Courtship and Marriage

Duration: 48min
YP Sing Address—D. Nicoara
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Step by step by step.
Shall I know, feel that and comfort me where I go all the ground where we leave?
And she can hide what is good.
There's a crucified.
Means to play.
Big I love 10,000.
We destroy our world.
When he cried his friends, he gave himself to God. Salvation for this man was Sun.
He could have gone.
To destroy the world.
Yeah, we'll just sing around.
Tomorrow I don't seem to understand, but I know who wants to borrow and I know he holds my hand.
I don't know about tomorrow.
It may bring poverty.
But no one is a Sparrow, it's a one who stands by me, and the path that, be my portion, may be through the flame or flood.
What is presidents goes before me and I covered with his love.
Many things about tomorrow.
I don't seem to understand.
But I know who's tomorrow.
And I know he won't. He won't lie. He won't, he won't lie.
One 87187.
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
His side in the way somebody says that we do, where he says may we go, never feel wrong.
I see.
Glory shall we see?
Face to face, I shall be more than far beyond, far beyond the soil.
Face to face.
I shall be old and barking on the sun.
Nice to visit my soul.
30 #30 will be the last one.
I can praise tomorrow.
Because he lives.
God, because I know.
He rules the future.
And life is where the living just because he lives.
Let's ask the Lord for his help again, our Father, we give thanks for this opportunity to be together.
All the young people and this time that we can have looking in the that word sing in his beautiful hands, and we ask for help and on the message pray Lord Jesus, Amen.
In the past, the different conferences whenever.
I will have a message for the young people. I had different ones, young men and ladies, young ladies coming over and they will ask me to speak on courtship or marriage and.
It's a fair request because when I was in young, that's what I wanted to hear.
But it's like I kind of hesitated because.
My courship and my marriage was, I think, one of the oddest ones you'll hear. And I don't want to talk about myself. I want to talk and look in the Scripture what the Lord has to say, what God has to say. But for those who don't know me, I married Daniella, my wife, the third day after I seen her for the first time in my life.
So I had two days to plan for the third day. And so when my daughter Sabrina asked me, Dad, did you love mom? I go no way.
I didn't love her, I liked her and of course we didn't have Internet, but we did have cameras, so I did have a picture of her.
So I was like, OK, she looks good.
And and this story that I was going to look in really quick and I know I got only 10 minutes to do this.
It's in Genesis. I was going to talk a little bit about.
The story of Isaac.
And and I thought I had it bad, but I think Isaac had it worse.
So in Genesis 24, I'm not going to read the whole account, I'm just going to jump to some of the verses and phrases.
The size that Isaac needs a wife and I think because Isaac talked to him.
Just to make a really quick, you know, to go to Genesis.
In the beginning with Adam, I think it's chapter 2.
The Lord said it is not good that a man should be alone. It's not like Adam woke up on day saying hey, I'm missing something.
He didn't know he was alone. He didn't know what he was missing. How could he? And you know, I get a lot of responses for young men and younger ladies too. I don't think I'll ever going to get married. I don't think the Lord wants me to get married. And and I think it's let's you know, we see in Genesis here that the Lord decides for Adam if if he if he needed someone.
So in verse.
24 Says, Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, or in the Romanian translation says, Shall be glued, shall be one.
And there shall be one flesh. And I know some of you here are already married. And I say good for you.
I got married. I got married at 20. So is it true that the older you get, you get more knowledge and wisdom? I think so. But you know, like I asked Luke, my son-in-law, why should Sabrina? Why should I give Sabrina to you? Why are you worthy to marry my daughter? Not because my daughter was special necessarily, but why?
Why did you just wake up one day and decide to?
Hey, I'm going to marry this young girl.
I mean, if somebody was to ask me, it's like, well, let me pull out my paperwork and read my resume over here, he says. You know, I love the Lord Jesus with all my heart.
And I don't know much about the scriptures, obviously he's young, but.
I think that the relationship I have with the Lord Jesus should be suffice for me to be a good husband.
And the desire to learn the Scripture. So I urge first of all that.
Umm, that you do seek a godly, you know, it says in in in the Lord, Paul says in the Lord relationship relationships, but.
That's and at the same time to seek a wife that's going to be a mother to seek mother material, a husband, a father material, not just someone that you're going to my my brother used to have a saying.
Well, if I marry so and so, I'm going to go on honeymoon with her, but I'm going to come by myself.
And you know, it sounds funny, but at the same time it's very serious. So God wants people.
Should be fruitful and multiply and the happiness that we have as parents with our children have a granddaughter. It's unbelievable. It's beyond any any dollar you can put it or amount of price. So we see back over here in Abraham wants his servant, a liaiser of Damascus. He was a very wise #1 steward of Abraham and he wants him. Why didn't he want?
Isaac should go.
And alias down in Abraham. Wait a minute, you want me to go?
Get this girl for Isaac, But what if she doesn't want to come? Should I get Isaac to come and pick for himself?
And and Abraham says, no, I don't want him going back there. And it's I don't want to get into it now the reasons, but the Lord wanted him in this new place and Abraham didn't want his son. He didn't want to go there and he didn't want his son to go there. So he says it sends Eliezer and then he says, well, then you're free from.
From your duty so.
And the servant said unto him, Pray adventure, the woman will not be willing to follow me. Unto this land must thy needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou comest.
And of course Abraham says no and in verse 10.
We see the Eliezer Takes took 10 camels. He had 10 camels when he came to the well. So he's praying.
He's praying to the Lord that the girl that comes out and offers me water and also says.
I want to give you camels. One and 10 camels. That's a lot. I mean, that's a lot of water.
So to jump ahead, so he's C Eleazar knew the God of Abraham, he's praying and he puts a sign.
And I remember I used to when I was young, I was like, mom, how do I know? How do I know which girl? It's like, just pray that tell, tell the Lord you're I'm young, I don't know. I can't read the signs. Just slam a door in my face. Be ready to be humble, get a slap on the face and be good with it. The Lord has.
Someone, if we trust them with all our heart he has.
For each one of us, someone that he knows is best for us. And then a month or so, I'm going to have 27 years with Daniela.
I do want to mention that because Abraham wanted Eliezer to go into that country, he didn't want to get a wife out of the Canaanite women. So very important that I'll stress out tonight that you're going to look for a future spouse that loves the Lord Jesus.
That has a relationship with the Lord Jesus and that's something that.
Myself and Daniela had and that's what we enjoyed. We didn't know each other, but I never met her.
But I would call her, I would write some letters. She will write letters.
But we talked about the Lord.
In God's principles and precepts and how beautiful when we share our Redeemer with each other and over here.
Eliezer goes before the the the father of the girl and says the Lord had blessed my Master greatly. There's a blessing there. My Master is blessed. Your daughter's going to do good and we have that blessing and this I'm talking about spiritual blessing. I'm not talking about physical and.
And he tells the story.
How he?
Let me see here about Rebecca.
How he put the sign before the Lord and how she not only gave him water but also the camels.
Yeah. And well, I was going to skip over to 48 and I bowed down my head and worshiped the Lord and blessed the Lord God of my master Abraham, which had led me in the right way, very important in the right way.
To take my master's brother's daughter unto his son.
What a statement that he makes there.
And shows.
His obedience not only.
And his reliance? Not only.
Because of Abraham unto Abraham, but also unto the Lord.
And how he prayed, and how the Lord answered and showed him.
And So what I'm trying to say is that we can't, I'm not trying to say that we put a sign necessarily out there, but how important it is. Because we can imagine back in this day, the Canaanites and all this other nations, they had no idea about God. They were idol worshippers. They were just really bad and.
And Abraham wanted Isaac and Isaac too, but over here I'm thinking maybe Isaac.
Abraham said, no, you stay back because I don't want you going there because of the promise and because the Lord doesn't want us. So he sends a liaison. He has a lot of wisdom. And I think Isaac understood that it was a Prince because Isaac was 40 years old. It's not like, you know, he was a.
A teenager so. But he understood that and he obeyed and he understood that God doesn't want them to go back.
We see that Rebecca is being brought in and.
She was being nasty. It's not like what people think that. No, no, she had to go because she had to listen to the parents. No. Will you go with this man?
And they call Rebecca, and said unto him, Will he go with this man? And she said, I will go.
I think Rebecca must have known of heard of where she was going and what are the, you know, a lot of of Daniela's friends from work. She was a nurse there. They were like because she, they came to the wedding and I was like, how can you marry this guy you've only seen 2 days?
And you're going in a country you've never been into, a family that you don't know anything about.
And it's very hard for the world to understand.
Because in today we see how Satan is trying to just rip apart the institution of marriage.
And if we were to go, humanly speaking, it doesn't make any sense, but we need Christ in our relationship in order for the true course to stay together. Have the third one going through them, which is the Lord Jesus. And you know, it's not like I've been like, I want to give any credit to myself or Daniela, but everything goes to the Lord. All the credit goes to God. And I think if we.
If we humble ourselves in the sight of God and we choose to follow.
And put Christ first in our lives and look in the person that we're looking at to marry.
And see Christ in them. How much? What's the relationship with Christ? How much do they talk about the Lord Jesus? That's very important.
And then the world has Plan B and Plan C if the marriage doesn't work.
For God's children, there's no Plan B and Plan C, It's only plan A.
And and if we understand and we have that foundation in our relationships when we talk to one another as young, young people and we trust the power of God, you know, we see later on Isaac in verse 63, chapter 24 and Isaac went out to meditate. He wasn't spinning his keys around. Where is that woman? You know, it's like.
I was thinking, boy, if I knew that.
The servant is going out, gave me a wife. I'll probably be waiting all day. Didn't do any work, but he went to meditate. And I think that's very important because he understood that God wanted the best for him. And I think he had faith that God is going to find him a woman that's going to be.
According to God's will.
So he was out to meditate in the field at Eventide, and he lifted up his eyes and saw and behold, the cameras were coming.
Rebecca lifted up her eyes and when she saw Isaac.
She laid it off the camel. She came down. She.
I think she, she was honored, she was happy, you know, obviously just to meet him, but Can you imagine the fate that she had and the desire to, to meet a person?
That trust is God because obviously we see that what Ali is or what was talking about the whole House of Abraham. And that should be our #1 focus when we do get in in relationship. First of all, we should. I don't think that.
When people get bummed out and I think the Lord wants me to be by myself and live by myself, I I the Lord wants.
Believer he wants us to have that relationship and be fully multiply and you know another thing is that what I was going to bring out. I don't know how am I doing on my time, but the Lord Jesus when he talks when the Pharisees talk about a divorce papers, he says because of the hardness of your heart Moses.
Gave you guys a divorce paper and that's what we're seeing today is the hardness of our hearts.
And the Lord wants us to have a malleable or easy to work with heart. Are we humble before God?
And justice rely on the Lord Lord work in my life and humble me work in my heart help me love you most in my life. If if if a person doesn't love the Lord Jesus after and I'm talking about a believer.
If we don't recognize how much Christ has done for us and how much he loved us.
Are we really going to appreciate what our wife or our wives or our husband are doing in our lives? Are we going to be?
Recognize that in their efforts.
We sometimes say, wait, if a man doesn't respect his mother, it's a question mark and it's true.
But I think it goes even further if if a person, whether you're a young man or a young woman, if you, if you don't acknowledge Christ in our lives and really.
On the Lord Jesus as our personal Lord of every minute of the day.
I remember the first phone call when I called Daniela.
I asked her, are you saved? Do you love the Lord Jesus? She says with all my heart.
That's the most important thing. I didn't care how much money she was making, the degree she had. And the same thing with Luke when I asked him about, you know, his desire to marry Sabrina.
I didn't care how much money he had, how much money he was making, how much he has saved up, what's his future plans were? I don't care. He loved the Lord Jesus with all his heart. And that's something that that's the foundation that God has a foundation for the believers, for each young, for each one of you. If you're born again, he has a foundation and he wants you to walk in those precepts.
Was the first thing that we have to look into a young lady or a young man?
Do they have that relationship with Christ? That's the base now.
How much money they're making, that doesn't mean anything. What degrees they have, it doesn't mean anything.
That's nice. If you're going to pursue some career, that's fine, but that's the most important because that's the beginning of wisdom right there. And when you're young, you may not know the Scriptures very well, but that's the beginning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. So.
There's I think my time is up, but I just wanted to bring out in.
Let me see.
Proverbs, 1822.
One verse really quick.
Who shall find it a wife?
Doesn't say a girlfriend.
And this world, they don't care about husbands or wives, they care about girlfriends or boyfriends. How sad is that?
Find this a good thing. In the Romanian translation it says find it happiness, and I think that's the thought behind it if you want to be happy.
We follow what God has intended for us.
Find a spouse, have kids, grandkids and so on is the most rewarding thing ever.
This is an obtain a favor of the Lord, so findeth happiness. And I think it's true on both sides. I mean, what I'm saying is for both the young man and the young ladies.
There's in the world we're living in today. Oh, you got to wait. I remember I was.
Requesting a month.
To take off from work so I can have time to change all the passports, get her visa.
And the reason why we ended up getting it quick is because I was asked if you want to come back with me on the plane. We got a game here right away. So we have time. So she's like, OK, fine. She didn't like it because they got to get prepared. But I went over to the director in the apprenticeship and I asked for a month and, and I asked, I said, you know, they're like, well, you can only take two weeks off. And I'm like, well, how many times does a person get?
In the lifetime? Oh, more than once.
So how sad is that you know, but with the believers is for a lifetime what God has joined that no man set apart but apart so.
When we are looking for a relationship, it's a lifelong relationship, then the Lord comes, or the article of death. And if we trust the Lord in everything, He will help us.
So I wouldn't let the world bring in its fear and.
When we are ready to get married and we understand to let the fear of the world, of the world come in and say, Oh no, no, you're not ready because you need this much money in the bank. You need this and this. You need to finish this degrees. You need to finish this schooling.
Pray about it and the Lord will direct you. And how beautiful for Isaac that he allowed the Lord and didn't cross certain lines that he wasn't supposed to. Because either way, if the Rebecca didn't want to come, Abraham said don't take him.
Then forget about it. But you know Abraham and I didn't read it there.
He said, But the Lord will.
He saw in advance and he, he acted like, oh, but it's going to happen.
Kind of like no doubt in my mind.
Abraham said unto him in verse six he says.
The Lord God of heaven, which took me, which took me from my father's house, and from the land of my kinder, which spake unto me and swear unto me, saying, And should I said, I'll give this land, he shall send his Angel before thee, and thou shall take a wife unto my son from dance. He was already, he already knew.
So are we going by faith because nobody knows the future?
But they are the standards of God that we have to abide by. But as far as.
Who knows what's going to happen in the future the Lord does and if we have him in our relationship and in our hearts is going to help us and he did it in my life and I'm very happy that I have the Lord and I love the Lord and I want you to do the same thing and I'm not saying you know to get married young or to that's we don't see a lot of it in the word of God is a lot of personal and that's why it's very hard to talk about marriage or courtship but.
There are standards that God has for us and we can take from, you know, a lot of times we can say, well, wait, we're not living in the days of Isaac. Nobody's getting the bribe for me. I wish it was that easy.
But we see their standards. We see how God, what God tells Abraham, what Abraham tells Eliezer, and then we see how Isaac was meditating. So they're on the right ground, on the right foundation, waiting on the Lord Jesus. And then it says that he was comforted after his mother's death, so Rebecca comforted. How beautiful is that? It doesn't say that they were arguing like crazy among themselves.
He was comforted, so let's pray.
OK, our God and our Father, we are thankful to have such a God loving God and we're thankful for your creation and.
We are thankful for this account that we have in thy word of Isaac and Rebecca. What a union we're thankful for.
The institution of marriage among thy people, and how beautiful.
When we have thee in our meds and the world cannot understand it and they want to imitate it, but apart from the cannot be done. So we pray for these young people. We pray for all of them. First of all that they will be saved and second of all that they may choose a spouse that will have that relationship with the Lord Jesus.
And to have thee in their midst. And how beautiful to see the young.
Married couples.
That have made their step. We are thankful for this opportunity and again we are thankful for the refreshments and.
All the blessings, the food for the hands that prepared it. My name we pray, Lord Jesus, and we give thanks. Amen.