59. “Perplexed.” We have already gone into your question, in our replies to correspondents. See “Answers to Correspondents,” page 88. Also an answer in the second part, page 128.
60. “J. W.,” Leeds. Both your communications have come to hand. We thank you heartily for your kind interest. As to the matter to which you refer, you must wait much on God. He alone can set all straight. “My soul, wait thou only upon God.” Prayer is our grand resource. May we know its value and prove its power more and more each day!
61. “J. W. S.,” Kilcommon. We heartily thank you for your kind note. The lines hardly suit our pages.
62. “S. E.,” London. The first grand business of a person in debt is to get out of it. We must be just before we are generous. The parable at the close of Matt. 18 applies, primarily, to God’s governmental dealings with Israel; but the principle always holds good. If we do not cultivate a forgiving spirit, we shall soon lose the sweet sense of forgiveness. The more we enjoy grace, the more we shall display it; and the more we display it, the more we enjoy it. It is thus our heavenly Father deals with us in His daily government of His household.
63. “F. S.,” Downham Market. There is nothing in Eph. 2:2020And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; (Ephesians 2:20) about our building upon the cornerstone. The words are as plain as possible, “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner.” The apostles and prophets—that is New Testament prophets—were the first layer of the building of which Christ is the chief corner. Of course it is on earth the Holy Ghost is carrying on this great work. Whether we contemplate the church as the House or the Body, it is on the earth we see it now. By-and-by, it will be seen in its full heavenly glory.