Courage and Strength

Duration: 6min
Talk—James Amsden
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Our Godfather, we do thank you so much that we can be here tonight together in this circle of warmth and fellowship, together on this night. And thank you for this wonderful time we've been able to enjoy these last few days together for the many profitable conversations we've had.
Just thinking.
I guess tonight and we can truly lean on me and knowing that we have no strength in ourselves, we just ask for whatever word we have for us this night so.
We don't want to say it would be. That's her blessing upon it in Jesus name, Amen.
Actually, Mary, you know.
This morning.
I won't have to confirm your Bible with Joshua chapter one and verse 9.
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with you with their.
You know, it's, umm, it's kind of funny, every, every time, every commerce I've been to recently kind of start off looking at your schedule. Looks like a long couple of days in a way. But then Sunday afternoon comes along after lunch and you look at it, well, this thing's almost over, you know, umm, never was that like that one as a kid, you know?
Just drive on and on, but now?
You just, you just look at them and you look around and you kind of think like, I'm going to miss all you guys. You know, we all have to go home. We're all going to go home tomorrow. And, uh, some of us, we're going to keep on vacationing, but we're going to move on to other things. You know, we're going to go back into the burns, into the trials that we've been going through, whatever it might be.
School or family or a meeting or whatever it is. And it's easy to feel alone. It's easy to feel kind of bogged down by those things we're facing. But it's so wonderful to be able to be reminded of this message that the Lord said to Joshua so many years ago, and yet it's applicable to us today.
Just that he is with us wherever we are, wherever we go. You know. This message was said again another 1500 years later. Basically cycle when they were on the boat and they were caught in the store.
And, uh, with the BFP, you know, being not afraid as I and, uh, and that same message goes out to us today. And if you read in Hebrews 13 of umm, how to put it, uh, I'll, I'll never leave, you know, for safety. So that message has been gone going from the beginning that he is with us, He is there for us.
Well, who is it that's there for us? It's, you know, if you were to read in Hebrews 2 and four, we know about our great High Street, that one who who suffered so much even before he came to the cross, he suffered concerns. He suffered from hunger, he suffered from grief. He suffered and even says in one place and Matthew 26, but in the Darby translation that he was greatly depressed.
You know, we've all faced these things. We've all, like I said, we all struggle. We all have things we have to go back to this week.
Let's know that there is one who enters in with us in those things. You know, we we can only enter in so much into what the other person is going through. Case and I go through the exact same things that we both break our legs. He doesn't know exactly how I feel. I don't know exactly how we feel. Hopefully this won't happen tomorrow.
But the Lord knows. The Lord knows how you feel. He's been through the same, you know. He took not himself the seed of Abraham, but every way he was tempted.
Just like we are yet without skin. So I don't know if we just take comfort in that. Just take comfort that you're not alone and umm, whatever you have to face, whether it's any of those things I just mentioned, grief or pain, depression. But any of these things that we have to taste are just just a day-to-day grind of, of just trying to live for him. Just to know that he's there for you. He cares for you. And we don't have to be afraid. We don't have to.
He all alone is there with us so.
That's all I really have, but I just want to make sure it's just to go on with him and, uh.
This to enjoy his company and, uh, enjoy who he is. I guess we could just.
Fit ourselves and doing good. Thanks for the food now or.
Our Godfather again, we just thank you for the reminder of umm.
About about being with us and umm, we can have this very High Priest and Lord Jesus.
By whom we can come to the holiest of all things boldly, come to the holiest of all, to make our cares and our needs known to just. Thank you Father, for this. Thank you for thy love and goodness to us, and thank you that we could be together like.
And as we go out now and go to our smaller assemblies in our in our lives.
Just to just to know that the same Lord who we felt so definitely over this weekend is still with us. He hasn't changed and we just pray for this pray for a comfort brief heart and for strength for each heart would do well. I would do thank you for this evening and do thank you for the food that we have here for the fire and.
For these people.
No, no.