Some of you young Christians are employed in factories, workshops, and offices where there are many of the unconverted around you. It is not at all an uncommon thing for discussions and arguments to arise on religious subjects in such places, especially at times when God is working and sinners being saved. We have seen, at such a time, public work ships and factories during meal hours transformed into something like “Debating Clubs,” where scriptural subjects were discussed and argued in anything but a Christ-like spirit. It would be well for you, dear young saints, to keep clear of this kind of thing altogether. It is very bad for your spiritual life to get mixed up with contentious, worldly men. As a rule, you can do them no good, but they can do you much harm. Besides, there is no need to argue or debate on the things of God. Everything is as clear as noonday in the Book. If you should be asked to “give an opinion,” simply refer them to “thus saith the Lord.” Quote to them the Word of God on the matter: give them “Chapter and Verse.” This is the most effectual way of silencing an opponent. It is the only way of convincing an honest inquirer. God’s Word speaks best for itself: it needs none of our arguments.
I remember a large factory where a number of young believers worked. At the dinner hour, arguments often arose on various subjects, such as prophecy, baptism, and amusements, and over and again young believers lost their tempers, and got into a bad state of soul arguing and debating.
There was one young man there, who would never share their debates at all. When his opinion was asked, he simply opened his Bible and read what God said, without adding a word. When assertions were made, he quietly asked,
“Will you give us chapter and verse for that?”
Some didn’t like it, yet they all respected him. He was nicknamed by some “Chapter and Verse,” but his word had weight. He was a man of the Bible: he knew it, loved it, obeyed it, and believed in its sufficiency. He accepted nothing that “Chapter and Verse” could not be given for, and he was right.
Dear young saints, stick to your Bibles. There never was a time in which the Book of God was more assailed, and less obeyed, than this. Therefore, cleave to it the more. For all you hold, for all you do, for wherever you go, see that you have “Chapter and Verse.” That will keep you right.