Colossians 1:12-17

Duration: 1hr 12min
Colossians 1:12‑17
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Colossians Chapter One.
Verse 12.
Giving thanks unto the Father which has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light.
Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son.
And when we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.
What was the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature?
For by him are all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things are created by him and for him. And he is before all things, and by him all things can sit.
And he is the head of the body, the Church, who is the beginning, the first born from the dead.
That in all things he might have the preeminence.
For it plays the Father that in him should all fullness dwell, and have he made peace with the blood of his cross.
By him to reconcile all things unto himself, by him I say, whether they be things in earth or things in heaven.
And you there were sometimes alienated and enemies in your minds by wicked works. Yet now had they reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you wholly and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight. If you continue in the faith, grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven for a while, Paul, and made a minister.
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you.
And Philip, that we just behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh, for his body's sake, which is the Church. For have I made a minister according to the dispensation of God, which is given to me for you to fulfill the word of God. Even the mystery which has been hid from ages and from generations, but now has made manifest to his Saints, to whom God will make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles?
Which is Christ in you, the hope of glory, whom we preach.
Warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. For unto I also labor striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily. The one in whom we have all these blessings, the glory of his person, is brought before us his headship in creation, and his headship as to the body, the Church, this is what is brought out in these verses here.
And this expression image just to mention it, who is the image of the invisible God? He turned back to Genesis chapter one and verse 26.
And God said, Let us make man in our image after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over everything.
So God created man in his own image. In the image of God created him, male and female created he them.
The thought of image doesn't bring in the thought of physical likeness. The thought is representative. An image is a representation of a person. And man was placed at the head of God's creation to represent God. The whole creation was placed under him and He was the head. We know how sin came in and He failed. He's still ahead of creation but in a fallen state. But there was this Blessed One who came into the world.
And God begins over again. I just mentioned this because this verse has been used to teach that Christ had a beginning, the first born of every creature. But that isn't the thought at all. The thought is that the Lord Jesus, the one who is the image of the invisible God, the true representation of God, the one who could say either has seen me, has seen the Father. Why He is the one who came down.
And now He takes His place at the head of new creation. He comes into this creation, but He is not. Like you or I. We came into the creation after it had all been made. But He's the one who made it all. Now He takes his place, and it's the head of a new creation, a scene of things that can never be spoiled by sin. The first man as we saved, placed in that position. He brought in sin, and He brought in ruin.
So God becomes a man, and the person of his Son takes his place at the head, and everything is going to be set right and according to the mind and purpose of God, but the head of it, according to God's plan, is going to be a man. But that man, God himself, one in whom all the fullness of the Godhead is pleased to dwell. It's a beautiful thing that has really opened up to us in this passage here. And I just mentioned that one point about the first born.
Or, as we have in Revelation chapter 3, the beginning of the creation of God is no thought that the Lord had a beginning, He did not. But when He became a man, He took His place here in the creation, and He's the head at the beginning of an entirely new thing.
It was all spoiled under the first man, but the second man the last Adam, the Lord from heaven.
Is going to bring about all according to the mind and character of God.
I think it's important to see that that we have here the Lord. We have the greatness of the sun, the greatness of the Lord Jesus. But he's presented here as in manhood when He came into this world, so that these expressions that follow even from verse 14, in whom we have redemption, the person is brought before us as the one of what he accomplished when He came into this world.
Things that follow and we see that this one who who came.
The greatness of this this person that he was.
Great enough that all of the fullness could dwell in Him. I was thinking of Solomon when the dedication of the temple he says and speaking to God, that the heavens and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee. How much less this house?
But here is one a man who is great enough to contain all the full In other words, the heaven and the heaven of heaven couldn't contain the fullness, but the fullness was pleased to dwell in him As a man. It's the greatness of the one. He is presented here in manhood, but it's the greatness of that person who is who is here is what is emphasized, and no doubt the object of the Spirit of God. Using Paul to write like this was to impress upon the.
Minds and hearts. Affections of those Colossians as to the greatness of this one with whom they are now linked as their head. So that as they're impressed with the greatness of this person and the great work that he's accomplished, how this would wean them away from any other source that they might be tempted to look to for direction or help. Everything is found in in this one. It's in manhood, that is, we don't have the Lord presented here.
As in the form of God before incarnation, but it's when he comes into this world. But it's the greatness of that one who has come should be not also a state brethren, that when he come as a man.
That he is really alone. There is no union with Christ apart from redemption.
Unless the kernel of wheat fall into the ground and die in, abide us alone.
I hope I'm correct here, and certainly you should correct it if it isn't. But I thought that he is the head of the new creation in resurrection when it says here that He is the first born of all creation. That shows that when he comes as a man into his own creation of necessity.
Because he is the Creator, he has to have the place of feminine, but there is no union with him, but as the one that is the first born from among the dead, he is the head of the body, the church, and 1St Corinthians 15.
Seems to refer to that new relationship and union of life that now exists with him, the one who has gone through death.
And come forth triumphantly in resurrection. And he is a life giving spirit. We see that in John chapter 20. So what a wonderful truth that is that the first born in scripture many times. I shouldn't say many times, but we see that more than one is used for the air. It's used for the one who is in the exalted place like Salomon I'm sure is 1, isn't it?
He is the first born now David head out of son.
But the first point does not mean, in scriptural terms, the bond that is first born.
But the one that has the place of exaltation and glory, and that is the way the Lord is presented here He according to time came way after Adam, but because of all that he is in his glorious person of necessity he had to have the faith of the first born.
It's very blessed to know it as a beloved people of God, the two headship of Christ in creation and also against the first born in the middle of 18 verse from among the dead. And in that way he's the head of the new creation.
But you know, dear people of God, I have enjoyed the toad, when we think the glory of the person of the Lord Jesus, the pipeline of all creation, and you know to send to the truth that he is God, eternal, the Creator, not only that he is God, but that is eternal, the Son. Although here we have here manifested in human form, which has nothing to do with generation, but it's the fact that it is eternal of the Son with God.
Let's thank you Aquaria, just to encourage your heart in connection with those that deny the eternal sonship of Christ.
Let's go into a verse shift into verse in 17 chapter of John, and then I'll go back to the subject. Just a few minutes.
Whatever you have in the 17th chapter of the Gospel of John, something that is very precious indeed in connection with the eternal sonship of the Lord Jesus, the eternal sonship of the Lord Jesus in first chapter 17 and verse 5 is what it says. And no offers are glorified down me with thine own self, with the glory which I have thee before the world was. This is the eternal Son of God.
Although he became a man, a perfect man, and in the person of the Lord Jesus will of the people of God, we have united the two nature, divine and human, together for all eternity, together for all eternity. But the Word of God gives us to distinguish His Deity, His eternal sonship, and humanity. They are to be distinguished, but they are together for all eternity, but now in order to confirm.
The word of God this is special, that he is the first born of all creation and that he is not a creature based. All these precious truth that we have in verse 7/16/17 and connection that would have hectic shepherd theatre.
For by him were all things created are in heaven.
And that our inner, visible and invisible will they be throngs of dominions of principality or power, all dangerous were created by him and for him, and not to affirm yet most strong his deity in verse 17 says.
And he is before all things, and all things subsist by him.
That's that's the place that he took in the creation, as our brother said, and as our brother Johnson was speaking yesterday, when it speaks about the generation of Adam, it passes over, it passes over about Cain, and about Abel who had been put to death, and it says these are the generations it passes right to Seth.
And so we see that he was given the place of the first born. And as her brother represent and mentioned, he represented Christ. And so it's a title that is given to the Lord. Coming. There's a verse, the Psalms that says I will make him my first born higher than the kings of the earth. So the Lord coming into the creation must have that place of glory. It's true, as our brother said, that it's only in resurrection that we can become associated with Him.
Because there must be the end of all that was associated with the first Adam and all that's our position now. And that's brought in here in the latter part of the chapter. And in the next chapter we see that it's the end of all that we were under the first buried with him by baptism into death as a figure of that. And so association with him is only in resurrection, but just another little thing in connection with image we sing in a little hymn.
Image in man's lowly guise of the invisible to mortal eyes as son of the bosom come from heaven above and so on. So the Lord Jesus was that in his blessed pathway here. And but if you turn it over to the third chapter now it's very very beautiful to see this in the 10th verse and have put on the Newman which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.
And so now man was created in the image of God. He fell. He's in that place now, but in a fallen condition, so that he's still ahead of the race. He still held responsible because of the position that he occupies. And James speaks of this.
There we use our tongue to bless God and to curse man who was made in the similitude of God. And so man is in that condition now, but in a fallen state.
But who can really represent God here in this world? The Lord Jesus did it perfectly. Oh brethren, God has given to us the very life of Christ, so that the new man is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. You and I belong to this new creation, were associated in life with Christ, and so that we possess his life. And so, as it was brought out yesterday as a result of this, now the manifestation of that life ought to be seen in us.
People ought to see the life of Christ in us, as Second Corinthians 4 says, always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be a manifest in our mortal bodies. But in this position that we have here, this is unique, why we can manifest the life of Christ. We can never be what the Lord Jesus is, and we must never lose sight of this, the glory of his person. He is the Creator.
It's not true of any believer that the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him. But he does possess a life in union with Christ so that he can display that character that Christ displayed here because we possess his life. But it's only because of redemption that this can be solved. But we must not lose sight of the fact that the Lord Jesus is God and we are not God, and even in all eternity.
While we will be like Him morally and physically, he will occupy a place for all eternity that we will never occupy a lower associated with Him and identified with Him bound up in the same bundle of life. I think it's helpful to distinguish these things so that we have the truth as God puts it in His word. I notice the contrast between Genesis and what we have here in this verse 15.
Adam was created in the image of God, but here the Lord Jesus is the very image like on he says in the 14th chapter E that has seen me have seen the Father.
So there's quite a contrast, isn't he? Album was created in the image of God. Here we find one that is the image of God, but a different that is what, a country.
But I think it's important too. We love it to stay that contrast between Adam and the Lord Jesus.
When Adam was created, he became the head of this earthly creation.
But when the Lord Jesus comes.
Picture says here that he is the first born of all creation, and we find in Hebrews that when he brings the first Begotten into the world, he says that all God's angels worship Him. He is the head of all authority because of who he is, a much more exalted place than Adam ever had.
That's the place that our Lord Jesus has.
Another precious person is disconnected from Hebrew. Hebrews chapter one and verse 3.
Gabriel 1/3.
Who, being the brightest of his glory and the expressed image of his person, and opposing all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself first our sin, sat down on the right hand with the magic to come high.
The importance of his glory.
I'd like to.
Give a little more amplification.
To what our brother Hazel had said.
About the Lord Jesus being the first born.
Now he referred to a verse in the Psalms.
But he didn't tell us where it is, so I'd like to tell you where it is.
It's Psalm 89 and it's very, very important.
When we're talking about the Lord Jesus.
Being the first born, we certainly want to know what that word means.
So the Bible is its own dictionary. Somebody. Some of us are finding that out more and more that the Bible explains itself. The Bible is its own dictionary, and we can get help in one part of the Scripture to help us on another. So please notice Psalm 89 and we'll read the verse that our brother Hayhoe quoted.
Psalm 89.
And verse 27.
Also, I will make him my first born.
Higher than the kings of the earth.
Well, now, who is that speaking about?
We'll find out in that same chapter if we notice in verse.
20 of that same chapter.
I have found David my service and then if you notice in the end of the chapter, near the end.
It talks again about David.
So Psalm 89 is speaking about David and it speaks about him. It says I will make him my first born.
Well, brethren, that shows us that the title First Born does not have relation to time, but rather it is a title of dignity and position. Now we want to get that very clear.
First born in certain places of the scriptures does mean the one that's born 1St, and it is related to time in the case of the Israelites.
At the Passover experience, in that case, the first born was the one born first. But when the Lord Jesus is spoken of as the first born, it is not related to time, but it's a title of position and dignity. And that's brought out in Psalm 89 because he says about David and you and I well know.
That David was not the one first born in this world, but it says about him, I will make him my first born or give him that position of dignity and blessed position. So in our chapter in Colossians, when it speaks of the Lord Jesus as being the first born, that is a title of dignity and position and we love to give it to him. Now I would like to carry this just a little further because.
I know there are younger Christians here that are running head on into people who deny.
Of the deity of Christ. And I would like to say something, I think, where you'll find helpful.
You and I well know that first.
John 316.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only.
Begotten son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Well, now there you have another title of the Lord Jesus. He's called the only begotten Son. Well, there's another case of a title given to him that is not related to time. The Lord Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. That title only begotten refers to his dignity and his position.
He is the eternal Son of God, and in our chapter of Colossians it tells us that we are translated into the Kingdom of the Sun that he loves. Well, the title only Begotten does not refer to time, it is related to his dignified and exalted and unspeakably glorious position. Now I would like to show that to you.
From the word of God. So please turn to Hebrews Chapter 11.
As we said before, the Bible is its own dictionary. It explains itself, and that's why we read it again and again.
Hebrews Chapter 11. We're going to see this word only begotten used in a position that proves to us that it is not always.
A title of time.
Hebrews 11.
And verse 17.
By faith, Abraham, when he was pride, offered up Isaac, and he that had received the promises, offered up his only begotten son.
Now, brethren, the title in this verse only begotten.
Not refer to time because Isaac was not the first Begotten of Abraham. Ishmael was the first Begotten of Abraham. But now in this chapter, Isaac is called the only Begotten. Why? Because it's a title of position and dignity. So I would like to just bring that before our dear young believers. We're talking today about the Lord Jesus, the eternal son of God.
And some of these titles used about him are not.
Related to time, he is the first born, He is the only begotten and these are titles of dignity and position is this program.
The thought and the word first, though, is always the thought of the beginning of something. Lord Jesus was indeed the only begotten, and he was not from all eternity, but he's the first begotten from the dead and.
My first born higher than the kings of the earth, brings in the thought of a beginning. And so everything was spoiled under the first man there had to be a new beginning, and the one who had no beginning, the one who is from all eternity, the one that was always in that relationship.
Is the one who came in, and he is the beginning of all. It is according to the mind and character of God and connection with the new creation. And I think it's blessed to see that too, that this glorious person that we have been talking about takes his place in the creation. Then in resurrection, he takes that place, a pet ship, and there's a beginning of something entirely new, so that this first creation has been ruined by sin, but the only begotten, the one who had no beginning, as you said, the one who is the eternal Son.
Now coming into the creation, he comes, and there's a beginning of something that is according to the mind and character of God, it's accomplished through redemption, but it's going to be brought about by this person. Well, I just mentioned this because as you say, the scripture is its own dictionary and there is a little different thought in connection with first Begotten and only Begotten. And these thoughts are clearly defined in the scripture, and it's the same glorious person who is the first Begotten from the dad who is the only Begotten.
I like to read a couple more verse in Hebrews Chapter 7, Hebrew chapter seven. I think that we have a gang brought before us in a very wonderful way. The eternal friendship of the sun is what it says here in connection with the best acidic he said verse two to whom also Abraham give a chance of all for his being by interpretation king of righteousness and after that also king of Solomon Salam which is king of peace.
Verse is very precious indeed. With our Father, without mother, without his Son, Heaven neither beginning some days nor end of life, but may life come to the Son of God.
Abideth a priest continually, but you notice there the sense when he says without beginning of life. But may excuse me, I'd like to read again, without father, without mother, without dissent, have neither beginning of days nor end of life. What may the light come to serve God?
Bless it, isn't he?
Would you say brother, hey ho that?
One reason why the thought of first Born is brought in in Colossians is that our Lord Jesus is looked at here as the head and we don't want to lose sight of that doing. And lest we forget, as we get going in the chapter I would like to point out something for.
The benefit of other.
The middle verse in this epistle.
Is found in chapter 2 and verse 19. I wanted to say it yesterday but I didn't get a chance.
Sometimes you find in one of the letters of the apostle Paul's.
You'll find that the middle verse in the letter is the key. Now, I learned that from our brother Casey Brown in one of these conferences, and it was one of those good things I learned at a conference that I never forgot. So Colossians 2, verse 19 is the middle verse of the book.
It talks about holding the head.
And so we're talking about the Lord Jesus. And that's what this book is about. He's the head. And we don't want to lose sight of that, do we? He's the head.
And the hero would do.
Speaking of the first, forgotten at the beginning of a new thing, Second Corinthians 5 and verse 16 and 17.
I want to make a comment on that.
I'll read them.
Therefore henceforth know we know man after the flesh, yet gay, though we have known Christ after the flesh, can now henceforth.
Know him no more. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
Old things are passed away. Vote all things are become new.
In English spoke of.
Well, when it says, though we have known Christ after the flesh, when the Lord Jesus came into this world, he said, I am not sent, but to the lost chief of the House of Israel. If we only knew him in that way, born of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah, what blessing would there be for us who are Gentiles about when the nation of Israel rejected him? By then the glory of the purpose that was in the mind of God from all eternity comes out.
And we know the Lord Jesus now in resurrection the Lord said, And I accept the corn of wheat fallen to the ground, and die and abideth alone. But if it dieth, bringeth forth much fruit. And then he said, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. And that is, he had been sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. When those Gentiles came to Philip, and said, Sir, we would see Jesus.
The Lord was really replying the only way this blessing can reach out to the Gentiles.
That he must go into death. And when he went into death then, now the whole question of sin has been settled. God is glorified. The blessing is not going to be limited to Israel, it's going to reach out to all mankind. And so the Lord could stay in resurrection, go into all the world and put the gospel to every preacher. If he only knew the Lord Jesus in regard to his pathway here, why we would have to be like that Sarah Phoenician woman outside cutting some of the crumbs, but not really brought into this wonderful place.
But we know him in a new way. We know him now in resurrection, as the head of new creation, and that's why he's the first born from the dead. And this 17th verse could be translated. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, there is a new creation That's really the proper ending it of the verse. There is a new creation. All things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new.
And so Christianity brings in all that was in those eternal purposes of God.
That which was not declared until redemption was accomplished, And the Lord rose triumphant. And so I believe, not knowing the Lord after the flesh, has to do with his position here as man in connection with Israel. But now in resurrection, we know him in this new way, just as the Lord said to Mary, He'll tell my brethren I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God and your God. Mary would have held him here. She would have said, oh, the Messiah is risen for going to see the Kingdom.
And the Lord said, pointed her up. And as it were said, it's a new thing. Now, Mary, you'll have to learn to know me in a new way, not as the one whom you expected to bring in the Kingdom for Israel, He will in a later day, but all how blessed to know Him as we have in this chapter, The head of all creation, the head of the body, the church. What a blessed revelation is brought out in resurrection. This is the way we know Him, and we're part of that new creation.
But he, and he alone is unique in the position. In him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily regard to the expressions that were were speaking about a few moments ago, the only Begotten first born.
I would suggest that the only begotten is an expression that has reference to the what the sun is to the Father. But the first barn is what he is in relation to other things. But in regard to the Father, he's the only begotten, the object of the Father's love and the Son of His love. But when that one who is the the object of the Father's love comes into this creation.
He comes into it as the first born and the reason is given and in verse versus 16 and 17. For by him were all things created. He is the creator. It's the greatness of the person when he comes.
When he when he takes the place here in this creation, not a creature, but he takes a place here as a man in this creation he would he would be the first born because he is the creator.
And I've noticed here that in Colossians, in contrast to what was read in Hebrews, where he says by whom he made the world's, here the kids, the creation is in regard to Thrones and dominions, principalities and powers. That is, the creation here is not viewed as in Hebrews, as the physical elements, but that he, he has control and he was the one.
You might say you brought into being every moral element that would be forgotten.
Everything emanates from him that is forsaken, that which was contrary to God.
But Thrones of dominions and powers so that the Colossians.
They, they, they, he's, he's building up to the fault. I believe that they have everything in Christ.
Peter chapter three. I think we have a very precious verse in connection with these created beings. The last verse say who is going into heaven and is at the right hand of God.
Angels and authorities, and power being based subject unto him.
As the man now sitting at the right hand of God, the man Christ Jesus now because he is the creator of all these living creature now he says that angels and authority and power being made subject unto him.
In verse 16 of Colossians one there are three prepositions used to describe his glory. And the first one it says for by him or in him in the power, which resides essentially in his person where all things created. That's the the word end in the Greek or in him in the power.
Which resides in his person. And then at the end of the verse all things were created by him, That means through the instrumental means. He was the one that the creation came into being through him. It came into being in the power that was in his person. And then all things were created for him. It's for his delight and for his glory so.
It seems as though the Apostle, it draws upon every possible means that is available to him to bring out the greatness and the glory of this person. And he is before all things, and in the power of him all things consist of how these as we see it. Sometimes a translation will obscure some of these hidden glories that are there, and so it's in the power of his person.
And by means of him, and for him all things.
Have come into being how different this is from all the darkness of other religions that are in this world, The I think of the Eastern religions, how dark they are. Or here we have a Creator who is not part of the creation, but he is over the creation. He is the one in whose person the creation subsists the power that resides in Him.
That power he commanded, and it was done. He spake, and it stood fast. He uttered the words, and this creation came into being.
What a wondrous, glorious person we have in him and before him all things. He is before all things, and by him all things subsist. They exist, they are held together. He upholds all things by the word of his power.
What a person and that person each of us beloved Saints can say. That person is my savior, my savior. How wonderful. The most glorious person in the universe. And we can say he came down to pick me up and to save the likes of me and to bring me into association with himself for all eternity.
How blessed this Auntie, bring us in our faces before the Lord.
As we're We're on holy ground here, the shoes off the feet, as we're realizing we're in the presence of the glorious Son of God, who is the very expressed image of the invisible God. What a person we have before us.
Shall we read that verse and shall in Psalm 33, please?
Psalm 33 and verse 6.
Psalm 33 and verse 6.
By the Word of the Lord where the heavens made, and all the hosts of them by the breath of His life.
And then at verse 9 for he speak and was done. He commanded and stood past. Now there is a man that wrote a book. Now that there was a great explosion in the beginning, and as to where the universe came unto being. But here we have the word of God. He say that he spoke. He doesn't say that there was an explosion. His focus is on verse 9 and it was done. He commanded and stood still in all these countless variants of the style that we have in the universe.
Refining in Psalm 147 that he said he knows the numbers of them of this one that we are speaking this morning below the people of God and they are countless millions of them. I understand that that we have about 30 million nebulous in the universe and you know saving every one of the neighbors contains millions and billions of a star And this wondrous person that we are speaking this morning but our people of God is saying that he knows the numbers of them.
And he names every one of them by name.
This is the Lord Jesus, the glory of his person. Isn't any wonder that he says to Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus come down. He has the star in all his multitude name by name. This is the glorious person of the Lord Jesus below the people of God, over a savior. All the preciousness of the person of the Lord Jesus. Peter says he and to you that believe he is the preciousness.
Would it help to explain that consistent we said that not only is he the Creator, but he's one that sustains all things. They have their continuing existence through him, said to Belshazzar the God in whose hands thy breath is, hast thou not glorified, and how little the man of the world today?
Realizes that God blows his breath in his hand. He could withdraw and he'd be in eternity. There is a theory that that God created the universe in the beginning and then he sort of retired from his creation. It's like if you take your watch and you wind it up and you get it going, you energize it with potential energy, and then you retire from it and it just runs on its own.
That's not the truth of Scripture. Not only did he create the universe, but he upholds it by the word of his power. He sustains it every moment. Isn't that so? And he is not only the Creator, but he's the Upholder and the Sustainer of the universe. If he ceased to do that, his creation would.
Dissolve. I don't know what to say, but it wouldn't be held together by the power that resides in his person.
1000 And Job, if God, I'm quoting from the new translation, If God thought only of himself, and gathered unto himself his breath and his spirit, all flesh would perish together, and man would return again to the dust. So that's the thought. He not only created it, but he upholds it. The very breath that we're drawing here, and this feeding is given of God, and everything in the whole creation is sustained by this one that we're Speaking of.
What I think is so blessed it is that what is being brought before us is his relationship to us collectively. He is the head of the body, the church, or as we have an Ephesians he's had over all things to the church. So we not only can enjoy this thing individually, but oh how blessed collectively, how man has completely lost and ruined this because as we have mentioned about it's holding the head that is brought before us.
This one is head of the body. Just think of man organizing his own churches and all that kind of thing. What a denial of what we're talking about. This one not only holds our breath as individuals and is concerned about everything in our individual life, but he is the one who is calling out of this world a bride for his son and gives us the privilege of recognizing him as the head of the body, the church recognizing what it is to be gathered as members of his body around himself to remember him.
The function in the assembly as those who recognize that he's the head and that he's seeking the good of all the members, and through each one of the members he is nourishing the body for it's good. Oh, I think if we only got hold of this. So although it's true individually, the real purpose of this epistle is that these Colossians would enjoy this in a collective sense and that they would see that they were complete in him. They didn't need all man's wisdom and philosophy and those things.
They had one who had all power, the Creator, the sustainer, the one who can do anything. And as our brother said, not only in the material universe, but angels and authorities and principalities are all made subject to him. Dylan couldn't do anything to Job unless God allowed him and God. God is the one who is in control, and Christ is the head of the body, the church. And so nothing happens to us, nothing rises up in our assemblies, brethren. But what he allows it, and the very one who allows it is able to find the answer for us.
And to help us through the difficulty, give us instruction in His word to give us the wisdom.
I think we need to think of it not only the individual sense but the collective sense to he is the head of the body, the church. What a blessing provision has been made for his church.
Around a 33rd or 4th.
Thank you.
It's in 3414 and 15.
Thank you. Maybe it's. I'll just read it as it is in the new translation, Job 34 verse 14.
If he only thought of himself, and gathered unto him his spirit and his breath, all flesh would expire together, and man would return to the dust.
I like to say, President, that among the evil teaching that you find in Christendom 2 Things that are very captive, very important is that those that deny either the perfect humanity.
Or the deity of the Lord Jesus. You will find that they are wrong even in the case of his voice in the cross and those that deny the perfect work that he has done at the cross, you can reassure that they deny even the glory of his person. Again, I say whether be his deity or whether it be his humanity, I find that these two evil got together all the time. Isn't it so, brother?
I think that the it's what her brother said about the head is the important point here.
While it's we can rejoice, we we can enjoy the fact that this one who suffered for us on the cross was the is the creator and sustainer of the universe. But really the passage, the way that it's brought in here is to enhance the Lord Jesus.
And the affections of the Saints as the head. It's not so much that he died for us.
But it's the one that we can draw from at the present time, as our brother said, it has especially in view, I believe of the assembly going on together and we don't have to go outside of Christ for anything. And we're not just talking about a physical supplies. Sometimes when we think about the Lord providing, we think of the Lord providing what we need to eat and to wear and a house and all of that, well, these are wonderful mercies.
It's true, and the Lord provides that, but the?
Here with the Colossians, there was a danger on their part of still having, as it were, men's persons and admiration, having some respect for the intelligence of man and the ability of man. Because actually, when we get down to it, man is a very capable being and the mind of man is very active and a wonderful thing.
But what he's presenting to them is the the greatness of the head. Their head is Christ, and it's the how great He is so that they are not. They are not inclined to to go outside of Christ, and all that He provides for his Saints and his people has set forth in the precious words They do not. They are not inclined to go outside of that or to listen to man. I believe this is important because sometimes when things arise among the Saints and their differences of judgment.
We find that at the bottom of these differences of judgment.
Often is because some have been influenced by the writings of man. Maybe philosophical thought and the the currents of the day, that is the current thinking of the day. But if our if our thoughts are derived from the head and our.
Understanding is from him, then it'll be different, but I'd like to say this in regard to the head.
The I think the Apostle Paul is seeking to establish Christ as head not just in in the way of intelligence, but in the way of affection. That is, if there's real affection and there's a real admiration, so to speak, if you can use that word of Christ's head, then you would not look to any other. In fact, you would find any other source of moral or spiritual.
Thinking repulsive. Anything that comes from man in the moral and spiritual line of things, you would find it propulsive and you wouldn't even wouldn't even give it a second thought because you the you so desire what the heads of mind. And he's great enough we don't have to go out. There's nothing you'll never find anything, young people. And that comes out of the mind of man that will bring you into the enjoyment of Christ and of God and the knowledge of God.
It's all going to come out of out of God himself. And we know here we have here God the Son brought before us. That's where it's going to come from. I like this first verse in the 18 verse and the first part of the verse that we just been mistaken when he says that he is the head of the body to change And beloved people of God. When I go to Italy, you can imagine what things I have to face in connection with the Mario of the headship of Christ in the assembly and this way that he has been of a tremendous help to me.
To make them to realize that the Lord Jesus never has delegated that power of being the head of the Church to 1 to none else, but he remains the head of the Church. He never delegate, nor never will delegate that power to no one else. He is the head of the body, the Church, the assembly.
Connection with what our brother was saying. I think it's very important too, that.
In moral and spiritual matters, that is indeed a very intelligent being. And when God created him, he gave him dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over everything that walked upon the earth. He actually put him in control of those 3 spheres as the head of things under under God. And it's marvelous what man and his wisdom and natural things has developed.
Perhaps I could pass on, for the sake of parents, what my father used to say to us when we went to school. He said whenever they teach you about those natural subjects, he said, they may know a great deal more about them than I do, but whenever they teach you anything about moral or spiritual things, unless the wisdom comes to the fruit of God, it will be absolute folly. Now I believe we need to distinguish this when we say that the wisdom of man is foolishness with God.
We don't mean that they don't know how to make automobiles, that they don't know how to make a great many things. God has given them that wisdom, and Satan doesn't interfere with that, because that only promotes his purposes in many instances to use that wisdom. But he is going to do everything he can to overthrow things in the moral and spiritual sphere. Now that is that we should have those standards that God has established in His word for our moral conduct.
That we should know what the Church is, what our conduct should be as those who believe in the Lord Jesus. We're not going to get that from the wisdom of pen. We're not going to be able to face the problems that arise in our assemblies and in our personal lives by the wisdom of man. And no matter how wise they may be a natural things, they need to draw their wisdom from the Word of God or there's no wisdom in them. I believe it's very important to distinguish between those two things.
And it's good instruction for our children, too, because the school system today is reaching beyond the natural. It's trying to interfere in the moral and spiritual order of things. And unless that wisdom is from the Word of God, I say again, it's folly.
Let's get our wisdom and spiritual and moral things from God's Word. When you say something is wrong, it doesn't matter if 1000 people are doing that. The thing is, what is the word of God have to say about it when you establish how we should gather. It doesn't matter if the great mass of Christians go along another way. The Word of God is sufficient for us if we are seeking to walk in the wisdom of God. And as our brother mentioned, I think it's very beautiful.
Christ is not only the one who supplies this wisdom, but He supplies it in love. Because he loves his church, He gave himself for it. He's occupying a place there in glory for the good and blessing of his church, and his heart will not be satisfied until everyone of his own is supremely blessed. And so why I turned something else beyond Him. For those things that really matter in life, all would be better halve in a practical way.
Hold the head and you give us some examples. You know it's wonderful to see that he is the head, and we have such a glorious head. And how foolish, how pathetic, for a man to put a mortal duty model in that position. But it is honour to the Lord. But how do we, in a practical way, hold the head? Well, I believe it's recognizing, for instance, my hand moved there, but it moved by direction from the head.
And so when we think about how we should gather, we could say, well, I think it should be this way.
We draw a much bigger crowd, and we gathered that way. But did the directions come from the head? He says. Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. How we should how should we remember the Lord as we did yesterday? Are we going to say, well, we beat a lot of books and see how different groups do it? No, we have the head up there. He's the very one who, on the night of his betrayal, asked us to remember him and told us now.
And so I believe that not only in all these things but difficulties constantly arise in the assembly. And alas, we bring our own opinions into many of these things, instead of really being diligent and on our knees Before the Lord. Has the Scripture anything to say about this? Can we find some light by all? The Scripture gives us all things that pertain on the life and godliness, and whenever we bring our own thoughts into the things of God.
We say that children shouldn't be influenced by them in the schools, but sometimes we sit in our care meetings and we bring in our own thoughts instead of just saying, well, doesn't the word of God have something to say about this? I like to see you when the brothers come from the care meeting to bring their bibles, and when something comes up, the word of God's there, it's all there and the head in heaven cares because he wants the blessing of his church, wouldn't you say in the case of David.
When he wanted to bring the ark.
Backward went down to the House of the Benadryl to bring it back. You might say that's the opposite of holding the head, because he consulted with the people and the captains and all, rather than looking to God for the direction as to how to bring the ark back. Why he he consulted the wisdom of man. And the the outcome of that was that was a integrity because they were thinking to bring the art back on a list and Expedia.
Cart. But then late later when David is exercised, why he says none should carry the Arkansas device. That is, he went back to draw his wisdom and instruction from, you might say, the head. And he was holding the head first time when he brought the ark out on the the cart. The new cart is the opposite of holding the head. He consulted the wisdom of men. Then when he went back, take the instructions from God. I would say that would be an example of holding the head, wouldn't he?
And we read a verse in Stephania.
Stephania, chapter 3.
A verse that has.
Courage be much in this connection.
I believe the truth of Christ being the head. Of utmost importance, Satan is trying the very most to disconnect the head from the body so that we might die.
But here in Zephaniah 3 it says The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty.
He will say, He will rejoice.
When we have trouble in the assembly, do do we believe that?
He is in the midst and He is mighty. He can change things.
I'm afraid when there is trouble in the assembly, too often the phone bills start to run high.
Is that holding the head?
Or, I said, holding brethren up more than the head. We should have our knees running a little more tender, rather than our telephone bill running higher. And when we know from the Lord what we ought to do, then we have heard from the head.
So I've talked to brother so and so, and I've talked to brother so and so.
And they think this and it doesn't charge, doesn't go together. Or we start to think, well, what's the president for this case? Where has something like this happened before? And then we hear where we've always done it this way, is that the Lord?
No, I believe it's already tradition, David, when he got into a similar situation, he prayed again.
And the Lord came different instruction.
But oh, how encouraging. In our chapter, it shows what a marvelous head we have. We see every four years in this country. The whole country goes far. The printing presses run heavy, the smartest mind.
Go the fastest football to get right here onto the state, the one that I think will be best for me.
Oh, what a wonderful head we have. And we'll never have to vote in the new one. We never have to find a new one. We have one that is perfect, one that is superior is so much more to any other imaginable. And how indeed, we have mentioned the Lord Jesus must feel when instead of going on our knees upon a problem, we go to the telephone.
Always start writing letters. It's true, it's good. In the multitude of counselors there is wisdom. But he is our counselor above all. And when I know that I've been before the Lord, and I feel the Lord wants me to do this, then there is peace.
Oh beloved, it is of great importance. We need our laborers, but they are not our heads.
And they never will be.
The Lord Jesus is their head, and he always will be in holding on to him. We can never go astray.
The Lord does give oneness of mind in things. I I think it's important for us to recognize that we need each other in the assembly, and that the Lord has committed authority into the assembly. The word of God is our guide, but a brother who doesn't recognize the need of his brethren and listen to them is going to make many mistakes. But I do feel it's important, so I don't want to condemn the telephone altogether.
Although it's much better face to face, but it is good to listen to the counsel of others. But I I was just going to say in this Stephania here it's very interesting. This chapter the Lord in the midst is mentioned three times in this Stephania chapter 3 and I think this is very beautiful. Zephaniah 3 verse five. The just Lord is in the midst thereof. He will not do iniquity every morning. Does he bring his judgment to light? He faileth not.
At the end of knoweth no shame how often in situations that arise we don't know all the facts, but the Lord does, the Lord does, and so that brings us independence before Him. The just Lord is in the midst, and He knows the whole situation from start to finish. We need to listen probably good to all that we can hear, but already payments is upon the Lord who knows the whole case through and through. And so that's first mentioned and then in the 15th verse.
The Lord hath taken away thy judgments. He hath cast out thine enemy, the king of Israel. Even the Lord is in the midst of thee. Thou shalt not see evil anymore. Well, this is very beautiful to be. Sometimes we get in that situation we think, Well, what we want to do is to get out of this. We don't want to see trouble anymore. We want to come to the end of this thing. Well, the Lord knows this when the time is.
And He may be passing us through certain things, and not until He has made it clear are we going to see the end of the thing. We may hurry it through, but we'll make a mistake if we depend on our own wisdom. We must depend on the Lord to see the thing through and see it properly. And what is the end of it? Or the end of the Lord is blessing. The end of the Lord is for the good of His people, His own glory 1St and that is, He's the just Lord in the midst of thee. Secondly, He does want to see the end of our troubles, and He's going to bring it about when we get home to glory.
But here he may pass us through certain things, but we should never lose sight of the third one that's been mentioned, And that is his purpose, is to bless his people. I think it's nice to connect these three that are brought together here in this chapter in Zephaniah. And I think it is important though, and we recognize the headship of Christ, that we also realize that he does have those whom he uses and who point us to the word.
And who give God counsel? Because we learn in First Corinthians chapter 12 That there are those who have those different gifts, the Word of Knowledge, the word of Wisdom, and the ones who have faith that all these things are needed in connection with the situation. Some know the Word well, some have wisdom as to how to apply it in given situations, and then some have that file confidence in God. Haven't we seen this in our care meetings? And what a blessing it is? But we need each other brethren too.
And why should we only apply the headship of Christ in time of trouble? I'm afraid we could avoid a lot of trouble if he would own his headship when it comes to ministry and filling our place in the body. Many times we have the difficulties that we have because we don't recognize his headship. They're not moving as directed by him, and then return to him. And it's certainly good at that time to turn to him and hope that he can make faith.
The mass that we have created, but many times it would be there if we would really know in a positive way how to be directed by him in ministry, not overstepping our place given in the body. And that, beloved, is that I like to bring before us that we be more exercised and every fear failed so much and really dishonour ahead if we move on our own.
Independently in self-confidence, instead of realizing if we can really do anything for God and for his glory, it is only as he directs and died and enables us to do it for His glory and the blessing of His people.