Jesus Is My Best Friend; He Will Never Leave Me

Proverbs 8:30; John 14:1
Listen from:
Children—Jonathan Grinton
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Good answer that's close to what I'm.
What I'm looking for. So I'll ask you again, how do you ask for help?
You do that by.
What praying You do that by praying good answers, Very good answers.
I have to be honest that the more people that walk in the room, the more scared I feel and the more nervous I become.
OK, so let's close our eyes and we'll pray.
Our God and our Father, we thank thee for another Lord's Day. We thank Thee that thou has drawn us all here together this morning. We thank you for Sunday school.
Lord, we pray that Thou would help us with our voices this morning to be able to sing nice to thee. We pray that that would help us with our ears, that we would open them and listen.
And Lord, we pray that that would help us with our hearts too, that we would open our hearts, and if any here are not yet saved, they would ask the end of their heart to wash their sins away before it's forever too late.
Lord, we pray for a little message, too little story that it would be fitting for the little ones and and for us older ones too. So we would just pray for help with Sunday school. And I mean we pray Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
You know, I like doing Sunday school. I do it at our little assembly in Truro, NS Dale Stewart and I take turns every other week and. But there's only a few kids in the front row and there's only a few adults in the rest of the groups. And normally we sing 1St and then we pray and kind of something we've always done. But as I said, the more people walking in, I thought I'd better pray first. So let's sing some songs. Anybody on the back of the.
Gospel hymn sheet we have is children's songs and if there's any action songs you want to sing just let us know. Kaylie #47 on the back.
When he comes, when he comes to make up his due of his truth. And it's true as long as it's not my guitar. Love our morning and spray crown a dormitory.
You need brightness, and it's Warrior's Crown's Crown.
He will gather, He will gather blood generous for his Kingdom, All the greater ones, all the bright ones. It's love and his own.
His beauty I change for his crimes.
Little children, little children who love their Redeemer are the two most precious jewels. His love and his own life. The stars of the ***** His right chronicle.
Nature shining, his beauty brightens for his.
Anybody else? Do we have any more Kim Sheets? Got a few up here that don't have any.
I think they're getting some there, had their hand up. Who was that?
Oh, there we go.
#46 #46 it's a good one.
Thank you as you last have come to us by our Ellis and he wants all to be alliance to guilty. Are you last seen.
Have all their things now washed away.
Anybody else?
71 There's no 71, buddy.
I got an idea. You can help me. Let's sing. My heart was black with sin until the Savior came in, but I need help.
But he got black. I got a black Bible case or anybody else has black that's maybe.
Want to hold this Ava come help.
Craig Johnson want to come up and help? My heart was black with sin until the Savior came in his precious blood. Who's got red?
Oh, there you go, Isaac. Come on up. Grab your Bible. Come on over here, Jonathan. Over here by Jonathan.
My heart was blast with sin until the Savior came in as precious blood I know has washed me white, white as snow. And in God's word, do you want to come up, Eva Mike Kelly hold my Bible and in God's word I'm told I'll walk the streets of gold.
Gold. I don't think I can get my ring off.
That's close.
I'll walk the streets of gold.
Oh wonderful, wonderful day. He washed my sins away.
OK, we ready. So when we say the words, you got to hold it up high so everybody can see it, OK?
My heart was black with sin until the Savior came in.
His precious blood, I know.
Has lost me white as snow. Hold it up hard. God's word, I'm told I'll walk the street.
A wonderful, wonderful day.
He washed my sins away. Great job. Good work everybody.
Yeah, that's why.
Yeah, Isaac, right over here.
OK, anybody else have another hand?
#27 somebody start that please.
Life and true comfort.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
I refuse. And safety, my Shorty. Let's go for your glory. Hallelujah.
Oh man, Hallelujah by the glory. Amen and Amen.
He bore on a tree.
A sentence for me and.
I know your heart and glory.
I love you. I am glory. Oh God, oh man.
I want.
Divorce in the plan. Hallelujah.
And the glory Hallelujah.
And the glory. Amen and Amen.
Sorrow and warm, my place is in heaven.
With Jesus.
I know.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, thine and glory of an unborn man.
And this I shall find, or such as his mind.
He'll not be ignoring me behind Hallelujah on the glory. Hallelujah.
Now we're starting to get more children up here. This thing is good. You can almost sing all morning. But maybe we'll just sing one more sing #40 on the back of the sheet. OK, Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me, the sign of for the Bible tells me. So careful unto him. They are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus calls me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me strong.
Jesus loves me. He who died heavens get to open wide. He will wash away my skin. Let a little child come in. Yes, she just loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so.
And he waits to make me glad, ways to hold me in his arm, keeps me safe from every heart. Yes, she translates me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, she's from slumps me.
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me, loves me still when I'm very weak, and from his shining place on heart, he'll watch me where I live.
Yes, he talks lovely.
Yes, keys are swansy.
Yes, he's on slums. Me.
Tells me so.
Jesus loves me, He will stay close beside thee all the way.
If I trust him, should I die he will Take Me Home on high.
This is a slightly.
Yes, she's a slum sleeve. Yes, she translates me.
Tell me so.
That was really good singing.
We were talking earlier before everyone came in and.
What we would do if we were scared and afraid.
We had a few nice answers. It was prey we already prayed this morning.
You know there's a verse in Hebrews.
13 It says, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Anybody hear that Thunder and lightning last night? This morning?
I know Caleb did because he came out to visit me.
It was pretty loud.
You know, you can ask him for help for anything and he'll give it to you. I found out when looking at that verse that there's another verse in Joshua one and five. It says he will never fail.
Or leave thee.
So lots of times we'll have people promise to do things for us and take us places, and sometimes they don't show up or they might fail us, but the Lord Jesus will never fail us and never let us down, you know?
I had a bit of a bit of a rough summer. I had a sore foot, a sore knee and a sore ankle. I got a little bit down in the dumps a little bit.
And my wife was going to meeting on Tuesday night more than I was.
And while I went a couple weeks ago and.
And not that another brother hasn't told me this before, but this wise brother said to me, Sir Jonathan.
I don't know how many of you go to reading. You may say Jonathan, he said you need to go to reading meeting. He said. That's where you learn. That's where you learn about the Lord Jesus.
And you know, I thought being a little one like you guys, which wasn't that long ago.
I thought I had learned all these verses, and I thought I knew what I had to know.
But you forget.
And in Turo, we're reading an axe right now and this verse is stuck with me for weeks now.
In Acts chapter 20.
If you can turn to it, that's fine.
I learned this little verse when I was.
Caleb's age or.
Maybe Adrian's age?
Acts chapter 20 and verse 35 towards the end of the verse.
It says.
Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Is more blessed to give than to receive. You know, I went to reading meeting and I read that verse and I kind of think I'd forgotten about that verse over the years. Maybe I didn't stop practicing it, but I forgot the verse.
So it left off the page. I'm wondering if anybody can tell me what it means. It's more blessed to give than to receive.
Can anybody tell me what it means?
It's better to get give people things than to get them. Well, that's a good answer, but the Lord Jesus said it. So tell me this.
What has the Lord Jesus given you?
What's the Lord Jesus giving you, Jonathan?
He's giving you eternal life in heaven.
How did he do that?
He died on the cross. Very good in John 10, says my sheep hear my voice.
And I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish who give us eternal life. And he did die in the cross. But we have to do something. What do we have to do?
Ask Him to wash our sins away.
Well, I did that when I was a little little tiny boy.
And I thought that, you know, I'd always stay close to him and he.
Give me everything and he'd look after me and but you know, sometimes we forget about it.
He doesn't forget us, remember, he said. I will never leave the NOR for safety, but sometimes we forget about him.
So we have to make sure.
That we're always thinking about the Lord Jesus and asking Him for help and praying to Him. He wants to give us everything. He'll give us eternal life.
In Matthew 11 and 28 verses.
Says, Come unto me all you that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
And yesterday I think somebody spoke that he'll give us peace.
He gives us whatever we need here.
If we follow Him, He's given us an example that He wants us to be like Him. How can we be like Him anybody? How can we be like the Lord Jesus?
How can we be like the Lord?
By following the things he wrote in the book. What things did he write in the book and what book? The Bible?
What things did he write?
How to behave? I know our brother quoted a verse yesterday in Ephesians 4 and 32.
Be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. So we can be kind, we can be loving, we can be tender hearted, right? We can be all these things. And if we are, then we're giving, aren't we? We're giving like He gave.
That's what he wants to see from each one of us. You know, he loves us so much, I had to get.
Brother to help me yesterday with the verse just to make sure I was right, but in Proverbs chapter 8.
Not sure where to start, so I'll just start verse 30. Proverbs chapter 8 says Then I was by him as one brought up with him, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him, rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth, and my delights were with the sons of men.
He's delighted with us, He loves us, He wants us to be with Him. He wants us to ask Him into his heart, He wants us to ask Him into our hearts, to wash our sins away so that we can go to heaven to be with Him. He says, Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children, for blessed are they that keep my ways.
For those things. And He's left for us the path. Blessed are they that keep my ways. All we have to do is follow that path. Sometimes it's not easy, but if we pray and ask Him for help, He'll help us to do it.
It says here instruction and be wise and refuse it not.
Blessed is the man that heareth Me, watching daily at My gates, waiting at the post of My doors. For whoso findeth Me findeth life, and shall obtain favor of the Lord.
Well, that's what we want to do is find favor with the Lord, don't we? We want him to be happy with us.
Now it says plaster blesses. He can't say it now for his more blessed to give than to receive.
And he is giving us everything and we are receiving everything. But you know.
In John 14 it tells us that.
He's going to come and take us again to be with him.
For a little time here, we live in this world. We're not here very long, you know.
Just telling somebody about a Sunday school demonstration that Brother Dale did in Truro not that long ago and he took this huge string. I don't know how long it was, but it was, it was really long. He got one of my boys to hold one end and take it all the way around the room and it was huge.
And then at the very end of it, he had taped off a little tiny piece of the string.
He said this here is your life.
The rest of that, as it came back, is eternity. That's forever. That's how long we are here. It's for a very short time. So while we're here, he wants us to do.
The examples that he's left for us, He wants us to show love to one another, but He wants us to praise Him.
He wants us to remember him, which, Lord willing, will do that this morning if he leaves us here. And that's what He wants us to do, even right from being children.
But in John 14 it says, Let not your heart, verse one, let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
I don't want to change those words.
Mean anything different than what they are. But the verse we read is it is more blessed to give than to receive someday.
He is going to receive us and whether you believe it or not, we're going to be a gift to Him. He wants us to come to Him and He wants us to come rejoicing and praising Him.
He wants us to come.
In his courts of glory with praise. And we're going to give him all the glory. We're going to give back to him.
As much as what we can.
And he's going to receive us and He's prepared a place for us. But you can only get there if you've.
Done what?
Ask the Lord to wash your sins away.
So our hope this morning is that all of you in the room have asked the Lord Jesus into your heart to wash your sins away.
Because he could come right now.
Right at this moment.
And all those that are saved will be taken up to him.
You wouldn't want to be left behind.
Because he loves you.
Now that's how scared I was when I started Sunday school this morning and I had to pray 1St and nervous because one of the first things I wanted to do was give everybody something because it was more blessed to give than to receive. But there everything still is on the table and I didn't give it out yet so maybe everybody can come up and.
Take a pencil and a.
Paper and.
Go ahead, Isaac. Come on up, Ava.
Come on up and take one, Caleb.
No, take one.
That's my son.
Come on up.
All kinds of colors here. And you know what's so nice about these pencils?
I went to the dollar store and I bought these funny looking pencils.
And then I walked down to Mr. Roofing Bookstore back here and he had all these nice pencils with verses on them and.
Boy, I'd like to have those for Sunday School. How much are they? Bethany says. Take them, take them. Now, I don't want to keep saying it over and over and over again, but is it not more blessed to give than to receive?
So very nice. So everybody come on up and get one little ones.
I don't want to see the older ones or the pencil and pad during the meeting.
So these are.
Maybe we can sing #42 on the back of the sheet?
Number 42 on the back of the hem sheet.
A little child of seven, or even 3 or 4.
May enter into heaven.
Through I see open door.
For when your heart begins on Christmas and on God.
Anybody like poems?
This is from our calendar page that we read probably a couple years ago and I kept it. I asked the kids that helped me with Sunday school. I said I do Sunday school and the conference and if you have any good ideas. I said write them down and tell me what they are. Nobody wrote me down.
But somebody said driving. I like it when you read the calendar pages.
This is one that I cabinet says Jesus is my best friend. He will never leave me.
I shall meet him in the end in heaven, where I will be.
With everyone who has received him, we'll all be together and see God the Savior, how I love him because He died for me, and just knowing that makes me happy.
It's as happy as that. People whose God is the Lord. Psalm 144 and 15.
He wants us to be happy.
Says in Luke to suffer the little children to come on to me. He wants us to come to him today. Oh, let's just close our eyes and pray.
God and our Father, we thank you again for thy love to us and we thank you for the little Sunday school time here. We thank you for all these little ones and helping with the questions and the answers. Lord, just pray that the message was understood and that each one is asked into their heart to wash their sins away. Lord, we just pray that they will keep us all looking to Thee and knowing that each one of us needs thee in our lives to let us come before we gain. Thank you for thy love to us. My name we pray Lord Jesus Christ.