
Children—John Whitaker
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How's everybody doing this morning?
I think you said good.
Well, who has a song they would like to sing?
You like to sing #1?
Let's sing #1.
And after we sing that.
Are most of the Sunday school songs on the back?
Let's sing #1.
Almost persuaded now.
To me leave.
To receive things, not just all the strange.
Grocery and gone.
Who has another song they'd like to sing?
Let's sing #46.
Glad T ID.
I am.
I have a question. Why did your mom or your dad or your grandpa or grandma, why did they bring you here? Why do you spokes?
Any idea?
You know, you just can't quite put it into words. Sorry. Learn about Jesus Christ. That's right. You know, there's a verse in Timothy, I think, and it says God would have all men and that could be boys and girls, men and women, to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
If I asked your mom or your dad, I would have to guess that that's probably one of the biggest reasons why they brought you here. Now, some of you, most of you maybe.
Christ died for our sins. You're right.
That's right. And we're going to talk about that verse. In fact, before we get going, why don't we ask the Lord for His help? Because we're going to need some of it. I think quite a bit of it. Let's close our eyes, OK?
Our God and Father, thanks so much for this morning. We can be here together.
Thanks so much for each boy and girl and young man, young woman and the older ones too. And we're thankful for the story of salvation that we can tell here this morning about how Christ died for our sins. And we pray that if there's a boy or girl here who's just now starting to understand that they're a Sinner lost, need to be saved.
That they would accept the Lord Jesus and be saved. So we ask for help, and we ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.
Let's sing another one.
Do you have one that is like a Sunday school song?
I don't know Psalm 100 unless I have a hymn book and it's not in this one you have another one.
Someone else?
You're like Jesus loves me.
That one is that's kind of a let's choose from this side here. Just point to one.
#41 Let's sing 41.
Around the throne of God in heaven.
And shining from the start of this by each one with a video.
Glory, glory, glory.
We acknowledge.
Most precious blood behold, and wine and Queens hanging. Glory, glory, glory.
Glory to glory.
Stand up. Hey, let's do this.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. First Corinthians.
3/15/15 Very good.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures First Corinthians 15 three. Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture 1St Corinthians 15 three.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. First Corinthians 15 three.
Rice died for our sins according to the Scriptures. First Corinthians 15.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. First Corinthians 15.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. First Corinthians 15 three.
Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and he was buried and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. First Corinthians 15, three and four. Thank you. If you didn't know this first a minute ago, you probably do now, right? You've heard this very clearly.
Price tag drawer sins according to the scripture. He was buried in Rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. First Corinthians 15, three and four. Thank you.
Guys for our ten and a clear thank you. You want to say it?
Christ died for our sins, but according to the church reports verse 15 to 3:00.
Come on.
Don't be shy.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture First Corinthians.
1St Corinthians 15 Three.
I forgot Christ, I pray our sins according to the scriptures. First Corinthians 15 three. Thank you.
Maybe next time.
Christ died through our sins according to the scripture of Corinthians 15. Three. Thank you. I started according to the security.
Perth Grantham's fishing through.
Sins according to the Scriptures. And he wrote and he was buried, and he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. First Corinthians 15 three. Thank you.
Christian Russians according to the scriptures First Corinthians 15 Three Christ die forced Christ according to our sins according to scriptures.
Were scrappy and.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
1St Corinthians 15 Three.
Christ died according to the Scriptures.
Oh, I said first, since according to the switches, First Corinthians.
Price that we are sinned according to the scriptures.
1St Corinthians 15 three How about this second row?
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. First Corinthians 15, verse 3.
Would anybody else like to say it that we missed?
You'd like to say it. Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. First Corinthians 15 three I thank you. I was going to call on an adult and you volunteered. Thank you.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. First Corinthians 15 three.
Price Price died persons according to the scriptures.
15 three Thank you. Anybody else?
Way back there.
I didn't see your hand, sorry.
I can't see it.
Doesn't get any cuter than that.
I start license contour.
Scriptures first contain interesting things.
All right.
So let me reattach this thing.
Did you know that when God made Adam and Eve, he put them in the most beautiful place in the universe? If you could take a telescope and you could look out and you could see as far as you could possibly imagine.
I tend to think that you would find that the most beautiful place in the whole universe is right here on planet Earth, and in planet Earth, they're on it.
There was this place called the Garden of Eden. It was so beautiful. They had everything until sin came in and then you know something, Every baby that has ever been born.
On this earth has been born into the most dangerous place.
In the whole universe.
Did You Know?
That you are going to die.
We're all born with a death sentence. That sounds like pretty heavy stuff for a little kid, but you know something?
The Bible says.
Death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. All of us are going to die if the Lord Jesus doesn't come and take us home first. But if you don't know Him as your Savior, that doesn't apply to you yet.
You know something when I was a little kid.
Well, I was probably 10 or 11. I could read. I remember that. My grandpa, none of you know him, but maybe some of the older ones remember him. Grandpa Whitaker, he.
Love to preach the gospel and he had bumper stickers all over his car.
And as wonderful and as kind an old man as he was, he was probably the world's worst driver. And us grandkids, we learned that the safest place was way, way well behind Grandpa's car. We did not ever ride with him. We were scared. And we remember, or I remember that on.
Most people put bumper stickers on the back of their car, but my grandpa on the very front, front and center was a bumper sticker that said prepare to meet thy God.
And on the back there was this verse that you all told me Christ died for our sins. And as grandkids we wanted to maybe, just maybe, we wondered how many people that was the 1St and the last thing they ever saw.
So, well, Grandpa might have more people in heaven than than even he knew about, but anyway.
I want to talk to you about checklist. Does anybody know what a checklist is?
Yeah, and there's a bunch of things that you have to do, and you check them off so that we don't forget. You know, when I go to the grocery store, my wife often gives me a grocery list.
I forget if I can remember three or four things, but she always gives me a list and if I try to remember 4 things, usually I come home with three. Well in my job.
I fly airplanes. That's what I do when I go to work. I fly airplanes. And if you've ever climbed up into the front of an airplane, you've noticed that there's all sorts of buttons and switches and levers and handles and stuff. And when you first look at it, you say how in the world?
Do you ever remember which one to push and when to push it and when not to push it? And so everything that I do when I go to work, I sit down and I put on my seat belt and I reach down and I pull up this little page. It's 8 1/2 by 11 and it has maybe 100 things on it. And there's maybe a dozen or so little checklists that we do depending on where we are on the flight.
And they're very, very important things on that checklist.
So where if I forget one I might get hurt and so.
Let's see.
Almost two years ago, it was May 31St, 2014. There's a town that I go to often. We play there often. It's up just outside of Boston and it's called Bedford, Bedford, MA. And there was an airplane there that was, it's called a Gulfstream 4. It's a large business jet and it holds about 2025 people, something like that.
There was a man named Louis Katz. Lewis Katz was 72 years old. He was very wealthy. He had all sorts of money. And he had just signed an agreement four days earlier. And he was going, he was going to bring the Philadelphia Inquirer. It's a newspaper. He was going to bring it out of it wasn't bankrupt, but it wasn't doing too well. And he had these great plans and he was so happy. And they were up there signing the deal and.
Celebrating and they were going to go from Bedford, MA down to Atlantic City, NJ.
And they had flying that airplane, they had two men and they were very experienced pilots. The guy who was flying, I don't know his name, he was 44 years old. And the newspaper said that he has 11,250 hours of flight time. You know how many hours there are in a year if you multiply 24 * 365.
It's about 8500 hours somewhere around there. This guy had 11,000 hours, so he'd been up in the air.
An entire year plus some.
The other guy.
He was in his 60s and he had 18,000 hours. He'd spent two years up in the air. That's a long time to sit up in the air, isn't it? So anyways.
What often happens is you get the airplane ready and then you wait for your passengers. But sometimes the passengers show up early and you get in a hurry and it's all you can do not to skip things on your checklist.
Well, these two guys.
The passenger showed up. It was a little bit late at night. They had flown together many times, very experienced. They knew each other frontwards and backwards. They kind of knew what to expect, but they probably hurried a little. They jumped in their plane, they fired up the engines and they taxied out to runway 11.
They got out on the runway, they shoved the throttles up and off they went, but not as quickly as they might have hoped.
And they?
Took off and next thing you know, we read about it in the paper and then the next day, actually, I flew right over the record. They went off the end of the runway, they crashed, there's a big ball of fire and all seven people on board died.
Several weeks later, months later, the NTSB, they went and did an investigation to see why did this happen, Why did this happen?
And they discovered that in 175 of the previous flights those two men had done together, 98% of the time they skipped things on their checklist.
Airplanes of that size have a little cockpit voice recorder in them, and there's a recording of the last 30 minutes of the conversation that went on in the cockpit.
And the last thing that they heard on that cockpit voice recorder was one of the pilots saying the lock is on, the lock is on.
I can't stop it.
From the moment that you shove up the throttles when you hit about 80 knots.
Things are moving pretty quickly. Usually in your car you travel about 65 miles an hour.
So you're going a little bit faster than that. Things are starting to whiz by, but in like 5 seconds more you're doing 100 and 3140 and it accelerates right on up to two hundred 250 really quickly. You don't have very much time at all, and you've got to make sure everything that was supposed to be done was already done and you have to use a checklist. These guys cut corners. On that particular airplane. There's a thing called a guest lock and a gust lock.
Is something that you put on when it's parked and that keeps the wind from banging the controls around their hydraulic controls. And when you don't have power to the plane, the controls can flop around in the wind. Well, that damages them, so they put on the gust.
Gulfstream had made this design so that you weren't able to shove the throttle throttles all the way up to take off power with the gust lock on. Except for the fact that the FAA, when they tested it, just went off the drawings. They didn't actually test it. It just so happens that you actually could shove the throttles all the way up to take off power and you could accelerate very quickly.
The bad thing is, is that the controls were locked. They could not step on the rudders and make the rudder.
Go left or right and they couldn't pull up on the elevator and make the nose come up off the ground. Their ailerons were locked. They couldn't turn left or right, so they were flying.
A missile basically without any ability to control it. They crashed and they died. Now I want to read you a verse.
In Psalms 90.
And verse 10.
Psalm 90 and verse 10, the days of our years.
Our three score years and 10A score is 20. So if you do the math, what's 3 scores? 60 + 1070 years. So that's how many years we have to live.
And if by reason of strength they be 4 score years, that'd be 80 years. Yet is there strength, labor and sorrow, for it is soon cut off and we fly away.
You know, I've been to the cemetery and I'm sure you have too. There's little graves and there's big graves.
Death doesn't seem to care how old you are when it comes calling.
You don't know how much time you have.
And you are going according to this verse, fly away.
Where are you going to go when you fly away?
You're gonna go to heaven. That's wonderful. You know this verse says Christ died for our sins. So before your flight.
You don't know when your flight is going to be.
It might be today, it might be tomorrow, it might be 70 years from now. According to this verse, we don't know, but I want to give you a checklist, a preflight checklist that you need to check and you need to make sure that you've checked every item on this list. In fact, I'll make it very simple for you. I'm only going to put one item on your checklist.
And you can put a little box at the end of this and you see whether or not only, you know, maybe whether or not you've checked it.
Before you take off and fly away, has Christ died for your sins?
If the answer is yes, then you're cleared for takeoff.
The flight is very short. You know that story about Lazarus? When he died, it said the angels carried him to Abraham's bosom, the rich man.
He found himself in a place of torment.
No second chances for him.
It's a very short flight, but it's a very, very long time. You're going to stay. When you get to your destination at the other end of that short flight, where will it be? Will it be with the Lord Jesus?
If Christ died for your sins, then you will go to be with Him.
If Christ did not die for your sins.
Then you are going to go to a place.
Where you will have to suffer for your sins. God does not want that. God wants you.
To be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Does anybody have another song they'd like to sing?
Two little lies too. Love to God.
Numbers, sorry, number six.
Let's sing the first verse and the last verse of #6.
God in mercy sent his Son.
By Lord worship and making the sky.
Let me just say one more thing before we close.
In aviation, there's a little saying, and the saying goes like this. Complacency kills.
These two pilots, they were very, very experienced, but they got complacent. You know what that means?
They got to thinking, oh, we've done this so many times, we've heard this so many times. We're pretty good at this and we're kind of in a rhythm. We don't really exactly need to hit everything on the checklist. We'll be good. It didn't happen last time, so why could it happen this time?
And so you know.
That's true. You maybe have heard this gospel story many, many times. Or maybe you're just understanding it now for the first time.
Don't get complacent. This is very real. Time is running out, you do not know how long you have left until your flight. Do not get complacent if you have not checked that box that said Price died for my sins. You need to be in a hurry to make sure that you check that box.
You really need to be sure whether or not Christ has died for your sins, has he? Let's pray.