74. Come to the Blood-stained Tree

Come to the blood-stained tree;
The Victim bleeding lies;
God sets the sinner free,
Since Christ a ransom dies;
The Spirit will apply
His blood to cleanse each stain,
O burdened soul, draw nigh,
For none can come in vain — 
Come, come, come.
Dark though thy guilt appear,
And deep its crimson dye,
There’s boundless mercy here,
Do not from mercy fly:
Oh, do not doubt His word,
There’s pardon full and free,
For justice smote the Lord,
And sheathes her sword for thee — 
Come, come, come.
Look not within for peace,
Within there’s naught to cheer;
Look up and find release
From sin, and self, and fear;
If gloom thy soul enshroud,
If tears faith’s eye bedim,
If doubts around thee crowd,
Come, tell them all to Him.
Come, come, come.