
A Correspondent seeks some help:
“As to the Jewish Remnant’s possession and understanding of the New Testament Scriptures. I have supposed that they, in common with the rest of the nation, did not accept Jesus as their Messiah until, Thomas-like, they see Him. But if that were the case, the Lord’s directions as to their flight would be lost to them. Yet how can they believe and not know and own, and so have forgiveness for their national sin in rejecting and crucifying Him, thus knowing grace?”
Perhaps some of our readers can throw a little light upon this most interesting question — something short, simple, and scriptural. May we be led to search the Word with prayer! That they will possess the New Testament Scriptures there can be no reasonable doubt. But after the rapture, all that concerns the present Church period will have become a matter of history, even as are now to us God’s past dealings with the nation of Israel.
Further, much that has been written (e.g., “Collected Writings of J. N. Darby”) since the revival of the truth as to the Lord’s coming and prophecy in general, very largely concerns the position, sorrows, exercises, and prospects of the Jewish Remnant in the last days. By the bulk of Christians all this is unread, and, sorrowfully we have to add, little interest is taken in such subjects by them. But all this, and other helps too, will be within the reach of those who, after the removal of the Church, will become the objects of God’s interest upon the earth.
That there will be those at that time who will have special intelligence in the mind of God is clear from Daniel 11:33, 35, 12:3, 10. By these “the many” will be instructed.
That the Spirit of God will be working graciously in the Remnant in the last days, the Psalms give ample evidence of, providing prophetically as they do the very expressions which will suit their then condition. Whether there will be an acknowledgment on their part of Jesus as the Messiah, before they actually look on Him whom they have pierced, we leave for the present, that all may seek light from the Word.