a place, and not a condition, mentioned here for the first time.
Day 222 - Revelation 20
V.1-3 Satan is cast into the bottomless pit — not the lake of fire yet — for one thousand years — during the millennium see chart.
V.4 The prophets Daniel and John see the same thrones; Daniel saw them occupied (Dan. 7:9), but redemption has taken place, so John sees people sitting on them. Those who were killed in the tribulation for witnessing for Jesus as well as we who are believers, will be living and reigning with Christ a thousand years over the earth, not on the earth.
V.5-6 Every other dead person will lie in his grave until the great white throne judgment at the end of the thousand years.
V 7-10 At the end of the millennium (thousand years), Satan is going to be brought out of the pit and let loose for a little while. Even after seeing the Lord Jesus reign in righteousness for those thousand years, millions (without number), will turn back to follow Satan. But punishment will fall on them.
V.10 Satan the deceiver. If we could only realize how clever a deceiver he is, we would not be fooled by him so often today. And remember he is a religious deceiver. Here is his awful end.
V.11-15 Now comes the final judgment. Only the lost stand here. Be very sure you understand this. There is no such thing as a general judgment day for everyone to stand before God to find out where they are to go, heaven or hell. Those who stand here are they who have rejected God from Cain down to the last person born.
Day 223 - Revelation 21
V.1-8 These verses describe the eternal condition — after the 1,000 years — of the saved. Then the rest of the chapter comes back to describe the condition of the saved with the Lord during the millennium. We might have reversed these verses, but God has His purpose and it is always perfect. The name “God” is used only. All the work is completed and God is all in all (1 Cor. 15:27-28). What does all this do to our heart? Does it draw us away from this world to Christ? It surely should.
V.2 The bride even after 1,000 years, is going to be as fresh and beautiful as on the day of her wedding!
V.9-27 The millennium for the believers. We believers are going to be with the Lord, reigning over, not on the earth.
V.27 Not one thing is going to enter in which could spoil anything there!
Day 224 - Revelation 22
V.1-2 A description of the millennium.
V.3-5 A description of the eternal state,
V.6-21 The closing of the book. But before it closes, Jesus makes one more statement “Behold I come quickly.”
V.20 And once more. May we ardently reply also with these same words. For us He died, for us He lives, for us He comes.
V.21 His unfailing grace is our support and strength. And so the Bible ends. What treasure is ours! God’s Word which tells us all we need to know. And which reveals all that God is, He is light and love. May we learn to know and love Him more and more.
Day 225 - Proverbs 1
We are grouping five books together: Proverbs, James, Ecclesiastes, Jude and Job. All are for every reader today. They don’t teach doctrine. Proverbs gives the believer instruction as to how he ought to conduct himself while on earth, but does not tell him the secret of the power to carry it out. This he receives from the Spirit of God through New Testament Scriptures. God gave a man, Solomon, more wisdom than any man (1 Kings 4:29-31). He also had the money to experiment and prove all his wisdom. All the kings of the earth wanted to hear the wisdom of Solomon (2 Chron. 9:22-23). If you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Savior, Proverbs can be a great help to you in every day of your life. But, with all your blessings, you have responsibility. So, before starting on this book, read 1 John 5:18.
V.5 The importance and result of hearing.
V.7 There is no true knowledge apart from the fear of the Lord.
V.8-9 Obedience to parents is stressed over and over in the Bible. Parents and children need to remember that this is training for obedience to God. 2 Timothy 3:1-2 tells us that this very thing will be given up in the last days.
V.10-19 Two warnings. Bad company and wanting things not belonging to us. 2 Corinthians 6:17 is the New Testament warning.
V.20-23 Wisdom in the first 8 chapters is like a person speaking. When you get to the 8th chapter, you will find Who that Person is.
V.24-33 Plenty of warning to those who do not obey.
Day 226 - Proverbs 2
V.1-5 Three “ifs” and a “then.” How can we understand the fear of the Lord? The first 4 verses tell us. But notice that no careless person will find the secret.
V.6-9 When you and I obey the Lord then we get real help from the Lord. And we are protected from much evil in this way. (Read John 7:7).
V.10-1.5 Another result of believing is that we think correctly. Violence and greed are only some of the things we are kept from.
V.16-19 Immorality, is another evil from which we will be kept. Some believers think that a strong will can keep us from evil, but it is not so. Peter thought he could depend on himself never to deny the Lord; but his self-confidence was not enough to keep him. Notice that verse 10 is where the sentence begins. For the thought is that all these evils are kept away from the one who looks to Wisdom. Remember, “Wisdom” is the Lord, and it only comes from Him. There is no love in this “strange woman” (v. 16) only lust and selfishness.
Day 227 - Proverbs 3, Verses 1-12
V.1-4 The early chapters of Proverbs show us that the fear of the Lord is the only sure way to be preserved from evil. For the believer, behavior is of the greatest importance. Not to get our blessings, but to enjoy them. Remember, the Lord Jesus had not yet come to earth when Proverbs was written.
V.5-8 When we trust in the Lord, we obey Him. And when we obey Him, we have confidence in Him. One is the fruit of the other. So here. How foolish to rely on our own thoughts.
V.7 Eve, in the garden, listened to this from Satan. And he has been deceiving people ever since.
V.9-10 These promises of prosperity were for Israel. But we can transfer these to spiritual riches.
V.11-12 Quoted in Hebrews 12:5-6 as applying to us. Today’s verses have warning against two results which can come when the Lord allows troubles to come to us. First “despise not.” Do not make light of them. Second do not be weary. Do not get down or depressed by them.
Day 228 - Proverbs 3, Verses 13-35
V.13-20 Here is the happy side. There is no happy life like the life of a person who walks with the Lord. Because He only can give joy. Solomon could tell us what God had promised him, if he put the Lord first (1 Kings 3:11-13). Everything Solomon had, came from God.
V.21-26 A believer easily becomes upset if he is not fully trusting the Lord. These verses give us assurance that when the believer does live with a good conscience toward God, a quiet confidence in the Lord comes over him. When something happens suddenly; he is steady.
V.27-30 Our hearts are deceitful as well as suspicious, so we need to be simple and honest in our dealings with others.
V.31 Don’t envy those who do wicked things and seem to get away with them.
V.33-35 It is a very great wickedness to be mocking others who want to please the Lord.
V.35 The wise will understand, and they will inherit glory!
Day 229 - Proverbs 4
V.1-13 God, Who created the world and man, surely should be listened to. He tells us to hear — like a father speaking tenderly to his children. Obedience to God is the secret of life.
V.14-19 Then the contrast — the unhappy life of the wicked. A wicked person is really one who does not obey God. A holy person is one who does. But the book of Proverbs does not reveal to us that only in and through Christ could there be a holy life. Solomon knew nothing of what we now know and have in Christ.
V.20-27 The ear, the eyes, the heart are all to be tuned to hear, to see, and to learn. Notice the heart is to be guarded the most. Finally, the feet and the hands are to be controlled.
Day 230 - Proverbs 5
V.1 “My” son, “my” wisdom, “my” understanding, all refer to God.
V.2-14 There is nothing nicer in life than affection, but self-indulgence produces sorrow and ruin. The conscience is more and more numbed by self-indulgence — the will is not broken. If we are to keep ourselves morally pure, we need to steer clear of temptation. Selfishness wants to get; love wants to give. Human love depends on response from the object loved; divine love does not. Divine love brought the Son of God from heaven, knowing that no one would love Him or want Him. God has given us human love too — the family is the center of it. Satan tries to undo God’s work, and so we have “the strange woman,” to spoil this center of human love.
V.15-23 For the believer, marriage is a picture of Christ and His bride — every believer in Him. The home of every believer should be a little picture of this relationship. How careful therefore we should be that our home is holy. (Read such verses as 1 Pet. 3:1-7; Eph. 5:22-33). What a test for us! Do we pray together each day?
V.21 What a reminder! At the judgment seat of Christ He will show how much He valued our thoughts, words and actions.
V.22-23 A warning for anyone who is not saved who may be reading these verses.
Day 231 - Proverbs 6
V.1-5 Making promises to friend or stranger is a dangerous thing, because mostly the promises cannot he kept. Only the Lord Jesus could keep His promises (Rom. 4:21).
V.6-11 Laziness surely brings poverty. But there is a deeper lesson. Carelessness and neglect about salvation will bring eternal punishment in hell (Heb. 2:3).
V.12-15 His calamity will come suddenly.
V.16-19 God hates these seven things. Satan is the source of them all. If you take time to think of verses elsewhere in the Bible which tell us this, you will discover how subtle Satan is. (See 1 Tim. 3:6; John 8:44).
V.20-35 God knows that the only thing which can keep us from falling into the traps of Satan, is His Word and obedience to it.
V.22 Three things which the Word does for us. It guides us, protects us, and talks with us.
V.23 The Word of God is a light and it corrects us.
V.24-35 The Word keeps us from immorality. But, as we have been learning in this book, the woman is a picture of subtlety (deceiving) and the man is a picture of violence. In no way is the believer in his Christian pathway more deceived than in religious evil. A little compromise leads to more evil. We see this in verses 28 and 29.
Day 232 - Proverbs 7
Remember, God has given us this chapter of 27 verses to warn young men and old against the wickedness of immorality. If a believer falls into this sin, he does it with his eyes wide open. He is not deceived. He willingly pays no attention to warnings.
V.6-27 A very clear description of the road down which many have walked to the destruction of their testimony for the Lord.
V.26 Notice that even strong men are destroyed. Everyone has to be on his guard. We have two main thoughts in the first 9 chapters — on one side, the fear of the Lord, and on the other, the foolishness and results of doing our own will.
Day 233 - Proverbs 8
V.1-11 Now a complete contrast with yesterday’s chapter. The opposite to immorality we may think would be morality, but here we learn it is wisdom! And in later verses we’ll learn what, or Who, wisdom is! Remember that all these are not just wise sayings of men, but they are from God Himself. He has set up certain relationships on earth: husband and wife, parents and children.
When a person lets his will operate, he is refusing God and His wisdom. God calls it sin. It takes two general forms — violence and corruption. Turn to Genesis 6:11 for the two. God describes all the sin at that time under these two headings. Satan is represented as both. He is the lion and the serpent — violence and subtlety (deception).
V.11-21 Here “Wisdom” becomes more and more a Person who is speaking these wonderful words. Read them carefully. What a contrast wisdom is to self-will!
V.22-31 “Wisdom” is Christ! His place was with His Father in heaven before there was any world. He describes the first creation.
V.30-31 Some of the most sublime secrets of all Scripture are revealed here.
V.32-36 Then Wisdom (the Lord Jesus), says in effect “now you make all this your own.” If we do, we will be richly blessed. It is one thing to hear the truth, it is quite another to put it into practice in our life. We really only have the truth we live. Holding the truth in our head and not in our life, will lead us astray eventually.
Day 234 - Proverbs 9
There are invitations to come into different homes by two women.
They are illustrations of those who follow the Lord (Wisdom), and those who follow Satan.
V.1-12 The wise woman’s house is solid, it is built on seven pillars of wisdom. It is orderly, it is furnished with meat and wine (strength and joy), the table is spread, the invitation goes out to everyone to come in, while pointing out to them the right way to live. Who ever goes into her house is wise. Wisdom, remember is Christ.
V.13-18 The other woman (Satan). What a contrast. Notice the end! It is happening today! With this chapter, the first section of the book ends.
Day 235 - Proverbs 10
From here to the end of chapter 24 we have many short separate proverbs of Solomon. They tell of the path in which the wise walk. We do not have subjects taken up, as before. Most verses have a “but” in the middle, and then show the contrast.
V.2 The history of the world has proved this true. Look into any home and you will see one or the other of these two statements proved.
“Righteousness” or “righteous” for the believer today means living obediently to the Scriptures.
V.5 Now is the time to gather precious sheaves. Demas in 2 Timothy 4:10 quit before the harvest.
V.15 The believer is the rich man, the unbeliever is the poor, foolish person.
V.22 Good verse to memorize and to prove true in our own life. God longs to have us experience all this.
V.27 Eternity is seen here. Believers shall live forever, unbelievers shall perish, but exist. See the wisdom of each statement and prove God’s wisdom in giving us these verses.
Day 236 - Proverbs 11, Verses 1-18
We ask our children “Is it right or is it wrong to steal something in a store?” They know it is wrong. Yet there are many things in life which we believers sometimes are careless about. So God our Father takes a whole chapter to warn us of the dangers and sorrows which result from not distinguishing between right and wrong — between righteousness and doing what we want. God also points out the blessing and happiness which come from listening to, and obeying Him. But we can only prove this to be true by living it.
V.7-8 Look at these verses in two ways, (1) as referring to lost people who perish in contrast to the believer who will be in heaven, happy with Christ forever. Then also (2) as applying to your life as a believer. Though you may have many troubles, you will be kept calm, peaceful and happy by God if you are obedient to His Word. (Read John 13:17).
V.14 “Counsel” means “advice.” A believer who loves and follows the Lord will be a good counselor for you and me.
Day 237 - Proverbs 11, Verses 19-31
V.19 What truth in this verse!
V.23-31 Each verse contains so much good advice, and is so easy to understand, that comment is not necessary. Always remember that we believers can apply these Proverbs in two ways (A) as good advice for our daily living in this world. (B) Equally good for us when we make them spiritual lessons. For instance the 25th verse. The first interpretation is obvious; but applying it spiritually, we learn that a believer who delights to help others by encouraging them to look more to the Lord, is himself encouraged.
Day 238 - Proverbs 12
Who but God could have ever given Solomon the wisdom in these verses. Remember too that God is able to make them come true in your life. God is our Father and loves to bless His children. If you love instruction in the Word of God, you value the most important thing in your life. And God our Father loves to instruct us through His Word.
V.15 Every fool thinks he is right. All our thoughts need to be formed by the Word of God. Read these verses, think about them, arrange groups of words together — love, good, righteous, virtuous, right, upright, satisfied, just, wise, peace, joy — all go together. Pick out the opposites. These tell their own story.
Day 239 - Proverbs 13
V.1 Each verse is rich in instruction. A wise person wants to be taught. The opposite is also true. A saved person has been wise, for he has been taught. The unsaved person refuses to listen and perishes. The world can teach us nothing of true wisdom.
V.2-3 The wise is a person who controls his tongue. Every month of the unsaved shall be stopped before God (Rom. 3:19).
V.9 Those who live obediently have this experience — their heart will be happy, their testimony clear and bright.
V.13 To despise the Word of God is to bring shame on one’s self. The unbeliever will prove this.
V.19 The believing soul rejoices when the heart gets its desire. But the fool only wants to gratify the passions of the body. The three parts of a human being.
V.22 A believer who loves the Lord and obeys Him leaves a rich inheritance behind him when he departs this world. In the days of the Old Testament it would have been material things. Today it will be in the things of the Lord.
V.24 It is not love to let a child do what it wants. The generation growing up now is showing the results of self-will going unchecked — so-called self-expression. The world is plunging into violence.
Day 240 - Proverbs 14
V.1 Mothers who are reading these words will do well to take notice. Read of the difference between the mother of Moses in Exodus 2 and the mother of king Ahaziah in 2 Chronicles 22:2-3.
V.4 If a person wants a clean stable he must get rid of his cattle! But what a result! No food. If we patiently go on working, we shall have fruit for our labor.
V.7 If we keep company with foolish people — unbelievers are really foolish — we will be harmed. It is better not to socialize with them. To argue with them is a waste of time, and it defiles (soils) us. Romans 16:17 is plain. Give them the gospel.
V.9 Do we laugh at sin? Does the T.V. have jokes about sin? What does God say a person is who mocks at sin?
V.12 An unsaved person naturally chooses his own way. This verse tells where that way ends. But Jesus says something far better about “the way” in John 14:5. Our own thoughts never lead us to God.
V.14 Notice the words, “in heart.” We start to backslide in heart before we do in action. Later, we become self-centered.
V.17 It is a bad sign if a believer gets angry quickly. The results too are bad, for that person often makes foolish decisions.
V.27 God has a purpose for giving us this verse so many times — He wants us to take notice of it. An obedient believer is a happy person, and his life is like a fountain.
Day 241 - Proverbs 15
V.1-4 Who could ever add up the harm which has come to people through the human tongue? And yet God has come to earth, in human form, and used the tongue to speak the message of heaven.
V.3 When we are living to please the Lord, gladly we agree with this verse.
V.8-9 Until a sinner turns to God in repentance, all that he does is of no value to the Lord. Paul said the same thing in Romans 8:8.
V.10-12 God sees everything. The unseen world is open before Him, and if that is so, how much more is the human heart!
V.16-17 These verses are like the comparison between the believer and the unbeliever. The believer may have little in this world but he has the Lord; the unbeliever may have great treasures in this world but nothing for eternity.
V.18 God told us this in the first verse. It must be important if He reminds us again. A wrathful man is a hot-tempered person and is a proud person because he thinks he is something. The humble person has low thoughts of himself and therefore he will not quickly resent an insult.
V.19 Let’s apply this verse to a believer who is careless in his Christian life. He sees all kinds of reasons why he shouldn’t take a stand for the truth of God. Now look at the second half of the verse. Apply it to a believer who walks (lives) in the truth he knows he should. Everything is plain as he takes one right step after another. If God speaks to him (her) through His Word, he (she) simply obeys and God here says He will make everything plain and clear.
V.23 The answer a person gives which helps someone is “a word spoken in season.”
V.25 The Lord is always against those who try to lift themselves up and supports those who are weak.
V.26 We have read of the actions and the words of those who do not love the Lord. Here even their thoughts are hated by Him. (See also the last part of Prov. 21:4).
V.29 Do you want your prayers answered? Here is how.
Day 242 - Proverbs 16
V.1 Men have great plans to do great things, but God has the last word.
V.2 Ever since the fall of man in the garden of Eden, it has been man’s desire to try to justify himself. But a believer realizes that he cannot trust his own heart, and so he listens to God’s evaluation of things.
V.3 Beautiful instruction. We need to develop this habit of rolling our problems upon the Lord, and He promises to undertake for us and bring everything to a good end.
V.10-15 Though there may have been some good kings in the history of this world, there never will be a perfect king until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back (in the millennium your chart “E” to “F”).
V.19 It is better to be little in one’s own eyes and to find happy fellowship with the lowly, than it is to benefit from being closely connected with proud people.
V.20-24 In each of these verses we can see that if our heart is right toward God day by day, then all our affairs and our words will be quiet, and steady and good. All the happiness in the believer’s life depends on his state of soul.
Day 243 - Proverbs 17
V.4 Put the four expressions together — “wicked, false lips, liar, naughty tongue” — and you will see the power of this verse.
V.9 If a person loves the Lord, he won’t repeat bad stories about another person. It is not that he tries to hide sin, but he doesn’t speak to others about the matter.
V.17 A true friend does not change his attitude toward another when the latter fails. Our Lord Jesus Christ is that Friend. The believer should not be friends with the world, but he (she) should be the best friend they have.
V.23 How different God is! (Isa. 45:21). God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
Day 244 - Proverbs 18
Nothing is more clearly taught in the Scriptures than the need to separate what is clean from what is unclean, between those who love the truth and those who live to please themselves.
V.1-9 Many verses about words; words cause trouble (see Prov. 10:19). But verse 10 is a beautiful contrast.
V.10 How precious to be able to say this! The righteous are not ashamed to run to that name. The Spirit of God desires to gather all believers to that Name.
V.13 A person who answers quickly, usually makes a mistake. So it is always wise to think a bit before we answer; to listen than to speak.
V.15 The importance of listening.
V.17 God tells us that our neighbors know more about us than we realize. The faithful believer has a good testimony for the Lord among his neighbors.
V.21 More wisdom about the power of the tongue.
V.24 Don’t we often find that unfriendly people are the first to complain of how cool people are to them! Here is the true reason. No friend we could ever have can compare with the Lord!
Day 245 - Proverbs 19
V.11 A person who loves the Lord is not quickly angered, nor taken up with evil.
V.15 Laziness produces poverty. A lazy believer brings reproach on the name of the Lord.
V.17 A lovely promise. The Lord will reward all that is done for Him. If we are kind to others so that they will think well of us, the Lord gets no glory, and we will get no reward from Him.
V.18 How different this instruction is from the modern thoughts about handling children. We would rather obey God, for He is the one who controls the results.
V.20 There is no counsel greater than the Word of God.
V.21 our thoughts don’t have much value compared with the Lord’s. He is going to have the last word.
V.23 If we fear the Lord we shall fear nothing on earth.
Day 246 - Proverbs 20
V.4 The lazy person always can find a reason for not working, but later he will be asking for help!
V.7 What an encouragement to every believing father and mother.
V.8 True when the Lord Jesus reigns over the world during the millennium. Then righteousness shall reign. Now righteousness suffers. In the eternal state, righteousness will dwell.
V.9 Solomon did not know what we believers now know. The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7).
V.10, 23 Weights were used in balances in trading long ago. Sometimes dishonest people would change the weights so that they could give less to their customers. God always gives a perfect amount, more, but never less.
V.12 A believer has been given both these.
V.14 The buyer tries to deceive the seller into thinking that he does not value his goods. But when he has them, then he boasts about how valuable they are!
V.15 To know the Lord is the greatest possession we can have.
V.17 The pleasures of sin are only for a little while.
V.19 A person who flatters us will do us no good.
V.22 When we are wronged by a person, leave it to the Lord! He will save us. What He will do to the other person, we leave to Him.
V.24 The “man” here refers to an upright man who is like a believer today.
V.25 Better to think a matter over before forming an opinion.
V.28 Mercy and truth come from God. When we confess and forsake a sin, we receive mercy from God (Prov. 28:13).
V.30 Sometimes a doctor has to do more probing which causes added pain. He knows that it is necessary in order to bring a good result. So it is with God’s dealings with us when He sees something in our life which we may not be conscious of, He allows something painful to happen to cause us to listen. He knows the pain, but He also knows the good result, if we listen.
Day 247 - Proverbs 21
V.1-8 These eight verses show us that God not only sees every act a person does, but He sees the heart and the reason why a thing is done!
V.1 God reminds us that even a king’s heart is in His hand.
V.2 People say “Let your conscience be your guide.” Here we learn that everyone thinks they are doing right, and may not have a bad conscience about it. Look back at comments on Prov. 20:30. Self-righteousness is a serious sin, and we’re all guilty of it at times. But if we are sensitive to His Word then we will want to know what He sees in our heart. God’s Word is the only guide we can use.
V.6 People may succeed in making money by telling lies, but in the end they will only be filled with frustration. Neither happy here, nor hereafter.
V.9 It would be a sad thing if any believing wife would be like this. But God gives wisdom on how to act, should a man find himself in this situation.
V.10 A selfish person finds his pleasure in doing evil; in his heart, he has no room for thoughts of his neighbors.
V.11 The two ways instruction is received. The wise person accepts instruction from the Bible.
V.14 A little gift calms even an angry person, if it is given without anyone else seeing it.
V.21 Three wonderful rewards.
V.24-31 Warnings, read them carefully.
Day 248 - Proverbs 22
V.1 What is good and right in God’s eyes should be wanted by us rather than money.
V.2 How little difference there is between a rich person and a poor one!
V.6 Good early training will surely bring worthwhile results. God says so.
V.9 “Bountiful eye” means a person who notices that someone needs help, and gives it. God will bless that person.
V.15 Education today teaches that every child should be able to do what he wants. God says that we are born with a foolish heart. And that parents should punish children for disobedience. Some parents think that they are wiser than God.
V.17 To listen to a believer who lives close to the Lord is a good thing. To apply our hearts to God’s knowledge is even better.
V.18 The wisdom of the world is not nearly as pleasant as God’s wisdom. When we enjoy it, our lips are able to speak of it to others.
V.19 And the best of all is to have full confidence in the Lord.
V.20 The believer is rich, because he has the treasures of God’s Word.
V.22-28 These are things which we should not do.
Day 249 - Proverbs 23
Nothing is too small for God to take notice of in our life here on earth. So the first three verses tell us how to behave when were invited to a meal at a rich person’s home. In Daniel chapter 1, we have an example.
V.4-5 Warnings against trying to be rich so that we may have the luxuries of this world. Here God tells us that they are deceitful. They never satisfy anyone.
V.9-18 In contrast with the above, here we get God’s wonderful wisdom for different things. How to behave before unbelievers (fools), towards our children, not to envy sinners — not to long to have what they have. For surely (God says) there is an end, a day of settling coming, and we believers shall not be disappointed if we keep a good conscience each day.
V.19-22 Young people have lots of energy and they are liable to fall into these traps. Often they do not like to listen to their parents (v. 22).
V.23 Money cannot buy truth. Only the heart of the believer can buy it. The price we pay to buy it is to give up what the old nature in us would like to do. The world wants us to give up the truth.
V.26 God wants the main thing, the believer’s heart.
V.27 And the contrast. Deep ditches and narrow pits are hard to get out of.
V.29-35 The sad picture of a person who loves drink. A serious warning.
Day 250 - Proverbs 24
V.1-9 We believers are surrounded by a world that is very smart. It claims to have the answer to every problem except the main one, the problem of sin. Unsaved people may be clever and interesting, but what about their life? The believer has wisdom which no one else has. For it comes from God, and it is understood only when we have a good conscience.
V.10 If we lose courage when we have difficulties, it is because our confidence in the Lord is not strong.
V.11-12 We are to think of others besides ourselves. If we say we didn’t notice it when someone was in trouble, the Lord knows whether we saw it or not!
V.16 Though a believer stumbles many times, he rises up. The unsaved person will perish forever.
V.19-20 We must not limit our thoughts to this world. This is not the end. The wicked may appear to be getting away with things, but there is an eternity ahead.
V.30-34 A warning against laziness. The weeds grow where the grain should. Note that his wall is broken down. The enemy can get in. He sleeps — there is not much for God in his life.
Day 251 - Proverbs 25
This is the 3rd section of the Book. It did not form part of it until the days of King Hezekiah, nearly 3 centuries after the death of Solomon. Scribes must have collected them and written them out.
V.1 Additional wise sayings of Solomon.
V.2 God does not tell His secrets all at once. The greatest example is that God was going to have a bride for His Son, the Lord Jesus. Even He said nothing of this secret while He was here on earth.
V.4 God hates mixture. If the impurities (sins, carelessness, worldliness) are removed, then pure silver will be left. And this will be suited to God (the Refiner).
V.8 Don’t be quick to try to get ahead of others. In the end you may be worse off.
V.9-10 Don’t tell things to your neighbor that have been told to you confidentially. If you do, you may take a long time to get over your bad reputation.
V.11 On the other hand, if you speak carefully and helpfully to your neighbor it is here beautifully compared with apples of gold in pictures (or baskets) of silver.
V.12 A person who quietly speaks to another about something which is not right in His (or her) life, is compared with an ornament of fine gold.
V.14 When clouds appear in the sky in a very dry season, people expect that rain will come. So when a person speaks of making gifts, but fails to carry it out, he disappoints in the same way.
V.15 Great leaders are usually very set in their ideas. But even these can be persuaded by a softly spoken word.
V.16 Honey is a picture (in the Scriptures) of natural niceness. We are not to use too much of it. It will make us and others sick.
V.17 We should be neighborly, but not overdo it!
V.21-22 The greatest part of these two verses is the last six words.
V.26 When a righteous person gives in to wickedness, it is like a quiet, pool when it gets disturbed, a lot of dirt is seen.
V.28 This verse tells us how very important self-control is for a believer. The Apostle Paul tells how important it was for him (1 Cor. 9:20-21). The Apostle Paul uses the Lord Jesus as the perfect example (Read 2 Cor. 10:1).
Day 252 - Proverbs 26
V.1-12 A fool is mentioned quite a few times. A wise person was the opposite. Today, however, we understand things differently, because the Holy Spirit lives in the heart of every true believer, and teaches us. We also know that all unsaved people are surely foolish. However, we believers are often foolish too.
V.13-16 A slothful person is one who will not take his own responsibilities.
V.13 He imagines danger where there is none.
V.16 A sluggard is a slow, lazy person. He does not need to learn. He thinks he knows all!
V.17-22 A believer, is not to be a busybody.
V.20 If we don’t carry a story about others it is soon forgotten.
V.23 Real evil covered over with the appearance of good.
V.24-28 Deceiving others is an evil in the sight of God.
Day 253 - Proverbs 27
V.1-2 Boasting is bad, because it takes glory away from God, and puts it on ourselves.
V.5-6 If we love a person we won’t keep quiet when there is a fault seen in him. We will speak to him about it. Do we value a friend who speaks to us about some wrong we have done?
V.8 The house is God’s appointed place where the family keeps together.
V.9 Just as perfume or ointment refresh a person, so does a friend who gives us good advice.
V.12 A saved person sees the judgment of God ahead. He accepts Christ as his own Savior, and hides in Him. The unsaved person does not bother about the future, and so he perishes.
V.19 A person’s heart is seen in how he lives.
V.20 An unsaved person can see nothing that ever completely satisfies him.
Day 254 - Proverbs 28
V.1 The wicked person, having no peace with God, is frightened by things here.
V.4 As the Bible is given up, wickedness is considered interesting (Read Prov. 14:9).
V.5 Those that seek the Lord understand everything.
V.9 If we do not obey God’s Word, this is what God says our prayers are. Read also Psalm 66:18.
V.10 What a warning! But a lovely promise for the opposite.
V.13 If I cover my evil deeds, I won’t prosper in my soul. But we shall receive mercy if we confess and forsake our sins.
V.14 Fear of the Lord is not to be afraid of Him, but to be afraid to offend or disobey Him.
V.19 The Lord wants all His children to be diligent.
V.20 A faithful man in his heart is going to enjoy his great blessings.
V.26 We cannot trust our own heart. Notice the opposite.
Day 255 - Proverbs 29
V.1 We are stubborn when we do not wish to do what God’s Word tells us.
V.5 Insincere flattery will later bring trouble.
V.15 Sadly, modern educators say that children should not be punished.
V.17 Fathers and mothers, take notice!
V.25 He who fears God will not fear men.
V.26 Real knowledge and help come from the Lord.
Day 256 - Proverbs 30
V.1 These last two chapters are instructions from God through other men.
V.2-4 This man takes a very humble and low place.
V.5-6 The word “pure” is like “refined” or “purified.”
V.15-16 Four things that are never satisfied, they never say “enough.”
V.17 To make fun (even in our heart) of a father, to not obey a mother, shall not escape the judgment of God.
V.18-19 These four things are miracles which come from God.
V.24-27 Great lessons. The ant teaches us to prepare for the future.
V.26 The conies are weak animals, yet live in strong places the rocks. We believers are not strong people, yet our life is hidden in Christ the Rock (1 Sam. 2:2).
V.27 Believers are all equal. No king here on earth, and yet we are all guided by the Holy Spirit, the unseen power. Believers don’t need leaders to worship God.
Day 257 - Proverbs 31, Verses 1-9
King Lemuel’s words are very important.
V.3 The man is the head of the family. When the wife tries to take over her husband’s authority, there is always an unhappy home.
V.4-7 Drinking drowns, but it does not solve, life’s problems — only Christ can.
V.8-9 If we opened our mouth instead for these things we would please the Lord.
Day 258 - Proverbs 31, Verses 10-31
Today each of you women and girls can enjoy a special treat in reading these 21 verses. The subject is what a virtuous (worthwhile, thrifty, devoted, dependable, honest) wife is in the sight of God.
V.10-12 She is one who can be counted on in an emergency, energetic, with a keen sense of the responsibility of running a home.
V.13-15 Her deepest joy is in loving service for her family.
V.16-18 She realizes the importance of being watchful as well as energetic.
V.19-21 “Her hands,” “her hand,” (7 times). She also thinks of the needy people around the neighborhood.
V.22-24 Her husband too is a respected person. Her good judgment brings credit to him.
V.25-27 She will rejoice later. Notice that her mouth is mentioned only once!
V.28-29 The children realize her worth. Her husband praises her.
V.30-31 The secret — she fears the Lord! Look at Proverbs 1:7. It tells us what it is the beginning of.
Day 258 - James 1
Another of the five books we have grouped together. This one needs our special attention. The man who wrote this book is the James we read about in Acts 15. In Acts 21:20, 26, the converted Jews were still sacrificing animals! But God was giving His last call to Israel.
V.5-8 These believers were being tested very much as to having faith in Christ for their everyday life as well as for eternity. Remember, the book of James is like the book of Acts, it is like a bridge between the Old Testament teaching and full Christianity. It was all new teaching to them. Their faith in Christ put them to real tests every day. They needed to ask the Lord many questions. He would tell them.
V.9-11 The Jews who were poor were suddenly realizing that they had the “true riches,” and the rich, who accepted Christ, were finding that they had to take a lower place.
V.12 Crowns would be waiting for them in heaven if they were faithful in their difficult days.
V.13-15 Here is the fruit of bitterness and turning away from God. Our own will leads us into temptation.
V.16-18 He warns not to make a mistake on what follows.
V.17 We could read the words like this — all good giving and every perfect gift is from above.
V.19-27 Anger does not produce good results.
Day 259 - James 2
V.1-13 Having a different opinion of a person because he is rich or poor, is not from God, but is a sin (v. 9). God has chosen more poor than rich (1 Cor. 1:26; Luke 6:20).
V.10 Many forget that this verse is in the Bible. People judge sin by how it affects others, God evaluates sin by how it affects Christ. This verse shows us that all sin is very serious. To break the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4:3) is more serious than immorality, because it affects Christ.
V.13 Beautiful summing up of all these points. God glories in the fact that He prefers to show mercy than to punish.
V.14-26 Very instructive. If a person says that he has faith, but there is no evidence of this in his life, what is he proving? Our life shows what we are.
V.19 A good verse to give to a person who says he “believes in God.”
V.21-25 Two extremely different examples of faith. Abraham, the friend of God (v. 23) and a harlot. Does God respect persons? Clearly not. Both these acted in faith even though the latter was a traitor to her country.
V.26 What does our life show?
Day 260 - James 3
V.1-12 Now the subject of talking. The terrible or happy results of what we say.
V.1 The word “masters” means “teachers.” The more we speak, the greater the responsibility, and the greater condemnation, if our life is not consistent with what we say.
V.2 We all often offend.
V.6 The tongue is full of evil bringing out poison.
V.13-18 It is good to remember that wisdom comes from above (v. 17) and is the opposite of self-will.
V.13 This man has three things; works in meekness, good conversation, wisdom and understanding.
V.14 The complete opposite.
V.16 Every evil thing results from the life described in verses 14-15.
V.17-18 Sublime! May they be more true of us!
Day 261 - James 4
V.1-10 “Among you” doesn’t necessarily refer to believers. But the Christians found themselves in the middle of mixed tribes (Read James 1:1), and so they might find themselves implicated in these disputes. These fightings were the result of indulging in pleasures; the will was unbroken; lusts distracted them: they wanted what they didn’t have. Sounds familiar today!
V.3 Is this why we don’t get answers to our prayers?
V.4 Serious warning against being friendly with people who do not love the Lord. It is a dreadful thing to be described as an enemy of God. But Scripture here says a person is such when he is friendly with the world. We shouldn’t be friends of worldly people, but we should be the best friends they have.
V.6 Grand comfort for the believer. Mercy in James 2:13, 3:17, grace here. Pick up the gems in James there are many.
V.7-17 What more important message for us: submit to God, resist the devil, draw near to God, cleanse your hands — there are ten statements here.
Day 262 - James 5
V.1-6 Again, remember written to all Hebrews believers and non-believers. God knows all which is going on. The first 3 verses show what they had, the next three what they did.
V.5-6 Notice that James connects those who were ambitious to be rich with those who condemned and killed the Lord Jesus (Acts 3:14).
V.8 The Lord is coming! Waiting for Him keeps the heart from the love of riches. We are to wait in patience and live in peace.
V.10-11 Examples of patience. As in the book of Hebrews, the writer takes them back to the Old Testament writings and to the Lord.
V.12 Exaggerated expressions are not necessary. Most jokes are partly lies.
V.13 What a difference there would be in our life if we carried out what this verse says.
V.14-1.5 Sin may have brought on the sickness, so confession of the offenses and prayer were necessary. God would do His part. This is all quite different from so-called “faith-healers” of today. Again, remember that this book is not full Christian doctrine. The believing Jews hadn’t yet been delivered from old practices.
V.19-20 A lovely promise to those who have a deep concern and care for the welfare of other believers. If they see a careless believer, and pray for him, and speak to him about his careless life, and that person is restored in his soul, then the sins he might have continued in, are stopped, and therefore are not to be seen (are covered). But remember too, that if that careless believer refused correction, sometimes the Lord acts quite differently.
Day 263 - Job 1
Another of our grouping of five books; Proverbs, James, Job, Ecclesiastes and Jude. The things they all teach apply to all times. But Paul has taught us that the power to do them comes only through the power Christ has given us (Phil. 4:13). This book can be a help to you if you wish to learn a great secret from God. It has been a blessing to many believers. In fact, it has been the turning point in the spiritual life of some. It is the only book in the Bible which deals exclusively with the life of one person. We must not forget that God interests Himself about every believer on earth!
This makes it very personal. The build-up of the story takes 41 chapters, while the point of the book is packed into a few verses in the last. If you were to read only this last chapter, you would get very little of the powerful message which the Lord has for us. Remember that most of the 41 chapters are the thoughts of men. Taken by themselves, these thoughts are often not correct. But they are necessary in order to get the whole point of God’s message. For instance, Job says “God distributeth sorrows in His anger” (Job 21:17). Is this true? No, but this is what Job said at that particular time. If Job was such a good man, how could God find any fault in him? If Job was a bad man, how could God allow him to say such a dreadful thing and let him get away with it? What was wrong with him? Around these questions, the whole book is built. God alone saw what was wrong in Job. If you learn the answers and apply them in your own life, you will be a happy Christian.
V.1-5 Notice (a) how good he was; (b) that he feared God; (c) that he eschewed (kept away from) evil; (d) that God had given him the perfect number, 7 of sons; (e) how rich he was; (f) how great he was; (g) that he offered sacrifices to God for his children (rising early) just in case they sinned; (h) that he kept up this life regularly. What is God trying to show us? We’ll see!
V.6-12 The angels are here in the presence of the Lord; Satan is among them. At first, we might be surprised to find Satan here in God’s presence and with the other angels of God. But it helps us to understand when we realize that God hadn’t yet acted in judgment in putting down evil. In the future, Satan is going to be cast out of the heavens (Rev. 12:7-9). Another thing to notice: In the beginning and end of this book the name “the Lord” is used, the middle part “God.” “The Lord” appears 16 times in the first 2 chapters.
The Lord draws the attention of Satan to Job, saying of him the exact words used in the first verse. Satan replies that the reason why Job feared God was because God was so kind to him, and that if all these things were taken away he would be like anyone else, and would curse God to His face. The Lord gives Satan the power to trouble Job, and surely he does. But we’ll see that all Satan’s accusations against Job fail.
V.13-22 The blows fall. He loses everything. And it is recorded of him that in all this he didn’t sin.
Day 264 - Job 2
V.1-10 In God’s presence again, Satan says that if he were allowed to touch Job’s body, he would curse Him. The Lord allows Satan to go further. God controls how for Satan can go in attacking us. Satan was not allowed to kill Job.
V.11-13 Job’s three friends hear of the disasters, and come to visit him. Notice what they did for seven days! What a sight Job must have been. Your mind is possibly full of thoughts as to why God would be so unkind to Job when he was so good. If you are reasoning like that, then it may be that the Lord has a message for you too. Many of us are very thankful that the Lord has spoken to us through Job.
Day 265 - Job 3
Today we commence to hear the thoughts of Job, and his friends. You will have to remind yourself over and over again, that these thoughts are Job’s, not God’s. You will notice that Job seems to feel that he is right and that God is wrong; he is defending himself. Job commences by saying that he is sorry that he had been born. But we are glad that he was! He thinks God is against him, because all his thoughts were from and about himself.
V.25-26 When everything had been going well, he had fears that something like this was going to happen! In other words, he did not have peace in his soul. He was uneasy, all was not well. He was correct. You see, he was good outwardly, but not in God’s sight; we will only find the answer at the end.
Day 266 - Job 4
One of the visitors, Eliphaz, answers. We must all admit that these were wise men by the world’s standards, but one thing they lacked was they didn’t know God’s thoughts. Each of the three following men has a different arguing point. This man is going on personal experience and so he is not going to tell us anything more than the human mind can think.
V.1-6 He says that while Job had been giving advice to everyone and helping them in their troubles, when disaster came to him, he got all upset.
V.7 He asks if Job ever heard of an innocent person suffering. What he really meant was that Job must not he innocent, or this trouble would not have come to him!
V.8 “I have seen.” He was going on human experience. This never helps the believer spiritually. “The world by wisdom knew not God” (1 Cor. 1:2).
V.12-21 Next he tells of a dream, or a vision he had. It had upset him a great deal. It sounds as if it could have been Satan whom he saw. It all is a criticism of God’s work, that God destroys men as quickly as He creates them, and there is no alternative.
Day 267 - Job 5
This man Eliphaz continues with his own thoughts which he had drawn from his own experience. The wiser these sound, the more wicked they are, because they fool people. What he is saying here is that everything which happens to us is caused by something which we have done. So in verse 17 he says that God is correcting people. By this he was suggesting that Job needed to correct his life. He tells him to cheer up, in the end everything would come out well. Isn’t that what the world says today?
Day 268 - Job 6
Job is going to argue about this, so the chapter starts with “But Job.” All the words in the 48 verses which he had just heard brought him nothing but more sorrow.
V.14 He is feeling more sorry for himself every day.
V.24 He is searching himself to see if there is any small fault in him. Poor Job.
Day 269 - Job 7
Job continues his self-centered talk. Forty-nine times in these 21 verses he speaks the words “I, me, my, myself.”
V.19 He wants to be away from God.
V.20 He flashes out this statement “I have sinned,” after defending everything he had done (Job 6:24). He is lashing out in all directions.
Day 270 - Job 8
The second visitor Bildad, now speaks. His line is different from the thoughts of Eliphaz. This man’s arguments are that we must rely on tradition. Everything which is old is right (v. 8). You hear many people speaking like this today. They say “I am going to stick to my grandfather’s religion.”
V.20 But here is where such thoughts led to. “God will not cast away a perfect man.” So all we need to be is perfect and He will be satisfied with us. What a wrong thing to say!
Day 271 - Job 9
Job’s reasoning gets more bitter. He agrees with yesterday’s speaker that a man should be perfect before God! What a foolish thought. But he does not know how he can be more perfect than he is.
V.4 He reasons something like this “Who ever won when they argued with God?”
V.5-14 God is too powerful and too busy to listen to Job, he thinks.
V.16 Even if God would take time to listen to him, Job says that he would not believe it!
V.17 God punishes him when there is no reason for it! Not very nice to think that!
V.18 God fills him with bitterness, or so he reasons.
V.20 Even if he should consider himself perfect, then there would be something else wrong. “You can’t win,” is really what he is saying.
V.22 He says that God destroys both the perfect and the wicked alike!
V.23 That God laughs at our troubles.
V.30-31 He just could not please God no matter what he did. Aren’t we thinking along those lines sometimes?
V.32-35 He says that he would have a better chance if God were a man. Or even if there were someone who could come between them! Read what God had done about this point in 1 Timothy 2:5.
Day 272 - Job 10
V.1-14 Job keeps up his accusations against God, but it does not make his thinking any clearer. Read the next verse to find where all this talk was leading him.
V.16-22 He gets more bold.
V.21-22 These verses remind us of the world into which the Lord Jesus came. And it is still in darkness.
Day 273 - Job 11
The third friend, Zophar now speaks. We remember that the first one Eliphaz, used the experiences of life as the bases of his arguments. The second one, Bildad used tradition as his, this one uses law and religiousness as his starting point.
V.3 He asks Job some questions — should Job’s lying tricks be left unanswered, and should not someone try to shame Job when he mocked God?
V.6 This man suggests that God was letting Job off easily!
V.14-15 His idea is that if Job were good and religious, he would have no fear.
V.16-20 His theme is no more comforting to Job than any other worldly ideas.
Day 274 - Job 12
V.2 Job replies sarcastically. He told them that when they died wisdom would die with them!
V.3 But he comes right back, by saying that he had his ideas too! He is not going to take a second place. There wasn’t much humbleness!
V.9-25 He launches into another criticism of God’s ways. He says that God does just what He wants and there is no reason for His actions. He is not consistent (v. 20).
Day 275 - Job 13
V.3 Job wants to reason with God, but not to listen to Him.
V.4-6 He does not think much of the advice he is receiving.
V.15 This sounds good, but is it? Notice the second part, he is quite determined to argue for his own ways. He was trusting himself, and not God.
V.18 Such verses prove what was in his heart. He was quite satisfied that he was right.
V.19 He would die if he stopped talking, he says!
V.20-28 You can plainly see that Job is still filled with self-confidence. He is not ready to surrender.
Day 276 - Job 14
Job often comes back to his first desire to die. And he goes so far as to say that when people die they never rise again! He says that there is more hope for a tree, because sometimes it sprouts again, but not so for man! Now you are beginning to see inside Job’s heart. Outwardly, to the appearance of people, Job was correct and perfect. But what about his heart toward God? You can see now what God is doing. Bringing him to the end of himself, but he has a long, long way to go. And so it is with us. God deals with us over a long period of time.
Day 277 - Job 15
You will notice that Job’s friends have three turns to speak. Here we listen to the first man again, Eliphaz. This was the man in chapter 4 who was basing his arguments on personal experience. What he had seen (Job 15:17). Most people in the world today are doing exactly the same.
V.17-35 So here he is telling Job that God is not fooled. Wicked people suffer. He gives a long talk on all the things which happen to wicked people. He seems to be trying to convince Job that he is getting exactly what his life deserved!
Day 278 - Job 16
But Job denies all this. In verse 17 he claims that there is nothing wrong with his life. Even his prayer is pure. He says the reason is that God hates him! (v. 9).
V.21 He feels that God is far away from him. All this is necessary to bring Job down.
Day 279 - Job 17
V.1-3 Job feels that everyone and everything is against him. No one supports him. He says that the reason people can’t think properly is because God has taken away their ability to think clearly!
V.6, 7 He feels no one understands that he is good!
V.8-9 If people were good they would be able to understand him, seeing that he was one of those himself.
Day 280 - Job 18
Bildad has his second turn to speak. He is the one that depends on traditions. What is old is good, he thinks. Like many people today!
V.2-4 He again attacks Job. He does not like to listen — talking is his specialty.
V.5-21 His answer to Job’s problems is that wicked people always suffer. Job is suffering. Therefore, Job must be wicked.
V.18 His idea of the end of the wicked! They shall be chased out of the world!
V.9-21 He comes back to his first thoughts. To have a good reputation so that the next generation will look up to you. In other words, tradition.
Day 281 - Job 19
V.1-6 The more the men spoke to Job, the worse he felt. And he has just heard the worst speech! Job replies, and its not good either. They were justifying themselves and condemning Job. So he starts to condemn them! But he admits that God has thrown him over.
V.7-20 If it was any comfort for them to know, he confesses that his trouble comes from God’s hand. Job feels that every person he ever knew has turned against him. His close friends have forgotten him. Even the maids in his house consider him a stranger, and pay no attention to him. Job calls to a servant, and he won’t answer him. Even his wife is like a stranger to him, and the little children have no use for him.
V.21-22 He cries out for mercy.
V.23-24 It is rather strange, but this is exactly what has happened!
V.25-29 He makes this remarkable admission, and yet it has such little effect on him.
Day 282 - Job 20
Now Zophar, the third friend, speaks for the second time. He comes out with his philosophy and it is very empty The thoughts of many well-educated people today are exactly the same. In verse 4, he says that this wisdom has been held since man was put on the earth.
V.5-29 And so he proceeds to say that the wicked are soon cut off, and the joy of the hypocrite is only for a short time. Is this correct? No, it is not: For we know some who have been wicked people all their life, and they have lived to an old age. By all this he is trying to prove that Job must be guilty. He could not possibly suffer like this if there was not a cause. Poor Job. Not much comfort in these thoughts.
Day 283 - Job 21
Up until this point Job has not been willing to admit that anything his friends have said was right. But here we notice a change.
V.1-13 The argument goes on and on, as to whether the wicked people live long. Job says that they have a happy life.
V.13 But he admits that suddenly they die. Do you think that the wicked get away with things in this life? Yes, they do.
V.14-15 This is what the wicked say in their heart.
V.16 But Job is quick to tell us that he is not like them!
V.17-34 Here is where Job admits a bit of the arguments of Zophar, that the wicked get cut off suddenly. But he says that God does this because He gets angry at them. We can notice slight changes in Job. He begins to allow that there was some truth in what they were saying, but not much.
Day 284 - Job 22
We hear Eliphaz for the third and last time. He is angry now at Job.
V.2 He tries to prove that how a man acts does not affect God.
V.4 “Is God afraid of you!” he asks.
V.5 Job has always been insisting that he is innocent. Here Eliphaz says that to say this is a great wickedness.
V.6-30 He accuses Job of hidden evil. But he goes farther than the truth. For Job was never like what he describes him as in verses 6-7 and 9.
V.21 This man Eliphaz is so proud he calls on Job to get to know God! Job knew God better than Eliphaz, although he has yet to learn his mistake.
Day 285 - Job 23
So far as Job’s outward life is concerned, he does not have a bad conscience. His so-called comforters were always trying to convince Job that there must be some hidden sins in his life which were causing all this trouble. But here he answers these charges. We must remember that Job has not yet made the great discovery. But so far as his life before men is concerned, it is faultless. He knew God far better than his friends did. He longed to be closer to God.
V.10 He did not know all this would bring glory to God, but he did know that he was not a hypocrite.
V.12 Beautiful words. God’s word was more important to him than his daily food!
Day 286 - Job 24
This is an interesting chapter. Job touches on a subject that you probably have often wondered about. Why are the wicked people allowed to get away with things?
Day 287 - Job 25
Next comes Bildad for the last turn. He has very little to say now. A few remarks about the wonderful power of God. He is very depressing, although all that he says is true. Did it meet Job’s need? No indeed, nor can any earthly wisdom ever help us to know God.
Day 288 - Job 26
Job goes much farther, and does a much better job of telling about God’s power than Bildad did. And he does not just speak of the things which can be seen, but he describes the things of the unseen world. But although Job could speak this way, there was one question in Job’s mind which he could not solve and that was ... Why would God, Who is so great, take the trouble to bother with a man so small and unimportant as Job? Because God was teaching a great lesson. We’ll see it later. Underneath all Job’s thoughts was the uneasy sense that it was God Who was dealing with him. His friends therefore could not help him because they were not realizing that God had a wonderful plan in the whole affair.
Day 289 - Job 27
In this chapter Job takes up another subject. Not the glory of God, as in Job 26, but the unhappiness of the hypocrite, and his awful doom at the end of his life. He was really doing a much better job of describing the hypocrite than the others had done. He uses very colorful language.
Day 290 - Job 28
Are you beginning to get the purpose God has for giving us the Book of Job? God is using Job to teach us that He wants all His children to enjoy Him. And the only way we can learn this is in doing two things every day. (1) To judge myself and stop doing the things I know don’t please Him, and (2) to submit to God. Job hasn’t learned this yet, and so in this chapter he keeps on trying, just like he is telling his friends that people can do great things but they can’t understand God.
V.1-11 Job describes man’s struggles in this life. People search after gold and precious stones of every kind. They move mountains, change the courses of rivers — think of what science is doing today! They can do many wonderful things, but these solutions don’t give them the answers to the questions in verse 12.
V.13-19 All the treasures buried in the world cannot produce it.
V.21, 27 Death itself does not have the answer. God now leads towards the answer.
V.28 And here it is. Read this verse. Then read 1 Corinthians 1:30. Are we finding the answers to our problems in these two verses too? There is no other answer. Though Job tells this, he doesn’t apply it to himself. Is this why we don’t understand too?
Day 291 - Job 29
The third man, Zophar is silent. Bildad had little to say last time (Job 25). These three men are defeated, even by sick and suffering Job. They are more vexed at their failure than they are humbled! Job has the field to himself, and he uses it, 53 times in the chapter he uses the words “I,” “me,” or “my.” He tells us all about the “good old days.” He thereby is showing us that he is no farther ahead in learning God’s message than the other 3 men.
V.11 When people listened to him! When people looked at him! This verse is going to be referred to when we come to the great event at the end.
Day 292 - Job 30
Here Job contrasts all yesterday’s good days to his present dark days. He mentions himself 62 times and takes six more verses to describe the sad days than the glad ones.
Who is he only thinking about? There is no doubt that Satan is making him feel sorry for himself. He does the same to us believers if we don’t learn the lesson this Book is going to teach us at the end.
Day 293 - Job 31
Here Job makes a grand defense of himself, taking 40 verses to do it. He protests that he is innocent by using the following arguments.
V.1 He was moral.
V.3-12 He was just and fair with other people.
V.13 He was nice to his servants.
V.15-20 Kind to the poor.
V.21 Never took advantage of orphans.
V.24-25 Did not love money.
V.26-28 Hated worshipping other gods (like the sun).
V.29-30 Never took revenge.
V.31-34 Was kind to strangers, and afraid of no-one.
V.38-40 If his fields could claim he was cruel, then let thorns come up in them. Do you think such a man could ever learn the lesson God was trying to teach him? Wait.
Day 294 - Job 32
A great change takes place. The three comforters have said all they can. Job too has said a lot, although they have arrived nowhere. But God is ready with a new man. Hadn’t Job been asking that there might be someone who could come between God and him? (Job 9:33). God has a man. God is always ready, but He is so wise, He knows we have to talk ourselves out. The man’s name is Elihu. In him we can get a little glimpse of another Man. The One who has really come between God and us. Read 1 Timothy 2:5 to see Who He is. Elihu is very careful to explain that he is just an ordinary man, and a young one at that. The Lord Jesus always took a low place too. He takes a long time to get started speaking — the whole chapter. When he starts, you will see that he knows God a lot better than the others, including Job.
Day 295 - Job 33
Notice something new in verse 4. For the first time in the book of Job we read of the Spirit of God — once in 26:4, but not spelled with a capital “S.” When the Spirit of God speaks through a person, it no longer makes any difference whether they are young or old. This young man is speaking as guided by the Holy Spirit of God — the secret of his power, the secret of power in any believer’s life. There is always a great difference between the man who speaks what God tells him to speak, and the man, no matter how clever, who speaks his own thoughts. This is what we can see in the book of Job up to this point. The other friends were speaking their own thoughts, and so was Job! (See Job 32:9). The world is becoming darker each day because the people are listening to “great men” and not God’s Word. Throughout this chapter we notice how nicely Elihu speaks. He is not boasting, but speaks with confidence — with grace and truth.
V.8-11 Elihu was a good listener, and good listeners have good memories. Elihu repeats what Job had said.
V.17-30 A very important lesson in these verses. We can apply them to our own life as believers in the Lord Jesus. Take a minute to read Job 36:7. The Lord Jesus never takes His eyes off each believer today. But that doesn’t mean that He lets us get away with our careless, disobedient doings. Yet Job was the most upright man on the earth. So what is wrong with Job? His problem was that he was thinking that he was pretty good. If Job had bowed his heart before God, he would not have had these troubles. So we all need to learn that the Lord loves us too much to let us do our own will.
Day 296 - Job 34
Yesterday Elihu was speaking to Job. Today he speaks to the men about Job. In these few words, Elihu gives us a glorious view of God. How different from what the others, including Job, had said about God.
V.29 A grand verse! God is not as other men are! Are we growing to know our Father better and better? He surely is a loving Father.
V.32 Another wonderful verse. Our conscience is touched. “If I have done iniquity.” The fault didn’t lie with God. It lay deep in the heart of Job. He had been trying to be good! But God had a better way!
V.35 Elihu is a faithful man. God’s men are not afraid to speak the truth. They never will be popular in this world. Job’s conscience was being touched.
Day 297 - Job 35
Elihu speaks plainer still, and Job becomes smaller and smaller. Elihu turns the thoughts of all heavenward. Don’t we all feel pretty small when we gaze into the heavens on a clear star-lit night? (Read verses 5-10). Aren’t they a great help to see the greatness of God? God sees everything and He saw right down into the heart of Job. But our thoughts are being turned up to God, not down to Job. When we look up, we learn.
Day 298 - Job 36
V.1-3 God was the center of Elihu’s thoughts. His eye was on God. Job had his eye on himself — the cause of all Job’s trouble.
V.3 It is grand when we follow this verse in our life.
V.4 the closer we walk with God, the wiser we are. Elihu had perfect confidence that he was speaking God’s truth.
V.5-17 Remember that you are reading the Old Testament. The Lord Jesus Christ had not yet come to earth. God was still testing people to see if they would obey. Never mix Christianity with the religion of the Jews. But we believers can learn much from the Old Testament. Christians quickly and easily get out of communion with the Lord, get impatient, irritable, fault-finding, judging everyone but themselves and all this goes on until God takes us in hand, by methods He knows to be best, and brings us back to Him. We never can be lost, but we sure can get unhappy. This is what we are learning from Job, even although Job knew nothing about salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
V.7-12 Here is a serious warning. A person might be so unwilling to submit to God that it would result in his death. In 1 Corinthians 11: 29-31, there is the same statement, and don’t forget that this latter one was in the day of grace, the Christian era. Our sins would be forgiven but what sorrow it would bring!
V.18 We cannot be careless with God.
V.26 God never really was known by man until the Lord Jesus came to earth.
V.26-33 Elihu keeps reminding them of the greatness of God, so that they would have true brokenness of heart, and humbleness of mind. Job had not yet come to this.
Day 299 - Job 37
V.1-3 Wonderful description of the greatness of God. How little we realize it.
V.14 Job was told to stand still and listen and consider! Three steps, wonderful instruction for us.
V.15-24 Elihu asks five staggering questions. Do they make you feel small?
V.21 How grand a secret is hidden here for us who live in the day of grace! Jesus Christ is the light which is hidden in the darkness. In our natural (unsaved) state we did not see that bright light.
V.24 None clever of heart shall see Him! Unless we see God’s holiness and heart of love, we will be thinking of how good we are. These are the last words of Elihu.
All the talking by these five men comes to an end. Now GOD is going to have something to say! Be prepared to hear wonderful words!
Day 300 - Job 38
God Himself speaks! What will He say? Job has said that God would not take the trouble to speak to him (Job 9:32; 19:7; 23:8-9; 29:5; 30:20-21; 31:35 and many more). We know how much God is interested for God has told us all we need to know! Anything else is merely the inquisitiveness of the human mind. God reviews His works of creation as an example of His power and wisdom. This surely will make Job see his smallness. We cannot take any particular verses and speak about them. You should read the whole passage as one grand and glorious message from the very mouth of God Himself. We would have thought that God would have spoken like this when He told of creation in Genesis 1, but He reserves it for one single man, Job.
Day 301 - Job 39
Could any words in our language make us feel smaller? These four chapters give us one of the greatest views of God’s wisdom and power to be found anywhere in the Bible. All this is necessary for Job (and us) to see. And for us it is all the more wonderful, for it makes us realize what glory the Lord Jesus laid aside to become a Man, and suffer all the shame and insults by the creatures His blessed hands had made!
Day 302 - Job 40
V.1-3 All the wonderful words of the Lord are having their effect on Job. We pray that the same effect may be had on each one of us as we read too. Job is beginning to be broken. What a wonderful place for the believer to be brought! Speechless before God!
V.6-24 But the Lord knew that more was needed to bring Job completely to the end of himself.
V.15 Perhaps this is the hippopotamus.
Day 303 - Job 41
V.1-9 Possibly, this is a crocodile. Job would have to say “not me” to every one of these questions. But God is leading up to the next verse.
V.10 If no one is able to meet a mere animal, who is able to stand before God? What a question!
V.11 God controls everything.
V.12-34 God proceeds to describe the mighty power of an animal. The description is frightening. The words have their effect on Job, may they work the same way on us. May they open our eyes to see our smallness, and God’s greatness. God has finished speaking, and now we come to the great moment in Job’s life.
Day 304 - Job 42
V.1-4 Job is a humbled man! Gone are all thoughts of himself.
V.5-6 Just 27 words. But they are the most important words he ever uttered. When we believers are brought down so low that we utter them, we are on the way to a full, and rich and happy Christian life. Just read those words again. We hear of the Lord when we get saved, but our lives are only given to Him when we get our eyes opened to see His beauty and all-sufficiency. Job’s new thoughts of God are quickly connected to new thoughts about himself. What a contrast to the views of Job we get in Job 29:11. Job took a long time to get to this position — we too. God loves us too much to let us go on in our old careless way. Seldom is a believer brought down as low as Job, to see how vile he or she really is. This can only be experienced by coming into God’s presence. Can we say “wherefore I abhor myself?” Our humbled spirit will show it in our life, if we have experienced some of it. Supposing God had stopped at the end, what would be the use of the Book? Job might have said, “Well, when everything was prospering I was eyes to the blind (Job 29:15) and when things were rough I was patient.” That would have been the worst situation. But it wasn’t what happened. Even though his friends were entirely wrong by thinking that this world was an example of the just government of God, Job suddenly realizes what he really is, and so we have verse 6.
V.7-17 Job’s thoughts turn to his friends. He even prays for them! And when he did this, God acted for him, and gave him double of everything he had before! Happy Job. Happy we, if we have been humbled to see ourselves as God sees us. Then our eyes will be opened and we shall be able to say, “thank God that He ever put me through the trials.” Has the Book of Job been a help?
Day 305 - Ecclesiastes 1
This book is entirely different. It is the experience of a man who is very wise and then decides that he will experiment with everything on the earth. The words he uses are “under the sun” and he uses it about 28 times in this book. He wants to find out if anything will make him happy. The writer is King Solomon and he lacks nothing to be able to find the answer. So he tries. Sometimes he gets near the truth but at other times he is far from it (Eccl. 3:18-22; 7:16-17). But divine teaching is in the last two verses of the book. They give the answer to the searchings in Eccl. 1:13 and 2:3. Pleasure, being “good,” learning lots, riches and on and on, cannot bring happiness. Why? Because evil is only in this world. Remember that Solomon didn’t know about the Lord Jesus. He was searching for satisfaction down here, but we have found joy and peace in a heavenly Man. It is important to realize also, that the more a person tries to find happiness down here, the more unhappy he becomes.
V.1 In this book “God” is used because it is man’s experience on earth before God, without knowing Him as Lord.
V.4-11 Work, work, work, never ending, never satisfied, so goes all creation on earth. Genesis 3:17-19 tell us why this is so.
V.12-18 Something to think about, for any who would go after “much wisdom and knowledge” about everything on earth. The man who had more learning than any other man on earth — except Christ, of course — tells us in verse 14 what he discovered.
Day 306 - Ecclesiastes 2
V.1-3 If much learning will not satisfy the heart, will joking and pleasure and entertainment bring contentment? No.
V.4-11 Well, then, what about a good, hard work to make the world a nicer, cleaner, prettier place in which to live? What about getting “things” for ourselves? Verse 11 repeats the same sad ending.
V.12-19 If all that he had discovered about life was true, what difference did it make whether a man was wise or foolish? The “one event” that happens to all is death which ends everything here on earth, so why work so hard just to leave all to others? Without the good news of God’s salvation, what emptiness in life.
V.20-21 Solomon left all to his son Rehoboam who did not profit from his father’s wisdom. Are we learning from Solomon?
V.22-26 As some say, “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die!” What a terrible way to live.
Day 307 - Ecclesiastes 3
V.1.-8 This is not Christianity, remember, but what Solomon sees as going on in every day life.
V.9-15 Everything keeps going on, man cannot really change anything, nor can he tell the future. All is in God’s hands, but even the knowledge of this does not bring contentment.
V.16-22 Without the revelation of God’s truth, these verses are the only conclusion a man can make — no real difference between man and animal. That is where the teaching of evolution comes from, for evolution denies the truth of God’s Word that He created the world.
Day 308 - Ecclesiastes 4
V.1-16 If the last few verses of chapter 3 were true, it is better to be dead than alive, and better yet never to have been born! But if living, it is better to have a little of this world’s goods and quietness, than to have much and distress.
V.7-12 Better to have companions than to live alone.
V.13-16 Solomon failed at the end of his life as king, and here he is concerned over whether his son would take the warnings. Please don’t forget that these chapters are the findings and reasonings of man, not God’s thoughts.
Day 309 - Ecclesiastes 5
V.1-8 What a warning to watch our talk and our actions! God is listening and watching! Matthew 14:7-10 is an example of the first part of verse 6).
V.9-17 The apostle Paul makes use of this teaching in 1 Timothy 6:7-10. But Paul had the truth of God to give the happy side of the subject, while Solomon only gives us the sad side, as seen from men’s viewpoint.
V.18-20 It is not a sin to be rich in this world’s goods, but those goods will not really satisfy the heart. It is the desire to be rich (See 1 Tim. 6:9-10) which brings sadness and frustration in life.
Day 310 - Ecclesiastes 6
V.1-5 How foolish to try to get much of this world’s money, goods and fame, only to find that they do not bring lasting happiness.
V.6 Even though that person lived 2,000 years, he would see nothing worthwhile.
V.7-12 Many questions but no answers! Only God’s truth can give the right answers. Are we looking for His answers in His Word each day? We find them in the New Testament.
We might summarize the first six chapters as showing the vanity or emptiness of all things on the earth; the last six chapters as showing that true wisdom is the only worthwhile path through this world. But it doesn’t tell how to get it.
Day 311 - Ecclesiastes 7
V.1-6 Different things are compared. Notice the better things. Those who don’t face the serious side are called fools.
V.7-14 A patient spirit and carefulness should be seen in our life.
V.16-18 Man says moderation in all things is the best policy. This is not God’s wisdom, as we are seeing in this book of Ecclesiastes.
V.19-28 Right conclusions but nothing to give any hope. The “one man” of verse 28 would tell us of Christ, but even His righteous life cannot save a man, but only condemns him further. It is only through the death of Christ that a man gets what he needs, but that news is in the gospel of God’s revelation, not in what a man can observe on earth. In our “day of grace” a believer may have many more difficulties than an unbeliever, just as the Lord Jesus had.
Day 312 - Ecclesiastes 8
V.1-7 Those who are in authority should be respected and obeyed, otherwise there would be no government, it is ordained by God (Rom. 13:1-3).
V.8 No person can make his spirit stay in himself, or leave, just by his own speaking. This is a clear testimony to the deity of Christ, for He did send His spirit from His body (Matt. 27:50).
V.9-14 Innocent people are punished at times and the guilty ones get away with their bad deeds. Is there no justice? Yes, there is, but sinful man is not able to carry it out. Only Christ can, and He will, during the coming period of the millennium (see your chart).
V.15-17 “Why worry about tomorrow and its troubles? Man cannot tell the future anyway, only God knows. Have a good time today.” Aren’t these what so many in this world are saying?
V.17 Read 1 Corinthians 1:21, to see what God has given us in Christ.
Day 313 - Ecclesiastes 9
V.1-12 Death happens to all mankind. If the truth of God is not known, the end of verse 11 is what man sees the timing of things, and luck. But God is in control, and there is judgment ahead even though people do not know it (v. 12 — let’s remember Heb. 9:27).
V.13-18 “Little city” (this world); “great king” (Satan); “poor wise man” (Christ in His work upon the cross). The end of verse 16 is what is true about mankind in general.
V.17 Is true of believers who listen to Christ, not Satan.
Day 314 - Ecclesiastes 10
V.1-15 Soberness and quietness of spirit, willing to take an unimportant place, knowing how to speak graciously and simply, these are wise sayings which may give a person a peaceful life on earth, but it won’t save his soul.
V.16-20 More observations of life young: people do not make good leaders, money has great power over people, watch your talk in private.
Day 315 - Ecclesiastes 11
V.1-6 Further thoughts: share what you have, things take their natural course as ordered by God, man cannot control the outcome of his acts. These observations lead Solomon to the next verses.
V.7-10 Serious conclusion at the end of verse 9. The word “youth” in verse 10 means “the prime of life.” What a word this should be to each one of us! What is considered the best time of life, is vanity, emptiness, meaningless. Are you glad you have Christ as your Savior? He gives meaning to life.
Day 316 - Ecclesiastes 12
V.1-7 There is never a better time to think about God and eternity than when we are young. As we get older, life becomes harder with more responsibilities. See if you can see different members of the body here — (v. 3) arms, legs, teeth. The body returns to dust (Gen. 3:19) after death. The end of verse 7 does not tell us what God does with man’s spirit. We have to turn elsewhere in God’s Word to find out.
V.8 No change in Solomon’s decision. Have we learned this too?
V.9-12 We get those proverbs that God has kept for us in the book of Proverbs which give heavenly wisdom for life on earth but not for salvation.
V.13-14 Solomon’s conclusion to all that he saw on earth is told us in this book of Ecclesiastes. There is much wisdom and help. But when we are born again we receive the heavenly new life, and we learn of this in Paul’s Epistles.
Day 317 - Jude
Jude tells us what conditions in the world will be like just before the Lord comes. It is a warning to us to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (v. 3). “Once” means “once and for all,” — not to be repeated. God has provided everything to maintain us in this life. But we are tested. Here God points out the dangers. When a person hears the truth and, without accepting it, turns away from it, he is in a very serious condition. He heard it and then gave it up. It is called “apostasy.” Today we are living in a very dangerous and difficult time. Christianity is quickly disappearing and this shows us how important this Book of Jude is for us now.
V.1, 21 “Preserved” and “kept” are from the same root word. The first one is what God does, and second, what we are to do. Often, we pray that the Lord might keep us! What is verse 21 saying to you?
V.5 Three examples of this (1) Although the Israelites were all taken out of Egypt by God in the days of Moses, some did not believe God and were destroyed.
V.6 (2) Some of the angels disobeyed, and today they are in chains waiting for their punishment.
V.7 (3) Sodom and Gomorrah, great cities, were both destroyed because they turned to immorality.
V.8-10 The wicked people in the world then, were creeping in amongst the believers. Evil starts very gently. We can see all this filth today, filling the news — giving up all the respect for authority and insulting the truth of God.
V.11 Here are three ways in which people slip away; (1) “the way of Cain.” This is a picture of the old nature, the will of a person in hatred against both God and believers. (2) “The error of Balaam for reward.” This is a picture of religious evil. Being religious for gain. (3) “The gainsaying of Core;” a picture of rebelling against God and His Word (See Num. 16).
V.12-13 These are like people in our land today.
V.14-15 Remarkable verses. Enoch lived about 1,600 years before Moses wrote the Book of Genesis (Gen. 5:21-24), and warns against those wicked people who are around us today and tells us of their awful end.
V.17-23 We are living in loose days, the “mockers” of the truth for believers, are all around us. We are told here to: build up ourselves on (Read those words carefully); pray; keep ourselves in; look for; unto. How we need these warnings!
V.24-25 How sweet, touching and assuring an ending. He is able to keep us (present) and present us faultless before God (future).
Day 318 - Matthew 1
The Bible opens with the Garden of Eden, and a river flowing out of it which divided into four rivers. Four in Scripture suggests the thought of going in all directions North, West, East and South. Noah and his sons (4 in all) were placed in a newly washed world. Abraham, later, was called out of the awful idolatry of this world. By his descendants all the world was to be blest. So Israel became God’s people. His throne was in the center Jerusalem. It too was the center of government and worship for all nations. Those were God’s plans — separation to Himself, but for blessing far and wide. To Israel was given the Old Testament. Everything centered in them. The Savior of the world was to be their Messiah. So when Jesus arrived He was born there. Later, as a Man, He presented Himself to them. So this is why the first Book of the New section of the Bible opens with “Jesus Christ.” This Book has many quotations of the prophets of the Old Testament days. It can be divided into four sections First part chapters 1 and 2. He is born in Bethlehem, according to Micah 5:2. We will mention the other parts and references as we come to them.
V.18 The virgin birth of our Lord Jesus. This is denied by many people today, but we know that the Word of God plainly teaches that our Lord Jesus was born as was promised to a virgin (Isa. 7:14).
V.21 Before He was born the wonderful name of Jesus was chosen for Him, and this name means Savior, “for He shall save His people from their sins.” Very often we shall find this word “save” while reading the Gospel.
Day 319 - Matthew 2
V.1-2 About 2 years after Jesus is born, men from the east came to worship Him. They were Gentiles. They visited King Herod, who was very much disturbed when he heard of the birth of Jesus.
V.5 The Jewish leaders actually knew that Bethlehem was the city where their Messiah ought to be born, and they quote the prophecy in verse 6 to prove it.
V.8 Herod very deceitfully promises that he will come and worship Jesus also when He is found.
V.9 Amazing miracle recorded here. The star moved on to Bethlehem and stopped there. It was only 12 miles away, so the star must have been very close to identify the place so exactly.
V.11 It would seem that Jesus by that time was almost two years old (v. 16).
V.19-23 God took special care of that child. Joseph takes the little family to the land of Egypt. Read Hosea 11:1 and remember it was written about 700 years before Jesus was born!
Day 320 - Matthew 3
Years have now passed, for Jesus has begun His work. John the Baptist appears, according to what Isaiah had prophesied (Isa. 40:3).
V.1 John the Baptist is preaching in the wilderness. The fact that John preaches in the wilderness instead of in the temple would tell us that God’s people were in a condition that did not please the Lord, and so John stands in separation from them and calls on them to repent.
V.2 We will find quite often in Matthew’s Gospel the expression “the kingdom of heaven.” This does not mean heaven itself, but as we will find described later on, it refers to the fact that the Lord Jesus had come from heaven and was going to reveal to His people that which He had received from His Father in heaven.
V.6 This baptism is not at all the same as the Christian baptism that we speak of today. This was a baptism unto repentance for the sins of the people and nation of Israel.
V.7-12 John warns those who come to him for baptism that God looks at their hearts.
V.13-17 Jesus comes to John to be baptized, John, of course, is greatly surprised, for he knew that the Lord Jesus had no sins which needed to be repented of. The Lord Jesus knew that the nation of Israel was guilty of many sins — their idolatry of the past, their present self-righteous pride. So to take His place with His nation, He had asked John to baptize Him.
V.16-17 God immediately sets Him apart as being very different from every other one who was being baptized. When the Lord Jesus, came up out of the water, the voice of God is heard from heaven saying “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The Spirit of God descends like a dove and rests upon the Lord Jesus. Here we find the whole Trinity at the beginning of His public life.
Day 321 - Matthew 4
V.1-11 The temptation of the Lord Jesus — a very important thing for us. Each time Satan tempted the Lord Jesus he used the word “if” in presenting his temptation. Each time the Lord answered by quoting from the Word of God. Remember this when we are faced with temptations; we are guarded by the Word of God. When Adam was in the garden of Eden, he also was tempted, and fell, and brought upon himself and upon all his descendants, the sin, suffering and death that followed. The Lord Jesus had come out of Paradise to pay for the sins of those who would believe in Him so as to be able to take them into His Paradise. As the “last Adam” He is tempted, and He meets all these temptations. Remember too, that John the Baptist was not a Christian, he was like all the Old Testament believers. He was only prominent for possibly a few months.
V.12-16 The Lord Jesus hears that John was cast into prison and goes into Galilee. Many places and many towns heard the wonderful message of the kingdom of heaven.
V.19 “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” What a wonderful thing for each one of us who knows the Lord Jesus as our Savior to be one too.
V.23 The Lord Jesus teaches in their synagogues “the gospel of the kingdom” and He healed all manner of sickness among the people. He is gradually gathering a little remnant around Him, which will turn into, and be the beginning of the church of God, of which each one of us which believes, is a part.
Day 322 - Matthew 5
We now come to what is often called “the sermon on the mount.” The Lord Jesus tells His people the principles (rules) of the kingdom that He had come to set up. But He, the King was rejected and crucified. The kingdom has been postponed, so that although we read these beautiful verses, we know that they have not yet been fulfilled.
V.5 Are the meek inheriting the earth today? No, but the wicked and ungodly are. Remember that after the believers are taken to glory (maybe today), the Lord shall return to set up this kingdom.
V.11-12 If we wish to be faithful to the rejected One, we also may find ourselves persecuted and falsely accused for the Lord’s sake. We can rejoice and be exceeding glad. Although these instructions were so sweet and perfect, yet it is Himself, blessed Lord Jesus, that has the power of attraction for us. If you have the time, read Deuteronomy 14 for the connection of Israel with the Old Testament and see how our chapter was spoken to this same nation. Then read Galatians 3:12-13 to understand what grace has done for us.
V.17-48 The Lord Jesus speaks of the law of Moses. He not only confirms the authority of these laws, but He speaks of the heart of man. The law of Moses only took notice of actions, but God looks at the heart. Man is more responsible today than he was while under the law of Moses.
V.22 It was very wrong to be angry with one’s brother.
V.27-28 That which is hidden in the heart of people is known to God.
V.33-37 It is very common today for people to swear in order to make their statements more sure. Such language is not at all pleasing to Him.
V.38-48 This is what the Lord delights to see in those who wish to please Him. This was the way in which He Himself acted when He was here. There is no one who loved His enemies like the Lord Jesus.
Day 323 - Matthew 6
V.1-8 The way in which many people prayed, and performed other good deeds. When we show deeds of kindness to others, or when we pray, it is much better to do these so that we will not attract attention to ourselves.
V.9-13 “The Lord’s prayer” was very important for the disciples of that day because their hopes lay in a kingdom on earth, whereas our hopes are heavenly. We are waiting for the Lord to call us up. After we are there for a while, then the Lord will bring us back to reign over this earth with Him. He will then set up His kingdom on earth. But just before He returns, the little Jewish remnant (which has believed the “gospel of the kingdom” (Matt. 24:14) — which will be preached on earth, shall pray that prayer.
V.19-34 We can take these words to ourselves for our personal daily needs. There is great instruction for each of us.
V.21 If our treasure is down here in this world, we will have many anxious cares and those treasures can vanish very quickly; but our treasure is in heaven — the Lord Jesus.
V.33 The same thought.
Day 324 - Matthew 7
V.1-6 Remembering our own weakness and failure when trying to be a help to others. This 6th verse refers more to our individual contact with people rather than the general preaching of the gospel.
V.7-12 We can enjoy a happy trust in God as our Father, and bring every problem to Him.
V.13-14 A narrow gate and a narrow way which lead to life; and a wide gate and a broad way that leads to destruction (death). Which are you on?
V.15-23 There will be many who will bring in false teachings and we need to be on guard. There is a day coming when the Lord Jesus will say to those false teachers “depart from Me, I never knew you.”
V.24-29 There are many who have heard the words of the Lord, but have never received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and yet are acting outwardly in a way that may seem to be very religious.
Day 325 - Matthew 8
V.1-4 In the days of Moses, if a man were to reach out and touch a leper, he would immediately become unclean. But the Lord Jesus was able to reach out His hand, touch this poor leper and cleanse the leprosy! Each one of us needs to feel the touch of our blessed Lord day by day.
V.5-13 The Lord Jesus heals one who was not a Jew. A lovely reminder that the grace of God would soon go out to us who are Gentiles. The Lord Jesus is able to heal both diseases.
V.17 There are those who would wrongly teach that the Lord Jesus bore these sicknesses and infirmities while He was dying on the cross, and that, therefore, we who know Him as our Savior can have all our illnesses healed. Not true, as we can see from this verse. He participates in our sicknesses.
V.20 This is the first time that Jesus is called “the Son of Man.” This was His title in showing His lowliness. We also see the first intimation of His rejection. This title appears 21 times in Matthew 5:23-27. The Lord Jesus had power to still the great storm on the sea.
V.28-34 The demons who possessed these men immediately recognized the Lord Jesus and called Him the Son of God. How remarkable this is that even demons recognized who the Lord Jesus was, although many of the scribes and priests refused to recognize Him as the Son of God.
V.34 A very sad ending to this story. The people actually asked Him to depart out of their coasts. That which happened to the swine in verse 32 is probably a picture of that which happened to the proud Jews who rejected the Lord Jesus and refused to own Him as the Son of God.
Day 326 - Matthew 9, Verses 1-17
V.1-8 If a great man appeared on earth, and brought unimagined goodness and power, and could deal with every problem of the human race, and cure them — he would be received with great acclaim. But such an One has come! We read of how He was received. The heart of man has been exposed — such is our heart.
V.9 A lovely contrast! Matthew, the writer of this very book not only hears the invitation from the blessed Lord, but obeys Him. Are we?
V.10-13 All spiritual intelligence depends on what we think of the Lord Jesus. These religious leaders did not believe in Him, so this is how their minds worked. This principle runs all through the believer’s life — the more we believe in Him, the more we understand His Word. And we can lose this understanding too through carelessness.
V.14-17 The religion of the Jews — the Old Testament — is pictured by the “old garment” and “old bottles;” Christianity by the “new cloth” and “new wine.” The old and new cannot mix. If they are put together they make the old worse. But many believers today are doing this very thing — they are mixing Christian truth with traditions from the Old Testament rituals — music, altars, beautiful buildings and clergy. All these are the old (Read 2 Cor. 5:17).
Day 327 - Matthew 9, Verses 18-35
V.18-26 (vvs. 20-22) a brief interruption — an example of what faith in Christ could do. A Gentile in authority displays great faith in the Person of Christ, and we see the fruit of this faith.
V.27-31 Another example of believing (faith is believing). “Believe ye that I am able?” This is the key to growth in your life.
V.32-35 Notice that it was the “gospel of the kingdom” that Jesus was preaching, not the gospel that we preach today. The book of Matthew never tells us the gospel of the grace of God. That gospel came out after Jesus died and rose again.
Day 328 - Matthew 10
In the last 3 verses of Matthew 9 we read of the Lord speaking about sending out workers into His harvest field, this chapter tells us He cares, and so He sends out the laborers — His 12 apostles. He is the Lord of the harvest. But to properly understand the book of Matthew, you need to remember that it is mainly to Israel that all refers. Verse 5 makes this plain. They were not to go outside the borders of Israel. They were to preach that the kingdom of heaven was going to be set up. They were to present the Messiah.
V.5-15 The instructions in detail: what they were to say, and where they were to say it.
V.16-42 More general statements for the disciples. All this was said and done before He was rejected, and therefore it never was carried out. The Lord Jesus when He comes in power and glory — when we believers come back with Him. “E” on your chart — then He will carry out all this chapter. For the believer now it is a kingdom in mystery for there is no visible king.
Day 329 - Matthew 11
V.2-9 John the Baptist is in prison because he had the courage to speak out against the immorality of King Herod (Matt. 14:3-4). In prison he hears reports of the work of Christ. In his Jewish heart there lurked some uncertainties. “If Jesus is the real Messiah, doing all these miracles, why am I, the forerunner, in prison?” would be something like the thoughts he had. But Christ, the Messiah, having come, He was going to be His own witness. So John’s work was done. But he was being tested, and the Lord graciously sends a reassuring message to John. Instead of John the Baptist being a witness about Jesus, the Lord becomes a witness about John.
V.20-24 This is the Lord’s statement of what awful punishment lay ahead for these very cities in which the Lord was visiting. The more a person hears and therefore knows, the more responsible he is. We must not forget this fact.
V.25-30 The Lord is being rejected, and He feels it, He speaks to His Father, and we are allowed to hear the words. He reveals the Father to us believers.
V.28-30 When all the world has turned against Jesus, He holds out one hope for everyone “Come unto Me.”
V.29 Then, when we have come to Him, and received Him as our Savior, He says this. In this invitation we find responsibility for every believer. Then we find rest.
Day 330 - Matthew 12, Verses 1-30
V.1-8 This story has a meaning. The Lord, having been rejected, is telling that the test is finished. He had presented Himself to His people Israel and they had rejected Him. Jesus refers to the Old Testament scriptures where David, rejected by King Saul, eats the holy bread which only the priests were to eat. The two incidents are through rejection — David and the Son of David, Jesus. The whole Jewish system of the Old Testament, including the Sabbath day, was passing away. One greater than the Sabbath had come! But they would not have Him. One greater than the temple was there (v. 6) but they did not recognize Him.
V.10-13 Another proof that the Sabbath was being set aside.
V.14 The first time His destruction is openly planned. They were children of the murderer (John 8:44).
V.15 He had the opposite in His heart — He healed all who came to Him.
V.22-30 A man blind and dumb — a clear picture of Israel before God. An awful accusation the unbelievers make against the Lord Jesus, thus proving their true condition. Jesus proves how absurd their argument was — Satan would not destroy his own kingdom.
Day 331 - Matthew 12, Verses 31-50
V.31-37 Some people today believe that they could commit the “unpardonable sin.” There is no sin a person can commit today which cannot be washed clean by the blood of Christ (1 John 1:7). The Lord Jesus was preaching “the gospel of the kingdom.” The death, blood shedding and resurrection of Christ had not yet taken place, the Holy Spirit had not yet come to earth as a Person, so these words apply to a person in that day, under the law. They will also in the day to come, after we are gone to glory. The Spirit’s work was then displayed in the miracles Jesus performed. That display of the work of the Spirit of God shall return in the millennium (Heb. 6:5).
V.38-45 They ask for a sign! These are wicked men (v. 45) and the Lord takes this occasion to pronounce awful judgments to come. The story of Jonah being thrown into the sea, was a picture of the death and resurrection of Christ.
V.46-50 Once more, the Lord is showing the changes which resulted from His rejection. His relationships with His family were all being set aside. With this chapter; ends the presenting of Jesus to Israel as Messiah. He is rejected.
Day 332 - Matthew 13, Verses 1-23
V.1 When the “house” has been mentioned in Matthew up to this chapter, it was referring to Israel. The Lord here goes out of the “house.” (See the end of chapter 12). He sits by the seaside.
V.2 Now His message is going to have a wide range — “to multitudes,” beyond even Israel it was to the Gentiles, us.
V.3-9 The Sower (Christ) goes out with the seed (the Word of God). Up until this chapter we could say that the Lord came to earth looking for “fruit” in Israel; but found none. Here He starts something new. The seed is always the same, what makes the difference is the soil — how the Word of God is received. These parables are not of salvation, for we could never lose that.
V.11-17 Why the Lord speaks in parables (in riddles). He makes a distinction for the first time between the nation of Israel and a little group which we could call “the remnant.”
V.18-23 He explains the meaning of the parable. The more we understand the Word, the better we know the Lord (John 17:3). Fruit is produced in your life according to how much God’s Word takes root in you.
Day 333 - Matthew 13, Verses 24-58
V.24-34 This parable is more general, more public. It is a view of the western world (Christendom). The true believers and those who only profess it all living in the same world. Of course, not that we are to mix with them. The Lord doesn’t take us immediately to heaven when He saves us. The day will come when He will separate the believers from the unbelievers (the mere professors) who then will be cast into hell (the oven), The tares (weeds) are the bad doctrine which is preached. Some do not like to be reminded that to go on with an organization which permits that which they know is contrary to God’s Word, is allowing Satan to plant these tares in their life. A farmer once said that for every food-bearing grain, there was a weed which looked like it. Let us all beware of bad teaching. Let us have the courage to separate from it to Christ our Center. These three parables have presented the kingdom of heaven in its outward form in the world. Everyone, whether truly saved or not, who says “I am a Christian”, is in this kingdom of heaven. It is profession.
V.44-50 These three are more inward — it is like a view which God the Spirit has of things as they are today. They were more for the disciples than for the multitude (v. 36).
V.44 The field is the world; the treasure is the believers; the man is Christ; selling all, giving Himself, spirit, soul and body. He buys it, and redeems the believers out of the world.
V.45-50 The pearl is the believers; the net is the word of the gospel; the sea is the restless world. What an end for the unbeliever, what a beginning (joy with Christ) for the believer!
V.52 Things new and old. The Jews knew the doctrine of the kingdom, but that the kingdom would go out to the whole world was new to them.
V.54-58 The leaders had no heart for Him and see Him only as the carpenter’s son!
Day 334 - Matthew 14
V.1-2 Herod, the Roman Provincial Governor, was able to say correct things about the political affairs of Israel, but he did not know the truth of spiritual matters.
V.3-12 A true picture of the heart of an unsaved person. Herod puts his own glory first. Then he rids himself of the man (John) who gave him a bad conscience. A good conscience makes us calm and quiet. Herod’s bad conscience kept reminding him of John whom he had murdered. The works of Jesus made Herod think that John was risen from the dead, and the thought filled him with terror.
V.13-14 What a contrast with the tender heart of Jesus. Herod was a murderer, Jesus was a healer.
V.15-21 The third view of hearts — the disciples. They had not learned much from Jesus. “Send the people away,” say His disciples. “Bring them ... to me,” Jesus responds. The disciples were looking at the problem, not at the Person.
V.22-33 Beautiful instruction as to the works of the Lord Jesus in heaven now. First, He sustained Peter on the water — that is like the work the Lord Jesus is doing in heaven as our great High Priest. He is praying for us and keeping us in communion with God (Heb. 4:14). He is praying for us and keeping us in communion with God (Hebrews 7:25; 9:24). But when Peter sinks because he sees the waves and is afraid, the Lord immediately is beside him, and lifts him up. This illustrates the second work, and that is, the Lord Jesus as our Advocate. He acts as such when we sin or fail (1 John 2:1). The Lord Jesus now in heaven is both our High Priest (keeping us in communion) and Advocate (when we sin). The word “advocate” means “one who pleads for another” — like a lawyer.
Day 335 - Matthew 15
V.1-9 Jesus is being rejected by Israel in the last few chapters. Notice that His teachings are quite changed from here on. Jewish leaders wanted only to keep up the religious traditions. As a result of this rejection, the Lord is going to tell them that the kingdom is all set aside, and that He is going to die.
Religious tradition is one of Satan’s greatest weapons. Are we willing to bow to the Word of God and check everything by it?
V.10 Hear! Understand! It’s as simple as that.
V.11-20 In our flesh there is nothing but evil! It is not what goes into us which soils us, but it is that which comes out of us. Do we cling to the idea that there is a little bit of good in us? Then we are not hearing. Hear and understand (v. 10).
V.21-28 This woman doesn’t pretend there is any good in her — she brings her sorrow to Him. He delights to bring His love. He is the only source of all true joy, strength, knowledge and communion.
V.29-31 Are you bringing your sorrows, trials, problems to Him; and hearing? Some do the first and don’t listen. He is our Healer.
V.32-39 He feeds us! Are we drawing from Him? What a message for our conscience. The disciples see only the problems. Hear and understand! They didn’t hear, they only reason. But the blessed Lord didn’t stop. Read 2 Timothy 2:13 for encouragement.
Day 336 - Matthew 16, Verses 1-12
With this chapter comes a whole, entirely new subject, never mentioned before — Jesus was going to build the church, Christ’s assembly. But let’s review what has been given, and now is being set aside. (1) The total failure of Israel in their about 1,500 years of testing — since Moses and the law were given. (2) The uselessness of a religion of forms and ceremonies. (3) Man’s heart has been exposed to a Perfect Man among them. It is rotten through and through. But still, God cannot be defeated, even although the generation of people Jesus was among had seen a Perfect Man, all this was abandoned.
V.1 The combination of Pharisees and Sadducees was very unusual, for they hated each other. But opposition to Christ always unites. They ask for a sign! They have had signs before their eyes in every miracle which He performed, yet they wouldn’t accept Him. But they will get a sign when it shall be too late! Turn to Matthew 24:29-30. God never acts without first giving warnings.
V.2-5 He speaks plainly about their seeking a sign. Their refusing Him, causes Him to do the last sentence of verse 4. What a terrible thing to happen to anyone.
V.6-12 Even the disciples are slow to believe Him, and to understand — these two things always go together. Evil doctrine is generally pictured by “leaven” (yeast) in Scripture.
Day 337 - Matthew 16, Verses 13-28
V.13-20 Here we come to the third class. The first was the haughty, unbelieving Pharisees — they rejected the Messiah! The second, the disciples. They were conscious of the divine authority in Christ, but were careless; the third, Peter, one who is inspired of God to utter a glorious statement. He confesses Christ as the Son of the Living God, and the One Who is just about to return to glory as the Son of Man! Many people listen to bad doctrine on these verses, and believe that Peter was the rock on which the church was to be built. But this is wrong. It is the statement which he made, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God,” which is the rock foundation on which the church is built. Peter was given the keys of the kingdom of heaven on earth, not the keys of the church — the church of Rome claims this.
V.21-28 The great change in the Lord’s teachings now takes place. This is the first time He tells what was going to happen to Him. It is worth noting that four times in this Gospel this is told; here; Matt. 17:22; 20:17; 26:2 and three of these mention that He would rise the third day. Yet when He rose up the disciples didn’t believe (Mark 16:9-1)!
The kingdom which He came to set up is now deferred. It shall be established in the millennium — see your chart. He is going to die. Salvation through His death and resurrection is going to be the gospel which will be preached.
Day 338 - Matthew 17, Verses 1-13
There are three things which replace the Jewish religion, Judaism; (1) the kingdom of heaven as it exists at the present. This we read of in the 13th chapter. Every person who claims to be a Christian is in it, but not necessarily saved. (2) The church of God. All, and only true believers are in it. We received just a glimpse of it in the 16th chapter. (3) The kingdom in glory. This is a brief view into the future, in the transfiguration of our blessed Lord (vvs. 1-8), when He shall be glorified. Every believer in Him shall see Him in this way!
V.3 Moses had been buried by the Lord (Deut. 34:56). Elijah had been caught to heaven by the Lord (2 Kings 2:11). We could also say that Moses represented the law, Elijah represented the prophets. Both pass away. The three disciples are not to put Jesus on a level with these men, for God the Father speaks from heaven (v. 5).
V.8 If it were true of us all, what different people we would be!
V.9 The Son of God was going to be glorified as Son of Man. This latter title is only taken after He has been rejected and humiliated. Try to get this point. Because He was willing to go so low, God will give Him the highest place, and as a Man.
V.10-13 “Elias” is the same man as Elijah. They are confused about Elijah being on the mountain. The Lord explains that John the Baptist announced the coming of Jesus (John 1:6-8, 15) when He came the first time — but he is like what Elijah shall be in the future, when he (Elijah) shall return and announce the coming of the Lord in His glory — “E” on your chart.
Day 339 - Matthew 17, Verses 14-27
V.14-21 Privileged as these three had been to see the Lord’s glory, this did not help them to be able to cure the poor moonstruck — that is what “lunatic” means — man. Prayer and sincerity attach us to God as nothing else will do.
V.22-23 The second time He explains carefully what would be done to Him. We will hear it twice more. So, four times He tells it, and they couldn’t even understand it, let alone believe it (See Luke 18:34).
V.24-27 The Jews come to collect a tax for the temple. They try to catch Him. Christ was Son of the God of the temple, and includes Peter with Himself in that place of privilege. As such they didn’t need to pay the tax. But He takes the place of being a stranger and pays! He shows Who He really is by this miracle.
Day 340 - Matthew 18
Chapter 18 connects itself with chapter 16, for chapter 17 has not yet come to pass. Remember that Jesus was being rejected and was going toward the cross. Everything therefore is changing. They are here being taught how they were to act in this new situation — a real contrast to their old Jewish or natural ways.
V.1-6 Humility teaches us that we need to be like little children.
V.7-14 Self is the cause of so much trouble. The Lord here shows that if we are going to learn from Him, we must be willing to humble ourselves.
V.15-20 Instruction for when another believer offends you. Start out, not by spreading stories about the other, but by going right to him. What sorrows we would avoid if we carried out this instruction. What healing there would be among believers! The assembly here refers to those believers who are gathered by the Spirit of God to the name of the Lord Jesus, as actually happened when He, the Holy Spirit came to earth (Acts 2:1-4; 1 Cor. 12:13). What disobedience we see today when the church is divided into scores of denominations. Isn’t it the same unbelief as we have been seeing in the disciples in this Book of Matthew?
There is power in the midst of even two or three so gathered. The decisions may not always be right, but the authority is there.
V.20 The name to which we are gathered. It does not say “gather,” for this is not a voluntary association. The Spirit of God gathers us. The question is, are we willing to believe it and to let Him?
V.20-22 God was willing to forgive Israel even after they had crucified His beloved Son (Acts 3:19-21). If God is so forgiving, ought not we to be the same?
V.23-35 A graphic illustration of the above. If we translate that money into today’s currency, we see the point. The first man owed about ten million dollars. That is something like our sin debt to God, He frankly forgave us. The second man owed twenty dollars. Like our debts to one another!
Day 341 - Matthew 19
V.1-12 In answer to this question, the Lord Jesus takes them right back to God’s original institution of marriage. He recognizes that God had allowed Moses to write bills of divorcement because of the hardness of their heart. But we believers now know, from such scriptures as Ephesians 5:22-33, that God had an even more glorious purpose in establishing marriage. It was to be a picture of a union which could never, never be broken, the union of Christ and His bride, the Church, or assembly. This is a spiritual union. It has been made possible by Christ’s death on the cross. So in this way the Spirit of God, through Christ, provides a spiritual power for the believer which is more powerful than nature.
V.13-15 God’s creation was very good (Gen. 1:31). Though much of it has been ruined by sin, much also remains. Children are an example of that first creation. We love children, they are God’s gift to us. We see here the value God places on them, for when we believe we become His children (1 John 3:1-2).
V.16-22 This man who came to Jesus, had kept the relationships of life, what more was needed? Paul, before he was saved, was as blameless as this man. But the heart was away from God. We do not here have the gospel, for Jesus had not yet died. But it shows a Jew trying to find life with his old heart, and he can’t. So he goes away sorrowful.
V.23-30 The disciples also needed instruction. In the Old Testament, riches had been a sign of God’s blessing. But no longer. Now blessing is in the heart.
V.27-30 Eternal life comes from believing that Christ died to put away my sins from God’s sight forever; and not keeping the law. Remember, Jesus had not yet died and risen again. Now Romans 6:23 makes all plain and simple for today. Yet people today still try to follow Christ’s teachings without accepting Him as their Savior.
Day 342 - Matthew 20
V.1-16 About rewards. For the believer, reward is not offered to us by God as a motive or reason, but to encourage us to endure. Keep on! It is all grace, not law. Those who agreed for their penny, received their penny. Those who trusted the lord of the vineyard, received according to his heart. Which is better? This land-owner is a picture of Christ, Who is always fair in all His dealings.
V.17-19 Here we have the third time the Lord tells of His death.
V.20-28 The Lord Jesus takes the lowest place in teaching His disciples.
V.22 The two types of suffering, “the cup”, the inward suffering; “baptism” like the outward sufferings. At verse 28 ends the section which began at chapter 18:1. We could say that the chapter should end here, for the balance really belongs to chapter 21.
V.20-34 The Lord starts on His final journey to Jerusalem and death. Wonderful story. The blind men can see better than those around them, for they see the King (v. 31).
Day 343 - Matthew 21, Verses 1-22
V.1-11 The Old Testament had often foretold of Christ as the King to come (Psa. 45:1; Zech. 9:9). But, though Israel should have recognized Him, for Zechariah 9:9 says He would appear as a lowly Person; they reject and crucify their King. They were without excuse.
V.12-13 He acts what He is — holy King and Judge — He clears the temple of its corruption.
V.15-16 Children do what Israel should have done.
V.17 They reject Him first, so He abandons them — never the reverse, read Gen. 3:8, they hid first. He would not sleep in the condemned, though loved city.
V.18 He returns to the city, but not in the same way.
V.19-22 A picture of the final judgment of the Old Israel.
Day 344 - Matthew 21, Verses 23-44
V.23-27 This rejection continues; but His wisdom silences them. Their conscience condemns them.
V.28-32 The repentant sinner, not the pretending obedient one, does the will of God. Not very flattering for us!
V.33-43 The man had done everything possible in his vineyard to make it produce fruit, but all failed. A parable which pictures God’s work with Israel. Like the whole of the Old Testament, He sent prophets to Israel, one after another. Then He sent His Son, and they killed Him. But God shall not be disappointed in the end!
V.42 The stone, of course is Christ.
V.44 The Lord Jesus came the first time, and they stumbled over Him, but when He comes the next time in judgment (see your chart “E”), He shall grind the unbelieving to powder.
Day 345 - Matthew 22
Matthew 21:33-46 is an amazing summary of the Old Testament.
V.1-14 This is a summary of the New Testament. In the other, the Son is dead, in this He is alive again, and the King (God) is making a wedding for His Son (the Lord Jesus).
V.3-8 Unbelievable, but true. The Gospel of salvation goes first to the Jews — the ones who had crucified God’s Son. (See Acts 28:27-28).
V.9-10 Not very flattering picture of us Gentiles to whom the Gospel the invitation to the wedding has gone out. Pure grace has made some of us accept!
V.11-13 A view from God’s side. Fine outward appearance will not provide entrance to heaven. What suited the King would alone be allowed there.
V.15-46 Many hear the invitation, no one would voluntarily accept, and a few are chosen by God. Three classes of enemies confront the Lord. First the Pharisees who prided themselves on their holiness, devotion to God, and knowledge of the law. The Herodians were a party which sided with the Roman-appointed king Herod. They joined with him in trying to blend the Jews with Grecian and Roman customs and looseness. How awful the mixture when the Pharisees joined with the Herodians against Jesus! Satan of course was behind it.
V.22-33 The Sadducees believed that the soul perished with the body and therefore there was no resurrection (Acts 23:8). The Lord condemned them severely (Matt. 3:7). Forerunners of today’s infidels and reasoners. These three groups contended for different things, and all were wrong. In their hatred of Christ, they were willing to unite and forget their differences.
Day 346 - Matthew 23
This chapter is a denunciation by the Lord of those who led the people to reject Him, the only One Who could bring them into blessing! The taking of a place and name among the people, whether it be “Rabbi” or “Father” is all condemned. People who today use the name of “Reverend,” come under the same condemnation. The disciples were forbidden to follow their works, though the Old Testament scriptures were still to be read and followed. These leaders not only would not go into the kingdom themselves, but forbade the people to go in!
V.37 What a cry from the lips of our blessed Lord! What a heartbreak for Him. What love for His people!
V.39 Yet He looked forward to a day when Israel would turn to the same blessed Jesus (“E” to “F” on your chart). Read Psalm 118. It is still future.
Day 347 - Matthew 24, Verses 1-28
The Lord here starts to tell the future of the world.
V.1-2 The disciples still thought that the great temple was to be the center of God’s dealings with His people. They did not yet know that the true temple was the Lord’s body.
V.3-5 The Lord warns that many will try to deceive the believers. Today we are seeing it as never before.
V.6-14 These refer to the first half of the tribulation period (“C” to “D” on your chart). For those who wish to go into prophecy a little more, we might mention that if you read about the 7 seals in Revelation 6, you will see the similarity to these points; wars and rumors of wars (v. 6), famine and pestilence (v. 7), false prophets (v. 11). But it is possible that these verses are an outline of that whole chapter.
V.15-31 In the middle of the 7 years of the tribulation, great changes take place. The false Messiah who has pretended to be Christ for the first 3 1/2 years, will suddenly announce who he really is — the Antichrist, against God. Then the real tribulation begins.
Day 348 - Matthew 24, Verses 29-51
V.29-31 Are like a quieter review of the same period. At the end of these seven years, the Lord Jesus appears out of heaven — and we believers will be with Him (Rev. 19:14). See “E” on your chart.
V.32 to ch. 25:30 Is like a parenthesis, and points toward this same great event. Won’t that be some day for us! (Read 2 Tim. 4:8). Are you loving that moment?
V.36-51 These refer to the things which will take place on this earth — after we believers have been taken to heaven. Be sure you understand this.
V.40-41 This is not the rapture. The unbelievers are taken and the believers left — just the opposite. It is interesting to see the Lord’s different. titles during these changing events.
V.41-44 He is seen as “Son of Man” in verse 44; as “Lord” in 25:20; and as King in 25:34.
Day 349 - Matthew 25
V.1-13 This well-known parable has many applications. Let us apply it to the Lord’s coming. Today even the true believers (the 5 wise) are going to sleep. Then before the Lord comes there is a restoration of the truth that the Lord is coming. This hope was lost to the church for hundreds and hundreds of years, and was only restored in the early part of the 1800s. We are close to His coming for us. The foolish are caught without oil — life or the Holy Spirit — and the door is shut on them forever!
V.14-30 This parable can be applied to our service down here. Three people are given different abilities. The first two have something in common — they know their Master. They have different abilities, but their rewards are the same. It does not matter how much ability we have, but how well we know the Lord. Then the third man. Though he said he knew the Master, he did not at all. Do not forget, this is not speaking about salvation, for a believer can never be lost, but his service can be all lost unless he learns about the Lord. Many believers don’t seem to grow in the knowledge of the Lord (See 2 Peter 3:18).
V.31-46 The Lord Jesus will come in His glory (“E” on chart) and shall gather the living nations before Him, and shall separate the people one from the other. Those on His right side shall populate the earth during the millennium (“E” to “F” on chart) and the unbelievers on His left shall be cast into hell directly.
They shall not stand before the throne of Revelation 20:12.
Day 350 - Matthew 26, Verses 1-35
V.1-2 With great calmness the Lord tells the disciples for the fourth and last time what is about to happen. The True Passover was to be sacrificed — the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
V.6-13 The same person Mary, sister of Lazarus as in John 12, but here the attention is more on Jesus.
V.8-11 Spending anything on Jesus is a waste in the eyes of the world.
V.14-16 The complete contrast with Mary. Judas, possibly seeing all this money wasted, is roused to carry out his dreadful deed — the betrayal of our blessed Lord. Compare this with Exodus 21:32, the same amount that the Lord was sold to Judas for.
V.17-29 The Lord now institutes the supper. What an experience for His disciples to hear Him speak these words. Do we respond according to the Scriptures?
V.30-35 They hear further words from His lips as to what was to happen, yet they didn’t believe that He was going to rise from the dead.
Day 351 - Matthew 26, Verses 36-75
V.36-46 The agony He went through in the garden of Gethsemane as He thought of the cross can be understood (a bit) by the words He used as He spoke to His Father in heaven. But all was settled here. We will hear different words from Him on the cross — watch for them. Only some are in this Gospel. The Lord was forsaken by God but not by the Father.
V.47-56 The dreadful scene at His betrayal. The flesh acting in Judas, but also in Peter. Alas in them all, “then all the disciples forsook Him and fled.”
V.57-75 They are leading Him to Caiaphas. Peter followed Him, but how? Notice the last four words of verse 58 — they thought!
V.59 Corruption and violence go in a parallel line through Scripture.
V.64 They hear a clear statement as to Who He is from His own blessed lips.
V.67 Remember that they do this to our Lord before He is condemned.
V.69-75 Peter is full of self-confidence, and yet never really giving up his faith, for his poor heart was true. The Lord’s prayer for him (Luke 22:32), has been answered. The Lord’s look, full of grace, broke him down, and he went out and wept bitterly. It was the sorrow of repentance, not despair, which was the blessed result in his heart.
Day 352 - Matthew 27, Verses 1-31
It starts with a “morning;” a dreadful night had just passed; Jesus had been spit on and struck by the religious leaders; now we see Him taken before the Roman governor, Pilate, that He might be put to death! The only perfect Man Who ever lived! In the book of Job 4:7, two questions were asked; read them, and then think of what this world did to this “innocent” and “righteous” Man (v. 4).
V.1-10 The Jews could not put any one to death, only the Roman governor could do this. Judas seems to have thought that the Lord would escape as He had done before. Satan could lead him to do this dreadful act, but he could not protect him from the result of sin. What was the money to him now!
V.9-10 Notice that even what Judas had done was predicted in the Old Testament (Zech. 11:12-13), almost 500 years before it happened. In (v. 3) “repented himself” means he had painful regret for what he had done.
V.11-31 The trial before Pilate. The Lord’s own testimony is the foundation of all, “thou sayest.” The Truth itself was standing before Pilate! He was the “Son of God” before the priests, and King before the Roman Governor.
V.14-24 Weak Pilate tries to find a way to release Jesus. His heart too is exposed to us. His wife’s dream adds to his dilemma. These acknowledged the Lord’s innocence. Judas (v. 4); Pilate’s wife (v. 19); Pilate (v. 24), Herod (Luke 23:15); one of the thieves (Luke 23:41); the centurion (Luke 23:47); and those with him (v. 54). At least seven!
He gives way to the priests’ desires and yields Jesus to their will.
V.25 A cry which they shall remember in a day yet future.
V.26-31 They would rather have a murderer than Jesus! Then the Roman soldiers take Jesus and begin a series of dreadful, shameful insults before taking Him outside the city to crucify Him.
Day 353 - Matthew 27, Verses 32-66
V.32-44 The insults and cruelties against the Lord do not decline as the crucifixion takes place. Usually men grow silent in moments of death, but not here. In Psalm 69:19-21 we read of how He felt inwardly.
V.45-46 So we might not be forsaken (See also Heb. 13:5). Read it also in Psalm 22, written almost a thousand years before.
V.50 His life was yielded up. No man took it from Him.
V.51 Read Hebrews 10:19-20.
V.55-56 Faithful women knew God’s thoughts, as we shall see shortly.
V.57-60 Not an apostle, but an unknown rich man does the work of laying the Lord’s body in his own tomb.
V.62-66 The chief priests displayed more knowledge of the resurrection than the disciples. They also feared what they would not believe.
Day 354 - Matthew 28
God’s mighty power is about to be made known (Read Eph. 1:19-20). The angel does not speak to the guards, but to the faithful women. He rolls away the stone, not to let the Lord out, but to let the women see in. Notice the heaven-sent messages they give. The soldiers became as dead men (v. 4). How could the soldiers forget this! They didn’t say a word about it, that we hear of.
V.8 Joy fills their hearts, and they rightly desire to share it with the disciples.
V.9-10 Jesus Himself intercepts them. The object of their joy is right in front of them. They hold Him by the feet, and “did Him homage,” as the words should be. The Jews even bribe the soldiers to tell lies, to hide the truth of the resurrection. Such is the world!
V.16-20 So Jesus meets them in Galilee and there the story ends, for Israel’s blessing is not a heavenly one, but an earthly. You will remember that we sometimes speak of a remnant — something which is a part, but separate from the main story. After we believers are taken up to heaven (maybe today), God is going to open the eyes of a small number of Jews, to understand that Jesus was truly their Messiah! This little group is known as the “remnant.” In our chapter today, these five verses are a picture of the future group; the ascension of the Lord isn’t mentioned because this gospel is mainly about Israel, so the story goes right into the future days. There are over 85 quotations from, or allusions to verses in the Old Testament found in Matthew. So this wonderful, instructive, but distinctly Jewish book comes to a close, yet always to be opened to discover new treasures.
Day 355 - Song of Solomon 1
If you remember the book just before this one, Ecclesiastes, you’ll see that nothing completely satisfied the writer, the place was a disappointment. But in the Song of Solomon the heart is satisfied with a person. The book is a love story, a man — Solomon, a picture of Christ — in love with an unnamed woman (Israel). Now all this is a picture of Christ and His actual bride — all the believers. But remember carefully, the pictures in the Old Testament are like shadows (Read Heb. 10:1). We get the perfect Person (Christ) and His bride (every believer in Him). Israel refused the Lord Jesus when He came to earth to them the first time, so we see that the woman at times fails.
There are many beautiful pictures in this love story which can apply to us as the bride of Christ. Remember Christ has one bride only, the believers in Him — the Church, the Assembly. We’re reading of a picture of the real thing.
V.1-4 The bride tells of how much he means to her, and how sweet and intimate that love is.
V.5-6 She realizes how unworthy she is to be loved by him. She compares herself with the black tents, and him with the beautiful, gorgeous curtains of Solomon’s temple!
V.8-11 The bridegroom answers, and tells her of his love.
V.12-14 She was just thrilled to sit in his presence. She did not ask for anything more than himself.
V.15-17 In spite of how terribly she had acted toward him in the past, here is how he now sees her! Throughout this book, you will notice that when it is he who is speaking he speaks directly to her and says “thou.” But when it is she who speaks, she speaks of him, by using the word “he.” We believers in the Lord Jesus can know the intimacy of addressing Him as “Thou” (See Rev. 5:9).
Day 356 - Song of Solomon 2
V.1 She was not proud of what she had done, but she was happy in knowing what she was to him.
V.2 He immediately replies. She says that just as an apple tree is so much better than the trees of a forest, so is he compared with everyone else.
V.3-4 She sat down (rest), his fruit was sweet (pleasant food), his banner over her (protection). These are pictures of what the Lord is to us. Are we conscious of how much the Lord loves us (Eph. 5:25)?
V.7 Roes and hinds are the most easily startled animals, and have great ability to hear. We can easily spoil our closeness to the Lord by an evil or light thought.
V.10-13 She tells what he had said to her. This refers to the coming day, when Israel will remember the dark days of sorrow which will then be past; and the prospects of bright and glorious days to come.
V.14-15 He longs to see her face, and to hear her voice. But the little foxes are like the little things we do which spoil our happiness with the Lord.
V.16-17 She speaks with confidence. We know that the Lord is ours. Notice this 16th verse, then Song of Sol. 6:3 and 7:10 — progress in her confidence.
V.17 Sweet and glorious day coming!
Day 357 - Song of Solomon 3
Disappointment enters. She is thinking of him. But she has lost something. He seems far, far away. She has allowed her thoughts to wander from him. Just like us, isn’t it? Satan hates us to have our eye on Christ.
V.2-3 She goes out to search for him.
V.2-4 Her love for him gives her energy to search for him. Do we love the Lord with this same energy? She would not stop till she finds him. If we are in earnest; it is not long before we are restored to the Lord.
V.6-11 These verses describe the glorious coming of the bridegroom. It can be a picture of the day when the Lord Jesus shall come in glory to set up His 1,000 year reign called “the millennium.”
Day 358 - Song of Solomon 4
V.1-7 We often realize that we love the Lord, but we are not so sure how He feels about us. The bridegroom pours out his thoughts of his beloved. This was what she (and we) wanted to hear. He tells seven things about her that delight him. When we realize how much the Lord Jesus loves us, it humbles us, and warms our heart.
V.8-15 The bridegroom calls her to come with him. Lebanon was one of the most beautiful places. But he saw the dangers — the lions and the leopards. So the Lord sees the dangers we don’t see, so he says “come with me from.” We often must separate from what may be very attractive to our eyes, but He sees the dangers.
V.9-11 Though the scenery around might be ever so beautiful, his eye is attracted to the one beside him. We are the completeness of Him! (Eph. 1:23).
V.12-15 The bridegroom compares the one he loves to a garden. Every possible delight is found there and in her. A garden, a spring, a fountain, an orchard, fruits, sweetness, perfumes, a paradise — that is what it means.
V.16 The garden belongs to him. We are the Lord’s. He knows how to get the most out of that garden. So he calls for a blast of the cold north wind to blow. This brings out the best in his plantings. Sometimes we need trials and difficulties to bring out the best in us for Him. The warm south wind follows.
Day 359 - Song of Solomon 5
V.1 These different fruits could represent the different conditions of the Lord’s people. “Myrrh” is a picture of sorrow, which some of us are called on to bear. But often the result is sweet as honey, when the work is completed in our soul.
V.2 But once again the bride becomes careless, restless, uncomfortable, sleepy, with no energy for him. He has not changed. He is standing at the door and knocks. He wants her company. Sometimes we turn our thoughts away from Him to ourselves. He stands and waits, His heart full of love and desire.
V.3 Sad excuses.
V.4 He persists. He loves her too much to let her go undisturbed. Have you ever been in this condition? His blessed hand reaches in to open the door. Love always takes the low place, and makes the first move. Love always wins in the end.
V.5 She is recovering from her carelessness. Her conscience is touched and she weeps with sorrow, (myrrh) and joy (sweet-smelling myrrh).
V.6 She has delayed too long, and he has gone.
V.7-8 She searches for him. She is full of energy, but also of confusion. Everyone seems against her. Is not this the way we often get when we are away from the Lord?
V.9 Others ask her why she is so attracted to him. Isn’t that what the world asks us? If you are living close to the Lord, the unbelievers can’t understand the secret you have. But if we are not different from them, we are a poor witness to them for Christ.
V.10-16 Now she bursts out in one of the loveliest descriptions of the beauty that you and I can see of the Lord in all the Scriptures. From head to feet, He is altogether lovely.”
V.16 Sweet ending “my beloved ... my friend.” Are these our thoughts of the Lord?
Day 360 - Song of Solomon 6
V.1 All this creates a desire in others to know more about him, and to see him too. Here they ask where he is. How could she ever wander away from such a glorious person? If we are enjoying the Lord, others will want to hear about Him.
V.2 She knows now he is not in the busy city, but in the quiet garden. We too, know where He is.
V.3 Notice the reverse here to (Song of Sol. 2:16). She is thinking about herself less now!
V.4-9 The first words spoken to his beloved after her sad failure. Not a word about her coldness, only deeper expressions of his love for her.
V.10 Her friends seem to say these words.
V.13 The friends around join in wanting to see more of this beautiful bride. As she goes down, in humility, she rises higher.
Day 361 - Song of Solomon 7
V.1 The verse refers to her. Her feet are beautiful. Look at Isaiah 52:7 to see the feet of the Lord described. The feet suggest the walk, the life. His walk was perfect and beautiful. Now turn to Romans 10:15 for a description of the feet, the walk, the life, of the believer in Christ today. May each one of us take this to heart.
Now the bride has a royal title. She approaches the great day when she shall be the queen of the earth (Psa. 45:9). This will be in the Millennium (See your chart).
V.1-9 This only brings out fresh expressions of love from his lips. He sees her in a fresh light.
V.10 This might be the highest note the bride ever struck. Thoughts of herself are all gone, she rests in his love. “We shall be satisfied when we awake in His likeness” (Psa. 17:15).
V.11-13 She says “Let us” four times. She has perfect confidence in speaking so boldly to him. She knows so well how much he loves her. There is perfect oneness of mind, she knows exactly his thoughts. Her love is full, and yet she wants more. All this is a picture of the condition of the whole earth in the in millennium.
Day 362 - Song of Solomon 8
A review of the whole book.
V.1-5 The bride has deep desires for the bridegroom. She longs to hand him a cup of sweet joys! In this way she tells him how much she appreciated all he did for her.
V.5 He reminds her that he had lifted her up.
V.6-7 What can compare with love! What is stronger!
V.8-9 To understand this, you will have to remember far back into Israel’s history. It was divided into two kingdoms — Judah and Benjamin, called the kingdom of Judah, and the other ten tribes, known as the kingdom of Israel. This latter was carried away to captivity. They are today scattered somewhere in the world. The Lord Jesus was born into the tribe of Judah. But when the Lord Jesus returns in glory, He is going to gather the lost ten tribes, from all over the world. They are the “little sister.” They took no part in the rejection of the Savior, but they were idol worshippers. Nevertheless, they will come into blessing too, at the end, but not as great as Judah.
V.11-14 Refers to the whole earth in the millennium. The earth will then be united; every heart shall be full of joy because the Lord Jesus is its source. Did you understand the progress in the three verses mentioned when we were reading Song of Solomon 2:16? Often, we put ourselves first as in that verse. The second one is some progress, but still she is thinking a bit of her love for him. But the third verse tells us that Christ’s love for us is the supreme love. Are you getting it?
Day 363 - 1 Chronicles 10
The first 9 chapters are mostly a list of the families of some of the tribes of Israel, but the most important tribe was Judah. The great king was David and we learn that he was the first king of God’s choice for His people Israel. Into this tribe Jesus was born about 1,000 years later. So I would suggest that we start reading today in the 10th chapter.
In Chronicles we’ll see that blessing follows obedience. Each one of us needs to learn and remember this; and prove it in our life. Today, we see the opposite the result of disobedience to God’s Word.
V.1-6 The Lord allowed the Philistines — the most powerful of Israel’s enemies — to overcome Saul and his army. Here we read the result of what was said by the Lord about Saul before this (Read 1 Sam. 15:10-11). The Philistines can be an important lesson for us to learn. Think of them as Satan’s power against the believer in Christ today. The Philistines were stronger than Israel, just as Satan is stronger than we as individuals. But whenever the Lord saw that Israel was obedient, the Philistines were immediately defeated when they attacked Israel. So too with us. “To obey is better than to sacrifice” (1 Sam. 15:22).
V.8-10 The Philistines made a big display of their victory over Saul.
V.11-12 Brave men recovered the bodies of Saul and his sons. Notice particularly what they did for 7 days. God noticed that because He tells us.
V.13-14 Notice why Saul died! Notice against Whom he transgressed! Notice against what! Notice what he didn’t keep! Notice what he asked help from! Notice Whom he didn’t ask! Notice who was given the kingdom!
Day 364 - 1 Chronicles 11
The story of God’s king — David. We remember the many chapters we read in 1 Samuel of all David’s troubles before he was made king. Here there is not a word about it.
V.1-3 For seven years David was king only in the town of Hebron and only king over Judah.
V.4-9 Then he was made king over all Israel in Jerusalem.
V.10-47 The mighty and faithful men who surrounded David. Many of the faults and failures of David are not mentioned. Grace covers our sins (Psa. 32:1-2). Since those days, the Lord Jesus has come to earth and become our sinbearer. Now God does not see one of the believer’s sins! Because they are blotted out by the blood of the Lord Jesus (Heb. 10:14, 17; 1 John 1:7).
V.17-19 Notice that though there were some very powerful men, the “three mightiest” were doing David’s desire. All these men were rewarded according to their faithfulness to David. It is a good thing to remember that David is a shadow of Christ in a future day. The Lord Jesus is going to come back in power and victory to set up His kingdom (see your chart). Surrounding Him will be those who were faithful to Him during the day of tribulation.
Day 365 - 1 Chronicles 12
V.1-7 Very interesting and instructive chapter. Many of the men who were faithful to David had been king Saul’s men, who had been so jealous of David. You and I once followed Satan, the enemy of our Lord. Now our hearts have been won by the love of Christ, and we follow Him.
V.2 The bow and arrow were the very things that killed king Saul (1 Sam. 31:3). Now these men are strong in these very same things, because they are with David (v. 18).
V.8-15 The sons of Gad were famous in the use of different weapons, shield and buckler. A beautiful verse tells us that the Lord is our shield and buckler (Psa. 91:4). The shield was defensive, the buckler was a round shield but had a center rising out to a point. It was for attacking. Defensive and offensive. Every believer is equipped in a different way (Eph. 6:11-17).
V.19-22 More turned to David.
V.23-40 A summary of David’s faithful men. Read these verses carefully. There is much to learn from them.
V.38 Notice what these men could do. It is good when believers can keep rank. They had ONE heart.
V.40 The result was “joy in Israel.” When there is faithfulness to Christ among the believers, we are going to be keeping rank (walking in harmony) and there surely will be joy in Him.