You Have a Choice Between That Old Coin and the Good Stuff Here

Duration: 48min
Romans 5:6
Children—Clayton Jennings
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Is it OK if we start singing in just a few minutes early?
Is that all right?
OK, you want #2? That's actually #40 here. Well, that's the second verse. That's Jesus loves me. You want Jesus loves me, Easton?
Yeah. OK, we'll sing. Jesus Loves me.
Well, seeing the 1St.
And let's do just the first and the second verse. OK? 2 verses of Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me this silo, for the Bible tells me so.
When someone wants to then belong.
They are a ring, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
And white he will wash away my sin.
Whether it'll stop coming.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
With all my world tells me so.
OK, who's got another one?
What number do you want?
#46 Glad TIDINGS, Glad tidings. OK very good.
SUS has come.
To a savings.
And he calls and he calls all the DIRLS, and he wants all the Bois too.
TRUST in him and have all their sins I washed away.
What number you want 3232? OK #32.
Let's see here.
Let's sing the 1St.
We'll see again the 1St 2 verses the 1St 2 verses of #32.
What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the water of Jesus.
So that not one's fun remains nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh precious is the flow.
That makes me wireless.
Jesus for my heart and their spicy nothing but the blood of Jesus.
My cleansing this, my brain. Nothing but the bad Jesus.
Oh precious is love for.
That makes me white as snow.
Water found, I know nothing but the world of Jesus.
Now I bet somebody walked in this room and looked at this and wondered what it was.
I bet there were some. Look.
You are not going to be disappointed with this.
You're not going to be disappointed. I'm going to leave it a secret for now. But when I when I lift that, that, that.
Sheet off, you're not going to be disappointed.
Who's got another? Who's got another song?
#14 #14.
Let's see again the the first and second verse.
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pump? Are you washed in the blood of the land?
Are you fully trusting in his graces out? Are you washing the blood of the land?
In the soul cleansing blood of the lamb.
Iron garments? No.
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Nor are you walking daily by the Saviour's son. Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Do you have a speech, Romanian, my cruciferous, Are you want in the blood of the Lamb?
I was in the blood in my soul, cleansing blood of lamb.
Iron garments. Are they white as snow?
Are you washed in the blood on the land?
You guys getting excited for this?
Getting excited for this.
I hope so. There's a lot to look forward to.
Who's got another song in the mean time?
What song do you want?
#50 You know, is there a #50? There's not a #50.
There's not a #50. You got another one.
Number six. OK, Number six.
Again, we'll just do the first and second verse.
God in mercy sent his Son.
Into a world by sin, I'm gone.
Jesus Christ was crucified.
Twice for sinners, Jesus died.
Oh the.
Glory of the grace shine.
In the singer's face.
Telling simmers.
From a long.
God is.
Light and.
God is love.
Sin and down to the water is so rain Jesus, and slides and lives again.
In the Glory's highest time.
Same gods to bring delight.
Oh my glory.
Of the grace.
Shining in the state of displays.
Tell me sinners from abroad.
Have any kids been to an all you can eat buffet?
Have you been? Yeah, yeah.
Listen, listen, have you ever been to an all you can eat buffet with just snacks and candy?
Have you ever been there?
Hold on, who's got another song?
What song did you want #8?
#8 #8.
Let's see again the 1St 2 verses.
Come every soul bite. I'm sorry. I'm sorry #8 You said #8. I'm sorry. Sorry 1St 2 verses.
Gather at his.
When the dead in Christ.
Shall we hear the Savior call us His only on the sky?
I swear together at his coming, his glorious, his glorious.
Yeah, the Saints and is coming.
If and by the same yours long.
Is coming.
This makes all his own rejoice.
Who are they? Appear to me.
Those who now love God is voice.
Yes, we'llgether is coming.
His glorious, his glorious.
The other way the same service coming.
And plans by the Saviors.
OK, let's ask the Lord for help, OK. Amen.
OK, so from what I understand the verse for this week was Romans chapter 5, verse 6. Is that right?
Romans chapter 5 and verse six. Well, I'll read it and then we'll whoever wants to say it, they can say it. But we're going to we're going to get we're going to move on to.
Our activity here pretty soon so Romans chapter 5 and verse six, it says.
For when we were yet without strength in due time, Christ died.
For the ungodly who wants to say it?
We'll just start right here. Go ahead, bud.
When we were without strength in due time, praise died for the ungodly.
First Romans.
Five verse 6.
Yeah, without strength in due time. Questioned for the ungodly Romans 58MH6.
Yet without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly.
Romans 5-6.
When we were yet without strength and new time, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5-6.
Yeah, I thought we could do time. Play time for girls.
Almost five or six. Very good. Good when we were yet without strength and due time crested for the ungodly Romans 5-6.
When we when we were yet was, how strengthened due time Christ died for ungodly Romans 5-6. Well, we are yet without strength. In due time, Christ died for the ungodly Romans 5-6. When we were young. With our strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5-6.
When we were yet without strength to do time, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5-6.
Ungodly woman's 5-6.
When we were yet without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly woman's 5-6.
You want to see it?
When When?
Without strength, without strength.
Christ died for the young God, Christ died for the ungodly.
5-6 Yeah, very good.
When we were yet without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5-6.
I'm here yet without strength. In due time, Christ died for them. Golly. Rounds 5-6.
Without strength and due time, Christ died for the ungodly.
And is 5/6.
When we were yet without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5-6.
When we were yet without strength and due time, Christ died for the ungodly Romans 5-6, good job. When we were yet without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly Romans 5 verse 6.
When we were yet without strength in due time, Chris died for the Angola first, John.
5-6 When we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly Romans 5-6.
Are we here yet without strength?
And due time.
Godly Romans 5-6, Romans 5-6.
That's OK. That's all right. You want to say it?
Strength and do time car starts for the angled the woman's 566. That's good. Good. We were yet without strength and do type right side for the ungodly 5656. Yeah, very good. Well, good job everybody. That was really good.
I tell you what.
If you don't mind, we're going to talk about something a little bit different than the verse.
I wonder why, kids? What kind of snacks and candy do you like? What is your favorite kinds of snacks and candy?
What? What? What? What kind of Skittles. Skittles. OK, what kind do you like? Chocolate. Chocolate. Oh, well, you came to the right place today.
What kind do you like?
Jolly Rancher. Eminems. Eminem's What? What kind do you like? I like Ritz crackers. That's my favorite Ritz Crackers.
Boy, well, kids.
What you're about to see.
Is everything you could possibly dream of.
I mean, this is, this is this is exciting stuff. OK, so here we go, here we go.
Wow, jackpot.
Wow, isn't that great?
Man, you know what? You know what?
I have got something for each one of you kids today.
I got something for each one of you kids today.
But you got to make a choice and frankly.
The choice is very clear. OK, there's really there's hardly there's no, there's really no question what the choice what what you should choose.
What you should choose, there's really no question, but you do have a choice.
And you're going to have to choose. But like I said, I mean, don't think too much about it. Don't think too hard about this choice. It's a pretty clear choice.
You're going to have to make a choice.
OK. The choice is obviously you want that, right, obviously or there's this old coin.
I mean, it's like a scratched up old coin.
And you're going to have to choose between this old coin, this old coin.
And all that good stuff there.
You have to choose between that old coin.
Just an old coin. Just an old coin.
And all that good stuff there. Look, I mean, we're touching almost all the food groups right here. You can tell your parents, Look, I got breakfast. I got, I got, I got wheat. I got my, I got my grains. I got fruits and vegetables.
I got a little bit of sugar in here, a little bit of sugar.
Basically, I mean what what more do you need? I mean that's all that's basically you could live on that.
You could live on it. I mean, that's that's it folks. So.
I'm going to go around.
And I'm going to pass out a snack bag.
And you get to you can either. You can either choose this old coin.
Who wants an old coin, Right? An old coin. Or you can load up this snack bag with as much as you want.
OK, OK. Is the choice pretty? I mean, the choice seems pretty clear to me, right? Wouldn't you say snack bag or coin?
You know, all the snacks.
OK, snack bag or coin?
The coin? It's right here.
Well, if right here, that's, that's the coin. I mean, if we'll coin, well, it's a real coin. Yeah, it's a real coin. What's that? Well, we'll work it out. If that's what you choose, we'll work it out.
You have, you have to. You have to choose. Do you want the snack bag or the coin.
You don't what? You don't what?
You're not sure what you? Well, you know what? I'll give you this. I'll give you this anyway.
What do you want, the snack bag or the coin?
Of course, of course. Of course. There's no question, Is that right? Yeah. Snack bag or coin? I probably choose.
Well, well, OK. I mean that's that's fine. Snack bag or coin?
Snack bag? Yeah, snack bag or coin? I don't really care.
Well, you have to make a choice.
You want the snack bag or the coin? I mean, look all that. Look at all this good stuff you wouldn't want to pass up. I mean, the coin, it's all like, look, kids, I'm going to point something out to you. I'm going to point something out to you. If you took this coin, if you took this coin to the grocery store, you know what they do with you. They probably call the police.
Because the person in the register would have no idea what to do with it, and they would think that they're just. You're just.
Giving you a piece of an old piece of junk. You know, some counterfeit coin.
Look, there's no doubt in my mind.
The answer is very simple if you ask me, but do you want a snack buyer coin? Yeah, good choice. Good choice snack buyer coin.
Yeah, yeah. Snack. Oh, good. Yep. Snack Bagger. Coin. Snack bag? Yep. Snack bagger. Coin. You want the snack bag? Yeah, I would do Good. Good choice. Snack bag or coin?
You want snack bag or coin?
Snack bagger coin. You want the snack bag? Yeah, we're getting a lot of takers on the snack. Snack bagger coin. It's not a good choice. Good choice. Snack bagger coin, Snack bag. Yeah, yeah. Good, good. You guys are boy, you guys are good snack. Bagger coin.
Whoa, hold on, hold on, hold on. Why do you want the coin?
You want it. But look, what can you do with a coin if you took that coin? If you took that coin to the store, you couldn't even get anything with it. I know, you know. Well then why do you want it?
Cuz cuz.
OK, no snack bag for you. Snack bag or coin? Is the coin real?
Well, it is real, but it's, I mean, what good, what good is it to you?
It's made of metal. It's made of metal.
Look look.
I don't. I don't know. You guys are. You're missing out. You see all your friends up here, they're all going to be enjoying all this good snacks and you're going to be sitting on your on your seat.
OK, Snack bag or coin. Good choice. You've got. Now we're back on track. Snack bagger coin. Good, good, good snack. Bagger coin. You got it. Snack bagger coin. Snack bag, You got it. Good choice. Snack bagger coin. Yeah, snack bagger coin.
You got it. Snack bagger coin. Snack. Bagger coin. All right.
Have at it.
Load them up. Help yourself, my wife said. Don't take any home so it's all yours.
Have at it.
Have at it. Dig in.
Say again?
Yeah, load up those. Load up those.
Hey boys, snack bag. You want it?
Trade it for my point. You can trade it, yeah, you can trade the coin for for a snack bag. You're not, you know, snack bag. Come on. But listen, all your buddies, they're all going to be eating their Doritos and their Reese's and and and all this good stuff and you're going to be sitting there.
You're going to be sitting there.
You're going to be sitting there. You won't have anything.
It's your choice. But I'm telling you one thing right now, I The choice is clear to me.
Choice is clear to me.
Snack bag.
Snack bag.
You're missing out. Don't listen.
Those people behind you, they don't know what they're talking about.
They don't know what they're talking about.
OK guys, well.
All right. OK.
I'm going to. I'm going to give you guys another chance.
Look, I mean, I don't. You guys are the you're the only two boys on the road that are missing out.
I hate for you to. I hate for you to miss out.
You know what?
I've got something for the adult. I'm going to pick an adult.
Do you, Mr. Conrad?
I can get you a snack bag. You got a snack bag or you want the coin?
Kind of partial to the coin.
Well, listen, Mr. Conrad, I understand completely.
That snacks and candy aren't really your thing. That's true. But listen, I've got something just for you.
I got these. This is this is a supplement.
It's guaranteed. It's guaranteed to roll back 20 years.
You know, can I have it?
I've been suffering with a bad back for 40 years, well more than those. I'll give you twice the dose you want the the supplement, this is good stuff. Supplement or the coin. There's something about that coin that I I I think I should stay with it.
Forever missing out.
Forever missing out. There's three individuals in this room that have lost out big.
Let me tell you a little something about this coin.
You got a good bag, don't you? Yeah, you got a good bag. I want to tell you something about this coin.
This coin.
It was sold at an auction.
And there's three people in this room who have just become very wealthy.
There's three people in this room who have become very wealthy. This coin was sold at an auction.
In 2021 for $18,872,250.
$18 million this coin was sold for.
Wow, boys, what are you going to do with all that money?
You hit the jackpot.
And you know what I said. What I said wasn't wrong.
You know, if you took this coin to the store, they probably would wonder what you were up to because they wouldn't have any idea what it was for Oregon, how much it was worth.
You have no idea.
You know what I said about it being all scratched up? And yeah, it's kind of scratched up. It's a little bit scratched up. It's an old coin.
But you know what, kids?
Its value.
Is infinitely worth more.
Then that can be. It looks so tempting on the table.
You know, kids.
It's an illustration of something.
That's far more valuable.
Than a coin. It's far more valuable than an $18 million coin.
This is just a very small illustration.
Of the value.
Of your soul.
Your soul is of infinite value, Infinite value. And there's a verse in the Bible.
We all know it. What will it profit a man or a boy or a girl? What will it profit a boy or a girl?
If he gains the whole world and he loses his soul.
It's also an illustration.
Of something very, very sinister.
The thief.
The thief has come.
To steal, kill and to destroy.
There's a thief.
Not only is he a thief, but he's a liar.
He's a liar.
Satan is a thief and a liar, the Bible says.
That Satan.
He is a liar and the father of it. He's the he is the originator of lies.
You know, I told you some things that were not that, well, they weren't exactly 100% true. They were deceptions.
There were deceptions to make you fall for something that was that was far less in value.
Then this coin.
Far less value than this coin. You know what Satan is doing today.
Do you know what Satan is doing today?
He's going around.
Telling lies.
Telling boys and girls that your soul.
Is not all that valuable? Don't worry about your soul, he says. Don't worry about your soul. You live for all the all the fame, fortune and fun you can possibly get your hands on.
You live it up. That's what he says. That's what he Live it up. Just enjoy every moment, Suck every moment that you can get out of it.
Because this is all you have. This is all you have.
God has a different.
Message for you today.
God has a different message for you today.
The Bible says that God made man out of the dust of the ground.
And he breathed into man the breath of life. God breathed into you the breath of life, and you became a living soul.
A living soul. A soul that will live forever.
A soul that will live forever.
And you know, kids, we've fallen from God. Sin has come into our lot, into this world. We've fallen from God by nature. We're fallen beings.
And God in his great mercy.
Sent his Son the Lord Jesus.
Because your soul is valuable.
Your soul is valuable.
Far more valuable than this coin.
What will it profit a man?
If he gains everything, this whole world ever, If you could, if you could sum up all the wealth in this world, it would fall in comparison to the value of your soul.
It falls totally short.
The value of your soul.
There's another verse in the Bible.
In Psalms 49.
Psalms, Chapter 49.
It says in Psalms chapter 49 verse 7.
They that trust, I'm sorry, Verse six, they that trust in their wealth and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches. None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him, For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceases forever. What does that mean? What does it mean?
The redemption of their soul is precious and it ceases forever. What do you think that means?
What does redemption mean?
Does anybody know what redemption means?
You want redemption means.
Yeah, to redeem. Yeah. To buy it back.
You know, we're stuck in sin and our sins have separated us from God and we have to be brought back to God. But there's a price, There's a price that that it costs to be brought back to God, it says.
It says the redemption of their soul is precious and it ceases, for it's costly.
To buy back your soul from sin and Satan.
It cost an infinite price.
A price that no one can put, no one can understand. The massive cost to bring you back to God. No one understands it because you and I are brought back to God. We're redeemed. We're brought back to God. By what means? How are we brought back to God? What does it say in First Peter? It says we're brought back to God with the precious blood.
Of the Lord Jesus.
You see?
When you and I were separated from God.
God sent his Son the Lord Jesus. God sent the Lord Jesus into this world.
Because your soul is valuable.
Your soul is fat and he loves you. Each one of you kids, God loves you.
And he said, I do not want that soul to go into a lost eternity forever. I am going to pay the infinite price. I'm going to pay the infinite price so that I can have each one of you kids if you'll put if you, if you will put your trust in the Lord Jesus.
If you will put your trust in the Lord Jesus today.
You can know your sins are forever forgiven.
And yours you will go and live with the Lord Jesus in his house in heaven forever.
But of course, if we decide to pass up.
On God's great salvation. And it's like if we decide we're just going to chase all the fun, fame and fortune we can have in this world, that's that's good enough. If that's all we're going to live for, God says you're going to have to pay. You're going to have to pay an awful, awful price.
Awful price for all eternity in hell.
Kids, you know.
It's my deep hope.
It's my great hope.
It is my great hope that each one of you kids.
Will come to know the Lord Jesus as your savior.
It's, you know, every single one of your parents here, Every single one of your parents. If your parents brought you here, they have a concern for your soul.
They want your soul.
To be in heaven with the Lord Jesus.
They want you to be in heaven with the Lord Jesus.
That's what each one of us want.
And so.
I plead with you today.
If there's anyone?
Who doesn't know who Jesus is their savior today?
Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to recognize that that you're a Sinner, that you're a Sinner, that that you violated a holy God.
And that the only way that you can be brought back to God.
Is through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus made on the cross.
Satan. Satan will be. He will be the trickiest, cleverest guy you can ever imagine. We are no.
We are completely weak against the lies of Satan, completely weak against the lies of Satan.
And he loves to trip up people.
Just like I tricked you guys. Most of you guys. Oh, don't worry. I'll have something for you too, Actually, maybe some of your friends here. We'll give you guys a bag. We'll give you guys a bag, and maybe you can see if there's some handouts.
Yeah, yeah, that's right.
Like kids, you know?
I love each one of you kids and I know that all the parents in this room, all the adults in this room, they love each one of you kids.
And like I said.
It is my greatest desire. Our greatest desire for each one of you precious kids is that you will know the Lord Jesus is your savior, not only know him as your savior.
But that you'll know him as your father, the one who provides for you, and that you'll live for him because it's so worth it.
It's so worth it to know and to walk with the Lord Jesus. It's the greatest life.
It's the greatest life you can imagine.
OK, you know what? Let's sing. Maybe. Maybe somebody has a song that they would like to sing here.
What song would you like?
We'll sing this whole. We'll sing this whole one, this whole song.
When he cometh, when he cometh.
To make up his dreams, all his dreams.
There's one and it's on.
Like the stars of the morning.
It's right round.
Avoiding they shall shine.
It was all the bright ones.
It's loved and it's long.
Like the stars of the morning.
It is bright ground of glory.
Nature shining.
His beauty.
Bright jumps for his drum.
Little children. Little children.
For long marrying.
Are the Jews precious to the most?
Is lovely.
Like the stars of Love Morning.
Is right from the glory.
OK. I just have one request before we close and that is there are two boys here who have empty bags and those of you who have full bags, can you please share a little bit with these two boys just if if the people that have full bags can like donate some chips or a couple pieces of candy or there you go.
We can do that after. OK, That's good enough. That's good enough. Well, I tell you what. Let's do that after we get done praying and then and then you can you can help. You can help our friends. Thanks for being good sports, guys. That was that was good. Let's let's pray. OK, Let's pray.