Colossians 2:15-17

Colossians 2:15‑17
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Hey, Cortana.
Repeat the last two verses.
What number?
And you with.
Thank you having forgiven you all trespasses, lotting up the handwriting and board members that was against us, which is contrary to us and took it out of the way and nailing it through this wrong. Having spoiled principalities followed may ensure them openly clamping over their men.
Let no man therefore judge you with me or in strength.
Further, respective and holy day, or the new moon or the Sabbath day, which are a shadow of things that come with the body of the throne, that nomadic childhood is working, voluntary utility and working arrangements. And trillion of those things that you have not seen mainly pops up by a flash of their mind and not holding their head, through which all the bodies are joint from the band.
Put together.
Work for us, we can strike an aluminum in the world. Why is all living in the world? Are you selective ordinances but not they do not handle enough.
There's all our comparison to us, that with commandments and doctrines of them, which things have indeed a soul of wisdom and will, worship and community, and neglecting of the body, not in any honor to the satisfying of his way.
If we then be ridden with Frank, seek those insecture above the planes instead of the right hand of dogs.
Sexual affections on technical problems, not on things on the earth.
We're dead, but now.
The quickness has made a lot.
The uncircumcision of the slaves mean that in the first man there's nothing.
Checking the prophets, the inspire, it is pulled by the fire of the old nature.
And what is made by them to get the new nature? And it looks at the one who has circumcised.
That the plaintiff has been put into place That.
Suppose the 1St 5 verses of the two would bring that divorce clearly was not.
2 verses one through 5 and you had to be quicker who were dead.
We're in nine times you walked away part of this world according to the Christmas of the power of the air, the spirit. Certainly this would be it.
Among whom also we all had our conversation.
That's very not talking about physical death, but he's talking about spiritual death.
The man who?
As far as things in this life, things of this.
I think it's significant under that you know the word there is not killing some of this.
That is where children, we might related just to the fact that that is our inhabitants.
But when it sounds of disobedience, it involves the determined work of the will.
That's my choice, sons of the city.
Let's see the majority of yes, it's it's the will they they think that's like sons of disobedience, their manifested carriers. Yes, it's like a one year old child disobeying and a 21 year old boy being in rebellion against his scholars authority in the whole.
One will be a child, another son may both be sons, and a certain measure.
I could call a Canton to the fact that we're quickened together with him.
That that new life has brought the soul and associate us with a blessed person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Quickens us together because we all have the same life nature, but we're associated with God's beloved Son.
Quicken together with him, not any part of Christ.
Having forgiven us should be us all trespasses.
That enabled us to be happy in the enjoyment of the association we have with Christ and one another, because it's a matter of presence how much we have all transfers against the Lord. Against is the truth His authority.
So that could make us very unhappy and very uneasy.
And our blessed, wonderful association now in this new life of this new position. But then all that we did against God, against Christ.
It's all forgiven so we can be happy, and as ease full enjoyment of the lots that brought us into such a faint nearness were brought into like the prodigal son when he came home.
I don't believe the Father told us in so many words that he forgave him, but the the way the Father associates the Son with himself, together with himself, made him know that he was forgiven.
And so the fact that we are associated together with the Lord Jesus Christ just as soon as we're for dinner.
You mentioned you saved your brother berries. Perhaps if you would kindly explain that a little for the sake of some young Christian, I'd like to hear you explain it, Brother Smith. Well, I would like.
But I was thinking that as you mentioned that it might be.
It is important that we fell on it. A little prayer.
The suburbs in Roman states that is sometimes suffering love for young Christians and we meet these problems across among the many Christians in South America.
Romans 65 First brother Smith, is that first dead indeed up to sin.
911 Leave that page, brother, while I lie my my tracking you all to yourself, to be dead indeed understood, but alive unto dross for Jesus Christ our Lord.
He can have problems with the young Christians and.
They sometimes come proper, you know, they get into us. The left, of course, is more.
Emotion level then for the zebra section, and they go along very nicely for quite a time, and then they come off their ladder of ecstasy right down from the ground and above, and they pick themselves up and they wonder if they've ever been saved at all. Then we have to take them very quietly and come into the question of the new nature and old nature.
The old man and the new man.
They didn't seem to get it until I took them to Joshua and Ted and I would like to read just a few verse. Not talking about Occupy, too much thought.
It will make it a little strong. We may just make sure that there are 5 kings mentioned there in 3-5 king.
The king of Janusa left, the king of Hebrew and the king of Jargon, the king of Lactic, and the king of Eglon. Five of the East are overcome by the intervention of Georgia and his captain. 31St 24 The latter portion of it we really come near. Put your feet upon the neck of these teeth.
And they came near, and put their feet upon the neck of them, that Joshua said unto them, Feel enough or be displayed. Be strong and of a good courage, for that shall the Lord do to all your enemies.
Against whom he fights, verse 26. And afterwards Joshua spoke them, and slew them, and hanged them off 5 trees, that they were hanging upon the trees until the evening. And at the end of verse 27.
Great stones were laid in The Cave mouth, which remained up until this very day.
It is noticeable for the young Christian that the captains were associated with these kings. He's defeated king, and their feet were put on their necks as a son as a note of conflict.
Notice the young president who slaves these king.
Joshua slaves now that seems to send it for a lot of our daily. The young believe Joshua slew them.
And Joshua is a type of that heavenly Joshua.
The Lord Jesus Christ.
And so there is this reckoning of ourselves being indeed they don't say and the life of the God, because he never seen Joshua has. Now these 5 kings, we sometimes tell the Saints that they can be the world, the flesh, the devil and sin and self, which is one of the biggest. But they're all saying they love the Lord Jesus and believe.
And we reckon ourselves dead indeed on the way.
Through the login price there definitely Josh perhaps that might be a little help so some young Christian people just.
All life as a nature.
That a duck and a ducks life, but it has a ducks nature.
So all the nature of the duck is to want to be here in the water.
Our chicken has a chicken's nature. A chicken's nature is keep away from the water.
I'm all has the nature that wants to be in the dark whirling the drown. A bird has the nature. The nature of the bird is flying with sunny heaven.
Now as.
National men.
We are born with a nature.
That loves sin. We are far and rebel. We're far with our backs towards God.
And when that weaker acts, when that light acts, it acts according to the old nature.
The old man is the one that has this this old.
Stop. When we're born wrong, we get a new life.
Well, that new life is going to act. It's going to show a nature, and the nature of that new life is above the things of God.
The love and companionship of Christ, that new nature can't sin.
That you like can't sin, but it manifests itself. It must manifest itself as according to God, because we're born with God. So John, who is treating of that new life.
Doesn't leave the first Epistle of John.
Is occurring to it, just for a moment.
3rd chapter and the 9th 1St.
Or God dog not commitment practicing.
Or intersea remain in it.
And we cannot sin.
If the boss is born God.
Well, that's the nature of the life that you have. Orange cloth.
He cannot sin.
Of that installations.
5th chapter.
We have a direct admission.
Up two opposing principles in the life heart of every Christian. No exceptions.
Regulation 5316 and 17 this I say that walk in the spirit.
The Spirit is the power of the new life, and he shall not hold down the lust of the flesh and the old thing.
For now, here is a first.
That marks are fast. As long as we're here in this world, there's no discharge in this war.
The flesh lusteth against the spirit, spirit against life.
And these are contrary 1 to the other, so that you may not do the things that you would.
Well, I think it's that may not do to think of the children.
Would apply this to both parts.
By both the poor going parts in that verse.
That is the flash.
Says I want to. I want to go to the show.
The Spirit that comes in, I said no, that isn't for the honor of the Lord Jesus. And so we don't know.
The Spirit says I want to go to the meeting.
The white gentleman and said no, you better take it easy today. You worked hard yesterday and you need the rest.
And the result is they've got we listen to the flag, then we miss the mind of God. Now that conflict goes on as long as we're here.
The light of the flesh and the nature that's always against God. Life He has born of God, always an importance to the mind and will of God.
Romans 8 bring that out there. A carnal mind is enmity against God.
And it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
I don't think there never can be subject to God. A healthy doctor doesn't need to be pushed into the watermelon.
The Second Doctor.
Has been called Are we privileged to to identify ourselves with the desires of the new nature?
Puzzles me for some time that is someone would come with a suggestion and you turn around and say no thank you, I don't want to go. Something inside you said well, you hypocrite, you know very well you do want to go, but you're just not going. But then in the 7th of Romans we read, I delight in the law of God after the inward man. It would seem that we are privileged by the grace of God to identify the eye with the desires of the new nation. We are privileged to say in truth.
Thank you, I don't want to go. And that I, by the grace of God, is the expression of the new man. Is that true? That's the last verse of Chapter 7, Romans 7.
You made the statement, Robert.
That's important. You made a statement that the difference between the leading of the spirit and the Goddess operates all nature.
Now in Bolivia, we guide our bullets in the plowing with a gold that's a long stick with a pipe.
As we put the bullets to keep them in the plural.
We cannot distinguish between the leading of the Spirit of God as He acts upon our nature.
The Spirit of God deceived.
And who has told them?
Thing that the antiflex Cool, cool. It's a goal now. We've all experienced that.
See, constantly gives us a focus. Says do that, you do that.
And the Spirit of God says, don't you do that?
All we've all experienced that and we can serve the difference.
Well, that's important to take notice of that, don't you think? It's well to remember that.
7th of the Romans is not normal Christianity.
It's one finding its way into.
Galatians 5 is the normal experience of every believer as long as it appears.
That battle that goes on.
Between black.
And the leaking of the Spirit of God, which is according to the word of God.
Dollar is much teaching today's and in gaining ground to and fundamental service.
That you can have a certain experience.
Whereby you are more or less suddenly catapulted into a position of superiority where you become practically oblivious.
To any suggestions of flight and pause.
And to become a constantly triumphant fiscal.
So that that teaching is gaining ground.
Some believers who once were sound in the face.
Have given into it.
I I I mentioned one that used to be sound along got the lines.
His brother, Doctor Wilson.
Formerly of Kansas City.
He is clear and sounds any Christian autopsy on these things, but now he has surrendered to this higher life conception. Well dear young folks, don't be taken in by it's a delusion.
There's no such thing as a sudden promotion into a more or less sinless condition.
Am I right brother make the cost. Lady came to me and said, Mr. Smith, I've never said it my life. I said this is the you sin now you sold the life.
And she doesn't. She didn't say anymore. There was a question asked us in our readings in the culture, the brother said we were considering Galatians 5 and the brother said.
Rather, he said.
10 Christians practice this straight list.
Of carnality.
And brother Taylor is, of course, he said.
I don't, I don't think we could call you a Christian if you went on the practice of those things.
Could we fall when a Christian, if he or she can think it off in the practice of those things?
Outlined and relationship.
And then we came back to the question of the new name and the old nature. Well, that was an interesting reading for three days.
In that place I might mention below that in 1926 we were put into prison. This is that area. Two of these dear brothers are with the Lord.
They were cast over in Logistics Border.
And I took a long time to get them back by going through the government.
1963 hundred almost year one came in for three days meeting.
And we sat down some whip over the sight of 300 believers. I didn't count them, but they told me there were 300 what God has lost. Those were happy days. I just mentioned that working at torture. Just pray for those who are there. They seem to do a lot of things.
Comfort in Scripture.
Are a professed Christian.
Right on deliberately living a life of sin.
I know no comfort for such a one.
Sometimes meet those that are living in a possible life and unchallenged and say, well, I'm a Christian, you know, I'm a Christian.
Well, I think have the right to see the sentence. Show me a word within the list of the book that gives you the writer title that claims to be a Christian when you're living the life that you do now.
One is not saying that they're not Christians.
But there's no consolation in the word of God that they can lay hold on to give them any comforts that they are as long as they're living that kind of a life.
Every Christian has the Holy Spirit dwelling within him and that spirit of God gives his power to overcome well as they instead of being overcomers at they're constantly overcome by sin and living like the ungodly world around them. There's no evidence that a Christians thought and they may be deceived their foster John tells them that some who are in among the Christians.
And he says they went out promised.
Not of us, or if they were of us, they would no doubt have continued with us. But they went out because they were all not all of us there they were among the Christians and going on with them. And the Christians received perhaps that the thinking if they were real and they weren't real at all. And when they.
The time came. They turned their back on the truth.
And returned the back on the Lord's people and without and the apostle says they were all not all of us when Christians thought.
So one is going on in sin to better examine themselves. They may find themselves in the pit of hell.
And that ought to make a note. But I die on their sins and the loss, in spite of all their their knowing these things, in spite of all the profession, and I believe, of the many eternally lost.
That once associate themselves the people of God and profess the real Christians.
Do you ever have a problem in meeting people that once made a progression?
I've got into evil ways.
And tell you that they don't know if they're saved or not. They feel that they were saved once, but they couldn't say they're saved. Not asked how to help the souls of that.
I remember Miller Ryan, what's the brother told you one time about about seeking to get comfort to one that said, well, I I used to be saved.
I I was saved once, but I'm not sure now. And they're going on perhaps living in a sinful life, living a sinful ways. Well, one ought not to encourage them to think, oh, you're all right.
You've got eternal life. You can't lose it. And you once you're saved, then you're saved. You're all right.
Getting consolation the one that's going on and simple waves, I believe that's wrong. Brother Potter remarked about that many years ago that he believers the very wrong to console a person that's living a sinful life because solemn with a thought that well.
Effort. You are where saved. You are real after all.
I believe that the doctor, the broth and the presence of God to judge themselves and that might do them good to to be an an estate where they are uncertain and unhappy because the Spirit of God, I believe would make one who is real. It's going on badly. The Spirit of God would make that person unhappy. Well, what do you think of this person?
Well, you get on on your knees, get down before the Lord and judge yourself before the Lord and you'll make it clear to you get where you are really saved. Or if you're just a mirror empty professor and need to cry to God for the salvation of your soul.
I think have thought to get people before the Lord down on their knees, God would make it clear to them what their real say the soul was in case there's none of them reminded me of.
It's not exactly the case of what is going on.
What? You might call it a simple way, but it's a case of one who was visiting company.
With one that he had no right to keep something with at all.
To her getting into the situation, she was very unhappy.
With it.
But she she became very much exercising.
She was wondering if she was really safe.
Well, I sucked and solar, the word of God is a few months late, she was always saying.
I told Mr. Potter about my interview with her.
And the old man shook his head. He said I I would have talked to her that way.
Senator, I have let that exercise go on and sought to bring her in, in the presence of God and Father.
To hold her sin and going on that evil association.
Well, I'm sure that my brother was right and I was wrong.
And I believe that it was a comfortable lesson doing well that the sequel was that that person continued on.
To cut her out of the meeting, out of the meeting to this day, and I'm talking in terms of 40 years ago.
Brother once said to me, you say that once saved, always saved. Now I can do what I like.
And I remember telling that Brother Hockley, I said, you won't like brother. And that's the difference, the new nature, whole nature life.
Most we have a word to that isn't there First Timothy 2?
Of course 19.
Several lots of foundation that's all defended sure having this field the Lord knoweth them that it is and that everyone in the name of the name of Christ. Department of liquidity.
One of my gets so far down in the path of sin that only the Lord knows who is.
This deal has two sides to it and we have a responsible side as well as a sign that the Lord see that everyone in name of the name of the Lord and iniquity.
Company index.
Recently when calling on A8 sister.
Her son came into the room.
To visit his mother and she was very quick to say, Oh my boy is is saved.
But I know it no longer comes a meeting for a long, long years.
And this path was an ungodly one. The next time I was back again, he happened to be visiting at the same time. And again she assured me in his presence that he was a child of God.
Well, I happened to meet him alone in another place and he took the occasion to tell me yes, but my mother told you is right. I said, brother, if you are a child of God.
I want to read you one version.
I read them that verse. By their fruits shall ye know.
By their fruits shall he know them. I said that all I can go by is the word of God. And if I am judged by your walking ways.
There are grave doubts in my mind as to whether you know that blessed Savior. So we who know the Lord shouldn't be ready to vouch for those that have confessed the Lord in time past and sort of smooth it over for them, and we should seek to exercise them as the Lord gives us.
The right opportunity to do so. That scripture is plain. By their fruits shall you know them.
In the next verse of our chapter and 2nd.
Ordinances, that was against us very easy.
All that legal system of things that characterized the whole covenant.
And then completely broken down right from the start.
Because of what man was.
Literally said all of the Lord has commanded we will do.
Sound confident?
What about it?
Are we not under this handwriting of ordinances?
No, thank God we're not.
We're not under the thunders and threatens of Sinai. No, we're not.
Putting up the handwriting importances against us on treadmills took it out of the way, nailing it to the frost.
Law. That is the way we get right with God.
This is the way we become equipped to be in His presence. Enjoy His presence.
Long as that stood in the way, we were lost no more.
So the Lord has cared that too.
I've enjoyed the illustration regarding my situation by the Balance.
Of the Palestinian Market Square, where the crisis of the criminal were displayed publicly on a huge sheet of paper on her nails with three.
And the public agreed to blows message but when the criminal had been dealt with.
Then the magistrate would come on the mail that paper and stuff to the tree, and that bring out the thought having him.
Who is brought? Take it out of the way and over in Ephesians 2.
Verse Ephesians Verse 15.
Season 215 having abolished.
In his flesh even the law come out and the painted ordinances or to make himself afraid wonder man, or maybe Jesus, and that he might reconcile both of the God of one by the cross havoc lazy unto their by.
Wonderful transaction.
That's the moment law is practically South America.
And who has been accused of being guilty is cleared in the crop.
And the verdict of the judges mail to his door stuck on to his door so that all the passes by them free from themselves that this man is rolled on the guilt. That's the role of law. And if you've been placed to us what this means.
Isn't it nice to think Brother Smith that it was nailed to his cross that shows one that took the the guilt and poured himself and made the full penalty that was against the Center for the mile there there's no charge against him. All those ordinances that demanded that we live up to a certain.
Law and standards.
We are going to be right with God. We have to keep.
That's all been disposed of, failed, who is called, and now we're free to joy and preserve him and newness of spirit. Better than the oldest of the letters. As good as me. That one has rejoiced.
As better than being nailed to our doors.
Let's cross number one time my brother Larson.
But the young people meetings, wanting out, where is out?
Good question. Is that where is out?
And the 13th chapter of Acts, the apostle Peter speaks of those things that were commanded under the law.
That they were a yoke which neither we nor our father were able to bear. And the Gentiles were set free. Not you. They went to. They went put on the light yoke. If we go back to the 11Th chapter of Leviticus, we find that the ordinance is there, that we're.
So they gone through under the law and that certainly was a yoke they had to.
If a farmer was working out in this field.
And it happened to touch a dead animal that had fallen dead in this field.
Why he had to wash his clothes and be on clean until evening?
And so that the touching, touching death in any way like that made the person unclean. Well, what a joke that was when the farmer died to go home and wash his clothes and be on clean until the evening. Or anyone that touched a dead body, or the board of a man, or a grave, or the bodies of.
Unclean. Well, even even the unclean.
Living things were debiling, but the dead body of any kind but on cleanness through thee person that was on her law. Well, we've been delivered from all those kinds of things, those ceremonies, those ordinances we're we're in liberty now stand fast. Therefore the apostles there for the Galatians. They were going back onto those things. The bosses are stand faster from the liberty, but with Christ that made you free your sinners free and be not entangled again.
With the yoke of ******* but people all around the stars, real Christians are going on with all kinds of ordinances.
They're going through penances, some of them they're, that's the Christians and all kinds of bridges, ceremonies, thinking that it's a part of the Christian life when we're set free from those things.
We are not under law. Oh, what a grand type of value.
It enjoys the very length we're talking about here, and it's free that it's troubled, but it finds itself in the presence that left it city violence. It isn't the life of bombs. It isn't well, I, I did pretty well today. I I didn't do this and I didn't do that and I didn't do the other thing. Oh, that's not it is incredible.
Are we enjoying the Lord in our lives?
So I found in the happiness of his approval. That's it. How about it, Brother Brown? Amen.
Genital, I believe is looked at as in most of the 13th verse.
But if you mentioned in the last 13 verse, instead of reading you, it should read us so. But the gentile, what could be more positive than he was dead when when they were dead and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh?
Have he that sovereign grace has quickened?
Given lies together with Him, and that's though where all the blessing comes, is being thus identified with Christ in life. Then he goes on to say.
Having forgiven us, that's the dude Paul writing all trespasses or offences.
Blotting out the handwriting, he spoke of it as being.
Publicly displayed and nailed to a tree.
Publicly displayed the guilt of these one.
That's all been blotted out, all these ordinance against us, against the Jew it is.
Which was against us, Paul says The do. Which was contrary to us.
And took it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.
Then it makes me think of the Red Sea in verse 15.
And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly.
Triumphing over them.
In other fire, that's the cross. The cross has settled all.
Well, the principalities there are the same as you get in Ephesians 6 between wrestle against principalities, wicked spirits, the high places, that is the baton and all his wicked spirits were seeking to hold man.
And the power of thin under Satan, under Satan's offenders.
Our friends made and succeeded in putting the Lord on the cross.
You want a victory?
That is broken up fastly in this.
The 15th word having spoiled principalities.
That is all the purpose of state.
Was completely defeated when the Lord Jesus Moses again from the dead, because the very one that Satan had led the whole world to crucify rises beyond the power of death and the grain and makes us show them openly that is.
He's a plain I'll completely baton and all this post have been defeated for now. The one that went into death is now alive forevermore, proving that what he accomplished on the cross God has fully vindicated and dissatisfied with.
So that now Satan can no longer hold the feeblest believer in Christ.
Under his power he had a full and complete deliverance from that college. And would that be Hebrews 214?
As the children of our takers of flesh and blood, he also himself took part of the state that through death he might destroy him that had the power of them. That is the devil.
Then read the next part brother and deliver that move to fear of that were all their lifetime subjects and ******* that is thanks to it belong the same line as a deliverance of the believer from the fear of death that is in the Old Testament system.
A man lived in the dreaded fear of death.
Because this hasn't been confused then, and he had.
A faith of God had a very uncertainty as to what lay beyond this. So death have his fears and tears, horrors in his face and that dispensation. But now the Lord Jesus has taken away from faith to the keys of death to see in the first chapter of Revelation he says I am he that liveth and was dead.
Behold, I'm alive forevermore and have the keys of death and Hades. Satan had those keys up to the cross of Christ, but the Lord Jesus is going into death, took those keys away from his face, and he holds them now so that the believer in Christ.
Need to have No Fear of death at all.
It's a little task, and the truth for life and incorruptibility for life have been brought to light to the gospel. The gospel brings the fins of the third day that everything is settled in the death of Christ, so that all that death can do for the believers is to separate him from a world of children's sorrow and take him to that race where he's in the presence of his.
Savior and Redeemer.
I like to think of this.
Morning principalities power making assure them openly friendly over their energy, as illustrated when Samson walked off with the gates of gates.
They had it recaptured, they had it found with bombs, but they snapped them.
Three games out, then as he left the city, he just showed up the gates. He took the gates along with him. Oh, what complete triumph it was.
And so in connection with our Lord's cross working the consequences triumphant and resurrection for I believe it's it goes beyond just death here.
The Mr. Darby needs this.
Adding wild principality to authorities.
Leading them in triumph by him.
It's on the basis of the crossword.
On the basis of that word right now in resurrection.
Is trauma over every enemy?
Death the Grave 80. He was in 80s.
He tried for that.
Over Satan and put him there.
He's descended on high. He's passed through the very realms of signal, passed through the heavens.
Just quite a concert believement regarding what Mother Mary was bringing for us between the Old Testament sins and the New Testament sin before and after the cross. The case of Hezekiah, who was a godly, one of the most godly kings of Judah.
The time came and he thought he was going to die. There was a great distress about it and he was mourning and a great sorrow and the Lord added 15 years to his life to remember. He didn't want to die.
The darkness no doubt lay before it isn't what it was all about. And we had a great try, a great sorrow to him. But then look at the apostle Paul. I desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better for me. To live is Christ, and to die is dead. But a contrast in those two men, both sins of God. 1A King.
In the New Old Testament.
And the other and apostles on your Testament.
The old economy did not raise the question of the next fight.
Lightning flash across the dark sky.
Fashion here and there.
You are perhaps Nathan saying funny little boy that died and people are here, but that's not very curious because that revelation.
And his his promises were distinctly.
Blessings were hurt.
Question of Kevin and Patel was not great. That is, it's not characteristically.
Worse, life and incorruptibility are brought to light through the gospel. Now everything is in the light, and it's not a question of being blessed here on the earth, having good prophecy and lovely families and no sickness.
Escape from the consequences of occurs. That's not what we have in Christianity at all.
We're transferring a lot of around entirely. If we do get some of these mercies along the way, we thank God for them, but they are not characteristic of our promises.
Our blessings are, as Christians are, heavenly and not hurt. Mr. Brown would do at this point. Explain that first to us in Hebrews 11 and 16 in that connection.
Hebrews 11 and 16.
But now they desire a better country that is in heavenly, Wherefore God is not ashamed to call their God. We have prepared for them a city.
Yes, these all died in faith. I never received the promises, and having seen them in parallel, and were persuaded of them in the trace of the Confederate, they restrained the dope on the earth.
Were they the same such things declared.
And truly, if they had been buying over that country.
The interpretation which God puts upon their faith, that is, as to how far they themselves entered into it, would be another thing.
Of that faith that they released, God gave them credit for perhaps more than they themselves actually alive or concurrently with the blessings that were promised in the 12Th chapter of Genesis.
We do not find these things magic.
Just look at that for a moment.
Jehovah's Get Me Out of that kindred into my brothers house under the land that I will show them.
Tyler Magazine. Brave names. I will bless thee and make thy name great. That will be a blessing, and I will bless them and bless thee. And 1St thou and 1St thee.
So Abraham departed, the Lord spoken unto him, lost Miss William.
Five years old when he did part of the parents.
But then later on you get the water renewing his public.
And the.
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abraham and the saying you're not Abraham. I am my shield and like seating great for more.
And so he goes on to.
Review the problem, but hardly not characteristics.
Are they not characteristics now?
In the Hebrews 11, God is giving his evaluation of the thing as to how far these individuals entered into, which is another question as you said before.
Here and there you'll get a bright lightning light across the sky. And when Joe says I know that my Redeemer liveth and my feet.
In the latter day of I shall stand from the earth, and so after this skin worms destroy this place, get in my plate till I see God, whom I shall see for myself, and not another, though my reigns be consumed within me.
Yes, well that certainly wasn't very good because Joel because sensor too after he doesn't darken better. Bob did get them and occasional right look into the future.
Statement that one is making his list. That was not characteristic of that economy. It was perfectly flatter. Now the expression here in this verse. And now does that refer to any particular discernment they have now?
In their spirits having died.
Well, Brother Martin, I never heard that question made before, so I heard it raised. That's the reason I'm asking. No, I've never heard from someone that.
Did Abraham then seek a heavenly country at all?
God. God inherited his faithfulness in those terms.
He wasn't characteristic of the promises that were made. Promises. And now would this be correct, Brother Brown?
That that faith carried Abraham beyond his distinction, that is, he went into the land.
And with the call God, that God was giving him the country to possess for him and for his feet forever, when he was there in that land, he didn't possess the foot of ground, and he becomes a stranger and a children, and his faith in circles, his position that God must have something better than Canaan.
For him to look forward to.
And so faith he doesn't have a revelation of a heavenly city like you and I have for faith laid home, and there must be a city which can't foundation.
The building maker is dark and the same way with the resurrection of Isaac.
God has made all his promises and that the Son, and now God tells him to go and slay his son.
And Abraham by faith.
That God must be true to his promise, and if he takes the life of His Son, God will have to raise him from the dead. So faith enabled him really to go beyond the instructions of his dispensation, and he lays hold of resurrection.
I I think that's an improvement over my own explanation.
First of Hebrews 11 would perhaps cover the subject. Without faith it is impossible to please him. He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, not saying that they understood how to be carried out.
They knew he was rewarded and verse 10 brother.
Where he looked for a city which had a foundation to choose, filter and make it his thought.
In the verse before it he dwells in tents, as it were, with Isaac and with Jacob. The next two generations intense, not settled down in the land that had been promised.
I didn't mean to draw away from Colossians, that is.
Concerning principalities and power, and it's found in the third chapter they we just went on at a moment, verse 10.
Ephesians 3, verse 10.
He's a conference here.
Through the intent of power to the principalities and powerful places, I be known by the Church, the manifold wisdom of God.
Brother Mary mentioned that Ephesians 6 has to do with demons.
Six ever series, but here we have Beloved Good Angel and this is not wonderful. We've translated this person to the English language in this way.
That in heavenly places might be known by the Church the many colored wisdom of God, the many colored wisdom of God. Now these are Angel 11, are they not? And.
They read in the Church the many coloured wisdom of God.
Angels do not sing because they've never been to the.
What do they say? They say, And I was thinking while we were dwelling on this question of principalities of power, and this word came to my soul. What do the angels say, beloved?
When they see a St. walking in the goods of the truth, do they not see in that the many colored wisdom of God and.
Do they say when they see a St. not walking in the good of the truth as he or she may know it?
What do they say, beloved, when they hear us singing these little black hymns? I don't know.
But I always like to think of it. I don't think I'm taking up the study of angels. I've studied it, but I would reach out to Philippines. But it is interesting, this person.
That's the age of breathing your me.
Many colored wisdom of God.
All the love is something here that we should take heed to it with our structure.
What do they say?
And when our sisters take their passion on their parents, but with the Word, what do the angels say?
Now don't get affected. Below we talk straight, you know.
We believe.
What? What do the angels say?
Just think of them. I thought I would mention that before we left in questions of principalities or power. I think that's very helpful, brother. As long as we're satisfied with what is the bottom of the word about angels, it's a very happy and helpful country. But if we try to go beyond what the word tells us, you are in the 18th first of our chapter. Let no man be tired you.
Of your reward and voluntary humility and worshiping of angels.
Including into those things which he hath not seen. That's going beyond.
Will reveal word of God trying to find out more about angels that God has been pleased tell us or we could use that for many other subjects.
And we try to go beyond the word of God.
It puffs man up in the flame because he's wiser than God.
So the Lion of Man is ****** ** and becomes.
The target of Satan. Satan takes advantage to put in his ideas into his mind and lead him farther and farther astray.
So let's remember to be satisfied with what God has revealed in His Word, What He hasn't revealed and His Word, He has a reason for it.
Well, there's certainly abundance for our problems and help us we go on. It's a good word and it comes into our reading the love and that it's a timely word.
President Deuteronomy 2929 and did not.
Is that? Is that not substance of Deuteronomy 2929?
Good brother Myers.
The secret thing to Jehovah or the Lord our God. But those which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the work, all the work of his law.
God knows how to work annually.
See if any of these Saints at anytime.
And go a little bit of faith or faithful instead of speech is odd.
And Brother Barry is brought before us.
If faith in Abraham rose above.
Not in the art dispensation. And Richie Pilot thought recognizing presence and willing is that is that all right? That's very fine, very good.
It might be helpful to some a statement that is often been made concerning angels and that is this. The angels do have to do with us, but it is not our business to have to do with them.
We none of us would be here, but hadn't been for the guardianship of angels.
They're watching over us as we travel on the highways.
The Angel of the Lord at campus around about them that ferries don't go over the 65 miles an hour and others when you go home.
Don't think you'll get the trust of the angels to take care if they do.
Verse 16 is rather a conclusion we're coming to. I don't say.
The only conclusion in the chapter, but it is a conclusion verse 16.
Let no man, therefore.
Got you In meat or in drink, or in respect of an holiday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days.
Which are a shadow, a mere shadow.
Maybe they may have been typical in their place and in their time.
But which are a shadow of things to come. But the body is of Christ. We now have the substance we need, not anything of the other. The all sufficiency of Christ is what our hearts need to learn more and more.
And drink and the holy day.
Those are all ceremonial things.
In other words, this particular verse is talking about what they're going to have on the table for dinner today.
Well, it's going to be popular. Clear lemonade.
Are electronically deeper lamp. That's not something that the 1St is. It's those things that have to do with Sarah polio.
There is a difference, is there not, between what we had as the traditions and what you speak on now is ceremonial?
This here has to do more with what was instituted at one time. Yes, it was good, but traditionally that which has been brought in for a new man's mind, Yes, that's right. But.
It's depression cleaning and public cleaning, eating and drinking under the ordinances and ceremonies and tradition.
This was better question as we whether the Adventist would only read it and believe it. Those who were keeping the Sabbath day and Christianity they're condemned for it. Showing the Spirit of God reigns Jesus of Christianity and justice. The type of Saint Paul and the Spirit to observe.
You have the Lord's name. That's the day the Lord rose from the dead.
That's the day that fell apart for him. That's a very different thing. One day I said to an Adventist. I said, you know, Sir, you're just like my dog that stole that leg of.
Gold that I had. He was crossing the river and it was ice cave water. He saw the shadow of his meat in the water. He grabbed the shadow and lost the meat. You know, there we have it, beloved.
That's what you're doing. That's because the shadow and you lose the substance.
Of the state.
So we're saying #317.
You didn't have anything.