China and Communism: The Editor's Column

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Word reaching us from China confirms our fears that the enemy has been preparing to close the door to the gospel of God in that land. For a time it was thought by many that the communist revolution in China was not after the pattern of Russian atheistic communism but was merely a matter of a Chinese leader bringing about certain land reforms.
Mao Tse-tung who is now the established dictator over 460,000,000 people was formerly called a "harmless agrarian reformer," but now is a proven communist after the order of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. To all who embrace this ideology, religious beliefs are deeply resented as being "profoundly alien" to their system, therefore they must be uprooted and exterminated as quickly as possible. This program of elimination is now being implemented, as many general reports have indicated, and it is confirmed in private letters that have come to us, from which we will quote.
Writing from the interior, a native Chinese Christian says, "Conditions here are all changed. There is nothing now of the 'four freedoms.'" He commented that the comfort he and other Christians had was in the knowledge of Him who is the same yesterday, today, and to the ages to come, and that their joy was in the truth of Heb. 10:3737For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. (Hebrews 10:37)—"For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry." He has been a faithful and devoted worker preaching the gospel in the open air as he had opportunity, but now he is limited to speaking privately to souls.
From Hong Kong comes this word: "From various parts of China we get sad news... the enemy of souls is now throwing off all disguise and showing himself as a 'roaring lion.' How sweet to know that in spite of all that is happening the Lord's people are ever the objects of His love and care, and even now by faith they know that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in them."
Again quoting: "The news from has caused us sorrow as we learned that the brethren had to give up the meetings in -and have not been able to find any other place to meet. The communists also hinder the meetings by holding special gatherings on the Lord's day to which people are forced to go, with severe penalties for absenting themselves. This is an example of what they call 'liberation.' "
Word from Shanghai indicates a tightening of things there as far as the activities and Movements of Christian workers are concerned. It is only a step now until the power of the ungodly shall have closed the door of China to all outside efforts to reach the people with the gospel, and restricted the efforts of native Christians almost to the vanishing point. We need to remember, however, that "the word of God is not bound," and it is possible that in spite of restrictions and persecutions, yes, even of martyrdom, souls will be brought to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is able to work regardless of all the efforts of man and Satan.
There is another and a solemn side to all this. When nations or individuals deliberately refuse the light which God sends and prefer darkness, they are in danger of having the light withdrawn and of being given over to judicial blindness. China itself is a striking example of this, for this is not the first time that China has turned its back upon the true light. The gospel reached China very early. Speaking of this, one writer says, "the nominal power of Christianity... ruled over known Africa, filled Asia, and was almost the established religion of China... in the 7th century." Is it any wonder that the blackness of pagan night settled over that populous land for well over a thousand years? China had not the gospel because she did not want it, and now after a century of efforts to reach her multitudes with it again the door is being closed.
It is sobering to reflect that so much of the world that had the gospel early in this era has given it up and been given over to a lie of the devil. Think of all Northern Africa, the Middle East, and the rest of Asia. Where the gospel and the truth of God once was at least nominally accepted there are now over 300,000,000 Followers of the false prophet Mohammed. If we consider Europe, Africa, and Asia, we must say that Christianity has receded to smaller limits than in the early centuries.
And what about Western Europe and the Americas? The march of materialism, modernism, infidelity, and outright atheism has gained momentum here also. The last days described in 2 Timothy are here—these specially favored lands are also giving up the real truth of God, the Christ of God. It is now vividly apparent that it is in general but "a form of godliness," while "denying the power thereof." Men are lovers of self, and lovers of pleasure rather (so the 4th verse of 2 Tim. 3 should read, for it is not a question of degree but rather one of choice) than lovers of God.
If China lapsed into heathen darkness after rejecting the gospel in the 7th century, and is now going into atheism while refusing the true light in the 20th century, what shall be the end of these so-called Christian nations where the real fabric of Christianity is being discarded for a sham? 2 Thess. 2 gives the answer. God in His righteous government is going to send such strong delusion that those who have rejected and despised His grace will believe Satan's lie, "that they all might be damned who believed not the truth." God is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish. He has waited in patience and lingering grace almost 2000 years since they cast His beloved Son out of this world, and during that time has sent His message of pardon and peace through many messengers, but He is "not mocked." The time is coming apace when the true believers shall be taken out of this scene and then all the power and signs and lying wonders which shall deceive men shall be turned loose. Even now we see signs of these things. Who are they that are going after the false cults which deny the Person and work of our blessed Lord and Redeemer? not those who were once infidels and atheists, but generally those who once professed an orthodox creed.
Christian reader, ours is a blessed hope, soon to be realized, but let us be awake as to what is coming and warn men to flee from the wrath to come.