Colossians 3:6-25

Duration: 1hr 15min
Colossians 3:6‑25
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We have one history of prominent.
We started verse 6.
For which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience in the which he also walked sometime when he lived in them. But now he also put off all these anger, Wrath, mouse, blasphemy.
Filthy communication. Out of your mouth lie not one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him, Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian Scythian bond, nor free, but Christ.
Is all and in all.
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, balls of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another, and forgiving one another. If any man have a quarrel against any, even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye, and above all these things put on charity.
Which is the bond of perfectness? And let the peace of God rule in your heart to the which also ye are called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grease in your hearts to the Lord.
And whatsoever ye do in Word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Why submit yourselves under your own husbands as it is sitting the Lord?
Husbands, love your wives and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in all things.
For this is well pleasing under the Lord.
Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.
Servants, obey in all things your masters, according to the flesh, not with eye service as men pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing God, and whatsoever he do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.
Knowing that of the Lord, ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he have done. And there is no respect of persons. Masters give unto your servants that which is just an equal, knowing that ye also have a master in heaven.
In First Corinthians 6.
And verse 9 Know ye not, that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, Be not deceived either fornicators, nor adulterers, nor adulterers, nor feminists, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God, and such.
Were some of you. But you're washed, but you're sanctified.
But here justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, so that which took place before we were saved, is wiped out by the precious blood of Christ.
Is gone in the sight of a holy God, but then goes on in our chapter.
But now, now we belong to the Lord. But now ye also put off all these. There's that which we need to watch as children of God. The old nature will exert itself. But now ye also put off all these anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication. Out of your mouth lie not one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds.
We have a nature, each one of us, that is capable of any one of these things. We need to be on our guard against it.
In the first part of our chapter, we've had the new life. Here, I believe we get the wardrobe that goes with it. There are things that we should put on and things that we should put on, and I think what the subject of the next few verses is those moral characteristics.
That should we should put off as no longer suitable for the new life and those moral characteristics that we should put on. I was thinking of that verse in in Revelation where it says as a bride adorned for our husband. Now, as those know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior is our desire to honor and glorify Him we have in our previous meetings.
The question of that which is suitable.
For him that was honest and glorifies him. And so as Christians we put off those things, those moral characteristics that would dishonor him. And in order to glorify him, we put on those moral characteristics that are set his honor and his glory.
Another illustration that has been used that was helpful to me was it's as if you have a picture of a ship and we have had a change of commanders on the on the ship there are some members of the old crew that are so bad that they must be put to death and that's what you get in verse 5, mortified. Then there are other members that are still bad, but they must be put off the ship.
Verse 8. Anger, wrath, malice, etc.
And then there is a new crew taken on, and that's what you get the footing on in verse 12.
Bowels of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering. So for us, our younger believers, to look at our bodies in this way, there are members that must be put to death.
There are those things that must be put off I think we can all relate in some fashion to in verse 8 to anger, wrath. Those things rise up in our hearts sometimes when we find it rising up.
Remember these words put off.
And then to put on as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering.
We certainly would not want to leave the impression that these things can be done by the determination to do them.
The battle is not ours, it is God's. The Spirit wars against the flesh and the flesh against the Spirit, in order that you should not do the things that you would.
So to be able to do these things that we are admonished to do, and to not do the things that we are not admonished to do, we simply have to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill flesh's desires.
And these admonitions are stated, beloved, in terms that mean to be in the state of having done it.
Walk in the spirit and you'll not fulfill Flash's desires.
First nine lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.
This is a positive statement as to what has been done. We put off the old man, we put on the new man.
But, beloved, we must remember that that old nature.
While it should be put in the place of death, it is still very active. If it's allowed to act, we need to keep it in the place of death, and if only as we go on with Christ.
That will be enabled to keep it in the place of death and being able to walk in the good of the new man.
I know that it said in Ephesians 4 verse 26.
Be ye angry, and sin not.
Let not the sun go down upon your right.
Put off all the anger head of the list.
The Lord looked round about him in anger because of the hardness of their hearts.
There is that which.
Might be racist anger, but still, let not the sun go down upon your off. Whatever we have, let's settle it immediately.
We find with Moses. I believe that.
He was angry.
But he said he spoke unadvisedly with his lips. I believe if anybody could give an example.
Would have the audacity to get up in a meeting like this and make blasphemy statements as to the person of the Lord Jesus. And if you don't feel any anger in your soul, there's something radically wrong with you.
But the danger is that.
We ourselves get carried away and dishonor the Lord by not keeping.
Things under control, controlling our spirit. And some of us have more of a problem with that than others that we have to realize that. But we need grace and especially let's not continue in that state. Don't let it become a state. That's why it says let not the sun go down upon your wrath.
In other words.
Respond properly in any given situation, but don't let the flesh take advantage of it and lead to dishonor. I don't think that Moses necessarily was wrong in being angry, but he was wrong in allowing that anger to make him speak unadvisedly and not follow the directions given to him of the Lord, striking instead of speaking.
To the rock. Would you agree with that, Brother Clem? Yes, I do. Another meaning to let not the sun go down upon your wrath is to continue righteous anger against unrighteousness. Don't give up and and merge with unrighteousness. Don't lower your stagger.
That a nice point that I think is worthy of.
Seeing that Grant says be angry as long as the condition which causes that justifiable anger exists, the anger should exist. But added to that admonition is being angry.
And sin now, now I submit this to my brethren, but I think that tells us that just what Brother Heinz has said, if our anger gets control of us and and is the motive of our action and controls us. Remember when the Lord was angry He took a whip of a small cords he had.
Control of things. The anger we sometimes we sometimes say that the brother got mad.
So that means his anger, Control him and let him to do something unseemly. But as long as the condition exists, that of course is justifiable anger. The sun shouldn't go down on it. That is, we shouldn't stop being exercised above that condition of things. But that anger should not control us and cause us to do something that we later regret, which Moses did.
Lobby SIA is characterized by indifference, and they might even boast that they don't let themselves get riled up by doctrine that might be wrong or moral conduct that is wrong. That is Lavicianism in principle, and a godly exercise soul will not be indifferent when the glory of the Lord Jesus is at stake.
Rather than talking about the number 25, I'd like to read it.
Says in verse three, Israel joined himself on the bail Peor and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel.
And the first five goals are set up for the judges of Israel slagy everyone his men that rejoined under veil Fior. And the old one of the children of Israel, came and brought unto his brethren a Midian English woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation, the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation. Now here in Phineas you see a picture of righteous anger. And when Phineas the son of Iliasia, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it.
He rose up from among the congregation and took a javelin in his hand, and went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through the man of Israel.
And the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel. Those that died in the plague were 20 and 4000. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Phineas the son of Elias, and the son of Aaron. The priest had turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, while he was zealous for my sake. Among them that I consume not the children of Israel in my jealousy, But there you see righteous anger executing judgment on evil.
Palpable and manifest evil.
And God of course approves that. But as our brethren have been saying, to hold the anger so that it gets a hold of us and we we harbor unkind and and unchrist like thoughts would be of course to fall into the snare of the enemy. Wouldn't it give place to the devil?
This new creation, the verse we're considering, #10 verse 10, have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. We go back to the first chapter in the Bible, we find something about this and the old creation and God says in Genesis 126, let us make man.
In our image after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air.
Over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God, notice what it says. He created man in his own image. In the image of God created he him.
But man, the first man.
Through the moral fall lost that representation of the creator.
He failed in it and no longer the image.
But now God has worked in new creation. That's what we've got in our chapter in the new creation.
Man is here, created, renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him in a new life, which is the life of Christ, which can never ever sin. So a believer is a complex person. He has the old nature, yet he has the new nature.
Nature wants to express its will and that is sin. The new nature does not sin. We are exhorted to put on that new man in our practice down here.
See also How important knowledge is a disconnection?
And Mr. Darby translates it renewed in the full knowledge.
And people, the little knowledge.
Knowledge is such an important point in one recalls the verse in the Old Testament why people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge. This is not a knowledge that pops us up. This is a knowledge that knows God as he has come out and what is according to God for those who have been brought into association with himself and have gotten a new nature.
Have been created all over again and they know what that position is that they have before God. They know God and know their position before God and therefore know what is according to his mind and will.
Says of the new creation old things are passed away, and behold, all things are become new. And in this new creation there is nothing of the old remaining, but all things are of God. So when we come to the end of the Revelation.
We are brought to a place and into circumstances where there is no need for the sun nor the moon, because the glory of the Lamb is the light of that place. When God created the earth, as we had brought before us in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis, he set the sun to be the rule of the day and the moon to rule the night.
But in the new creation when God is finished with the work.
We are brought into circumstances where there is no need for anything of the original creation, even the highest elements of those things that were created to rule the day and to rule the night. He is all we, and so we are here. No Jew, no Gentile, no free, no bond. Christ is all and in all.
Well, I was struck by the appropriateness of this chapter.
To be brought up at this time when there exists this difficulty among the Saints.
I think these are words that we all ought to take to heart, because there are many stories around about the brother. Hey Ho used to say The flex raises the flesh. Many stories about how brethren are in this situation are not practicing what we have before us here.
This compassion, love Abbott of mercy. And I think it's.
Really nice to bring the horse a portion such as this because we do have the place in this and we can get into some pretty heated controversy and conversation. It's very difficult.
To walk in the Spirit and the only, the new man that has seen them, and Christ likeness of being displaced.
There are filthy communication proceeding out of your mouth and booting this all over the place.
There are thine when these things may have to be spoken about. Went back to Numbers 19, we would find that LA age of the priest was to take a red heifer, and that heifer was to be killed.
Insight and to be burned.
The Las of the priests, the one that killed the heifer, the one that gathered up the ashes, all cleaned to start with, all doing exactly what Jehovah told them to do, and every one of them became unclean.
Because it has to do with God, which was a purification for sin, and so we cannot touch these things even in a right way without it having a defiling effect.
Beloved, if we can stay away from them, repeating them, and so on.
It's far better. Look at the Philippians chapter 4.
Birthday finally, brethren, Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are on us, whatsoever things are just. Whatsoever things are pure. Whatsoever things are lovely. Whatsoever things are of good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.
It's withering to our soul to be occupied with the trouble. I repeat, it's necessary at times to be occupied with us.
But if it's not necessary, let us seek to be occupied with Christ. Christ is all and in all.
This consideration, which is of utmost importance, that a matter that needs to be dealt with among the people of God, should be dealt with in the smallest possible circle, that picture in Numbers 19 does not involve even.
The priests or the Levites, It says. A clean person has to sprinkle that water. One person.
Wasn't to be brought before the whole congregation, that our matters that come before the whole congregation, as we see it with the sin at AI, but at where this man took of the accursed thing about a matter ought to be considered and dealt with in the smallest possible circle. But this passage that we have under consideration here does not consider disciplinary matters.
It brings before us how the Newman in normal circumstances manifest itself in his relationship with his fellow believers. That is what is before us. There are other passages in the Word of God that speak of how evil and situations have to be dealt with. If we were turned to this passage and say, look here, those brethren that have to deal with evil, they are not manifesting these things.
That is not what the spirit of God brings before us in this passage. The Newman in his normal relationship under normal circumstances. This is how it manifested itself. Certainly the danger is always that when we have to deal with evil, that we ourselves become contaminated is always the danger when a doctor and a nurse deals with a sick patient, that he contracts the same disease.
You know, and it's very, very dangerous and we better be careful. And the Lord has raised up those in the local assembly that deal with situations, and their responsibility is greater than the responsibility that others might have. But I think it's important to stress that here we have the normal situation, a normal relationship, and evil is not under consideration.
It's personal, isn't it? It's not assembly truth. It's personal to take these things. Every one of us as believers here have both of these natures, and I'm responsible to control my conduct. You're not. The Assembly's not. I am.
What you're saying is that 10 1/2 in that situation, that wasn't a normal he wasn't kind, that he wasn't showing mercy to that man and woman, and that's what you're saying. There are occasions when, and we would call them irregular, abnormal conditions that exist.
And you couldn't apply this passage as to how to treat someone.
Who needed to be disciplined? Who had dishonored the Lord? That's what you're saying, isn't it?
For instance, not to even eat with one that is described in First Corinthians 5 is that kindness. You know, we mix up divine love with natural kindness, and that is not proper. We are misusing the word of God. We better be careful that we don't handle the word of God deceitfully and really playing into the hands of the enemy to cover up evil and deal improperly with evil that manifests itself. But we deal with evil first of all in ourselves. That way it all begins.
Like I've got a, Clem said.
Cutting off the arm, plugging out the eye, we deal faithfully with that which manifests itself in ourselves. We have to take the beam out of our own eyes before we can deal with that in another, and that's where we fail so often.
So important that we keep the Lord before us, brethren, there's going to be these practical changes in our lives.
And I think that is why it's so beautiful in verse 11, where it brings Christ before us as being. Mr. Darby's translation says everything, Christ is everything, and in all this is the place that you and I occupy now as believers in the Lord Jesus.
It is a place where Christ is everything and all. There is no longer the national distinction of Greek, nor Jew, nor the religious.
Distinctions of circumcision or uncircumcision, The social distinctions of barbarian, Scythian bond, or free. There's only one rule that we can use the word rule in this way, brethren. There's only one rule here.
Christ is everything in all. What am I manifesting? Is it Christ? Or am I manifesting that old light that was before? And the more I'm occupied with those old things we've been thinking about, the more tendency that the flesh is going to feed on that, and then it will be manifest in my life. So it comes as a real challenge to each one of us. What do we feed on? Do we beat on problems amongst brethren?
Be careful.
Brethren, we need to feed on Christ. Those things need to be put behind and we need to go forward. Christ should be before our souls. Yes, we do need to distinguish, as our brother was said, but we need to put Christ before us. It says, having him before our souls, that we will be transformed, says in Second Corinthians chapter three. We all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord.
Are changed into the same image from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord. So it is as having him and all his glory for us that will bring an automatic, perhaps an unconscious transformation in our souls. We will be more like Christ the Lord give us to be exercised. What we feed on. What kind of literature, what kind of magazines do we have in our home?
What do we watch? Because it will form our moral characteristics that we manifest what we feed on. If you feed the old nature, the old nature will be manifest. You feed the new nature, that nature will be manifest. Christ will be seen.
In Galatians chapter 3, there's another thing added here.
In Galatians chapter 3.
Verse 26.
You are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Whose children? The children of God.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek. That's there. There is neither bond nor free. But there's another thing. There is neither male nor female.
For you are all one in Christ. It's important to see this for back in Genesis 1 where we read it says created them. The image of God that says male and female created he them.
Now in that new life, that new nature, where Christ is all and in all.
The Lord takes this up in Luke 20. Let's read a little bit there to understand the wonders.
The new creation, the resurrection life, the risen life that we have in our chapter.
The Sadducees blood.
A case of a man having had seven wives, and asked whose wife would she be in the resurrection?
The Lord says in verse 34 Luke 20 and verse 34 Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world Mary and are given in marriage, but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection of that neither Mary nor given in marriage. Look what it says, Neither can they die anymore, or they are equal under the angels and are the.
Children of God.
That's what Galatians 326 said. Children of God being the children of the resurrection. Well, that's enough on that point. But the wonderful thing in our chapter and in our life is that we still belong to the old creation. And when we get into the new creation by faith in Christ Jesus, we belong to that. Now our test comes and God leaves us here to live in the old creation. They tell us how to do it.
So bringing in the responsible relationships as a husband and wife and fathers and children and servants and masters, we have privilege and responsibility every one of us according to our relationship. And we still have the relationships of the old creation, and we can have joy in living according to God, in the old creation and knowing that.
In the new creation and in the resurrection light, it is superior to all. It's Christ is all, and in you all.
Marin worth while put on, therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, this is what we are.
Holy and beloved balls of mercy.
That which comes from our innermost being not superficial, but really coming from the heart, all the birthdays.
Kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering.
Philadelphia genuine from the heart.
The spirit of forgiveness should characterize the Christian. We find this most beautiful illustrated in the Lord Jesus when we look at him at the cross. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do and.
Praying for his enemies, someone has said while the nails were driven to his hand. He makes that prayer, that request, and we see this beautifully.
Followed in both Paul and also in Stephen. You know, when Stephen was being stoned it was a prayer that this be not late to their charge to sin, Paul being.
Left alone, he could rightly expect comfort and aid in this difficult circumstance in which he found himself. Yet he didn't receive it.
But he prays for those, and he said Lord was really with him, He was not alone. So the spirit of forgiveness is what is to characterize the believer. And we are only followers of the Lord Jesus if we manifested in our lives. The grace of God is able to accomplish that in you and in me, holding grudges.
And this kind of a thing is a terrible thing amongst the people of God and while Matthew.
18 speaks of a personal transgression committed against the brother, and the brother should seek to restore that one. There is another scripture that might well be worth considering. For every one of us when we feel offended. It's the glory of a man to pass over a transgression.
And many problems that arise among God's people if he would follow that simple proverbs that would settle matters. Not everything has to be taken up. It's the glory of a man to Passover a transgression.
In Ephesians 4 we have similar verses of what we're reading, and they begin with the fact that we have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling within us. Ephesians 4, the last three verses.
Easy to understand, you and I. And it says that about the Ephesians in chapter one. After that he believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. We have that divine guest living in US and he wants to occupy us with Christ, and that's what we've been having too. But.
When we grieve the Spirit, then he asked to make us think about what we have done.
But here it says, Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, for by year sealed unto the day of redemption.
The allowance of the flesh is what grieves the Spirit of God, and we should not allow the flesh.
But we can't grieve him away. He stays there. We're sealed to the day of redemption. That's the new body. Then it goes on with these simple, practical instructions. And let all bitterness.
In Hebrews 12.
Says to me. You can think about it, looking diligently, lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.
Down in Illinois, we have a grass plant called Johnson's Grass, which is a fierce enemy of the corn plant. Until 10 years ago, there was no herbicide to control it. And when we wanted to get rid of that Johnson grass, not only did you have to control it as well as we could every year, but you had to go out and dig up those rhizomes, those roots that run to the ground and even left so much as a inch long piece of that root down in the ground, it would spring up the next year.
And spoil the crap we have got in us. That old nature that will hold things that we don't even think are there and you have to look right down diligently. Am I holding something unforgiving against that brother, that sister? That memory of something 10 years ago? Is it still there? Sometimes it creeps up and you didn't know it was there.
Well here the practical word let all bitterness and wrath and anger. We've been Speaking of those and clamor and evil speaking. Evil communication be put away from you with all malice than the positive side be kind one to another. We have the power and the new nature to do this. Let brotherly love continue that 12Th of Hebrews begin that says forgiving.
One another.
What's the major? Even as God, for Christ's sake, hath forgiven you?
We had brought before us and John Epistle chapter One yesterday.
That if we say that we have not sinned, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in US. And so we have had a great deal said about the flesh that we all have remaining with us. But it's a tremendous help to us to realize that God, sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, condemned sin and the flesh.
In order that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in US, who walk not according to flesh, but according to the Spirit. So when we have been exhorted, as we have in our chapter, to put these things off, and to have the old man reckoned dead.
We have the blessed truth that the old man is crucified and that sin in the flesh has been condemned, laying hold of this by faith in the same principle that we lay hold of the truth. Christ died for our sins. We have peace.
Laying hold of the truth that the.
Sin in the flesh has been condemned, and the old man crucified gives us power to enable us to refuse the old man and to walk in the good of the new.
The laying hold of the truth by faith provides the power to do exactly what we've been enjoined to do in our chapter.
That fourteenth verse is very, very searching.
It says above all these things what things well, he spoke about.
As the elect of God put on therefore holy and beloved bowels of mercies.
Kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another and forgiving one another. If any man have a quarrel against any, even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye you think that would be an exhaustive list. But then he says, above all these things put on charity or love, or as Darby has it, add love.
Which is the bond of perfectness.
So there's something to be added to these things that have been listed.
And that is love, which is total self renunciation.
Seeking always the good and blessing of the object before me.
That was Christ. He was love Incarnate, love personified down here.
Always seeking the blessing of others and the glory of his Father.
There's I'd like to hear some more on the on the verse, but there's so much in that verse above all these things it says put on love.
Second Peter chapter one we have.
Brought before us brotherly kindness or brotherly love, and then we have charity, or I believe we should say godly love. Maybe somebody could give us.
Little under both of those.
Brother in laws and godly love, brotherly love as the brother has his object and love brings in all the claims of God that that's how Mr. Darby explained the difference.
It's, you might say, a step higher than just brotherly love that brings in all the claims of God. But beloved.
What happens many times, and we have seen it in recent difficulties, is that problems of the past.
And feelings that people harbor.
When difficulties arise, will be used of the enemy to lead people astray, and we've seen that over and over again and that is a danger that exists in you and my life and.
This is how the enemy works.
And we have seen it again afresh.
Let us be aware of that. But then this verse Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also ye are called in one body.
Is it possible? Yes. It is to end difficult circumstances that arise in our lives and into our in our assemblies, that the peace of God.
Be preserved in our hearts. You know, like in James you have this beautiful verse that the.
The fruit of righteousness.
Is sown in peace of them that make peace, that means that.
The peace is what is enjoyed in the soul of the brother that is making peace. He's not governed by anger, governed by sentiment against the person that might be harbored for years already.
It's important, but the love?
If it is really love that motivates you, that would motivate me in anything. What a difference it makes.
Enjoy too the thought in this verse 14 above all these things as we're putting on these different moral characteristics as we would put on clothes. This is the overcoat. Above all, what should be evident is love. It's divine love.
Interesting those verses you refer to as Second Peter.
At brotherly love and then add to that charity or love. There ought to be brotherly love amongst his brother. Let brotherly love continue. And that comes from a word I understand. That means there is a mutual appreciation and interchange and exchange. I appreciate. I value my brother.
He values me. And that's the thought of brotherly love. And there ought to be that, brother. But sometimes difficulties come in and there isn't. And when there isn't, that there still is love. And that's a different word in the original. It is agape love. It is love that loves not only according to God, but it is loves when there's no nothing lovable in the object.
And stuff my brother has done me in. He has spoken evil about me. I can still love. I still have that nature that is capable of loving even in those circumstances.
So it's important to understand, brethren, that it is love that loves when there's nothing lovable. This love loves because of the source and not because of the object.
They got tremendously important, brethren. We don't have an excuse for not loving one another. It just don't happen. Scripture is too clear, says in first chapter. First fear, Have verbal amongst yourself.
I don't think rather than any of us really make sure up here.
There is a danger and brotherly love.
Because we love someone. Or maybe seeking to cover up.
God love would have everything else and judge the communion might go on.
Says Let the peace of God rule in your heart.
Let's look into the Millennium a bit in Isaiah 32 and see what's going to rain there.
And along what's along with it?
In the 32nd.
And the 17th verse, it says the work of righteousness.
Shall be peace.
And the effect of righteousness, quietness, and assurance.
Forever now there will be a righteous rain with a righteous king.
Reigning for 1000 years and there will be peace. But now for us in Romans 5, we begin the chapter with.
Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now we have 6 times toward the end of that chapter and I want to read them. But we have a comparative thing between the two words as and so this develops. What gives us peace with God. Now in the 12Th verse it says as by one man sin entered the world and death by sin. So death passed upon all men for the role of sin. No peace yet the result.
Of sin verse 12, but not as the offense. So also is the free gift. Now we've got a gift brought there and the 16th verse.
And not as by one that sin, so is the gift. Again we have got the gift. I'm just reading briefly. Verse 18 says as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation. That's the old Adam sin that brought it. Now look what it says. So by the righteousness of one now Christ is brought into the picture.
The free gift came upon all men unto justification of light. Now we're getting that which brings peace. The the 19th verse has another contrast, as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Now we've got righteousness in Christ, and then what reigns in the last?
That as sin hath reigned unto death.
Even so, might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. I tell you this is what let's the peace of God rule in our hearts now because of all that God has done. What a contrast between the old Adam nature and the new life in Christ.
Darby translates that the peace of Christ. I was wondering if it would include.
In John 14 the Lord says, Peace, I leave with you my peace I give unto you. Was that not the peace that he knew as he went on in communion with the Father, And so we could enjoy that peace of communion.
It not only includes the joy and peace of going on Communion, but it also includes His having delivered himself over into the hands of him that judges righteously.
Depending and counting upon the righteousness of God to take up his cause.
So that if we follow in the footsteps of our suffering Savior, deliver everything over into God's hands and leave it with Him, we can rest in the same peace that He rested in as He delivered himself over into the hands of His Father.
And then there is this also. He is our peace. He made peace by the blood of his cross. We have peace as was pointed out in Romans 5 and Ephesians chapter two. He is our peace by just being occupied with himself at the right hand of God in circumstances that cannot be touched by man anymore. We have a settled peace in our soul, knowing that this is going to be the end of our journey as well. And then the calling comes in.
Do the witch also you're cold in one body. We get this developed much in Ephesians and we're worthy the vocation whereby we recall and that brings in the calling in the one body. But I believe also it has connection with the Trinity as children of God. We've read that in Galatians 326.
We have a relationship.
As children with a father now we're called in that and also in Ephesians One we have at the end of the chapter, we are called in one body, members of his body. That's relationship with Christ. And in Ephesians 2 we are building together for the habitation of God by the Spirit. Our Calling is in connection with the Trinity, with God the Father.
With Christ the Son and with the Holy Spirit, and in particular here it's connected called in one body that's living connection as being members of His body and He the head and be thankful.
Oh, we know all this. How can we not be thankful?
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. The thing about too, huh? That's it. That's it. And I believe.
In the past, veteran were very particular as to what hymns they would sing. They were exercised that the hymns would express scriptural truth and verse scripturally correct. That is being lost.
You know we are in danger of picking a song and like to sing it because of the catchy tune.
You know, and then the shameful way of trying to express Christian truth in a rock music style is that spirituality. But.
We have heard this explanation as to psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, if the psalms speak more of the experiences of the believer and what God is in.
The difficult circumstances for The Believer and we have a lot of songs that have that character and we love to sing them, but then a hymn is something that.
Presents the glories of the Lord Jesus. You know it's more the character of worship.
And then spiritual songs express scriptural truth. How many things have I learned? How many things have you learned from the hymns that we have?
You know, and those who have come in amongst the gathered Saints and the systems of men, one thing that has impressed them is the spiritual tone of the hymns.
And we have a wonderful treasure in the hymns that we have in the English language.
Just think of hundreds of hymns that we have and spiritual songs.
That we can sing and we ought to sing more. Beloved, we listen to records. We listen to tapes and discs instead of singing. In the past, Christians sang more in the homes, and we ought to try to do that more.
That God intended for his people to write their own hymns and songs and translate the psalms into their own length.
And rejoice in a proper way and.
For my own joy and experience, I can say amongst the gathered Saints the hymns and songs that have given out most of the time faithfully to me.
Testify to the spirituality that is in the assembly that they fit at the time. I don't say they always do, but they they generally do.
This is supposed to be done with grace in the heart unto the Lord the Apostle at the end of Hebrews, after he had presented the whole of Christianity to translate the Jews mind and Jewish believers mind from earthly things to heaven. He's saying that it is good that the heart be established in grace and not meets.
So it's the grace of God in our hearts that enables us to speak to ourselves and to teach one another, according to Ephesians the.
With these spiritual songs and psalms and hymns, with grace in our hearts to the Lord.
Bear in mind this 17th verse.
Whatsoever ye do in Word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
What a difference it would make in our lives if we just bore that in mind all the time.
Great all our wandering.
Of lighting I will be twice.
One grade by Crowley's name.
In God is where all.
This is great.
And God will make him praise for God.
Pray, praise, praise, grace and fire.
Heart. Soul.
Pray, let's pray.
On to God.
I praise his purpose.
Right, Grace, all the work shall run.
Little red.
But the last thing today.
Oh my God, that.
Concludes the work chapter we've had before us. The Lord brings before us those things in which each one of us are most apartment to fail.
Why husbands, children, servants, ******** The Lord bring before us that in which we are most apartment to fail.
Secret for us all to take home is in that third verse. Your life is hit with Christ in law.
2070 of the appendix.