
Children—Virgil Redman
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I'm going to try and answer 3 questions I want you to keep in your mind.
Three questions. OK, I'm gonna, I'm gonna answer 3 questions in our singing and what I'm gonna talk about is 3 questions. God's plan of salvation. Salvation. What is it and do I need it and how do I get it? Three really important questions. And you just think about that when we start singing and everything. So I guess we can get started. So I think most of the children.
Are on the back, but we'll sing whatever you want to sing. So anybody have a song they wanna sing? OK.
#40 All right.
Alright, favorite.
Jesus loves.
VIRERAIVER A N D O N G O N D I N G O V I N G O N G I N G O N G O K O R T O N G T E N T O N G O R T O N G O R T ONGONTON Qurayments 2014 and grade two are pretty, pretty late. Run everywhere.
And I won't bring dry cleaning up on me.
You know, boys and girls, I just love this book. You know why I love this book so much? Because it tells me that Jesus loves me. Isn't that a good news? That's so wonderful. And you know, there's so many boys and girls all through this world. They don't know that Jesus loves them. I didn't know that Jesus loved me, and I was.
Well, I was pretty old.
I was pretty old and I didn't know that until I read that Jesus loves me. So this is a good book, and it's a wonderful book that gives us good news. Who else has a song? OK, just a seat over here next to my buddy Evan.
Hey, Diego 46.
Uh, spelling song? Are you guys good at spelling? I'm not very good at spelling, all right.
Glad ***.
N ANDANDUNANDANDINGONETONJANDANDANDENTENTENDENDENDENTEDNGTENTENDENGONGANDENDENDENDENGONDONDONGONDONGOI don't think I don't see all the time because all of the Speaking of the speaking I come across from and you are laughing all night and dreams you.
Have you ever noticed singing this song, it says that he wants all the girls and all the boys. He doesn't say I want some of them. I only want the good ones. No, he wants all the girls and he wants all the boys. Isn't that wonderful? He wants everybody. He doesn't leave anybody out. Who else has a song? Yes, 29. Oh, OK.
We're going inside the book.
What is 29 all right?
Yeah, that's a good one.
A ruler once came.
In all the people are not dead. You're in my life. You're not. You're still alive.
Well, it says here a ruler once came to Jesus by night. Well, we knew who it was. Who was this ruler? What was the name of this ruler that came to Jesus?
Nick, Nick. Nick Nick what?
What Nicodemus and he was a ruler of the Jewish people, very high important person. And he knew all about the Jewish laws and everything. But imagine his his surprise when Jesus said, well, you have to be born again. Well, Nicodemus was whoa, wait a minute, wait a minute. Hi. And he was thinking about being born naturally, but we have to be born from above, huh? We have to be born through the Lord Jesus Christ.
And be saved. And that's spiritual growth, isn't it? It's being born from God. So it must have been a real surprise. OK, we another song, yes.
Some brothers start that please.
Well, hopefully we might be able to sing maybe another one or so. But all right, well, we're going to say our verses. Who would like to say verse? I have this microphone. OK, You want to say that? That was a lovely hymn you gave out. I tell you, I don't know what the verses are. So.
He's at cover of his scent. Shall not prosper.
But whoso confesses and forsaketh them shall have mercy. Proverbs, 2813.
The currency shall prosper, but he shall not prosper. But he that shaketh his sin confesses his sins shall have mercy. Proverbs.
13 All right, well, that's a great verse because that's just what I'm going to talk about today. So that's amazing. Anybody else?
Alright, see, that covers his sins. Sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth.
Yeah, and forsaken them shall have mercy. Proverbs 2813. That's a tongue twister. In it you just say confess. That's good enough.
He that covers his sins shall not prosper, but he that but who so confesseth and forsaken.
His them shall have mercy on verse 2813. Good. Anybody else want to say a verse? Huh.
He that he that covers his Finch shall not prosper, but who so confesses and forsake of them shall have mercy. Proverbs 2813 Very good, very good.
You wanna say a verse seven? Do you have a verse to anything?
Go ahead.
I can't help you because I don't know what it is.
Your money savers.
No, maybe later. OK, No problem. OK. Come on. Oh, sorry, dear. Go ahead. It's good. You don't wanna say it. OK, Well, that that's alright. No problem. OK, I'm gonna read a verse before I start talking about my story.
It's in Isaiah.
Isaiah 59. Very important verse.
Isaiah 59 verse one, it says, behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither is his air heavy that it cannot hear. You know if I was in the very depths of the ocean and in a fish's belly, you think the Lord could hear me if I prayed? Yeah, really good. What about Jonah? And suppose I went up to the very highest mountain, almost 30,000 feet.
I'm climbing some pretty high mountains but not 30,000 feet.
Would the Lord hear me then? What if I was on the moon? Would the Lord hear me then if I was on the moon?
So it says here the Lord's hand is not shortened that he cannot save, neither is there heavy that he cannot hear. No matter where we are, no matter how trouble we are, if we pray to the Lord and say, Lord save me, he'll hear us warning and he can save us. Isn't that wonderful? Well, what about the next verse? Oh, but he says your iniquities. What's iniquities? Well, it's like a sin.
He says your iniquities have separated you between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you.
That he will not hear. So you know, if we still have our sins on us, if we have not come to the Lord Jesus and be saved and be born again, as we've been thinking about.
Then there's a big separation between me and God, and that separation goes on forever. It goes on forever.
And so there's something between the center that's lost in his sin and God, who is holy and righteous, that has to come together. And that's the Lord Jesus, isn't it? He brings us both together because God can't have his sin in his presence.
Kenny because he's holy, righteous. And how do we get rid of our sins? Well, it's impossible for men, so I want to tell you a story about a man.
Who lived a long time ago.
And this man?
Was a master at.
Escaping from things. He was an escaped artist a long time ago. And when I was your age, we had this game we played. It was a silly game, but we tied ourselves up and we see how fast we could get out of, you know, the ropes and stuff like that. Well, this man, he would go to these giant theaters with all these people and he would perform these acts of escaping from all types of various.
Jails and they would put him in.
Safe and locked is safe and he'd get out of it. Or they put him in a cage, locked the cage up and he'd get out of it and they would even, oh, did I tell you his name? His name was Harry Houdini.
Yes. Ha. Have you kids ever heard of Harry Houdini? You have. Well, you're a smart kid. Wow. OK. Well, anyway, Harry Houdini was one of the best escaped artists. And they would put him in a they would hang him upside down.
Tie his feet up and tie his hands up and blindfold him and put him in this water tank. And they would put a cover over the water tank and lock the water tank. And he was in this water. And a couple of minutes they pulled the curtains back and there he was outside the cage. I mean, outside the water tank. How did he do that? I don't know. It was a trick. And he was the master of that. So one day this man came along. He said, well, I've got some handcuffs and.
There, there nobody can get out of them. And he big old handcuffs and he put them on this.
And he said, well, anybody can get out of my hand 'cause I'll pay him a lot of money. Oh well, Harry, dude. And he said, OK, put him on me. And so he put him on that. A few seconds later, he was out of it. So there was nothing that he couldn't escape from. Well, I want to put on a little demonstration. I want to see how that would work, don't you? I want to see somebody get out of something, escape. So I've got a volunteer.
Would my volunteer please come down?
Oh, you could call him my victim. No, he he he's a volunteer. Thank you, Lance. Now.
If I tied you up with a bunch of rope, do you think you'd get out of pretty good? Well, yeah, Pretty. All right. Well, I don't have any ropes, but I have these. OK.
All right, we're going to try this out. Put your hands behind your back, OK?
We're gonna see if our junior escaped artist. Could you put your sleeve up a little bit? There you go. OK, we're gonna. Oh, boy. Now this this won't hurt you too much. The last time I tried this on somebody, he got better after a week. No, no, no. I'm just kidding. Just kidding. The swelling went down in a couple of days.
Yeah, OK.
OK, here we go. OK, now you do your best to try to get out of them. I I don't don't break my cusp. It's just a toy. They're not real. Now you get you you try. I'm going to finish the story with Harry Houdini. I got another story to tell. You try to get out of them. OK. OK, so anyway, so this here you do any Harry Houdini? He said I'm gonna try one big.
Another trick, a very dangerous one. So it was in the middle of the winter.
And he, he went down to this river that was frozen, and he cut a hole in the ice. And they got this big crane and they tied his, they chained his legs together and he tied his hands. And they put a blindfold on him. And they load him down in this freezing water. And he was down there for a few minutes. And then they raised the crane up and he went there.
He escaped, but they were looking at this water in this hole and they were looking and they were looking.
No, Houdini. Where'd he go? Well, so they looked around and he was so cold he got disoriented and he didn't know where to where, you know, where the hole was. And they were saying it's over here, it's over here. You know where they finally broke the ice and they got them out of there. And, uh, I guess he was pretty sick afterwards. You know, he, he got pneumonia and got cold. So I don't really know how he died. But you know the strange thing on his deathbed he says I'm gonna do my last. Great.
I'm gonna come back from the dead. Yes. I'm gonna beat the grave. Did he ever come back? No, he never did. Nobody comes back from the grave. You know, death is final. So. Anyway, so that's what happened. I don't know exactly how he died. Somebody probably knows, but. Well, how did you do? I didn't do very good. You didn't do very good. Well, you're still in there. He's not much of A Houdini, is he? OK. Well, alright. Well, I gotta.
I got a I can set you free. I you, you there you go. Let's see. I got AI got it. I got the I got the oh, here it is. I thought I was going to have to feed him at lunchtime. OK, well, we'll, we'll get you out of these uh, hopefully this key. Oh, there we go. Oh well, OK, OK, OK. I got you, I got you.
Where we at? Oh, OK.
You notice I haven't done this much.
I could have read you right, You know, you you remain to be silent now. OK. Thank you very much. Glance. That was great. All right.
Well, that's just a little demonstration. He couldn't get free without the key. It's a good thing I didn't lose the key. All right, I'm going to read another verse, and this one is in Second Timothy. Very important verse. Very important verse.
And 2nd Tim uh, second Timothy chapter 2 and the last verse of chapter 2 verse 26 it says.
That they may recover themselves out of the sneer of the devil who has taken captive, who are taking captive by him. That is the devil.
At his will. What a verse. You know, the devil lays traps. He tries to trick us, just like Houdini tried to trick everybody. It was just a trick. But you know, the devil tries to trick us.
And he lays traps for us. And, you know, there's so many people.
Are prisoners.
They're they're, they're being LED captive by Satan's will. And Satan is our enemy. He's our adversary. Have you ever heard that word adversary? He's the enemy. He's the enemy. He hates God and he wants to destroy you. So we can't listen to his lies because he likes to lie.
So, so there's so many people that are handcuffed and they're being LED away to a lost eternity. He wants to take as many as he can, boys and girls. Well, you, you say, well, I can't see no handcuffs. Well, they're there. They're being LED prisoners. They leaned captive by his will. And he's laying traps for people all the time. Let's read one more.
Now I forgot to say one thing I could have not only handcuffed.
My assistant there, I could have handcuffed him as I did, and I also could have blindfolded him. Huh. And if I blindfolded him, well, I could lean him away around anywhere I wanted, and he wouldn't. He wouldn't know where he was going, would he? I should have brought AI should have brought a blindfold. Well, OK, NE, next time I'll bring a blindfold. We'll get him. OK. So in Second Corinthians, there's another wonderful verse.
Listen, what else Satan does? This is the devil working.
Can we trust the devil? No, we can't. He's a liar and he's the father of it and he wants to deceive you. He wants to trick you. He says here in Second Corinthians chapter 4 verse three, it says if our gospel be hid, it's hid to them that are lost because in whom the God of this world has blinded their minds or blinded your heart of them which believe.
Believe not.
Believe what? Believe the gospel, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine into them.
Well, who is the God of this world? What is Satan? He is controlling this world.
And he says, if our gospel be hid well, who is hiding the gospel? God isn't hiding the gospel. He tells us how to be safe. He tells us all about Satan, his tricks, how he's leading us captive, how he's has us prisoners by his will and he's trying to wake us up. He's got that glorious high beam that's it's reaching right into our hearts.
It is trying to open up our hearts. He's trying to reach our conscience to open our hearts and say yes.
I'm a prisoner, I'm guilty, I'm a Sinner, I'm law. I need to be saved. This is what God is trying to do with the gospel, and that's good news. He's trying to bring us together through the Lord Jesus Christ. We can't save ourselves. There's not one sin that we can get rid of. And you know, Satan lies to us and he throws traps and he throws lies into us and he wants to keep us. California. He doesn't want you to come to the Lord Jesus. He doesn't want you to be saved.
Hey, why don't you just keep going on the way you are? You see, in three ways, Satan keeps us three ways. Satan keeps us from coming to the Lord Jesus and being saved.
The war first one is neglect. Let's just neglect to get saved. Well, I'm just gonna put it off for another day. It it's not convenient. It's not the right time. It is the right time because God's word tells us now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation. Remember I told you those three questions? Salvation. Well, we all need it.
And God's provided a way for us to be saved, that we can be saved and have our sins washed away.
But Satan says, no, no, put it off. You're young. You don't need to come right now. That's a live Satan. And there's so many kids that are just putting up. What does that mean? To neglect means to put it up. We all know what it means to neglect something, right? We have all the, you know, sun, clean up your room, take out the trash or do this or do that. And we say, well, OK, I don't have to do it right away. I'll just put it off.
I was at the airport once.
And I didn't know, I, I, I, I misread the time that the airplane was taken off and I got there just as the plane was taken off. I just, uh, neglected to go at the right time. Well, it would just cost me inconvenience. But we don't want to neglect, we don't want to put off being saved because we don't know what tomorrow's going to be tomorrow.
Maybe too late, you know, if the Lord Jesus came right now.
Would envy would, would the all the seats be emptied or would there be some boys and girls that have been putting off getting saved? Would you be left behind? Oh, what an awful thing. What a terrible thing that your parents are gone and everybody else is gone and you're sitting there wondering what happened because you waited too long. We don't want to wait too long to get saved. You wanna get saved and you wanna do it now. Don't listen to Satan because he doesn't want you to say what's the next thing he does.
Well, some people just reject the whole thing. They say no, I don't believe in God.
I don't want God. I don't need God. I don't believe in the gospel. I'm not going to get saved. I just three days. I know people like that. They just reject it all together. Oh, what a terrible life, Satan. You know, there's billions of people today who worship a God. It doesn't even exist. That's right. And there's more millions of people today who worship a man. Should we worship a man?
No, but they worship this man, you see, Holy Father. Well anyway, so.
We don't wanna reject the gospel because God has offered us just a wonderful way to have our sins washed, the way he's offered us a way of salvation that will last forever. He wants us to be part of the family of God. Do we want to be part of the family of God? I do, absolutely. Yeah. Well, the third thing, the 3rd way that God. Excuse me, The 3rd way, that Satan.
Tricks us. He lays a trap for us.
And the lies that he tells us, the 3rd way is that we tend to be saved. We're just pretending. Oh, that's terrible.
You know, I remember once in, in, in camp this 10 year old girl and you probably have heard the story. Excuse me if I tell it again, but I'll never forget this as long as I live. It was at, uh, Brighton Morningstar, which I'll be going to here in a few weeks. And in the evening time we have questions and answers and we, uh, we sit around a fireplace and it's kind of cold and we have a open tent and there's about 40 or fifty of us standing there.
And you can ask questions.
And it doesn't matter whether you're 10 year old or 100 years old. So, uh, this little girl, she raised the question. She's had a question. She says, well, my older cousin said that there's no God, he doesn't exist. It's a fairy tale. Well, this brother, he explained to this girl that yes, God does exist. You look around, you can see God's handiwork.
He sent his beloved son to die on the cross to take your place.
He was a substitute for sin, and that he shed his precious blood.
And now he's risen from the grave and he's at the right hand of God and he wants to be your savior. And he can save you from your sins and wash you from all your sins and bring you into the family of God and give you eternal life and so forth and so forth. And so he asked this little girl and I, I wouldn't do this myself directly, but this is the brother that does it. He said to this little girl, are you saved? Well, this girl could have pretend. She could have just said, you know, just pretend and say, yeah, I'm.
You know, and that would've been the end of it. And some girls and some boys do that. They're just pretending and they've never repented. They've never come to the lo uh, to come to God on their knees and say, God, I'm a Sinner, I'm lost, I'm guilty, I need to be saved. God, what does God know that we're sinners? Does he know all about? He knows everything about well, why do we have to tell him if he knows it all? Because he wants to hear it from our lips. He wants us on our knees. He wants us to say.
I need to be. I did that over 50 years ago when I first heard about this. This was the first time I I got on my knees. How do you pray to God? You don't even know you've you've heard it over and over. I never heard it before. So I got on my knees. I said, dear God, save me. I'm glad I'm guilty. I'm a Sinner. You said I was. And I took God's side against myself and I turned all my sins over to him.
And he washed my sins in the precious blood of Christ.
And so he wants to hear that from us. We must repent. We must have gone. We must confess. It's acknowledging that you are a Sinner that God says you are. That's all it is. So this little girl, she says, no, I'm not saved. Isn't that something? A 10 year old girl?
And then the brother said, well, do you want to be saved? Yes. Oh, yes, I wanna be saved. So this brother, he went around the fireplace and they both kneeled down in the dirt. Now that's your little girl really wanted to be saved. How bad do you want to be saved if you're not saved? How bad do I wanna be saved? Well, I wanna be saved really bad. So they kneel down in this dirt and all everybody looking at them.
And you did excuse me, this little girl said, the sweetest purr you'd ever want us to hear. She said, oh, dear God, I'm a Sinner. I'm lost. I wanna be saved. I have to be saved. Jesus coming in my heart and saved me. And thank you for dying on the cross. And for she she got up and she had a smile on her face. Everybody else was crying. The whole tent was crying. Bill remembers that. I know he does. Yeah. Boy, what a time. I just. I'll never forget that as long as I live.
If I live to be 105, I'll never forget that so.
So anyway.
It was amazing. The next thing, the next couple of days.
She went up to this brother that she prayed with and she says I want to be baptized. How'd she know that? She just wanted to be identified with the Lord Jesus that died for her and washed her sins away. She said I want to be baptized. Isn't that something she wanted? She knew that she wanted to be better. That's a very important thing to be baptized. So anyway, so that's how Satan.
Leads us on.
As a prisoner of him to a lost eternity. And he doesn't care how he does it. He doesn't care how he tricks you, as long as you stay his prisoner. I'm gonna read one more verse. Well, I won't. I won't need to read it. I'll just quote it. It's in Hebrews chapter 2, verse three. Now, I know you kids have memorized this first, and I know you've probably said it before as a memory verse.
It says that how are we going to escape if we neglect so great of salvation?
How are we going to escape? From what? Well, from from a lost eternity, From the lake of fire. That's where Satan's trying to take you. You know, if I offered you a gift, what would you have to do? What would you have to do to make that gift your own?
Yes. What would you have to do? You accept it? I gave Evan here some cars the other day. What did you have to do to take for the cars to be yours? When I said here's some cars, what did you do?
You took them, didn't you? Yeah. And they were yours. God is offering us a wonderful gift. A gift of eternal life. What does Satan want to do? He wants to destroy you and take you to the lake of fire. Oh, eternal life. Lake of fire. Hmm. What a decision. Well, there isn't any decision. God is offering you a gift of eternal life. And what do you have to do? Have to make it good to your own soul. You have to receive it.
And so it says, how are we gonna escape? How did Lance? He probably could have gotten out of it eventually.
But I had the key, didn't he? Didn't I? God has the key to save you and to bring you into the family of God. The Lord Jesus Christ said, I am the way, the truth and the life. Isn't that wonderful? It says that call, whosoever calleth on the name of the Lord shall be saved. What a wonderful verse we have in John 316. My time is almost up. He says God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever.
Believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Jesus might be saved. Isn't that a wonderful gospel of good news? We don't have to listen to Satan. We don't have to be his prisoner. We don't have to be LED around captive by him. No, we can come to God and say I need the gift, I'm a Sinner, I'm lost, I'm guilty.
And it says, how are we going to escape if we neglect, if we put it up? Don't put it off, boys and girls.
God loves you. He's provided a full, complete salvation.
The Lord Jesus went to the cross.
He died for you to put away your sins. You just have to acknowledge to God that you are a Sinner, that you are lost, and you know that precious blood that Jesus spilled on the cross.
It's still good today. It hasn't lost its value. God sees that, that precious blood, and he can apply it to yours. He can. He can wash your sins away. There's still power in that blood today, and it will be for all eternity. There's power in that blood to wash all your sins away. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, can cleanse you from all your sins. But you, you must come God's way. God has a wonderful plan of salvation, and you must come.
According to God's wonderful plan and it's so easy just like that 10 year old girl, she came, she she, she realized she was lost. She realized she needed to be saved and she did what she had to do and she received the Lord Jesus into her heart and was saved. The Lord Jesus can't come into a black heart as our brother here mentioned once I remember that we must repent. We must acknowledge and confess that we're sinners, then we can.
The Lord Jesus to come into our hearts. You can't come into a black heart. That's why it's so important to repent.
So remember, I'm gonna close. Remember now how are we gonna escape if we put off or neglect so great a salvation? Does anybody have one more song we have time for? Yes.
Well, we're singing from this book. Are you singing from this book? We're singing from this book. We don't have any other book. Is is that the one you want from this?
Is this the one you want for? Great. That's my favorite song. Listen to this first stanza. Fact. I was going to read it. How did you know that I was going to read this? Hmm interesting. Christ is a saver sinners. Christ is a Savior for me. Listen to this verse of this line long. I was chained in sin's darkness. Are you still chained?
In Satan's darkness, tied up, chained, handcuffed is as long. I was chained in Sindar. Now, by his grace, I'm set free. I set Lance free.
God wants to set you free too. Let's sing a song #4.
Well, you know, this is quite amazing that the verse for next week is one of the verses that I was going to read, but I I just forgot about it. It's in Proverbs. In fact, it's mentioned twice in Proverbs.
You know what verse that would be? Verses mentioned twice in Proverbs? Probably not. There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. You know, a man thinks he can get around God, but you can't trick God. You can't fool God. God has a plan and he's laid out in the word of God, and it's a good plan and it will take us all the way to heaven.
Is the Lord Jesus Christ is the way the truth and life? But man says, well, I've got a better way, I've got a better way, but there is no better way.
The Lord Jesus is the way.