A little girl who knew the Lord Jesus, and who could not help singing about His love while playing, or at work at home, was asked by a Christian if she knew she was a sinner, and if she thought she was good enough to go to heaven? “O yes, sir,” was her reply. “But you have no goodness,” said he. “Indeed I have, sir,” she answered. “And where is your goodness?” he asked. “Up in heaven, sir,” she replied with a smile; “Christ is my goodness as well as my Saviour.”
How sweetly some little ones learn about Jesus; and to them that believe He is precious. May you, dear children, find in Jesus, salvation, life, peace, joy and goodness, through faith in His name.
O what a Saviour Jesus is,
So loving and so kind,
His love, so great, it wins our hearts;
Full joy in Him we find.
ML 10/01/1899