Thus ends our inquiry. As Christians, we are interested in looking back upon all that the sacred history gives of God’s revelation of Himself, and of His ways with His chosen people Israel, and with man generally; for Jehovah is our God and Father.
We are interested in all the forms and observances of the Jewish ritual: for they were shadows of better things, and these better things are ours.
We are interested in all the pathway of our Lord on earth — God manifest in the flesh — who came to His own, but His own received Him not; but which hindered Him not from accomplishing His work of redemption on the cross, in which by faith we participate.
We are interested also with all that Prophecy unveils of the future; for Christ is the center of it all, and Christ is ours. But, as the Church was chosen before time began, so is it now apart from and above times and seasons. We have nothing to speculate about; we simply wait for our Lord from heaven at any moment. His word is, “Surely I come quickly;” our response is, “Amen, even so, come, Lord Jesus.”
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