Come, Let Us Sing the Matchless Worth

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
Come, let us sing the matchless worth,
And sweetly sound the glories forth
Which in the Saviour shine;
To God and Christ our praises bring,
The song with which high heaven will ring,
Praises for grace divine.
How rich the precious blood He spilt,
Our ransom from the dreadful guilt
Of sin against our God;
How perfect is the righteousness,
In which unspotted, beauteous dress
His saints have ever stood!
How rich the character He bears,
And all the form of love He wears,
Exalted on the throne;
In songs of sweet, untiring praise,
We e'er would sing His perfect ways,
And make His glories known.
And soon that happy day shall come,
When we shall reach our destined home,
And see Him face to face;
Then with our Saviour, Lord and Friend,
The one unbroken day we'll spend
In singing still His grace.