Come to the Saviour, come to the Saviour,
Ye sin-stricken children of men;
He left His throne above,
To reveal His wondrous love,
And to open a fountain for sin.
Why dost thou linger? Why dost thou linger?
Oh! when wilt thou come to the Lord?
Thy time is flying fast,
And thy day will soon be past;
Oh, arouse thee, and come to be saved.
Pardon is offered, pardon is offered;
A pardon—full, present and free;
The mighty debt was paid,
When on Calvary Jesus died
To atone for a rebel like thee.
Come to the fountain, come to the fountain,
The fountain which cleanses the soul;
'Tis cleansing far and near,
And its streams are flowing here;
Oh, believe it, and thou art made whole!
I do believe it! I do believe it!
I'm saved through the blood of the Lamb;
My happy soul is free,
For the Lord has pardoned me,
Hallelujah to Jesus' name!