We have a life, but it is in Christ; it is hidden with Him in God. We are not yet manifested in its glory, as we shall be manifested before the eyes of all in heaven and earth. Our life is hidden but safe in its eternal Source, and has its portion in Christ in Whom we possess it. He is hid in God, so also is our life. When Christ shall appear we shall also appear with Him.
The exhortations in Ephesians are connected with the Spirit, those to the Colossians with the action of the Word and of grace in the heart. In Colossians the character of divine life is far more developed.
In Colossians we find that there is a new nature, a change, not of the flesh, but of the man.
We are viewed not merely as quickened by the Son, but as dead and risen with Christ, the Man Who has died, our having put off the old standing of a child of Adam, and entered into a risen one with Christ. The new man can mortify the deeds of the flesh. He puts on the qualities of the new life, mercy, etc. Christ personally reigns in and is present to the heart in everything.
The wife is to be obedient. Affection is natural to her. As to the husband's affection and kindness, his heart may be hard.
Children are to be obedient, fathers are to use gentle care in order that the children's affections be not lost. God has formed the home for the protection of the children. It has a power that engages the conscience and the heart, keeping it away from evil.