Christian, Walk Carefully: Danger Is Near

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Christian, walk carefully: danger is near;
On in thy journey with trembling and fear.
Snares from without and temptations within,
Seek to entice thee once more into sin.
Christian, walk carefully,
Christian, walk carefully,
Christian, walk carefully: danger is near!
Christian, walk cheerfully through the fierce storm,
Dark though the sky with its threat of alarm;
Soon will the clouds and the tempest be o'er,
Then with thy Saviour thou'lt rest evermore.
Christian, walk cheerfully,
Christian, walk cheerfully,
Christian, walk cheerfully through the fierce storm.
Christian, walk prayerfully; oft wilt thou fall
If thou forget on thy Saviour to call;
Safe thou shalt walk through each trial and care,
If thou art clad in the armor of prayer.
Christian, walk prayerfully,
Christian, walk prayerfully,
Christian, walk prayerfully, fear lest thou fall.
Christian, walk hopefully; sorrow and pain
Cease when the haven of rest thou shalt gain;
Then from the lips of the Judge thy reward—
"Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."
Christian, walk hopefully,
Christian, walk hopefully,
Christian, walk hopefully; rest thou shalt gain.