COOKING the very picture of melancholy, a young woman remained upon her seat at the close of a gospel meeting, evidently wishing to be spoken to.
A Christian friend was soon at her side, and in reply to his inquiries she told him what her trouble was. She was not an unconverted sinner, anxious to be saved. Nor was she exactly a backslider, seeking restoration. Her unhappiness arose from the fact that she was making the terrible mistake of trying to be a secret Christian. Months before she had put her trust in the Lord, but had never confessed Him.
“Oh, sir," she exclaimed, "you are the first person whom I have told.”
No wonder she was unhappy. To be a secret believer is to be a miserable one.
Reader, are you a believer in Jesus? Have you come to Him for cleansing in His precious blood? Then make no secret of it. Ask God for courage to confess Him boldly as your Savior and your Lord.
H. P. B.