
 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 5
49. “A. M.,” Blackheath. We fully appreciate your aim and motive; and moreover, we deeply feel the importance of your suggestion. If God permit, we hope, ere long, to write a paper on Rom. 6 We are most thoroughly convinced of the utter unsoundness of the views to which you refer—views indicated by such expressions as, “Holiness by faith”— “Higher Christian life.” If as you know, we have always sought to keep the pages of “Things New and Old” free from controversy; not because we do not feel the need of controversy, at times, but because we do not judge it to be the province of our little serial. We would merely add that we do not believe in any such thing as “A higher christian life.” Christ is our life and you cannot have anything higher than that. it is altogether a mistake and a delusion to speak of sonic; as having a higher life than others. And as to getting “holiness by faith,” when we receive Christ we receive all that is in Him-all that He is, His deity excepted, which is incommunicable. We are in Him. This includes everything. We do not get righteousness in one way, and holiness in sonic other way; we have an in Christ. No doubt, we arc to grow in grace, in the knowledge of Christ, and in conformity to His mind and will; but we are convinced that the entire system, indicated. by the expressions on which we are commenting, is false in principle, and most mischievous in result. Its tendency is to occupy us with our state instead of with Christ; it superinduces self-gratulation, on the one hand, or despair, on the other. In a word, we believe the very foundations of true Christianity are involved.
50. “A Reader of T. N. O.,” Manchester. We quite agree with you in saying, “I recognize the voice of Jesus alone in His word.” Where else could we hear it? It is upon that blessed word we are cast for everything. It is the solid foundation on which faith reposes. We want nothing else to give us full assurance but His faithful word. No outward evidence, no inward feeling can possibly add to the truth and stability of the word. How do I know I am a sinner? By the word. How do I know that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners By the word. How do I know that my sins are forgiven? Is it by my feelings? Nay; but by the word. That word tells me that Christ bath once suffered for sins.” But how do I know He suffered for my sins? Because the word says, “the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.” Now I know I am “unjust” because the word tells me so; and hence Christ suffered for my sins, and I am forgiven, according to the efficacy of Christ’s atoning suffering. I am brought to God, now, according to the virtue and value of the Person and work of Christ. “He was delivered for my offenses, and raised again for my justification.” Thus “being justified by faith, I have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
In a word, then, dear friend, you must lean like a little child, on the word. True, it is by the power of the Holy Ghost we believe in, and feed upon the word; but the word is the solid foundation on which your precious soul must ever rest. May all your doubts and fears vanish, in the pure and precious light of that word which is “settled forever in heaven!”
51. “J. W. P.,” Sydenham Hill. Thanks for the lines. There are sonic most precious thoughts, and much solid truth in them; but we fear they are too long for insertion.
52. “T. W.,” Matlock Bank. Your most kind and christian letter came duly to hand, and we desire to tender you our sincere thanks for the gracious spirit in which you write. Would that all who feel obliged, in conscience, to differ from us, were led to write in a like spirit and tone.