Copy the Fishes

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
“Can you tell me what becomes of the fishes during a storm?” asked an old Christian man of some children one day. It seemed they had never thought of them in that time, and though rather struck by the question, were unable to find an answer.
He then told them that however wild the storm at sea, there was always an under-current of peaceful water (as it was only the surface which got troubled), and the fishes went down into it, and hid in the rocks beneath.
He drew from this little story a beautiful picture of Christians, who, however great their trials and difficulties, could always be at peace, even amid the “storms,” while trusting in the Lord Jesus, the “Rock of Ages.”
How comparatively few, though, do rest in Him, but, on the contrary, go with the tide of their difficulties, and so get crushed beneath the storm. Would that everyone knew the sweetness of “casting all our care upon Him who cares for us,” and who would have His people without carefulness; and having committed their way unto the Lord in things small as well as great, find what it is to “be still and know that He is God.”