
Children—John Kemp
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Good morning girls.
Good morning girls.
Good morning, boys.
Ah, the boys are awake.
Is this a happy time? Is this a happy time for boys and girls? It should be, shouldn't it then?
But this is not a time for entertainment. You know, it's a very serious time, a happy but serious time. Because you know why it's serious? Because we want you to come to know the Lord Jesus so that you can be in heaven with the rest of us. We don't want you to be left behind when Jesus comes. And I hope that everybody here is ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus because you know, it well could be today. In fact, it could be the next moment. That's just what we're waiting for. There's nothing more to be fulfilled.
According to the word of God, by the coming of the Lord Jesus, for all those whose sins are forgiven, I might ask you right now, do you know that your sins are forgiven? Oh, it's important to know that. It's important to know that your sins are forgiven. Let's sing together.
And so on. Who wants to have the first song? Or should I have it?
Anybody wanna have a first song? OK, we'll sing #52.
I think everybody can sing this one from the bottom of your heart.
I think maybe I could hear everybody sing real heartily this morning as though you're really happy that Jesus loves you.
Jesus loves me design.
Him live on. They all reached by me as strong.
Yes, Jesus, Loudspeed. Yeah, she's just lost me.
GALLANDIONK, Clover and wine.
He will wash the way my turn life from him.
Yes, he is not allowed to leave everything. Yeah, give me a plumber's Lily.
I will tell me. So we're going to sing that course two more times and as we sing this course the next two times, every time we say Jesus loves me and point you point to your heart, OK, Point to you, OK.
Jesus loves me.
So, well, I'm early, we can go.
Brown Village.
OK, is there someone else that has a strong run thing?
Boys. Girls.
#66 old.
Like a little wandering lamb lost upon the hills, I am like a shepherd. Jesus stands holding out his blessing.
6160, I'm sorry.
Can a little child like me thank the Savior? Fittingly, yes. So yes, He loves to hear praises from the children, dear, That's a good one, Number 16.
Yeah, yeah.
We love things that I've never been in the house and I've never done that.
How old do you have to be before you can pray?
If anybody can tell me how old you have to be before you can pray?
How old do you have to be before you can talk?
You talk as soon as you can, don't you? And you pray as soon as you can. And you pray as often as you can. You know why? Because the Lord Jesus is listening for your voice.
Are you used to praying? Have you prayed to the Lord Jesus all by yourself? Because you can. You pray to the Lord Jesus, you talk to him just like you talk to your mom and dad. And you know, this little hymn says I will need his help today in the things I do and say. So you know, you can pray. Lord Jesus, help me, help me. That's as simple as it has to be.
And he will hear you. Isn't it nice to know that the God of heaven, the one who created all the flowers and the trees and all the wonderful things that we see around all the animals, little ants and the big hypotamuses?
Yet he is the one.
He loves to hear your voice.
Will you come and talk to him today? Maybe you already have talked to him and that's that's happy to think about, you know, you know, the little children will talk to the Lord Jesus. OK, now who has another one?
Salvation is a big word, but I am not too small to know Christ died on Calvary from sin to save us all.
Well, somebody's gonna have to start this one because it's a new one, I mean.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're not. I'm not too small. There's no price. I don't know how long. It's right in.
I was very proud that that's all I have been saying, that I cannot fire any blood. And then we saw that he showed. When all I can go on and have fun at one brisk down printer, that's big question.
One fellow World Bank gave his son to try and do.
Celebration and celebration of all his free or Jesus die for Sinner sleep and give you a name.
OK, 87 minutes or a very Delaware. How can I get this plan? Uh, she didn't fall asleep.
Cannot be lost again.
Well, our name shall never.
Be unplugged and from his turn.
No journey thou had their own. They have been when they thought about his time.
A real nice message in that one. Now do we have another one from a girl? This time any of the girls have a strong executive sing.
I don't see any girl's hands.
OK boy, it's your turn again. Anybody have another one?
Pardon 93.
We heard the joyful sound, and it is a joyful sound to hear that Jesus saves sinners. That's what he came into the world to do. Christ Jesus came into the world to save Sinner. You know why we know that.
I'm sorry, it was 92. Is it 9293 All here, Second mistake. Second mistake here 93. What a friend we have in Jesus. Oh, that's a precious one too. All our sins and griefs to bears. Jesus your friend. Are you a friend of Jesus? It's wonderful to know that, isn't it? What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and grace to bear. How do we know all this? Do we know this from this precious book, don't we?
Is this book a precious book to you?
This can be your friend also, every step of your pathway to get acquainted with the Bible, the Word of God, the Holy Word of God, the word of a thrice holy God, the one with whom we all have to do testing number 93.
What a friend we have in Jesus.
I understand that you're.
Don't care.
You know what I was thinking as we were singing this hymn, that somebody had to write this song, somebody had to write this in. And you know, when we read the words that they write, it tells about the writer, doesn't it? So to me, as I, as I sing this hymn, I think Joseph Scriven must have learned something.
About the Lord Jesus, how he wants to be a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
And you know, that is so very true, boys and girls, as you go through life, you're going to need Jesus as your close friend. You're going to find that you cannot do without him. And the sooner you learn to have Jesus as your close friend, the better it is for you. You live a happy and a clean life. You know, so many people in the world today, they think little of making their lives all dirty with sin. But you know when you're when you live close to the Lord Jesus and keep close to him.
Talk to him, let him talk to you many times through his holy word, then he will help you keep your life clean and happy. And that's what the Lord Jesus came for is that we might have life, eternal life and that we might have it abundantly abundant life. Now we're going to look to the Lord Jesus in prayer now because the brother is going to talk to you has a very important message for you, and I'm sure that he was going to want both your ears.
Tuned in to what he has to say. So you listen, listen very carefully. And now we're going to pray to the Lord Jesus and ask him for help, OK?
The Jordan is actually come up to the front here because we have some things to, uh, to throw you here and you're not going to be able to see them at the back very well.
Lots of front seats available here yet.
Well, together.
First of all, boys and girls, I'm going to tell you about a little muffler that I saw on the wall one day when I was in a house.
Attack. Just a simple little message for children. It was a little girl and she was asking a question. Listen, she said, Lord, how much did you love me?
This much and he's rest for his hand and die for me. That's how much reward love you boys and girls. Now we're going to talk about the love of the more Jesus a little this morning and I've got some things in my case here, a plate you see, and some other items in here.
Long ribbon. We'll talk a little about that later. What color is it?
Correct. All right, now we've got something else in here. What's that? Yeah, correct. And we have this. What's this?
Good. What else do we have in?
You know what this is? Sure.
And look what I have here.
And it works good.
Have I got anything else in here? Oh, I got something else.
Correct. Yeah, Now we're going to talk about some of these things, boys and girls. You'll have to pay attention because, uh.
We'll have a great deal of time.
You know, it reminds me of a little story about a boy. And this boy was 10 years old and his name was Tom. And Tom was a pretty brave boy. He could climb trees and and go out camping all by himself and so on. But he was afraid of a plate that was on the wall in the living room for the dining room. And every time he went into the dining room, he looked at that plate.
And it had something on it that he didn't like.
He wished that plate would fall down and break into 100 pieces, but it never fell down. It was there all the time whenever he went in. And these were the words on the plate, boys and girls.
Thou God seeth me now, Tom was told by his mother. Tom, you're a pretty good boy. You don't do a lot of those bad things the other boys do. But Tom knew deep down in his heart.
That he was a Sinner. He knew that he had done bad things. Sometimes he had covered them up, but they were there on his heart and the plate used to speak to him every time he went into the dining room. It was there the one day Tom came to a came to a Sunday school, to a hall where he heard that the Lord Jesus had died for him. And someone put their hand on Tom's shoulder after the meeting and said Tom.
Don't you want to accept the Lord Jesus today as your Savior?
And Paul realized that God was speaking to him. God looked into his heart. God loved him. And there sitting on the seat, Tom opened his heart to the Lord with save from his sin. And he was no longer afraid of the plate on the wall. Thou God seeth me because he knew that his many sins were all washed away by the blood of the Lord Jesus. Now we're going to get on with our story now.
And I'm going to speak about three people, first of all.
This man here, what does that say? And that his brothers on the other side. Yes, Abel, right. Now, these were brothers. In fact, I think they were twins. They were brought up in the same family. They sat at the same table.
They had the same father and mother, and they heard the same message. You know who their father and mother was? Hands up.
Correct Adam and Eve now.
One day both of these boys came before the Lord. They brought a presence with them.
And then here was the president that came, brought. Now Cain was a hard working man.
We should really look mostly at what the scriptures say about it, because that's the important thing. Let us look at Genesis chapter.
The Four.
And we'll read that.
Two the again bare his brother Abel.
And Abel was the keeper of sheep, but King was a killer of the ground.
Now Abel was a man who had lost and heard, but Cain was a man who worked with his hands in the field, and it was off hard work in those lands. It was very warm, and Cain had to work hard every day, and he grew vegetables and fruits, and he had a beautiful field and gardens and came.
Was a hard working man and he was a sincere man too. He was a religious man. Oh yes, you say Cain was a fairly good living man. One day he brought to the Lord an offering.
Here he comes with his offering. It looked very attractive. If you have seen it, it was a big display. It says here in the Bible the process of time it came too fast. It came, brought up the fruit of the ground and offering unto the Lord, if you had been there.
You would expect the Lord will will surely take Cain's offering. Look at it, all the work that has gone into it, and it's beautiful to look at.
And pain is a sincere man He's he. He believes in God. And what God did not look upon the offering of Cain.
He turned away from it. God turned away his face from it.
And Jane was very angry about that. Anyway, his brother Abel came along.
Shortly after this time, Abel did not bring something that looked so nice. It was rather bloody looking. It was that part of the herd or the flock that he had there, and that the animal was dead there and there was blood all over the the offering there, and it didn't look so very attractive.
But God.
Accepted the offering that Abel brought, God was pleased with it. It says in the Bible, Abel he also brought of the first links of the flock, and of the fact thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering. That means God was pleased with what Abel brought. I'm going to ask you a question. So listen carefully. And unto Cain, and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance found.
Hands up who?
Brought the offering which pleased the Lord.
Yes, correct. Now the next question, why did God accept the offering that's able brought?
This one.
All right, someone else has an answer to my question. Yes.
All right, that boy has the correct answer, but he didn't speak up very well. Yes, God was looking for one thing in the offering, one thing. And boys and girls, this morning God is looking for one thing in your life and on your heart this morning. He's not looking for your good work. Jane had lots of those he's not looking for.
The, uh, turning over of a new leaf and trying to live a better life. You'll find that the, the second lease is just as filthy as the first. No, God is looking for the blood on the heart of boys and girls and he can see right into the heart and he knows whether those things have been washed by the blood of the Lord Jesus. Now, while you know the end of the story, I'll just mention it when time is going. What happened in the field?
Well, pain rose up, got a knife, and he killed his brother Abel right in the field when they were alone. He took his knife and he brought it down on his brother Abel. He was angry and he was jealous. God says that Abel's blood came down onto the ground, but the blood of the Lord Jesus was dead on the cross too.
But God says that through that blood.
You can be saved from your sin. I go to India sometimes and when I go to India I see people going on long trips. They go and they wash in the rivers. Down into the rivers they go and they come up the same way as they go down.
Their sins are on their hearts, many black sins. They go down into the water and they come up out of the river Ganges and there they are the very same, the very same as they went down. Not one change, because soap and water can never wash away your sins. Boys and girls, the blood of the Lord Jesus can wash away your sins and nothing else. In India there was a man, his name was Karuba.
And he was abandoned.
And he was a, a, a, a cruel man like, like Cain here. He had killed many people. And one day he came to a church and there was a man speaking in the church at the front. And the man was saying this, the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ can wash the sins of anyone away who is in this room. And Karuba had never heard that before because he was a Hindu and he.
Worship idol but he was really a murderer and he listened and he heard the verse and he came up to the front and he said to the man, what is that that you said the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses us from all sins. Man said yes, this is what it says right here in first John chapter one Aruba said what about a person who has killed two people Yes what about one who is?
Did 5 murders, committed 5 murders? Yes, the blood of the Lord Jesus can blend that person.
10 murders, he said. Yes, even the blood of the Lord Jesus can wash away those horrible, terrible things.
What about a person who has killed 20 innocent people, Yes, even 20 people. That thing can be forgiven. In Karuva had killed about 20 people, innocent people, and he just wept there and he thought about the Lord Jesus loving him enough to die and spread his blood on the cross to wash away his many sins.
Now we're going to get on with our.
Our story here about another lady.
Look, I'm not an artist at all, but this will do to show you what I mean. All right, we're going to talk about a lady, and here's my red horse and this red cord.
Was hanging out of a window like this.
And this house was on the wall. Look, and if you had passed by the city of Jericho, you would look up and you might say to your friend, look at that Lady. She has that red cord hanging out the window all the time. And I don't know what it's for, but I see it hanging there. And, uh, I'll tell you how that cord got there. Here's the city of Jericho.
And rehab.
He was a lady who lived in the city of Jericho. She was a lady.
Uh, I don't think you'd want to walk down the street with her. She was bound with many sins. Oh, sin has got a grip upon that Lady. Just like James. She had many of them. She had a mountain of sins. Her heart was black as a piece of coal and you might not want to walk down the street with her. She was an unclean lady. Although are we unclean boys and girls? The Bible says we are all as an unclean thing.
That means there's not one of us that are any different to, uh, rehab in the story that we're telling today.
He was ruined. Ruined by spin.
She had no hope. She lived in this city, in Jericho. The walls were very thick in the city. And one day there were two men that came into the city. We don't know their names, but they came in through the gate and they were spies and they were looking around all over. They came from the camp of Israel.
And they came from Joshua and they were looking around to see.
The, the, uh, fortifications of the city and there they were going around and the king found out they were there and he said, we're going to catch those men. And you know what happens to a spy, We're going to take their heads off. And the king was looking everywhere for them. He couldn't find them. The police were looking for them. They came to the House of Rahab and they knocked at the door and Rahab opened the door to them.
And she said, come in.
This is found in the book of Joshua chapter 2. Come in because the police are looking for you and she had a roof on her house look and she heard the feet of the the police all around the house. They were searching everywhere for these two men.
She said if you don't make an escape, they're gonna find you if you don't get out of here quickly.
We're going to catch you and then your life will be taken.
Now they were coming, so she had to, uh, hide them someplace. We hit them on the top of the roof and she put grass there growing. It just looked as if there was some, uh, garden growing on the top of the roof. And the peaks came and they looked around. They said, Miss Rahat, is there anyone, has anyone come into your house here? Those, those men that we're looking for? No, she said they, they came in, but they've gone out. So not only was she unclean, but she told lies too. And.
That God doesn't say that was right. No, but she said you have to go and look for them because they've escaped through the gate and that so the the police went and they searched for them and they never found them. But Rahab said after that that happened, She said men get up right away. There's no time to lose because they are looking for you everywhere.
And if you don't make an escape soon, you're going to be caught. Now here comes the story of the the Red Cork. Where is it?
Here it is, right here. All right, she said. Now here, go out the window.
Down by the red port at night and escape because you can't get out the door. The gates are all closed and they're watching them everywhere.
And they must escape. Over the window, out the window and down went the two men, likely at night. And they ran as fast as they could. They got away now, they said to Rahab. Before they left, they said, Rahab, we're coming back again.
Joshua is coming back with the armies, with the swords, with the trumpets.
A great army is coming, right Have. There's only one way that you can be safe and you must be in your house. Not only must much to be in your house, but you also have to have that red cord hanging out the window. It's not enough to be in the house if you don't have that red cord hanging out the window.
You will not be safe or anyone else in your house. What it says in the Bible that whosoever that means anyone who was behind the red court.
Not a hair of their head would fall to the ground. They would be safe, but anyone outside the sword would come down upon their head. Now, boys and girls, I don't know umm umm, exactly what Graham did. The Bible doesn't tell us.
But I think that she did this. She realized that the Word of God was true. She realized she was a bad Sinner. She knew that God's judgment was hanging over that wicked city of Jericho because they were living bad lives and God was going to punish them for their sin. And God is going to punish those who go on with their sins in this world too, because He hates sins, many people who are bound with the cords of sin.
And can't save themselves at all. God can break the fetters of sins. God can deliver them. Those people, if only they will come to the war. Jesus. So Rahab, I don't know how much time she had, but I'm sure she went out and she knocked the doors and she said come quickly, come into my house. There's only one place of safety in this whole city of Jericho.
They might say rehab, I went to your house. We know the kind of a life that you have lived. We really don't want to have much, uh, company with you, Rahab said. God has warned us that judgment is coming.
The profits are going to be sounding. Come immediately. I think she went around the city and she LED with people coming to the house. Don't delay. There's only one place of safety. How many obey? We don't know. What we do know that whoever was in that house would be safe. Now we come to the trumpet. We must finish our story. The time is going.
A little while after.
Joshua came back.
And all the armies of Israel with him, they had swords and they had trumpets.
And Joshua was there, the commander in chief, and he was leading the Army. And Rahab, she looked up the window and the scarlet cord was in the window and she made every attempt to get people to come in. Maybe she made a last minute call around her neighborhood and said don't delay. We can hear the trumpets, the warning notice being given.
Six days. The trumpet sounds good day after day.
You have an opportunity to come.
The gates were all full. No one could go out. No one could go in.
And rehab was in the house and all. I think all her family were there too. I think many of her family and probably some others believe God's word and they were inside the house.
And I see the last dinner, the 7th day. What happened? They got up early in the morning and they went around the committee this time blowing the trumpet.
The last opportunity to get into the House of rehab. Seven times they went around. God was waiting patiently.
God was looking down upon that city. He didn't want to bring down the sword upon it.
We love those people just the way he loves you. And he said God had his arms wide open for those people to be saved if only they would put their trust.
In him and the red corn boys and girls the third thing we have here on our on our sheets the red cord speaks to us of the same thing that we had in the offering of Abel hands up when it.
What? Why couldn't this be a yellow cord? Or a blue cord that was hanging outside the window of the greyhound? Yes.
Good. And what does the red speak up now? Yeah.
Correct you speaks of the precious blood of the Lord Jesus and every boy or girl here who puts their trust in the blood of the Lord Jesus and just takes their place there at the center and looked up to the Lord, whose arms are wide open in his hands of the mark of the nails and in his side of the mark of the sphere. You'll be rescued, rescued from.
Thin and danger and hell.
And you'll be safe be trumpet sounded for the last time.
And all of a sudden down came the walls of Jericho and the commander Joshua with that gleaming sword in the sunlight, He said forward. And the men of Israel went right into the city of Jericho with their thoughts, brave men, and everything that grieved.
Died in that city, animals, even boys and girls that would not go into Rahab's health.
Men and women who are going on with their evil ways and sins, God's judgment fell upon them.
They never had another opportunity. But first of all, everyone who was in the House of rehab was taken out and placed in a safe place. They were taken out of the house and not one of them.
Uh, suffered any harm?
They were brought into a place of blessing. In fact, Rahab married.
Man indeed the nation of Israel and that he became in line with the war of Jesus Christ. Now our Sunday school is almost finished boys and girls I just want to tell you story and closing time is going.
I tell you, a little boy who lived in England, this little boy.
Was just a street boy, he didn't have nice clothes on like you children have, just had rags on.
This little boy heard that a great preacher was coming to speak at the hall.
His name was Mr. Moody and he said all I would like to see, to hear Mr. Moody speak. And he went through the door of the hall. He didn't have shoes on his feet. He, uh, his hair was all, uh, uncombed and his face was dirty. And the poor little boy thought I'm going to try to get into this hall, knocked at the door or he came to the man who was.
Looking out through the door and he said, Sir, I want to go in to hear Mr. Moody, that there's no room. He went to another door and he got the same answer. There's no room here for you. And he went to another door and it was the same thing.
All built. You can't come in here. The poor little boy sat down outside of the front door and the tears trickled down his face Instead of only I had nice clothes on and some shoes on my feet, maybe they would let me go in there. And all of a sudden there was a big manager stepped out of a chariot that stopped at the front door.
And the doors blew open, and the man walked.
Looked down and he saw the little boy there weeping, crying. He said. What's the problem like? Oh, he says, I want to go in there to hear Mr. Moody, and they won't let me go in.
And he was heartbroken.
This uh man said give me your hand.
And he took the hand of a little boy, and he walked right into the hall, right up to the front, and he put the little boy right on the front seat where you told her. And I said. And then he stood up to preach the gospel from the platform. It was Mr. Moody himself, that little boy.
Took the hand of the man that lost him and had mercy on him. Boys and girls, with the hands stretched out to you today, one whose hands were nailed to the cross. The hand that has never failed a man. Won't you put your trust in him?
The blood that he shed for you on the cross.
The red court feasts of the blood of the Lord Jesus. Nothing else can make you safe, can deliver you from your sins, boys and girls, but that precious blood and won't you just come as you are this this very morning to the feet of the Lord Jesus who is waiting and longing to save you. And I just want to read a little verse as being both in the book of Timothy.
You might have some friction children here. It's in Second Timothy chapter 3.
I will just read this verse and make a few comments because the time is gone. Second Timothy chapter.
And that from a child.
Thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make the wise of the salvation to faith, which is being priced to be years ago.
There was there were not male men going door to door to deliver the mail like Mr. Jenkins done. They didn't used to have those kind of people. They had what was called a pony express and this pony Express had 500 of the fastest forces in the country and they went about 50 miles each right across the country from.
Missouri right across to California.
Nearly 2000 miles.
And it took them ten days to get the mail delivered.
Now in those days they have $5 was a lot of money. So the letters have to be on very, very thin paper and it costs $5 for an ounce. And the horses were small and they had small saddles and they had no horse shoes. Everything was lightweight because they had to go fast and then change a horse and go on.
But there is one thing they always have. When you join the Pony Express, boys and girls to ride those those horses, you are given something standard equipment. Everyone had it.
They never went without even gold. They tried to keep everything else to a minimum weight and all were presented with a life. Every man in the Pony Express, he carried a full size Bible with it.
The people in those days, those pioneer days, they knew the value of God's Word. It's their company. It was their company and their dying and children, you have a wonderful treasure here in your hand, the greatest in the world. You realize the value of it. You read it as those people did on the Pony Express. They realized the value of God's Word. They treasure it. Do you do so too? Do you keep it? You read it and do you believe it?
You seek to walk according to what God has given us in His Word. May the Lord bless the Word to each one of our hearts. This morning we're gonna sing the little hymn.
We probably all know it without even looking it up.
Maybe, I don't know.
We bow our head.