
Duration: 45min
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Children—Howard House
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Sunday school this morning and does anybody have a number to start with?
#40 OK, let's start with that.
For the Bible tells me so.
Let's all want to.
The Bible tells me.
He could die.
And take to a grand wise he will wash away my sins and all that soul child coming. Yeah.
From every heart.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, you don't love me.
Yes, give the club speak. The Bible tells me so.
You don't want me love you, love me still.
When I'm very, we can know from his shining.
Home on high, He will watch me where I lie.
Yes, you touch love you.
Yes, you have loves me.
And she talks. Love you touch me.
The Bible tells me so.
Do thus loves me be will stay, will stay.
All the way.
If I trust him, shall I die? He will Take Me Home. My heart. Yes, Jesus was Jesus.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, dreams, I just love you.
The Bible tells me so.
One door and only one, and yet its sides are two inside and outside. On which side are you? One door and only one in the other side are two. I want the inside on which side are you?
All right, and let's sing 41.
Around the throne of God in as well many children.
Save children who things are all forgiven. We'll have the anthem Spring Staying in glory. Glory.
Glory to God.
In shining robes of spotless white, each wine will be arranged.
Dwelling in everlasting light and joy that never fades in glory. Glory.
Glory to God.
On heart.
What brings them to that world above that heaven so bright and fair, where all is peace and joy and love? How can those children bear saving glory?
Glory, glory to God.
On my.
God save your shadows, but to wash away their sins now washed in that most precious blood. Behold, and why and please standing glory.
Glory, glory to God.
I hope every boy and girl this morning is going to be one of those ones that were just singing about, one that in heaven is going to say glory, glory, glory be to God on high. Won't that be a privilege to be in heaven?
And to be able to sing like that to the Lord Jesus and we'll be able to see him. It won't be like now when we have meetings, we know He's in the midst and we hear that a lot in meeting, don't we? But we don't see him with our eyes. But someday we're going to look on him just like we're looking at each other. Shane can look at Dakota and Dakota can look at Shane and you can see each other and you can see your smiles. And that's how it's going to be someday with the Lord Jesus.
So even though today we can't see him like that, someday it will be like that.
So does somebody have another song?
32 all right.
I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my pardon rest, I see nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing, it's my grace, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Holy Christ translator.
Makes me why that's no no mother found. I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Nothing can force things at all. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
That I have done.
Nothing but the blood.
Pressure is not close and breaks me. Why that's no more.
No longer. I'm trying. No nothing that could last. Jesus.
It sends all my haunted beasts having but the blood of Jesus starts through an almighty of my righteousness. Now things are nothing but the blood must be.
I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.
So we were just thinking about the blood of Jesus.
How did Jesus blood come out?
Dakota, remember what happened?
Yeah, the blood came in. Remember, he had his hands, one of them over here, one of them over here, and his feet down there. And then they took big nails and they put them in this hands and his feet, big nails.
And they put them up and there's a wooden cross and they put them and they pounded the nails into the cross just like that. And that happened about 2000 years ago.
And then what happened when they pounded the nails in?
The blood came out right because that's what happened when we when we get something into our skin.
But you know, the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of God, has never spoken about that blood that came out of the hands and out of the feet.
What happened after he was dead? Do you remember right after?
Remember, a soldier came along.
Yeah, that's right.
But what about even before that?
Shane said. They put in a spear, they took a sphere.
Soldier right into his side and out came says blood and water. And you know it was important that it was then, because that was after he was dead, when they pounded the nails into his hands and to his feet. That was before he was dead. But at that time he hadn't suffered yet for our sins. Remember the three hours of darkness.
And everything got black, nobody could see anything. And there he was hung up. And God punished him during that time for our sins. So when they pounded the nails into his hands and to his feet, at that time he hadn't suffered for our sins. Then after he had suffered for our sins, then they took the spear.
And they put it into his side. And then that was the testimony that the sacrifice had been killed, and that blood came down and flowed down onto the cursed ground.
And through that blood, the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin.
So let's sing maybe one or two more.
Let go.
Jesus Christ.
Can make us know.
Precious, precious blood of Jesus ever offered free.
Oh, believing all means Jesus.
Hey, one more.
Three 4.
My hands are into her right sleep. Hold the door warm, and the heart came in with a crisis and a Christ.
And the sword.
Before we get started.
All right, does anyone know the verse for this week?
Does anyone know the verse? I have a few candies here.
Yes, Samuel.
Very good.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and stand up, I'll help you.
Yes, any man.
Thirst let's him come unto me.
What do you do when you're thirsty?
Very good.
OK, stand up.
If any man.
Let him come unto me.
And what?
You do on your first take a big.
Just what are you drinking, right?
Any others? No.
What about Katie?
Do you want to say First Corinthians 15?
No, OK.
Jack's too young.
See ya.
A bit in the back row. Anybody hungry for some candy?
All right.
Any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. It's not too hard.
Come and drink and all of us are thirsty in our souls. We all need that water from when we were a little child. We didn't choose to be born a Sinner, but we we are by nature, by practice, we're sinners.
But the Lord Jesus here he says to those sinners, Let him come unto me and drink, and you know he is the water of life.
We read a verse in Romans that says the wages of sin is death, for the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Let's go to John 10.
John 10 And verse one Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheet fold, but climbeth up some other way, the same as a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the doors the shepherd of the sheep, Him the Porter openeth, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
So all of us understand what a shepherd is. He has a whole bunch of sheep.
And I remember being at one point in Romania and we climbed up to the top of this big mountain and we looked down and there was a shepherd and he had a whole bunch of sheep around him. And there are some cattle on another hill and over here with some more cattle. And you could look, it was a beautiful view, just it was lower everywhere, all around. And so this shepherd, this man.
He was taking care of his sheep.
And if a sheep started to walk away from the shepherd, maybe like David gave a sling.
And maybe he's hit a stone right beyond the sheep. Then the stone would hit another stone and make a big sample and then the sheep would come running back to the shepherd, right? Because he's, he's scared, isn't that right?
So that's what a shepherd does. He scares the sheep and then the sheep comes running back to him.
And you know it says he calleth his own sheet by name.
So I don't know about this shepherd and how well he knew his sheep.
And but, but the Lord Jesus is our shepherd. He knows each one by name.
And here it's not too hard to know all the kids names because there aren't as many of you. But if you think of all the people in the world, there are about 7 billion people in the world. That's a lot of people's names to know, isn't it? You know what? The Lord Jesus, He knows each and every name and he wants each and every one of you here this morning to turn to him.
And you know what the Good Shepherd did? Let's let's go later on in the chapter.
Says verse 11. It says I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
So you know what, this shepherd, I don't know if he'd give his life for the sheep, what would happen if a wolf came?
What would the Good Shepherd do that we just read about Jesus? What would happen if a wolf came?
Yeah, Shane.
Yeah, the wolf would eat all the sheep money. That would be terrible.
So what is the Good Shepherd going to do to stop that? Is he going to get in the way? What do you think, Caleb?
Yeah, you might just throw a stone at it, this thing, right? Or this shepherd, I don't know if he had a knife, maybe he had a gun, I'm not sure. But he was going to take care of his sheep, wasn't he? And the Lord Jesus, you know, he's the same way I am, the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd is willing to give his life for the sheep.
And then verse 14, I am the Good Shepherd, and know my sheep, and have known of mine. And then verse 17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received in my father. Verse 27. My sheep hear my voice.
And I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life.
And they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My father, which gave them me, is greater than all. And no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand. I and my father are one.
And then let's go back to John's 6.
And verse 37.
Says all that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me.
I will in no wise cast out. So what do you think that means I will in no wise cast out?
You know what that means is that.
Each one who comes, the Lord Jesus, there's no way that you will be refused. That means that every last single one of you, one person that comes to Lord Jesus, maybe any of those 7 billion that say to Jesus, Jesus, I want you to save me. I want you to be my savior and I'm sorry for what I did. Please wash away my sins. It means that every last single one who is willing to do that Jesus will not refuse. He will say yes, come.
Just like a Good Shepherd to his sheep.
There's a.
Jim Highland just said in the Gospel last night, he spoke about the sheep and how there might be 99 and then one goes astray and the Lord Jesus, he's not willing to let that one just go. He wants to go and get that one.
Let's turn to Luke 18.
19 actually loop 19.
Verse 10 says for the Son of Man. Who's that talking about, Sam?
Very good son of man is come to speak, and to save that which was lost.
So I need 2 volunteers.
You want to volunteer?
All right, Shane, what about you, Dakota? What what I need you to do is Dakota is going to hide, and Shane, you're going to seek, OK? You're going to. It's going to be hide and seek, right? So you sit back on your chair. She and you close your eyes. Don't open them.
Now, Dakota, go ahead.
Quiet. He might be able to hear you if I don't keep speaking.
All right, let's give him five more seconds. Don't open your eyes, 54321.
I was looking all around high and low.
And everywhere a sheep might go.
There's a lot of people here, isn't there?
Looking all around for his sheep.
Where did he go?
Keep looking boy, the sheep is really lost.
Where is the sheet.
Very good.
All right, we need two more volunteers, Samuel and Stephen. All right.
We're going to let Steven hide. OK, Samuel, give them 20 seconds.
Very good.
So we saw an example of someone seeking and someone find and finding that one. So it took a long time for some people and for some people it only takes a short time. Maybe some people get saved when they're really young and they're just maybe two or three years old, and then some people it's a little bit older.
I think just recently we were singing.
This song that Samuel gave out and it goes a little child of seven or even three or four. But you know, recently somebody came through and they said a little child of seven and they wanted to say it. Or even 30. Sorry, 77 or even 34.
And that's what he's saying. And that's true. There are some people when they're very, very much in their older years, they come to the Lord. And it's wonderful when we can come when we're young, But it's best to come if you're if you're, if you're not going to come when you're young and you refuse the Lord Jesus when you're young, you can still come when you get older.
But today is the accepted time. Today is the day of salvation. Because.
See, some people can say, oh, well, you know, I'm going to wait. I'm going to wait till I'm 20. I'm going to wait till I'm 30. Maybe they're saying I'm going to wait till I'm 15. Whatever it is, now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation. You shouldn't wait. Although if you're an older one today and you haven't accepted Jesus as your Savior, you still can't. That's what I mean. You still can't accept Jesus as your Savior. Let's turn to another verse in Matthew.
Matthew, Chapter 18.
And verse 11.
Verse 11 Says For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
The Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. So we had seek and deceive in the last scripture we read, but this one just says save. And if you look at the context here, if you look what just came before, it's talking about little children, little ones. And you know, sometimes a little baby dies. We have somebody at work and she is about.
Forty 40s maybe, and she was a grandmother and her husband was a grandfather for the first time just last week.
For the very first time last week and, you know, they went to the hospital and they saw the baby and it was a little baby boy and they're all excited and the father and the mother, they brought their little child home and they're taking care of it.
And about 5:00 the next morning, the mother woke up and hear the baby was no longer breathing.
And she couldn't believe it, but her little baby had died.
It was called something. It was called SIDS. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is what they called it.
And you know what that little baby though, if it had survived, it would be brought up in a non Christian home and there is a possibility that it wouldn't be going to heaven. But from this verse we've read, the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.
That little, that little boy went straight up to heaven. He didn't have to accept Jesus as his Savior. He didn't understand. He was too little to understand. But you children this morning are old enough to understand that you've done things that are wrong.
Just last week I asked a little girl have you done anything wrong? And little girl said yes. I said what did you do wrong? And she said I beat up my sister.
And she got all red. She was blonde hair, she got all red and she was really embarrassed.
Has anybody ever done that before? Beat up their sister or their brother?
Yeah, that's wrong. That's a sin.
So it's pretty easy to realize that we're sinners, and what we have to also realize is that we can't do anything ourselves.
It's like writing on it with permanent marker. We can't take it off with the blood of the Lord Jesus Heat. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin. There's not one sin that you can do that He cannot wipe away.
His precious blood.
So let's sing another one. Another two maybe.
And it comes and it falls on the GIRL, and they once all be held by us here.
All right, one more.
30 7 Thank you.
He will never. He will ever.
Kingdom, all the same ones, all the bright ones and years old.
Bring the storms of the morning, and Christ round the door. The English shall shine. And conspiracy.