Consider Him

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 16
Consider how great things the Saviour
Hath wrought and accomplished for you;
Lest ye become faint and discouraged—
Consider His great love for you.
O! think of Him leaving the glory
That He had with the Father above,
To tell to our ears that sweet story
Of infinite, marvelous love.
Consider His meekness and patience,
His life of dependence and trust,
Committing His path to the Father,
Believing Him righteous and just.
Consider His wilderness testing,
When tempted by Satan, and tried,
He wisely replied, “It is written” —
God’s Word was His refuge and guide.
Consider Him then in the garden,
In agony, anguish and pain,
Submitting His will to the Father’s
“Not My will, but Thine, be done.”
Consider His willing obedience,
Yes, e’en to His death on the cross,
When He laid down His life as a ransom,
Consider—How great was the cost!
Consider Him now in the glory
Interceding and pleading for you,
Lest ye become faint and discouraged,
Remember, He’s faithful and true.
Consider the way He has led you—
This Comforter, Shepherd and Friend,
Today, yesterday and forever—
The same He will be to the end.
Lest ye become weary and burdened,
May your heart of His love be assured,
As you ponder His pathway of blessing,
And what grief for our sakes He endured.
Consider what joy is before you,
The prospect of seeing His face,
To be with Him and like Him forever,
And learn more of His riches and grace.