Matthew 18:34-3534And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. 35So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses. (Matthew 18:34‑35), is the same principle, but here it is applied to Israel, who hated the Gentiles (see 1 Thess. 2:14-1614For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: 15Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: 16Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. (1 Thessalonians 2:14‑16)), and are cast off for their behavior meantime, till all is paid. See Isaiah 40:1-21Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins. (Isaiah 40:1‑2), for their restoration.
Question: How are the different Gospels to be understood?
Answer: “The Gospel of the Kingdom” is what was preached by John and Jesus and their disciples, and is the announcement to Jews and Gentiles that the King of Israel is about to set up His Kingdom. But Jesus was rejected and crucified, and is gone to the Father’s right hand, seated on the Father’s throne, from henceforth expecting till His enemies be made His footstool.
During this period, since His rejection, “The Gospel of the Grace of God” is preached to every creature, and all who believe are the church, His body and His bride. It is also called the glorious gospel, or properly the gospel of the glory of Christ, because He is glorified, and those who believe it are called to share His heavenly glory.
When this period is ended, and the saints from Adam down are all raised and the living ones changed, and all caught up to be with the Lord, “The gospel of the Kingdom” will be again sent out to both Jews and Gentiles.
In Revelation 14:6-76And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 7Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. (Revelation 14:6‑7), we find “The Everlasting Gospel” calling on all that dwell upon the earth to fear and worship God who made all things, the Creator God. This gospel of creation has been going forth ever since man was on the earth. Psalm 19:1-61<<To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.>> The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handywork. 2Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. 3There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, 5Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. 6His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. (Psalm 19:1‑6), is creation’s testimony. When the hour of God’s judgment is at hand, this special testimony is sent to call the heathen from their idolatry to worship the Creator.