
Children—John Bilisoly
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We're going to start with a few hints out of this book, but there's a a young lady in the room here by the name of Abby that would like to have us sing Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam. It's #55 in this book.
So let's sing this for Abby, and maybe she'll join in a little bit with us, all right?
Jesus wants. Jesus wants before us on.
I'm sorry, let me start a little bit.
He didn't want me for a song.
For him, he stayed in.
Let's see here when you're trying to give it away.
I'm a child, he's made me take 1000 gigs and I'm not far away. At the end of the day, I don't know, I'm hearing you, I can't hear you, I can't drive. I'm going to be here. I'll be out thumbing for him.
We need notifying things if we make a lot of things, mankind to all right.
Now it's worth and thank God I've been able to get there. No one can be done.
In time and again see you in time of course meaningful where are you so I don't know what you're getting done and done give me time to stop and give me a game I'll be up one day in the morning here and I'm here I'm.
I will not hear you because we have to have a good day. Take a tasty flying heart from Sam throwing to life. There is the blessing of the lady shining blood again.
Alright, I was wondering if these boys right here, would you like to come over and sit in these two chairs? Would that be OK? You'd be a little closer to the rest of the.
Yes, dear. All right. Thanks guys.
Great. OK, how about another one then? Should you have one?
What the truth is all the zoom Argentine.
Knee on some kind through your work people who don't work by and many threw extinct and many the disability and maneuvers raining.
We've been mad and knew that there was one against gentlemen, so I'm not gonna be getting themselves. They didn't matter about thy name, champions and.
One thigh giant grill while drowning baby thighs and he runs on top and grim they cry and those sighs and tattoos and throat the inhale them to my crops of blood.
And only guide them right again and thine thigh and thine hand swim and yell away friends on the ice round more than 400,000 and then thoracic Evans.
OK, maybe, maybe just a couple more. How about one of you boys or girls? You have one of your life.
All right. Right on there, 76. Thank you.
Well, I'm not at the river no longer movement. No, I don't have no heart. And they didn't get anything to look at. All of those on the modern day go over these games from the area. You have to not have anything. So you're talking about my life.
Do you know how old they can turn that on?
OK, let's just have one more. Maybe the girl, which 188? All right?
There once.
Again they had to be tried to evacuate and he's outside the same thing. You have problems and things. I have got a light and bring him to me and one of them brought him in King time and will begin and that's her today man. And that grasslands that I will make alone something give me one by and a healthy and then go.
When I continue to unplug rising upon him and he was in eggs. Oh my God blah blah blah blah blah and give you something to pay for them. They're making everything he wants you to do anything, anything he's about to hear about him on his new identity.
He had a long time and he hasn't played in anything. OK, we're going to close our eyes, move our hands if we need to.
Or they ask for the Lord's help.
Our blessed God and our Father, and just thank you for this time together.
These two children here and for each one in this room, our father and we think of this hymn that we have found together about, uh, being a sunbeam for the age of the Lord. And our desire here this afternoon is that each one of these children will know these are the first Savior will seek to be a light in this Dark World for thee.
So we just pray for thy health now as we spend a few moments together.
Right, that's, uh, we might be able to understand what is being done. So we looked at the end. Good. Thanks to the wonderful gifts of Father, 'cause I don't give a my beloved son of Lord Jesus deny on the cross to throw away our strength to him and his precious and worthy name. Amen, Amen, Amen.
I have been thinking a little bit lately.
About, uh, you know how easy it is for?
People who just pretend to be something that they really aren't. And, uh, for us, we've all been guilty of doing that that.
Times trying to fit in or maybe just umm come across something that we really aren't. And my burden that I have this afternoon boys and girls, is that there might be someone who helps one of you. I sure hope not. That might be passing as a Christian but really doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
And that would be a bad thing. So my burden is particularly for you. I noticed that the meeting was scheduled as a children's meeting slash young people's meeting. And I've never had a meeting like that before. So I may have a few permits for those that are young people.
And perhaps for all of us. But my real burden this afternoon is for you boys and girls. You know, we've been enjoying some very precious and rich things in the reading meeting. And I know it's probably a little hard for some of you to take it in and to understand it. And maybe you get a little bit here or a little bit there. Maybe somebody says something that you say, oh, I can understand that. So I want this meeting to be simple.
I want you to, uh, to be able to help me out here. OK. So we're gonna, I've got a few little illustrations there. Just like with any illustration, like some of us were saying, uh, in the break, any illustration you use falls short of what you're trying to convey. But sometimes it helps us to have an illustration. And the Lord himself, as Brother Bruce mentioned to me, used parables, Sydney, or we might call him a word pictures.
And the Lord would sometimes use these.
Tell a little story that he didn't have, maybe he didn't have an object unless and although he did sometimes use lessons, but he gave these work pictures to illustrate something that he was trying to teach now, something that they could understand that was important for them to know. And that's the way I'm looking at this this afternoon. So what I was thinking about was, you know, I think it was.
A brother.
John chapter 3 and indicated that this was an expression or a definition of faith perhaps that we have in John three and he emphasized the last part of this verse. So this is the verse John 333 he that hath received his testimony hath sent to his seal that God is true and he mentioned those last three words and sympathize that God is true, but I think it's in I'm going to look I have to drop down a few things here.
I'm going to refer to from time to time, and the verse that I'm also thinking in connection with that is in Romans chapter 3. You know, we've been reading in Romans quite a bit and I've really been enjoying it, but in Romans chapter 3 it says this.
OK, think of those 3 words. God is true.
Romans, chapter 3.
First, umm.
And then a little bit into the verse here it says gay or yes, let God be true, but every man a liar.
Well, you know, I, I thought about that a little bit. You know, it doesn't matter what kind of A twist man wants to put on something. It doesn't matter what man wants to try and appear as God desires truth in the inward parts. David could say that in Psalm 51. He could say of God that God requires truth or desireth truth in the inward parts. In other words, God looks on our heart. You know, there's a verse in the in the first Samuel or Samuel says that concerning.
Uh, Jesse's son, we're going to pick a king out of Jesse's son's. And Samuel thought that maybe that one, that oldest one, he looked handsome. He looked like the one that the people would choose. Maybe that's the one, but it wasn't that one. All of his sons past were made to pass before Samuel, and it wasn't until David came out of the field where he was keeping sheep that the Lord's anointed was standing before him.
And these words are said, they're man look upon the Albert appearance. The God looketh on the heart. I want you boys and girls to think about that, that the Lord can see right into our hearts. He knows what's inside. He knows that what we're talking about this afternoon doesn't mean a thing to us. Maybe we're thinking, you know, I don't I don't even want to be here. God knows what we're thinking. He can see what's in our heart and.
It says he requires truth.
So you know someone wants to.
Made this statement that God said it might believe it and that's subtle that someone else said Brexit that a little bit and said God said it. That settles it. And I like that because it doesn't matter what I believe. I mean it does matter what I believe. But if I don't believe what God has said, that doesn't change the truth of God's word. It still felt in heaven and he's magnified his word above all his name. So if you believe or not.
In God's sight as it stands still. So anyway, let's keep that in mind as we talk. Well, I've got a few things here and there's, there's going to be a similarity in these things that I, I have here.
First I want to.
Show you this and I wondered if there's a name on here. Well, do you like chocolate? I would like to give this to you.
Appear. Cheers. Is there anything wrong with that chunk of heart? No chocolate, no chocolate, but it looks like the chocolate. It looks like chocolate.
Those old chocolate bars.
So what's wrong with this chunk of heart?
Boys and girls.
Let's check that out.
I wonder if there's anybody here that.
They can even say you're a Christian. Maybe you told your daddy or mommy that you're.
Are you like this?
Chocolate bars.
It looks like the the.
That's disappointing.
An empty chocolate bar.
I'm not going to leave you.
OK, so.
It's really disappointing. It doesn't matter. It doesn't do anything for us.
You know, this almost portrayed, umm, we should just turn into a few scriptures. Let's let's turn to.
100 and 19105.
Beautiful expression.
From 119.
How sweet are thy words?
For thy word unto my taste gaze sweeter than honey to myself, you know, boys and girls.
The Lord Jesus wants to fill it. You know that an empty chocolate bar with nothing in it doesn't satisfy at all. It's just. And if there's a boy or girl here that doesn't have life, that doesn't have the Lord Jesus as her Savior, God wants to hear you with the Holy Spirit. He wants to have you receive the Lord Jesus as Savior, and he wants you to enjoy Him, you know.
Yesterday our brother Bill brought before us how God works with us in the night season.
How he works with different ones that there might be, uh, something that would come from our hearts of him.
You know, umm, there's a burst in Hosea chapter 10. I think it is. I'll just read it because I think it's it's still sad here and it's it's kind of like this, this candy bar with no chocolate in it.
Chapter 10.
It says in verse one Israel is an empty vine. He bringeth forth fruit unto himself.
You know, the the condition of God's people, earthly people, had gotten so bad that he had to say that Israel is an empty bind. In other words, they should have produced fruit to God's glory, but instead they were produced producing fruit for themselves. Well, there's many men and women in this, and I'm afraid, boys and girls in this world.
That perhaps they act religious when they need to. Maybe they say the right things.
Maybe they try to look like something they really aren't. A dog is looking at on their hearts and you can see what's in their heart. Let's remember that, you know, umm, it also tells us in First Corinthians chapter 2 That I'll just read that, that the natural man, he can't really produce anything for God's glory. He can't really produce anything for God. And it tells us in, umm, I believe it's in the Proverbs.
That the even the plowing of the wicked is sin. Now back in that day, they used horses and plows and so on to plow their fields. And you would say, well, they, they have to do that to live because that's how they cultivated their fields to raise food to live. And God says if they do that without me, without thoughts of me, without reference to me, it's like sin. It's just, it's him. So it says here in First Corinthians.
Chapter 2 and verse 14, the natural man receiveth not the things with the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him. Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. But there's someone here this afternoon, big or small, that is saying this, this is foolishness to me. Oh, I would ask you to consider because you if, if, if it's foolishness to you.
Then it's because you're still in your natural condition. We've been talking about this in the reading meeting a little bit, aren't we? They're, they're still in their natural condition without God. What a sad condition to be in. So let's look at something else here. Umm, let's look at another.
Little object I brought here.
Hey, I think you all know what this is, don't you?
All right, what is it?
You're right, it is a flashlight, so this flashlight has a switch on it like most flashlights have, and if you push that switch.
It should turn that light on. Well, you do that for us.
Anything happening there?
What do you think might be wrong?
He pushed the switch. No light came on.
Anybody have any ideas what's that? Well, let's check. You know, I, I as soon as he pushed that switch, the next thing he did he he went for this cap right here. Pretty very smart there. All right, so I'm going to help you and you take a look in there. Maybe you can tip it upside down and shake it and see if any batteries come out.
Anything coming out?
So that flashlight is empty.
Just like that. Just like that candy bar, that chocolate bar this flashlight is in. It has no source of power.
This is like a center that doesn't have the Lord Jesus that needs salvation. They have no power to please God. Try as hard as they might, they cannot please God because they have no source of power.
So what this flashlight needs is a power source, doesn't it? Let's.
Put something in here.
All right.
Now, what's your name?
OK, trip, let's try it now. Don't look at it, just shine it on the ground maybe.
That a little better.
All right, here we can maybe make it a little.
I guess that's about as bright as it's going to be in this bright room.
So you put a power source in there and you turn the switch on. You can shut it off now and I'll take.
Thank you. We put a power source in there and the light comes on.
Boys and girls, and that's really simply salvation is that simple. God has provided a means whereby those of us that were dead in trespasses and dead and have life, life from him, life from above, and that life can respond to God, that life can do that which is pleasing to him. He can have fellowship with man because Christ has died on the cross.
And there is now a source of power.
That God can use for his glory, and so we have him in Romans chapter one.
Verse 16 The apostle Paul persists. I am not ashamed.
Of the Gospel of Christ. I think we can leave that out there. I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God and the salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew 1St and also to the Greek.
You know, it was amazing to me to to think of how Paul like to use that expression power. And so we have in in Ephesians chapter 3. We'll just look at a couple more verses in Ephesians chapter 3.
Concerning power.
All right, Visual Chapter 3 and verse.
And unto him that is able to do exceedingly, exceeding abundantly, above all that we ask for things according to the power that work within us.
And then umm, backing up to.
For seven, he says well.
That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ, by the Gospel whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God-given unto me by the effectual working of this power.
Well, you know, we can spend quite a bit of time talking about power and, uh.
To think of that which we have been given in Christ and you know, umm, it's amazing, isn't it? The glory that can be brought to God when we're living in the good of that power and if we're not?
How much damage can be done? So you and I that are believers that know the Lord as our Savior and the Lord help us to live in the good of the power. We have an unlimited supply. You know this, this life, this flashlight falls short because if we left this on over a long period of time, it would get weaker and weaker and it would finally go out and we would have to replace those batteries. But you and I have a source.
From God.
A source of power that never is to be exhausted is a limitless supply.
What a wonderful provision he has made for us.
And so, umm, let's look at another thing that kind of goes along the same line.
How would you like a water bottle?
So is that much good to you?
Absolutely. What if you, uh, took the lid off?
Any drugs or anything there shake out any?
Absolutely empty. Now you know if you're thirsty and someone gives you an empty water bottle.
Not going to be very satisfying, is it?
No, it's not breakdown. It's fine. Let's look at, uh, a little story of John's gospel chapter before.
John Dussell, chapter 4 weeks.
It's one of those, to me, it's a special little chapter because we get one of those touches in the Lord's life where we see him.
Umm, he said here he was weary with his journey, sat down on Jacob's well-being, weary with his journey. And then there's, there's this woman that comes along and she's, uh, Samaritan, she's from Samaria and she comes to draw water and she gets into conversation with the Lord.
But as she comes there to draw water, the Lord.
Says something to her.
Give me to drink.
So he asks for a drink, just like you and I when we're thirsty. Often times, especially when we're little, Hmm, young, we go and we ask for drinks like Mommy, can I have a drink?
And mommy gives us a drink. Well, we read, umm, as we read through the story. It's interesting to me, and I would ask this as a question maybe for one of our young people here. Umm, I'll ask Will, sorry to put you on the spot, Will. It's not really a trick question, but my question is, did this woman ever give the Lord a drink or the drink that he asked for?
If we ever read that, it's.
Good. So what were you thinking, Allie?
Yeah, I mean, uh, as you read through this portion, umm, we, we don't know for sure. Now, we can maybe assume that she did, but it doesn't really say that, umm, this woman actually ever gave him a drink. And I thought about that a little bit and it kind of touched my heart because, umm, you know, I thought of the Lord here. He was thirsty, he was weary with his journey. He was sitting by this well, and here was an opportunity.
To get a drink. And he asked this woman, umm, for a drink. And we don't know that she immediately starts raising objections because she can see that he's a Jew. And she says here.
She says, How is it that thou, being a Jew asked a drink of me to a malignant scenario, but the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
Jesus answered and said unto her, if I knew it, the gift of God and who it is that passed thee, give me to drink a wisdom asked of him and he would have given me living water. You know, I think it's so beautiful here how the Lord just hurries on. He doesn't we don't read anything more about the strength that he he needed and I I thought of it this way. You know, it seems like the spirit of God usually has a purpose for leaving out.
Details and giving us in some instances giving us maybe more details and I don't know for sure why this is, uh, not why we're not told that she followed through because we, as we read more and more about this story, we see the wonderful blessing that this woman came into as a result of this meeting with the Lord Jesus said Jacob's well there and all that he gave her and.
Umm, he talks about.
In verse 14, Whosoever drinketh with the waters that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life, or a fountain of water.
That's a wonderful thing, boys and girls, that when you and I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our savior, it's like we have that fountain of water welling up and, uh, inside of us. And you know, umm, I, I hope that she gave him a drink, umm, that she remembered to do that, but we're not told that. And I thought of it this way, that the Lord Jesus.
Set aside his own knee, his own desires. He he reached out in love as the one that was was seeking souls to bring them into blessing, to give them this water of life freely. And to me, it's just so umm, remarkable to think of him not concerned with his own needs, being willing. He was the one that didn't have a a place to lay his head. He could say the the.
Foxes have holes in the birds are there as nests for the Son of Man.
That's not where to leave me. Instead of he was the lonely one that came into this world, the the very one that created the world, the very one that gave us water to sustain life.
And confluence some of these to meet the needs of four lost men. And he wants to meet your lead this afternoon. If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus, if you, if you have not as a thirsty soul come and drank of that water of life that he offers freely, then do it and do that and.
He promises here that whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give hime shall be in the well of water, springing up and everlasting life. But she didn't really understand that.
Did she? And the Lord had to go through a process of exposing the fact that she was a Sinner and that she was carrying on in a sinful way? And the Lord graciously, tenderly works with this woman.
And brings her to the point where she will want this living water that he's talking about. Though it wasn't the water out of the well, but it was something that the Lord could only could give her that would be in her a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. Well, I've just enjoyed that, you know, a little later in this book.
We have in Chapter 7.
We help the Lord standing and crying and I again here to me this is another beautiful touch, uh, concerning the Lord in in verse 37 of John seven in the last day, that great day of the feast of have examples here with a 7 day feast. The last day of the feast Jesus stood and cried, saying any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. I I just picture the Lord here, if I will speaking.
Good speaking very reverently. But here the Lord is standing and he's crying out.
Umm, the only thing I can think of is, umm, the last time I was at this conference, we went and we did some St. preaching on, uh, Main Street on a piece of property that ceased alone and, uh, which since we sold and there's a house built on building on it. But we stood and we cried and we.
Sought to warn souls of judgment that was coming and of God's offer of mercy and pardon and his gift, the Lord Jesus Christ. Here's the Lord standing at this last, on this last day of this peace, and he's lifting up his voice. He's crying out to these windy souls that were around him, and he's saying he's giving them this offer. The same you might say, offer that he offered to this poor woman. He said, if any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.
He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers.
Of living water, but this spakey of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because of Jesus. It was not yet your life. Well, it's beautiful to see the, the progression. We know that the Lord umm, is that water of life. Umm, he's that water that, that as the word came down from heaven and, and in the 4th chapter or the 3rd chapter of John.
Umm, the Lord said to Nicodemus and verse 5, verily, verily, I stand to be accepted man to be born in water and of the Spirit. He cannot enter in the Kingdom of God. So we see this, this order in John's gospel, don't we, that the water comes down from heaven in the form of Lord Jesus is a man. And then we have it springing up, uh, into a fountain of, of, of water springing up in the 4th chapter. And then we have the rivers of water flowing out. So we have that I, I would suggest that the 4th chapter where it's a fountain of water springing up.
That's more the thought of worship and that's what we did this morning in the morning meeting. It was that fountain of water welling up in our hearts and overflowing as praise and worship to the Lord. And then the rivers of water there at the feast that where the Lord stands in Christ is more the thought of that testimony that should go out to others. You know, boys and girls, if your heart is full, if you've accepted the Lord Jesus and you have the fountain of of water in your heart, if you.
Tasted of that water of light.
And drunk to the fall, you know, you can be a blessing to others. You can tell others, your friends about that water of life, just like the Lord told that woman. And so let's remember that when we're unsaved without the Lord Jesus, we're like this empty water bottle. It doesn't do any good. It can't satisfy. There's no water there. But I'm going to give what's your name?
Right reality. Great. OK, great. I'm going to give you a full one gravy. I don't want to leave you without thinking 10 therapy has a full.
And that's what the Lord wants to do with us. We're going to talk a little bit here in a few minutes about being filled. So let's, umm, let's go on now. Umm, one thing I did want to say, maybe this is a comment for the young people. This, this is something that was given to me that I found it helpful that, you know, water in Scripture is often a picture to us of something. Sometimes it pictures to us the word of God, the water of the word. And sometimes the pictures is a picture of, of the Spirit of God. And someone put it this way, if it's water in motion.
It's usually a picture of the Spirit of God at work. It's.
It's still water. It's the word of God. So you can tuck that away and, uh, check it out. Umm, I'll give you an example like, uh, umm, you know, like we have in the Psalms he lived with, besides the still waters, I think we have there and, and we, he brings us into green pastures where we can feed like sheep and enjoy him and his word. Umm, and then we have the, the time in when the children of Israel were going through the wilderness and.
All of this was told to smite the rock.
And what happened? He smoked the rock and what came out?
That's right, he smoked the rock and the water came out. It says in one place that it gushed out. Well there it's the spirit of God. The picture too is the spirit of God and, and here like we have in uh.
And, and the Johnstone too, we, we have these pipes, uh, brought before us, We have the Spirit of God here in, in this 4th chapter, a well of water springing up to continue lives in the life.
Well, may the Lord encourage you to umm, share with others and it.
It's not easy, but He can help us in that and we all need that encouragement though. OK, I've got one more.
Item here to illustrate.
What we're talking about.
All right.
So I've got something here.
Uh, looks like a tan.
But uh, what is it?
That's right. That's right.
There's a slot up there and they call it a money bank.
But did you buy anything with it, make any noise, shake it, anything there? Nothing. All right.
So let's.
Let's add a little something through here.
I was thinking about this. I was thinking about.
How about man in his sins without Christ is bankrupt. He has nothing. He has nothing but emptiness. He's like this empty can.
Worthless. I can't do anything with it.
But when we come to the Lord Jesus, we begin to enter into the riches that we've been enjoying the last day and a half year. And I thought of these coins here, all those digits, you know, help talks about the unsearchable riches of Christ. Look at a few scriptures.
So now we can hear there's something in here that we, you know, has.
Continue on in life. It's just like rich is being added. Do you enjoy something what the Lord gives you? It's like another coin in there. Pretty soon it starts getting cooler and cooler. So I'd like to give this to you if you'd like it. Would you like it? All right, you can add to that. Umm, I was going to write a scripture on the bottom and I forgot to do that, and I was going to write that one about Richard. Let's see.
In Second Corinthians, I'm sorry.
It's umm.
That verse about the unsearchable riches of Christ.
OK. Thank you.
Yes, Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 8. Paul says this and the baby whom less than the least of all things could just grace, given that I should preach among the gentiles and unsearchable riches of Christ.
Well, you know, it's beautiful why we're in adhesions. I just jotted down a few more. Paul loves to talk about riches, the riches that we have insight. Umm, look at umm, chapter one. We'll just pick up a few here. Ephesians chapter one and verse seven and whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace chapter 2 and verse 7.
That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of his grace and His kindness.
We're done with Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus.
Umm, also in chapter, uh, we read the one in verse eight. Also in that same chapter, verse 16.
That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with light by His Spirit.
Well, there's a lot more. You know, Paul loves to speak about those riches that he had in Christ. And I wonder about you boys and girls. Have you accepted him as your Savior?
If you do, he has there's tremendous riches that are in store for you and these are what are really true rituals. Umm, wonderful thing that is to enter into that and a little bit at a time. And we have that wonderful verse that we often produce quote. It says, I think 19 eight verse 9 where you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who can finish you that though he is rich.
Yet for.
Got you through his.
Might be rich. How did the Lord become poor?
Umm, he died. That's right. What's the calories process? He laid down his life. He didn't even fall.
That you and I might have those riches. So what we have in common with all of these things.
We have the chocolate bar that was empty.
Flashlight that was empty.
Have no power source. Had a bottle of water that was empty, no refreshment.
You know, I, I wanted to mention too, for, uh, each of our exercise, umm, I've kind of thought of that expression or that statement that the Lord made with that woman give you if you need to drink. And, uh, I, I would just like to challenge each of our hearts to the young people too.
Can we, can we give something to the Lord that would be refreshing to Him?
You know, going back to what our brother Bill had, uh, I didn't develop that very well, but with those night seasons.
And how he brought before that often the Lord would come, like in the life of Samuel, He came and spoke to him at night. And then with the prophet Nathan, David's prophet during his reign, and Abimelech. And I think the other one was Nehemiah. How about Nehemiah came to that destroyed city of Jerusalem, that city that says the Lord loved, the city which I love, and he looked at it and ruins them all, and he wanted to do something about it.
For the Lord, for Jehovah, his God. And I thought about that.
Can we take that statement that the Lord makes that woman as an exercise to our heart? Can we do something that the.
Would enjoy that would be refreshment to him. You know, I I thought of that as as Phil was taking that. I wonder sometimes if the Lord doesn't work in the night season because we are so busy. I'm talking to a a brother yesterday and we're commenting on how hard it is to find time to sit down and enjoy the word of God and you boys and girls are going to find as you get older more and more things crowd in and the enemy does that. He gets us so busy that we don't have any time.
And so sometimes the Lord comes to us and keeps us from bleeping. It could be not fellowship with Him.
He wants to us to enjoy him. He wants to share with him. And so he comes at night and he keeps us perhaps from sleeping and he wants to commune with us. He wants to think about things. And maybe sometimes, like Bill brought out, maybe there's things that we've allowed that we need to judge so that the Lord can have that free flow of community with us. And he might even have to lay us aside sometimes in the night season, you might say.
So that he can enjoy that fellowship. I just, uh, thought about that in connection with, uh, you know, in the, in the Song of Solomon, we have different expressions there where the Lord comes, uh, in the form of the, the bright wind there comes to the bride and he, he makes these appeals to her. He wants to hear her voice. He wants to her to enjoy him. And so I've just enjoyed that. OK, I talked a little bit.
Earlier about this thought of being filled, all these things were empty.
And this is, uh, this is something for you young people to, uh, to take out. Just go through the Apostle Paul's epistle. We can do it in other places as well and try and find all the times that it speaks of us being filled with something. And, uh, I've jotted down a few here just to get you started. Umm, we have enrollment 15 to be filled with all joy and peace.
Believe it. Umm, maybe that's a little more in the gospel sense.
We have in UMM also in the 14th 1St to be filled with all knowledge.
Best in Romans could see as well. Colossians. Paul talks about being being filled with the knowledge of his will. Brings in God's will, yeah.
And how does that relate to my will? What I want to do?
Well, we need to be filled with the knowledge of His will. If we know what His will is for us, then we want our wills. We should want our wills and our wills to be the performance you would do. Umm, we're told in Philippians 1 to be filled with.
The fruits of righteousness.
I'm gonna stop there. There's more. Umm.
Take it up some time for yourself and, uh, enjoy all the things that he wants to fill us with. Uh, which would be filled with the spirit. It's a little different thought than having the Spirit of God come in and dwell us when we believe we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise and Ephesians one, but also in Ephesians 3, we're told to be filled or execution 5 filled with the Spirit. Well.
There's many, many things that God wants to.
Uh, us to enjoy and he wants us to be filled up, if you will. So I just enjoy that, you know, he's, uh, we had this morning in the morning meeting that I felt like, uh, he was training before us this, yes, beloved son. What a gift he gave. He bestowed his sons and sometimes sang, umm.
So I'd like to ask this question and and maybe we could get a little participation here in the last few minutes.
And that is, what kind of a giver is God? What kind of gifts does he give?
I'll give one here and if you have a a burst that that helps solidify it. Umm.
It says in 2nd Corinthians 9 that God loveth a cheerful people.
So I think we can say that God is a Sherpa.
What other kind of giver is God? What other kind of gift?
Or the character against that.
Anyway, God is different, so anybody else?
Here's another one.
UMM James chapter one and verse 17.
Every good gift.
And every perfect gift.
Comes down from above, from the Father of life.
There is no variable, no, neither shadow attorney. So we have two characteristics of God's gift. They're perfect. God is a perfect giver. He's a good giver.
Uh yeah, Robert verse 5.
Of Sapirani. OK, James. Yeah, OK.
He's a liberal giver.
And what versus that, Robert?
Change 1515 OK God give us all men liberally. Very good.
Along with that, Umm John 1010 I am come that they might have life and I they might have it more abundantly. God is an abundance giver.
All right. And then maybe one more, umm.
The ultimate has more. There's more than First Timothy 6.
Charge them that are rich in this world, that they do not high minded nor trusted on Sir merchants, but in the living God who giveth us richly all.
I thought of God as a rich giver.
So you can think about that. You put those claims in that we think God is a rich fever and he wants us to enjoy all the riches.
That we have to. It was unfriendable riches in Christ. We're never going to exhaust them. We're going to dwell on them for all eternity. We're going to dwell on Him and we're going to enter into those wonderful riches.
God is such an accountable giver.
OK, well, we're going to close I.
I did have something for all your kids. I don't know, umm, I kind of debated about this and maybe some of you shouldn't have this. These are little candy bars. Umm, they are.
Were made in a peanut free factory or facility, but they do have sugar, they do have other things. So, umm, I think there's enough for two of you for you to all have two. But if, if you shouldn't have them, umm, see me and maybe I can substitute it with something else. Umm, and also please don't need them until we talk to your parents because we're going to be having a wonderful lunch together.
And I don't want to spoil your lungs. So after we pray, I'll ask some of you boys. Maybe you can do it.
Just go around and make sure everybody gets a couple of these little chip tests. If you like them, you don't have to take them. But I just want to leave you with the thought that God is a bountiful giver and umm, I don't know if I should do this or not, but I'll, I'll go ahead. Umm, there's a story behind this, but when, uh, my brother Dave, my brother-in-law Dave and I recently had the opportunity to work with.
Derek a little bit up in the meeting room and do a few things on the outside.
And Dairy brought this chocolate bar and he shared it with us.
And, uh, the story behind it was he said he was looking for something, remember that there he was looking for something else and he found his, his chocolate bar. And, uh, he said it was, it wasn't even looking for the chocolate bar. He said it was a bonus. So I don't know what he was looking for if they found this chocolate bar. So anyway, I thought as I was looking for a few of these items here to use the sends to like I saw something there that I thought, how can I convey?
God's abundance in some feeble way. And so I I my eyes plotted this.
This item here and I'm just gonna.
I thought this is.
But I saw this I I had never seen one this week. I thought. I thought of Jury when I.
Was able to see you.
Sharing with us.
All right, let's thank the word for all the systems.
Our blood is gone and our Father, it's just time for your your fondness to get about two months. We thank you for thy beloved comments, for Lord Jesus, we thank you for this love and going to Calvary's cross and land.
We look forward to being with him, to see him face to face. We pray that we might be exercised, umm, by those words that were uttered to that woman on the world. Give me, give me your secure. We pray that we might.
Each one of us in our lives umm be a refreshment to our city.
That's for my health. No, there are obstacles that help us compare to the souls of each one, especially these toys and girls that they might be trusting in the basket in Jesus worthy and precious man.