It is Thy hand, my God!
My sorrow comes from Thee:
I bow beneath Thy chastening rod;
’Tis love that bruises me.
I would not murmur, Lord;
Before Thee I am dumb;
Lest I should breathe one murmuring word,
To Thee for help I come.
My God, Thy name is love;
A Father’s hand is Thine;
With tearful eyes I look above
And cry, “Thy will be mine!”
I know Thy will is right,
Though it may seem severe;
Thy path is still unsullied light,
Though dark it oft appear.
Jesus for me has died;
Thy Son Thou didst not spare:
His pierced hands, His bleeding side,
Thy love for me declare.
Here my poor heart can rest;
My God, it cleaves to Thee:
Thy will is love; Thine end is blest:
All work for good to me.
J. G. Deck