As He is our object now, so He will be throughout eternity. We shall ever be with the Lord. Himself will be with us—the Lamb that was once slain; then, as now, the Man—for He will never more lay aside the humanity He has assumed; and then He will fill our gaze and our hearts, perfectly and completely. What an infinite study to trace out and contemplate His varied and manifold excellences! We shall see His face, and shall never weary of drinking in His beauty! We shall hear His voice, and O! how we shall hang upon every word that falls from His lips! And all that we see and hear, will but fill our souls with ineffable delight, and our ceaseless joy will be to prostrate ourselves at His feet in adoration and praise. Lord, in anticipation of this time, turn our eyes from all that might obscure Thee from our view, and Thyself attract and occupy us altogether!