Costly Dishes

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Their scientific name means “gray mouse that flies.”
How many boys and girls know that they are on a journey, no matter who they are or where they live? It begins when they are born, and each day takes them a little farther along in life. Some might find the journey hard while others may enjoy it, but the choices we make as we travel along will make all the difference. The following story might help us all to be wise in our choices.
Over 150 years ago Sir John Franklin, an Arctic explorer, and his crew of 128 men set off in two sailing ships to find the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. History records that it was the best-equipped expedition to the Arctic up to that time. The ships were outfitted with fine china, crystal goblets, sterling silverware, and they had a library of 1,200 books. However, they carried only enough coal to fuel the steam engines for twelve days. As they progressed, the ships became trapped in frozen seas, and the men were forced to try to make it to safety over the frozen landscape.
Search parties were sent out, and they eventually found that none of the crew had survived. They also discovered that two officers had filled a sled with the silver tableware, which only slowed their progress and made their chance of survival far more difficult. Captain Franklin and these two officers had made bad decisions, thinking more of their comfort on the expedition than their survival. They lost their lives, along with the entire crew.
The Lord Jesus knew how much all of us like our comforts and having lots of things, and He warned us of it. He said, “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:3636For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36)). The Bible tells us how important it is to lay up treasure in heaven.
Our life’s journey on earth is not very long when compared with eternity, and boys and girls who decide to believe and follow the Lord Jesus Christ will have made the most important and best decision of all. That decision will carry them right through until their journey ends with Jesus in heaven.