
Belfast— Questions as tor Corinthians 16 in reference to the Collections.
EVIDENTLY the collection here spoken of was of a special character, for verse 3 speaks of its being sent to Jerusalem.
It is a striking and beautiful evidence of the grace of God working in the hearts of Gentile believers in sending help to those at Jerusalem, showing that there was no resentment on their part to the religious intolerance that at one time sought to shut out from Christian fellowship those in whose hearts grace had wrought savingly, albeit that they were Gentiles.
But though the collection here spoken of was for a special purpose, the spiritual judgment of the saints has at all times found in this helpful guidance as to other collections connected with the assembly’s responsibility, whether in meeting the obligations of rent, or the claims of the Lord’s service, or the needs of the poor, if such there be.
Lausanne. — What do you think of Revelation 16:1212And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. (Revelation 16:12)? Which are these kings of the East, who come through the Euphrates? Are they the kings spoken of in Ezekiel 38, Gog with Persia, &c., or are they other kings?
Some spoke of this because of the Japanese War; some think that Russia will be stopped in this war, because other kings of the East, perhaps the Japanese, must come before Gog comes.
WE must always carefully remember that all in the Book of Revelation from chapter 4 and onward is still future. Not until the coming of the Lord for His saints, and their removal from this scene to heaven, will the events described from Revelation 4 to 19 begin to be accomplished.
What is now happening in the Far East cannot fail to interest every student of Scripture, for we see how rapidly the nations of the East are waking up, and so preparing to fill the place which the prophetic word assigns to them.
It is clear from Ezekiel 38 and 39 that when Gog comes into the land of Palestine, Israel will be there established at peace. Micah 5:55And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men. (Micah 5:5) also shows us that the Lord Himself will be there. Clearly therefore the beast and false prophet will have been destroyed (Rev. 19).
Now, turning to Revelation 16:1212And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. (Revelation 16:12), we here learn that after the removal of the Church, and before the appearing of Christ in glory, the Euphrates will be dried up. This I take to be figurative. The Euphrates was the boundary between the West and East. We are told that just before the close the way will be prepared — not for the western kings to go to the Far East to fight there (as they are now doing), but for the kings of the East (which no doubt includes China, Japan, Persia, &c.) to be collected in the land of Palestine, where the battle of the great day of God Almighty will be fought.
— I do not think Scripture warrants us to say that Armageddon will take place just then, for so far as I see that will be the final conflict between God and man before the bright millennial day — in other words, Gog of Ezekiel.
In some way or other the barrier between East and West will be broken down; a terrible Satanic power will be at work to accomplish this, originating from the very bosom of apostate Christendom. The West should have borne a testimony for Christ to the nations of the East — at that day the mouth of the dragon, the beast and false prophet (Satan’s trinity of evil) will send forth a devilish testimony which will mahal the hosts of the East against God Himself.
It is terrible to think that the professing Christian nations have done far more to educate the Japanese in the awful art of war than to lead them to a knowledge of the Prince of Peace.
Evidently Revelation 16:1212And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. (Revelation 16:12) must be prior to Ezekiel 38 and 39, for at the time of Gog the beast and false prophet will have been destroyed, whereas in Revelation 16 they are still present exercising this Satanic influence upon the kings of the East. The way of the kings of the East will be prepared under the sixth vial, but, as far as I see, the battle of Armageddon will not take place until after the destruction of the beast and the kings of the earth in Revelation 19, that is after the pouring forth of the seventh vial.
Europe is becoming alarmed, and no wonder, at the irresistible advance of Japan. Many stand aghast at the prospect of the awakening of the millions of China. Already a European Alliance is being seriously talked of, and what will this be but the revived Roman Empire?
Many a surprise is in store for the men of this world. We are told that within the last generation an incredible transformation of the Japanese type of countenance has taken place in a large number of cases. The Mongolian type has given place to a type which bears a much closer resemblance to the Western. We have ourselves seen a series of portraits of many notable Japanese which fully bears this out.
Without asserting anything, is it not possible that some of God’s scattered nation, soon to be gathered again, may be found amongst them?
Certain it is that when the time comes for God to say to the prisoners, “Go forth: to them that are in darkness, show yourselves;” when God makes His mountains a highway for the return of His people to their own land, they shall come from far, from the north and from the west, “and these from the land of Sinim” (Isa. 19:1212Where are they? where are thy wise men? and let them tell thee now, and let them know what the Lord of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt. (Isaiah 19:12)). This last it is well known refers to China.
Fellow Christians, the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. We are living in stirring times.
“Let us watch and be sober.”
Matters of detail, such as whether the box should be passed round or not, seem of small moment compared with the state of the heart of the giver — “God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:77Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)).