
John 3:16
Listen from:
Gospel—A. Coleman
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You know, I'm so very thankful for the prayers of the Saints in this last week or so. And we really felt that when we were in Mandolia and we were into many prisons in Mongolia and preach the gospel. And it wasn't a case of preparing ahead of ahead of time as to what I was going to speak on it. It just seemed like the prayers of the Saints just helped us. And we just went in and I opened my mouth and the gospel came out. And I want to share with you some of.
Verses that our wonderful God gave me when we were in the prisons there and preaching to these dear ones in the prison. And the first one is a very incredible, precious, precious person. When I first heard it, it just thrilled my soul to the very boom. And I hope it thrills your soul too. And it goes in Job 3414.
Job 34, verse 14. If he set his heart upon man, if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath, all flesh shall perish together.
And man shall return again to the dust.
I'm going to read it in Darby, and this is precious. I want you to really take note of this.
If he only thought of himself.
If he only thought of himself, and gathered unto him.
His spirit in his breath, all flesh would expire together.
And man would return to the dust.
Beautiful, isn't it? Think of it, if he only fought of himself as God, this wonderful God that we have to proclaim tonight, that if he only thought of himself, where would you and I be? We be.
In the dust condemned, forever lost.
Forever. But the wonderful news of the gospel is this, that he didn't think of himself.
No, He did this wonderful, loving God never thought of Himself.
No, He thought about you and I. He thought about each one of us here.
He thought about you, and what did he do?
Verse that goes with this verse is this. God so loved the world.
That he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish that have.
Everlasting life Isn't that beautiful? This wonderful verse that has been proclaimed all over this world for 2000 years.
And has been a means of many precious souls finding the Lord Jesus as their own personal savior. How many souls have been saved through that verse?
God so loved the world. Think of it. He didn't think of himself. No, He thought about you. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. Look at that. How wonderful that this wonderful, loving God thought about you and I. And he sent his Son. He sent his Son into this world. I will send my son.
Wonderful, isn't it? What a wonderful dog.
Well, you know, it's, it's it's such a wonderful thing to be a child of God, to know this wonderful God that has saved me and this wonderful God that I'm going to spend an eternity with in that coming scene of glory. And, you know, think of it that maybe this very night will be in that in that hear that wonderful show that will take us out of this scene and into his very present. But you think of it.
Hey, listen, you know, there's some young boys, young girls here in this room tonight.
And what about it? You're sitting beside your mother and father and your mother and father can't, can't save your soul. It's got to be an individual effort between between you and God. And what about it? Have you come as a guilty, lost Sinner? What about it? You know, you're sitting beside your mother and father and everything, anything that you want from your father, you ask him and things like that, and you've got a home to go to.
And all the comforts of your home.
But you know, when I was in Mongolia, I went into an orphanage and there were children there that had been abandoned by their brother.
Or their mother had died and they didn't have any mother, no mother at all.
No father, no family, nothing. 200 kids living in in an orphanage. If you've got a mother, you've got a father and you've got a Christian home and you've got the word of God read in your home, you've got it. And you know you're more responsible than those children in Mongolia that didn't have a mother and father.
And you've heard the gospel over and over again many Lord's days, just as it is tonight.
And what about it? Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior? Have you done it? You know tomorrow may be too late. He says, behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. Think of it, that the Lord Jesus is offering you salvation full and free tonight, without money, without Christ.
It's all been done at Calvary's cross. The Lord Jesus could say on Calvary's crowd it is finished. And he bowed his head and gave up the coast. There's nothing left for you and I to do but just come to the Lord Jesus tonight. Nothing left for us to do, nothing left for us to do. It's all been done. Everything's been done. The Lord Jesus went to that cross and died there on that cross where he was alone, forsaken of a holy.
It's in eating God. Think of it what the Lord Jesus suffered there on Calvary's cross for your sin and mine who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree. Yes, here one tonight He bore my sin in his own body on the tree, and yet his arms are outstretched to you tonight and he's saying to you, come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you a rest. Oh what?
Loving Savior that we have to proclaim tonight, think of it, that 2000 years the gospel has been preached and God is long-suffering and not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. And he's lengthened out the day of grace so that you may come tonight. And he says, behold, now is accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. And he says, remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.
It's time to come to Christ.
Don't put it off. Don't wait for another day.
Come now, come tonight before is forever too late. I'm going to go to a man that in the Old Testament later on in this gospel, and I'm going to tell you about this man that he was given every opportunity to repent to the God of Israel and he didn't. And you know, you're given every opportunity and you're responsible tonight. And you know, if there's someone here tonight that has never heard the gospel before.
You know there's a wonderful God that loves you, a wonderful God that loves you, a God that sent his Son into this world to die for you. And you know, dear one, tonight that you've sinned against the holy God, a thrice holy God. I want to say that a holy, holy, holy God who cannot have sin in his presence. But you know, he's provided a way through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It says the blood of Jesus Christ God.
Cleanses us from all sin. I want to tell you that you'll never get to heaven without the blood of Christ. You'll never get to heaven without the work of Christ and Calvary's cross. It's all been done for you. Everything we can say. It is finished. Just indeed finished. Every. John Sinner. This is all you need. Tell me, is it not? Is there any other way? No, He said I am the way. The truth and the life no man cometh.
Father, but by me there's only one savior for this world. It's the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, when we were in, in Mongolia, it was Buddha, it was Buddha. But you know, Buddha can't save you, Muhammad can't save you, Confucius can't save you. All these false gods can, can save you. There's only one savior for this world that says neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men.
We must be saved. It's only the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that name which is about every name. The gospel tract that we gave out was this Who is Jesus? And I want to ask you this one question tonight, dear young ones here tonight and older ones here tonight, who is Jesus? Can you answer that question?
Or you say, well, he's God's son, but is he your savior? Is he your savior? Can you say?
That he is my savior. Ah, they would as I would give out the Gospel tract, who is Jesus, or they would say, Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, you know, one dear, one, dear man that when I gave him out the Gospel tract to his Jesus. So he took that and he put it up to his jet. He couldn't speak a word of English and I couldn't speak a word of Mongolian, but it was precious, that name to him.
Is it precious to you? The name of Jesus? Is it precious to you?
That name which is above every name you know at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow. If you don't bow the knee to the name of the Lord Jesus tonight, you'll bow the knee to the the Lord Jesus in the coming day as your judge, as your judge. You know God doesn't want to send a man to hell. No, he says, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his evil way and live. And then he says, turn, ye turn. Yay.
Will he die? God is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish. And that's a wonderful thing in the gospel, that here he is, our loving Savior, with his arms outstretched. And to you tonight here in this room, are you a stranger to the Lord Jesus? Oh, come to him tonight before it's forever too late.
Turn with me to Matthew 27. Matthew 27.
Verse 22 Pilot says unto him, What shall I do then?
With Jesus, which is called the Christ.
This was the other verse that the Lord give me in those prisons, and that was this. What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called the Christ? And that is a question for you tonight, dear one. We want to remind you that you're in a very solemn gospel meeting and you're responsible for what you're hearing tonight. And it's just as if Violet is here in this room.
Tonight. And he say unto you, What shall I do with Jesus, which is called the Christ? And God is asking you that question tonight, just as Pilot asked that question 2000 years ago. What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called the Christ? And what are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about Jesus? Are you going to receive him as your Savior?
Or are you going to be like Pilate and Washington? Your hands are going to have nothing to do with it. I'm going to remain neutral. You know you can. It is impossible to remain neutral. It is impossible before a holy, righteous, sin hating God. Turn with me and I'll show you that in John chapter 3.
John chapter 3. You cannot remain neutral. You must decide. Choose you this day whom he will serve.
John 3 verse 36 He that believeth on the Son.
Half everlasting life, and he that believeth not the son.
Shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.
Now I asked you, do you see anything in the middle of that verse that that can suggest to you that you can remain neutral? No, it's only one way or the other.
Either you accept Christ or you reject Him, and the wrath of God of fighting on you. Sava, what a solemn thing you think of it, that if there's one here tonight.
Is still in their sins that the wrath of God is abiding on you. Oh, I plead with you to come to the Lord Jesus Christ tonight, please, from the wrath to come before it is forever too late.
Would you turn with me now to Jeremiah? You know, brethren, I love Jeremiah. I love him. He is a tremendous, tremendous inspiration to me. You know, God told him in the first chapter. I'll just go a little bit through here. God told Jeremiah in the first chapter. He says, I want you to go and tell the nation of Israel. I want you to tell him. What do you tell him here?
So let's start with verse seven and verse six. No verse five, sorry. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou came as forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I are during the prophet unto the nations. Thence that I oh Lord God, behold, I cannot speak, for I am a child.
You know.
It's interesting.
A few months ago brother Reuben phoned me up and he said Ali said how would you like to go to Mongolia?
Ruben, Mongolia.
And then, and then I thought, and then I started praying about it. I really, I didn't want to go. I didn't want to go. And I just feel a little bit like Jeremiah here, You know, I can't do that. I can't do that first per SE. Be not afraid of their faces, for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord. Then the Lord put forth his hand and touch my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.
CI of this I have this sent thee over the nations, over the kingdoms, to root out, to pull down and destroy and throw down and to build and to plant all. And so the time went along and I prayed about it. And should I go to Mongolia with brother Ruben? And and then finally one day I said before the Lord, I'll go, I'll go.
You know, brother, two days later.
I got to.
A letter in the mail and it covered.
The full amount of our trip to Mongolia, you know, he's a wonderful God, a wonderful God.
A wonderful God. And yet man would say, hey, you know, being a Christian, that must be an awful, dull, dull life, Boring. And you're in, you're in meetings like this and you're over the word of God and you go to places in North Carolina and all over the place. And that must be a dull life. No, you know, it's a wonderful life and I wouldn't trade it for all the world.
What a God we have. What a wonderful God we have. And so he's talking to Jeremiah and he says.
I want you to go and tell the nation of Israel.
He says, verse 15 Lo, I will call all the families of the kingdoms of the north, that the Lord and they shall come, and they shall set everyone on his throne at the entering in of the gates of Jerusalem, and against all the world walls, that they're all roundabout against all the cities of Judah. And I will utter my judgments against them, touching all their witness who have forsaken me and have burnt incense unto other gods.
And worship the works of their own hands. Now, you know, I said that Jeremiah is an inspiration to me. And you know what he did? He told the nation of Judah. He told them, he said, you know, judgment is coming. Judgment is coming. Nebuchadnezzar's army is going to come and overtake this land. And you're all going to be carried away captive. And that's what Jeremiah did. And if you go all the way through the book of Jeremiah over and over again.
He's warning the nation of Judah, he said.
That judgment is coming, and you know, it's just like the day of grace today.
That judgment is coming on this world and someday will be too late.
Think of it, it says to leave too late will be the cry of Jesus of Nazareth.
Has passed by and you'll never have a gospel meeting. You'll never have an opportunity to come to Christ.
Of it, you know, there are some that will say today or are you going to get a second chance? No, you won't. God will send you a strong delusion that you'll believe a lie. But yet still today the gospel going forth and here's Jeremiah and he's proclaiming this news, proclaiming this solemn judgment on the nation of Judah, and he's warning them and you know.
God is warning this world tonight.
It says in in Ezekiel chapter 33 twice over, it says, warn them from me, warn this world. And you know, the gospel brings a warning tonight. The gospel brings a very solemn warning. God doesn't want to send a little boy, a little girl to hell. But you know, if you reject this wonderful offer of salvation, he's got no other course than to send you to a lost eternity. Think of that. How solemn. But tonight.
You have an opportunity to be saved.
All did. Did Jeremiah suffer? Sure he did.
Yeah, they put him. They put him in a prison. They put him down in a pit or go to that place there where they put him down in a pit. It's Jeremiah chapter.
Chapter 38, Jeremiah chapter 38 and verse six they then they then took the Jeremiah and cast him into a dungeon of Malachi the son of Hamilton that was in the court of the prison. And they let down Jeremiah with cords and in the dungeon there was no water but mire so Jeremiah say.
Meyer, think of that here he was preaching, he was warning the nation of Judah upcoming judgment and they put him down in that pit. They said, Jeremiah, be quiet, be quiet. And you know there are many that will today will say the same thing. Be quiet. Don't tell us anymore about that.