Closing Days on Earth.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
Listen from:
“His Blood be on us, and on our Children.”
PILATE had washed his hands before the multitude, and declared himself innocent of the blood of Jesus, and called upon the Jews to witness it. And those poor, blinded, Satan-deluded people were ready to take upon themselves the whole responsibility of the awful crime. “His blood be on us, and on our children,” they said. This was indeed a terrible position in which to place themselves, and they took that position deliberately. And God, who was looking down from heaven, heard their imprecation. Did He take them at their word? Oh! how little they realized what it meant to them and their children.
Do we not all know the fearful calamities that fell upon the poor Jews, as the result of their rejection of Jesus? Their city and their temple were destroyed by the Roman army. Their streets ran. with the blood of the slain. And those who escaped death were made captives and pressed into cruel slavery. From that day to this the Jews have had neither temple, nor city, nor nation. They have wandered in all countries, and have a home in none. They have been a by word and a hissing among all people. And their most terrible experience is yet to come, in the day of Jacob’s trouble, a day with which there is none to compare, as the Lord Himself tells. But all this is connected with their earthly history, and there is another view to be taken.
Just think, reader, of the vast numbers of Jews who have gone down to death, with this terrible, self-imposed imprecation resting on their heads. Instead of being washed in the blood of Jesus, they go down to the depths of hell with the guilt of that blood resting on their heads. Oh! the remorse, the gnawing of the worm that never dies, the burning of the unquenchable fire, in their guilty souls, when they wake up in the eternal world to the enormity of their guilt in having murdered the Son of God. Ah! they will remember His saying, “I would,” “but ye would not,” and they will remember their cry, “Away with Him, away with Him, crucify Him;” and they will remember their mad words, “His blood be on us, and on our children.” The burning fires and the eternal ages will never erase from their memories, those fatal words.
And now, my young reader, what shall we say to you? Where do you stand in regard to the Son of God? Have you accepted Him as your Saviour? or are you still refusing Him? His blood was shed for you, a sinner. Have you believed God’s pardoning message to you? Or are you still despising that blood? Oh! think of these things. Do not delay. To delay one day may be fatal. Another twenty-four hours may land you in eternity; and if unwashed in the precious blood of Christ, it will be an eternity with those who said, “His blood be on us, and on our children.” Oh! hear the call of God, and believe on His blessed Son, that you may be pardoned and forever saved.
ML 07/22/1906