92. “Τεχνίτης.” If you can undertake such things as you name, to the glory of God, and in the name of Jesus, then by all means go on with them. Christ is the one grand touchstone for everything, and if we could only use Him as such, it would solve a thousand difficulties, and answer a thousand questions. Oh! to be able to say, “To me to live is Christ.”
93. “Sherborne.” Though agreeing in the main with your view of the subject, we do not judge it advisable to insert your paper. It would not promote the object we desire ever to keep before us in this work.
94. “ J. R. H.” The various passages you refer to, seem to show that the Lord’s supper was celebrated in the evening; but we do not see any principle involved in the matter.
95. “J. E.,” Canada. Your questions hardly fall in with our line of things. They would be more suitable for a private communication.
96. “Η. H,” Halifax. 1 Peter in. 19, refers to the preaching of Noah. The Spirit of Christ, in Noah, preached to the people whose “spirits” are now “in prison” because they did not believe the testimony.
97. “M. A. W.,” Peckham. Your affecting little narrative is hardly suitable for us; but if you wish, we can forward it to the publisher of “Good News.” From a sentence in your note, we rather judge you intended your paper for that publication. However, we shall await your instructions.
98. “A. B. C,” Teignmouth. Sins are atoned for. Persons or things are redeemed. Christ has atoned for our sins. He has redeemed us; and He has redeemed the inheritance. He has done both by the same precious bloodshedding, blessed forever be His holy Name!
99. “G. F.,” Brighton. If you could procure a copy of “Lectures on the New Testament Doctrine of the Holy Spirit,” by W. Kelly, it will help you much. It is published by W. H. Broom, Paternoster Row, London.
100. “M. J.,” Dublin. The four leading editors, Griesbach, Scholz, Lachmann, and Tischendorf, agree in omitting Acts 8:3737And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. (Acts 8:37). This is a simple fact. You ask us, “Why do they?” We reply, Because, no doubt, they judged it ought not to be inserted.