Christian Mother's Last Words.

It was a lovely evening in the early summer of the year 1917 when I reached the dying bed of my dear mother. Never shall I forget the beautiful sunset as I was being rapidly driven to where she lay. It seemed to give a little glimpse of the glory on which she was so soon to gaze, and made it so easy to picture the angels waiting to carry her ransomed spirit into the presence of the Lord she loved. As she had lived so she died, her whole trust and confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who loved her and gave himself for her. Even in the paroxysms of pain she never murmured or wavered, but gasped, “Ask God to give me strength to bear it.” In the little seasons of rest from the pain, we listened to her last words. There was great longing in her voice as she said, “Oh, I do want to see the Lord Jesus Christ.”
She seemed to have visions of some who had gone before, and to be recognizing one and the other. The dying eyes seemed to see “beyond the veil.” The mother-love was strong even to death, and she counted all her children on her fingers―counted them to God. Many years before she had brought them to Him, and often used to quote “Not a hoof shall be left behind.” And now her earthly ministry was finished, and she finally committed them all to her faithful God. As we stood around her she said, “I thank God for all the hard places, for all the slippery places, for all the stony places, yes, for all the stony places―for all the way in which He has led me.” Many times she said with deep content, “My heavenly Father.”
Once when she seemed a little troubled, one of us said, “Do you know Jesus?” A pained look came over her face as she replied, “Jesus! Of course I know Jesus,” and went on to repeat in a clear voice,
“But Christ, the heavenly Lamb
Took all my sins away,
A sacrifice of nobler name;
Of richer blood than they.”
to one of her soils she said, when something was said about singing, “You will sing up there.” To another it was, “The Lord bless you, and make you a blessing.” Twice she repeated, “Death is a very solemn thing.” There was no fear, but a solemn hush over those who watched her pass into eternity.
We miss her — the loss of such a mother leaves a blank which nothing can fill. But we look forward; it may be the reunion will be soon. “The coming of the Lord draweth nigh, “and” Those who sleep in Jesus God will bring with Him.” “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever he with the Lord.”
By One Of Her Daughters.