
Children—Tim Roach
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Good morning.
Well, not quite. Everybody's here yet, but I think we can start singing anyway, So we can sing while everybody comes in. Who has a song you'd like to start with?
Does anybody have a song? Yes.
Saving Andy calls and because of the GI on her eldest and he wants all of the BOYS to.
Who can tell me what is our sins washed away? What washes our sins away? Yes, Paul.
The blood of the Lord Jesus? That is exactly correct, yes. Does someone else have a song to sing?
We'll sing the 1St and the last.
Into a tent where a gypsy boy.
Crying alone at the close of the day. News of salvation, we carry study.
Nobody ever has called it to me.
Tell them again. Tell them again.
Salvation story before and all.
Till none can say on the children of men. Not a body ever has told me before.
Everything we have the last words of his friend, just as he answered, God sent his Son whosoever said He, when I am sure that he sent him for me.
Salvation story we ignore and all.
None can say of the children of men nobody ever has told me before.
Why don't we pray and ask the Lord's help our God and Father? We give thanks for this time. We can come together and have another song you'd like to sing.
2747, I'm sorry.
OK, when he cometh? When?
To make up is to the most honest, to the most precious, to the most.
And Islam.
Like the stars of the morning.
Is bright brown, adorning face shall shine, and his beauty righteous for his crown.
Kingdom, all of your ones, all the bright ones, Can't love them his own like the stars of the morning. It is right from the dormitory they shall shine in his beauty.
Little shell, brown, little children.
Love, their breaking deep breath, are the two most precious ones, and it's love and in song like the stars of the morning, there is right from a dormant they shall shine in his beauty.
Right chance for his crown. You know, I have spent a lot of time in Malawi and there has been a there was one man who came to a young fellow, he was maybe 18 years old. He came to my gate one day and he wanted some work. His name was McDonald and McDonald. He was coming to the rainy season and he had no work and he needed to fix his roof because it was leaking very badly and so.
I had a tree that was growing up and it was full of termites and it was full of vines and it was a very unsightly tree. So I I asked him to come and and dig the tree out and cut it down and and we put some chemicals in to kill all the termites and and try to make it look a little nicer. Well, he worked, he worked hard for several days and got the job done nicely and so I paid him and then I didn't see McDonald for a few weeks.
And then he came knocking at the door again and he says I need some more money. So I want to know if you will buy, I have a chicken for you. Do you want to buy this chicken? And so, OK, I will buy your chicken. So I bought it and I put it in the pen with the other chickens and we're going to eat it in a few days. Well, three days later another knock on the gate and another man is there and he says.
You have my chicken.
I said, I don't have your chicken. Yes, you have my chicken. And he told me what the chicken looked like. I said, will you come with me? We'll look at our chickens and sure enough, I had his chicken. McDonald had stolen his chicken and he sold it to me.
McDonald was a Sinner. Does somebody else have a song you'd like to sing?
40 OK #40 we'll sing the 1St and the last.
Let's make.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, gives us last week. Love I don't tells me so.
Jesus likes me. He will stay close to speak inside me all the way if I trust him. Should I die, he will Take Me Home my heart.
Yes, she is a **** spin.
Yes, she is as much me.
Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. The.
There was another boy, and he grew up in a Christian family and he went to school and he obeyed his teachers most of the time.
And when he came home, he would help his mother and his father.
He'd work in the garden with his mother, for his mother and he and he went to the meetings and he prayed before he went to bed.
He was a good boy.
The kids at school, they knew he was from a Christian family and they called him Holy Roller and he didn't really like that.
But even even those the kids made fun of him because of Christianity.
This boy was not saved.
But he was able to hide most of his sin.
But there came a day. Then he got worried about his sin.
Because he had no peace with God, and he started to tremble about his sin, he was troubled.
That boy was a Sinner, and he needed to be saved. He.
He looked good on the outside, but inside?
He was not saved. I want to sing #34 because I want to talk about the blood of Jesus and we'll sing #34.
Precious. Precious.
Right. Just flashes now breathing us all about grass and respect.
Never take part in now it is offered peace. It's his name.
All thy sins are read by Crimson, deep and scarlet glow. Jesus Precious blood can't make them quiet as long.
Precious precious blood of Jesus.
Ever offered free.
Oh really?
Maybe you are like that boy who is troubled about his sin.
You're able to hide your sin from your mother. You're able to hide your sin from your father.
But you're troubled because you know you cannot hide your sin from God.
And so you are troubled, and you're worried, and maybe you have fear. But you know Jesus did not come into this world to make you worry.
Jesus came into the world because he loves you and he wants to give you his peace and he wants to give you salvation.
Maybe you have no peace, but you can have peace today. You can come to Jesus Christ today. You can be saved. The Lord Jesus says, behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. Let's go to John Chapter 3.
And there's a verse here, verse 36, but before we read that verse.
I want to talk about a penalty for sin.
You know, when I was a child, I was not always good I.
I tried to make everybody think I was good.
But sometimes I would argue and I would fight with my brother.
And my mother would hear us.
And I'd hear the drawer down in the kitchen opening.
And I'd hear her shuffling through the utensils, and she'd come up with a wooden spoon, and I'd hear her walking along the we had wooden floors. I'd hear her walking along the floor and up the steps, and I had time to grab some some shirts and stuff and stuff them down behind me, because I knew it was going to hurt.
And then my mother would start to spank, but she always hit me down in the leg where there's no protection.
There's a penalty for sin.
Other times.
I would say things that weren't very nice. Maybe I'd tell a lie.
And my mother would come out again.
And she'd bring me to the washroom.
And she gets some soap.
And wash out my mouth with soap. Oh, that didn't taste good at all. It left a bad taste in your mouth.
But there is a penalty for sin. We have different penalties for different sins.
Maybe your dad someday he's driving along the road and he's going too fast.
And it's not long before another car comes up behind him with lights flashing and a siren going.
And he pulls your dad over.
And he comes to your dad's window and says, may I have your license please?
And your dad says. Why, officer, What was I doing?
You were speeding. I was, yes. You were going 85 in a 50 mile an hour zone.
Oh my, my speedometer must be off a little bit.
Give me your license and he writes him out a speeding ticket and he has to pay $75.
There's a penalty for sin.
Sometimes a person will put on a mask and they will go into a bank and they will have a gun in their hand and they will say to the teller, give me money.
And they will rob the bank. Well, there's a penalty for robbing a bank and they may have to do 5 or 10 years in jail, but there is a penalty for sin.
I was. I was driving along the road few weeks ago.
And I was trying to keep up with the traffic and I started to go a little faster than the traffic.
And one of my children looked over my shoulder and said.
While you're at it, Dad, why don't you just rob a bank?
I I I.
We tend to think that one sin isn't as bad as another sin, but God says.
If you've committed one sin, you're guilty of all of them.
God says that the soul that sins, it shall die that dying that death. It's an eternal death in the lake of fire that we heard about last night. It's an eternal hell. And our verse here in John chapter 3 and verse 36 says he that believeth on the Son has everlasting life and he that believes not the Son shall not see life. But listen to this. If you don't believe on the Lord Jesus, it says the wrath of God abides on you. That means you are in danger.
Of going to hell.
Eternal hell. But God doesn't want you to go to an eternal hell, so he wants to talk with you. And let's go to Isaiah, Chapter one.
And we'll see what God has to say to us.
Isaiah chapter one, and I want to talk about the power of the blood.
And God comes alongside of you, and he says.
And he wants us to do this. He says, Wash you, verse 16. Wash you, make you clean. Put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes cease to do evil. Learn to do well.
Stop doing the bad. This verse says stop doing the bad. Start doing the good.
But boys and girls?
What kind of good can you do if you're not saved? You can't do any good, but there is a good thing you can do. The only good thing you can do, the good work, is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.
Then we go down to verse 18.
And here, God, he wants to have you, boys and girls. He wants to have you close to him. He wants to have a fellowship with you. He wants to be your friend.
And so he says, come now and let us reason together. When it says reason together, that means let's have a little talk, let's become friends, Let's talk together. He says though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. That's salvation. He wants to take your sins away and make you white as snow. And then he goes on to say, though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool. That's like eternal security. He wants to keep you safe. He wants you to know that you can never lose your your salvation.
When you've been washed in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let's look at this first part of the verse. Here it says though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Now scarlet it's a bright red color about the color of.
Well, what do we what do we have here about this color?
That's like kool-aid. It's a bright red color.
In the old days, when somebody would sin a bad sin, they would take some red scarlet color and they put a sign on the person about the sin that they had done. And they would have to walk around and people would see that they were a bad Sinner and they would want to stay away from that person. They would have nothing to do with them because they were a bad Sinner.
How would you like it if when you went to school?
And you had a fight at school and the teacher would put a red sign on your shirt that you were fighting.
Or that you stole somebody's pencil.
Or you cheated on a test.
Or you threw some paper airplanes out the window of the school.
That's that's some things that we do when we go to school. I remember when I was in school.
I was sitting back next to the window and there were two other boys who were a little closer to the window and we started. We were up on the third floor of the school and we would make air paper airplanes and we'd fly them out the wind. The teacher would be looking at the blackboard and we'd throw these planes out the window.
And they fly down and land.
At the feet of the principal who happened to be walking around the school at that minute.
Well, it wasn't long before the principal came knocking at the door of the classroom. And he went back and he looked through the notebooks of the boy sitting next to the window. And that boy had used paper that he had writing on. And he compared the writing and he found that it was the same boy. So he took him and brought him down.
To the principal's office. It wasn't long before the loudspeaker in the ceiling was saying from the principal missus teacher, Send that other boy down to the principal's office.
And he got up and he went a few minutes later.
That loudspeaker started talking again, saying Mrs. Teacher, send Timothy Roach down to the principal's office and oh.
That was embarrassing.
I felt shame and my face turned a scarlet red as I had to get up and walk.
I was a Christian. People thought I was a Christian and I had to walk across the classroom and go down to the principal's office and I got two weeks detention at lunchtime.
There is a penalty for sin. Let's go over to Romans chapter 5.
And verse 9 says much more than being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
You can be saved from your sin. You can be saved from the judgment of sin.
It says you can be justified by his blood. What does it mean to be justified? It means that Jesus wants to take away your sin. He wants to take away the guilt of your sin. He wants to forgive you.
The Lord Jesus took my sin away.
That paper airplane flying out the window, that sin is gone.
The Lord Jesus took my sin away and made me as white as snow.
What does it mean to be white as snow? It means that He's given us the righteousness of God. We've been made pure and clean, and our sin can no more take us into the wrath of God.
Jesus says that you can be saved too. He says, Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden.
I will give you rest. I will give you peace. You can be saved and he will take away your sin. He will take away your guilt. He will take away your shame. And then you can remove those scarlet sign that tells of all the sins that you have done. The sins will be taken away and as far away as the East is from the West so far as he removed our sins.
Jesus is the taker away of sins and he wants to take away your sins. Let's go to 1St John chapter one.
First John chapter one and verse 2 and it says here if any man.
I'm sorry, first John chapter one, verse 7.
The end of the verse says the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin. I like that word all. You can also say that word as every. And it helps us to understand that the blood of Jesus takes away every sin. He doesn't miss one sin. Every sin is going to be taken away. And when the sin is gone, God gives you eternal life. And he says that when you have eternal life you shall never perish. You are in the hands of Jesus.
And he's going to keep you safe. He's not going to let anybody touch you. He will. No one can ****** you out of his hands. Even your own sin. You cannot be taken out of the hands of the Lord Jesus. And then for double security, the God the Father, his hand is protecting you too. And so you have that protection when you are saved. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from every sin, and so you can never lose your salvation. Let's go back to.
To Isaiah chapter one.
And we'll read the rest of that verse and it says at the end of the verse though your sins be read like Crimson.
They shall be as wool. Now Crimson is like a deep dark red dye. It's like and it's called Crimson. Now Crimson comes from a worm that when it's crushed the red is the blood is very dark red and it's called Crimson.
That reminds me of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When he was hung on the cross.
And the soldier pierced his side, and the blood came out.
And the Lord and God put up my sins on Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ was punished, and in Isaiah says he was bruised for our iniquities. Another word meaning for that word bruised is crushed. The Lord Jesus was crushed for my sins.
And the blood flowed forth the blood of Jesus Christ, that precious, precious blood of Jesus.
That was shed on Calvary. That blood was shed to wash away your sins.
The Lord Jesus wants to do that for you. Then it says here at the end of the verse they shall be as wool. Now what does? What do we know about wool? What are how can our sins be as wool? I used to think that it meant that they would be white as wool, but wolves not white. Snow is white, nothing can be as white as snow. And So what does it mean? The wool? Well, I used to clean carpets and when we clean clean wool carpets, wool has a natural without doing any treatment.
To it, It has a natural resistance to soil and staining, and so wool in its natural condition will be able to to repel sins or repel stains. And that that's what the Lord Jesus can do for you with His precious blood. He can cover you with His blood and the sin when it comes on you, it won't stay. You can wash that off.
It's the blood is resistant to the soiling and the staining of sin.
Jesus gives you a perfect security. You can never lose your salvation.
That the sin can never get in to your soul to make you dirty. I have a tie here.
It's a nice tie.
My kids tell me that it doesn't match what I'm wearing. I don't know if it does or not, but it's a nice tie. It's 100% silk.
And it feels nice.
Your dad maybe has a tie. I see a lot of nice ties here. What happens if you pour coffee on a tie?
It gets stained. I have a cup of coffee here.
I'm going to pour coffee on my tie and we're going to see what's going to happen.
Oh, it just runs off.
Most of it.
How can that happen?
Before I came to the meeting, I came. I put Scotchgard on my tie.
And the coffee, it doesn't. It doesn't stain the tie, it just runs right off.
But now I have some kool-aid. What happens when you put kool-aid on a tie? You know kool-aid has dye #7 in it. That's the same color dye they use to dye carpets.
And they give kids kool-aid, and they know kids are going to spill kool-aid on the carpets. And so carpets get stained. But let's see what happens when we put.
Kool-aid. See, it's Kool AIDS red.
It runs down off the tie too.
And we can shake that off most of it.
I don't recommend that you do that to your dad's tie.
My tie, it still looks dirty. There's still a little bit of coffee and a little bit of kool-aid on it, but I can take a dry cloth and I can blot it and it will be gone.
When you sin after you are saved.
That sin won't stick to your soul, it gets the outside dirty.
And if you confess your sin, the Lord Jesus is faithful and just to forgive you your sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Let's go to 1St John chapter 2.
I John Chapter 2.
And halfway through verse one it says if any man sin.
We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. Now that word, advocate, that's a hard word, but that's kind of like a friend. We have a friend. If we sin, we have a friend, Jesus Christ, the righteous. And what does that friend do? He comes alone after you sin.
You don't stop being a child of God, but you lose your happiness and you lose your fellowship with God.
You lose your friendship, and so Jesus, as a friend, comes to you and tries to bring you back into a good relationship, a good fellowship with God.
How can he do that? It is because of his blood that was shed. Oh, there's power in the blood of Jesus Christ. There's power in the blood and.
So he wants to so as our advocate.
He comes and tries to bring us back to God. Bring he tries to get you to the point where you will confess your sin and Jesus. God says if you confess your sin he will forgive your sin and you can be brought back into fellowship with God.
You know.
I I remember a story of a of a man who is driving his car and his daughter was in the back seat, a little girl and she was deathly afraid of of bees because if she got stung by a bee, she would die very quickly. And as they were driving along, a bee came in the window, open window and the little girl saw it and she started to scream. Daddy, daddy, the bee is going to get me. It's going to kill me. I'm going to die, daddy. And so the father's driving along the road and he's trying to get catch this bee and he's swerving over the road and he finally catches the bee.
And the beast things him in the hand and he lets it go. And the beast flying around again. And the girl is screaming daddy. And but he says it's OK, dear, look in my hand there. The Stinger of the bee is in my hand. It can't get you anymore. The sting of death was in daddy's hand. And that's what the Lord Jesus did for you when he was on the cross. He took away when he died and shed his blood.
He took away the sting of death, the sting of sin. Sin can't get at you anymore because of the blood of Jesus Christ. If you were to go to heaven today, you would see Jesus. He is a man. He is there, and in his hands you will find the wounds.
From the nails that went through them at the cross in his side you would see the wound where the spear went in and brought forth the blood that can save you and wash you from your sins if you sin to day after you are saved.
The Lord Jesus can show God his hands in his side as proof that you are saved, as proof that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, has cleansed every sin, and so there can be restoration of your fellowship with God. There's power in the blood of Jesus.
Some of you may think.
That you try hard not to sin.
You know you are saved, but sometimes you have doubts.
And you can see.
Mr. Prost and Mr. Rule and Mr. Tony and these different brothers speaking in the meetings and you think, oh, they are so safe, they are so secure, they're going to go to heaven. But the children, you, you start to wonder, am I really saved?
Because I I did this bad thing.
Maybe I'm not saved.
But you know what you can have the weakest believer can have the same.
Perfect security as the older brothers and the older sisters who we think are so much better than ourselves.
You are safe when you are in the hands of Jesus. He will never let you go.
Let's look at one verse in Romans chapter 3.
Romans chapter 3 and verse 25.
And it's talking about Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood.
Faith in the blood of Jesus. You can trust. Jesus. Can you believe?
That you are a Sinner. Can you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins?
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. You can do that this morning. You can be saved.
Just tell Jesus, Jesus, Lord, save me. I'm a Sinner. I want to be saved.
After you are saved, you need to have faith in the blood.
You need to have confidence in God. When God says that you can never perish.
You need to have confidence and trust God when he says you have eternal life.
You in a faith in His blood, we are protected by the blood of Jesus Christ. We are protected from the wrath of God. We are protected from the penalty of sin.
You need to go to the cross. You need to confess your sin.
And if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
I think we have time for one more song.
Somebody have a song they like to sing.
Let's see, yes.
Number What #8? OK.
We can sing the first and last of #8.
Ask this Lord yours. Come.
I'm strong. It's glorious. It's glorious.
Yeah, we're with the sins of this coming.
And watched in the Savior's world. I know some of you find it hard to sit and you wonder why do we have to sit through so many meetings?
The meetings are almost over.
But you have this last opportunity.
One more chance to be washed in the savior's blood, and if you are, if you are saved, if you are washed in the Savior's blood.
You will be gathered with Christ at his coming.