Christ and the World Crisis.

The world is full of the confusion brought about by the dethronement of the Lord Jesus Christ in the world He came to save.
In “Light for the Fighting Forces,” Brig.-General F. D. Frost says:
The Anti-Religious Force.
“Russia. Soviet agents have been largely responsible for the revolution in Spain, which was assisted by the people recognizing their enslavement to the Roman Church. Soviet godless agents are at work in almost every country in the world, especially the Far East, stirring up the ignorant heathen masses to revolt against the influence of the West, especially that of Great Britain. Russia’s energy and skill at undermining the Governments of other countries are worthy of a better cause and put to shame our inactivity and blindness, refusing to be burdened with the responsibilities which God had put upon us. In a Sunday School near London the following words are actually being taught and sung by British children:―
The whole world at last is beginning to see
The blight of the world is Jesus.
Like sunshine at noonday, free thought has shown me
The blight of the world is Jesus.
Keep off the blight, or blighted you’ll be,
Blighted for life by credulity,
Once I believed, but now I can see
The blight of the world is Jesus.
You object to hearing these things, and may turn away from this magazine in disgust, but ought you not to know where socialism and unbelief is leading us? The agnostic Socialists and Communists are calling to statements of Christian leaders — Modernists. A leading Anti-Christian Hindu, who had been educated in a Mission School and accepted Christ, was sent to England by his parents to have his faith broken. He now writes anti-Christian books and quotes ad lib from Dean Inge, Doctor Gore and the Bishop of Birmingham, even Archbishops and the leading lights of every denomination in support of his denunciation of the Christian faith.
Our modernists are the unconscious allies of the most uncompromising Red-Anti-God Revolutionaries and are helping the world into a state of hopeless confusion, from which, only a miracle can save us.”
And again: — The Dishonor of Christ in India.
“Our Mission Colleges were originally started for the purpose of training Indian Evangelists to preach the glorious Gospel of Christ. In many colleges today converts are scarce. A large number of high caste Hindus and Sikhs and Mohammedans come to them, not to learn about Jesus Christ, but to be educated in order to qualify for some Government appointment or the Bar, both of which professions are already overcrowded. The result is that Mission Students provide the best recruits for the Seditious Agitators’ Armies. Mission Colleges employ Hindu Professors, who naturally undermine any teaching by a European on religion. Many of the so-called Christian professors from English and Scottish Universities in these Mission Colleges refuse to accept the fundamentals of the Christian Faith, while some of them have joined an International Fellowship Movement, which they undertake not to proselytize, nor can they pray through Jesus Christ at their meetings.
At the Cambridge Mission College in Delhi, when I visited it in 1929, they never prayed through Jesus Christ at Morning Prayers, for fear of offending Hindus and Mohammedans. Other Colleges may have followed suit.
God never yet honored cowards.
Millions of Mohammedans and Hindus want to hear about Jesus Christ, but He has been forgotten at many of the Mission Colleges or is placed in an inferior position. Some of the British Professors are even in sympathy with the Hindu seditious movement.
How can God honor our administration in India, hover good it may be, if we are disloyal to Him?
Round-Table Conferences will only make the matter worse.”