Cultivation of Shepherd's Heart

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Address—S. Jacobsen
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Just a few verses of it or words before someone starts it #238 Our shepherd is the Lord. The living Lord who died with all his fullness can afford. We are supplied. He richly feeds our souls with blessings from above.
And leads us where the river rolls of endless love. Someone please start #238.
We are the Lord. Here is the heart, soul.
When family grows.
With for a verse which I call one of my key verses. Actually there is 2 verses but one portion in the second chapter of Philippians and verses 20 and 21. Now this may seem a bit negative but what I have in my heart I hope is very positive.
And very encouraging. But this I admit. And after we read the second key verse, I'll explain the first verses that we read and the second verse. But let's first read Philippians, the second chapter and verses 20 and 21.
Philippians 2 Chapter, verses 20 and 21. I have no man. It's Timotheus of the 19. First, I have no man like minded who will naturally care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ. Now let's turn to 1St Corinthians 12 and verse 24.
For the second verse, and this is a very positive verse.
Well, verses 24 and 25I Corinthians 12.
Verses 24 and 25 our comely parts have no need, but God has tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked that there should be no schism in the body, and now this phrase, but that the members should have the same care.
One or another.
What really is on my heart this afternoon is the cultivation.
Of a shepherd's heart.
The cultivation of a shepherd's heart. And I take that those two verses in Philippians to be an example of sort of a gauge. I don't know if they do it anymore, but there are some big tanks as I remember as a boy, gas tanks, water tanks, oil tanks under pressure maybe and they've got an outside gauge that runs up the side. Well, I think that the verses in Philippians.
Are an indication that the supply of desire in my heart and yours for the Lords people is about 0 All seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ.
Now when that supply from the spirit of God for you and for me in connection with a desire for the Lorde people, that's First Corinthians 12 verse 25. We should have the same care one for another.
Now just a little bit of negative touch and then we'll get into what's very positive. We don't have the same care one for another. There's relatives. There are those that we've been used to being with. There are some that biologically, unfortunately we differ because there's a verse in Romans 12 That says if it be possible as much as lieth in, you live peaceably with all men. So that's a suggestion that there may be.
A certain individual that will find me and a certain individual that will find you a bit difficult. But here it says, and this, let's take these two as sort of a pressure gauge, a volume gauge. In Philippians, the gauge is all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ. And you know, some people have studied a fancy subject, and I don't want to single out a certain brother that I know studied at the college. He's now retired, but it's called thermodynamics.
And the second law of that body of study says that basically everything goes back to its natural state. And so you and I, if we allow ourselves that tendency, we go back to the condition of Philippians, the second chapter, all seeking their own. Now if our hearts have been motivated by the presence of the Lord and walking in his footsteps, which is the subject that I really have on my heart this afternoon.
The gauge is going to go to the top and it's going to we're going to have a care one for another and not just certain select people but what does it say we should have the same care one for another. Now if the subject that I have is in kension with.
Having the cultivation of a shepherd's heart, what is the best way to find out how a shepherd would act? And you say, brother, I think you're him was an indication of what you had in mind. There's only one chief shepherd. There is only one chief shepherd. And if we follow in his footsteps, then we know that if we take on the characteristics.
The characteristics of that man whose footsteps we've been asked to walk into. There's going to be something of the manner of thinking and the attitude of heart that that blessed man has shown that's going to be transfused by God's grace into your heart and mind. Now let's turn.
To Ephesians, the 4th chapter.
And I have a There's a special mention of shepherds in this verse in this chapter.
So at this point I'm going to divide our attention.
Into two facets, one in connection with those that may have a gift of being a shepherd. And then we're going to take up what really amounts to the rest of us in connection with doing the work of a shepherd. If the Apostle Paul could tell Timothy do the work of an evangelist, I'm going to take the liberty at this time of suggesting.
That there is such a thing as doing the work of a shepherd, and that shepherd may be a sister, may be a brother in connection with the work that God would have each of us care, showing our care one.
For another now, without enlarging on the portion itself, I'd like to read verses 11 and 12 and notice the punctuation.
Sometimes, unfortunately, like a certain verse in my Bible, it's in It's on the right hand page, the left hand column in the book of Hebrews, which isn't quite right, but this punctuation is very helpful now notice, and he gave some.
Apostles semi colon and some prophets semi colon and some evangelists semi colon. Now notice what is the next semi colon come and some pastors and teachers God never intended.
For a pastor not to be also.
A teacher. And I'll put it in a reverse way God never intended. From this portion we understand that he wants every teacher to be a pastor. And I know that there are some here that will hasten and say, brother, I don't know that I'm a teacher, but I desire by the grace of God to exercise something of the spirit of a shepherd.
I accept that. And then there's going to be a teacher that's going to say brother.
No, I'm a teacher. But all to say that I'm a I'm a I'm a shepherd, he's a teacher. But oh, I'm not sure that I'm really a shepherd. Let me put it this way. It's not what I have said that matters. It's the word of God. And here in Ephesians 4.
It's an apostle. It's a prophet. It's an evangelist.
Pastor slash.
Teacher. That's the teaching of this portion. Now for those that are pastors, slash teachers in connection with just to show the the, the, the way they're put together.
Is there any difference even though it's a gift?
And if it's just a gift of being a teacher, how that gift needs to be cultivated by a closeness to the Lord and the guidance of the spirit of God. And so if it's also a pastor, then a teacher, how important for that to be cultivated? My point is this, whether we see or do not see that were a shepherd slash teacher according to Ephesians 411.
Those of us that would not say we were and have a desire in any way to show a care for the flock, regardless of who they are, how difficult or easy they are to get along with. That includes most of us, because we're not pastors or shepherds slash teachers, but we're just simple Saints of God.
But both go down the same aisle, they go down the same path. And let's find out what that path is and let's get into our subject first, Peter, the second chapter.
First Peter second chapter 20 first verse.
For even hereunto recalled, because Christ also suffered for us.
Leaving us an example that ye should follow his steps. There's the secret. There's the secret For every believer here, regardless of age at the low end or the high end, whether they qualify for being a pastor, slash teacher or not, young person can have the blessed privilege of walking.
In the footsteps of the Blessed Lord, you know it's beautiful. We have it in principle in the other epistles. But to think of what we have here, from inspiration, to be sure, but from Peter.
You'd say, Peter, you didn't walk very well. You know what he'd say? I didn't. That's the honesty of a heart that has been searched.
If I want to be accused.
Of something that I know for sure is absolutely true. The only thing I need to add to what a brother may say is one word.
Amen. Amen. All right, so Peter is going to say Amen to any accusation we bring against him, but we're going to find that this man was plowed and he was restored.
Now he is saying follow his steps and you and I.
If we're going to take on anything of the of the attributes, the attitude of mind, the the, the, the largeness of heart of a shepherd, we're going to have to follow in his footsteps. Now, a page or two in my Bible is first Peter the 5th chapter.
And here, in a very special way, it points out those that are the elders.
And we'll notice two significant things about this class, if you will, of people of Saints of God, the first word of the second verse.
And the words chief shepherd in the fourth verse. And So what does it say? It says feed the flock of God, which is among you and when the chief shepherd shall appear. So it's a suggestion that those that Peter is speaking to are shepherds. But now let's remember, morally, God has put together shepherds and teachers into one, because the teacher may have.
I say may may have a tendency to give truth that he either thinks or assumes is what the sheep need to hear or what he himself knows. It's a tendency. But now if he is goes through the portal, as it were to reach the sheep with ministry, if he recognizes that first he's a shepherd, then he suits the ministry of being a teacher.
To the needs.
And propensities of the sheep see my point, not my point. It's what the word of God has done in putting together those two that we might separate. And brethren, I say, by the grace of God. Anyone here that's a teacher must of necessity, except that they have a responsibility to be a shepherd, and anyone that has a shepherd's heart must accept.
A shepherd's gift must accept that they need to connect with it, teaching beautiful, beautifully, morally consistent. And we see how beautiful it is that if there is a shepherd, he's a teacher, and that his heart has been filled with the person of Christ, and he understands the needs of the sheep.
A brother in a tape I listened to recently, and that brother is here.
Made this comment in Mr. Darby's letters in connection with the early days of being in Canada. He spent three months without ever bringing up the subject of Church teaching. What does that mean?
Is because they needed something else. And as a shepherd, Mr. Darby was not first a teacher, because if he had been, he had to give him church truth like he did in 1837 or so. And there's a book, you know, that we can read about beautiful things about church church teaching that he gave in in Switzerland.
But when he goes to Canada, he doesn't just say, well, now this is the teaching that is so important. I've been a part of its revival in this day. But no, he's a shepherd and he gives them that which is needed for their hearts. They need to be established.
In Christ for salvation say beautifully, beautifully brought together now.
What about the rest of us? Well, let's go back to first Peter 2.
And let's repeat what we've had.
Even though we have established by Scripture that the pastors and teachers intended are intended of God to be contained in the same gift, and necessarily so for the good of the sheep, for the proper presentation of the truth, But now most of us don't fit into that category.
I'm just a simple brother, is the expression we often use. Or I'm. I'm just a sister. What a beautiful, beautiful label.
To put on yourself, being a brother in Christ, being a sister, and we can each, regardless of the path that we're in, whether we're pastor, slash teacher, or just a mere Christian. What an expression to think of what it means to be a believer in Christ. And so we can follow the same path and we can emulate the attitude.
And manner of the Chief Shepherd I'd like to take up.
Three people, three men. They were apostles in the Gospel of John. And you'll say, well, that was sort of an easy choice, brother, because we've been taking up John, and I don't deny it. Let's take up the life, as it's mentioned in the Gospel of John of three individuals.
Not so difficult.
A little more difficult. And then Judas. And let's see how the Lord dealt with each of them. And I would suggest this to everyone that has a desire for following in his footsteps, that you search a little more deeply.
You search another gospel and see how the Lord deals. Let me tell you the 24th of Matthew is the most severe denunciation that there is practically in the in the the Gospels. Let me make sure of my chapter.
No, it's the 23rd.
Scribes. Pharisees. Hypocrites. Is that the approach?
That we're going to follow in his footsteps and level such a thing towards our brethren, I hasten to say with a bit of sorrow in my heart. Indeed not. They had proved themselves the development of up to that chapter.
Is the full development of from the very first chapter practically of Matthew till the 23rd, and the Lord is pouring out.
Their proper and righteous judgment. But what is the most severe statement that the Lord ever made, as I see it right now? And some of you may think differently and show me that the Lord made to His disciples.
All thou of little faith.
Wherefore didst loud out? I believe that one of the before we start with these men.
I want to make some a few cursory summary comments. I believe that the manner.
In which we reply and have to do with our brethren, shows how close we are.
To the shepherd.
There's not a one of us that in private we don't need to do it now, but in private can bow our heads and say yes, I have not always. I've tried to mix Matthew 24 and and and this expression.
Of the Lord's disciples, I've mixed some of them. Who of us can't, can, can get away from the denial of that. But that's not our subject today. We're not here to to bring some reproach or or. We're here to encourage your heart and mind, regardless of age, regardless of gift, regardless of knowledge that we need of necessity to stay close in the pathway.
Of the Blessed Lord because we have a tendency to go back to the empty reservoir of Philippians 2 and if by His grace we have been close to the shepherd, then we find First Corinthians 12/24.
Same care one for another.
You know there are large families here and there are some that have been united because of.
Distance and they've come here and and obviously they've been occupied.
With their children and their grandchildren. My wife and I remarked that if our two daughters had been here with our.
Children, we probably would have given them our undivided attention, and I I think that is quite proper. But you know, in connection with an attitude of heart and mind towards the Lord's people, just as if we were in an assembly that had this many people, you couldn't. If you wanted to avoid somebody, you could easily avoid them.
What are you talking about, Stanley? I wouldn't think of it. Well, this poor heart does sometimes.
And I'm sure yours does too, but see if we have the same care one for another. There wouldn't be.
One person in our assembly that we wouldn't want, whether they're young, this size, taller than I am, that we wouldn't want to greet, we wouldn't want to to know their their exercise and talk to them, same care one for another.
Same care one or another.
All right. Let's take up, Phillip.
The first mention of Philip, you know, in the first chapter is sort of the genesis of of the book, isn't it? And so we find that in the 43rd verse, and I'm going to mention something that may not be.
But I think the two disciples that had been John the Baptist's disciples.
And followed Jesus. I think they were Andrew and Philip. That's my thought. Maybe an extrapolation. Extrapolation means you go beyond the available information. But that's what I think. And we noticed in the 43rd verse, the day following, Jesus would go forth into Galilee and find his Philip and Seth unto him.
Follow me. Follow me. Now, Philip was a facade of the city of Andrew and Peter. So Philip finds Nathaniel and we know the rest of the story. Now let's go to the 6th chapter and we've had that in our reading and it will be familiar to us now notice.
In the 40, I'll give you the end of the story before we take up the parts in the 14th chapter as a result of encounters with the shepherd. Isn't that an exaggeration? Doesn't they have each one of us in a special training?
He wants us to understand his purposes and his heart of love. And so here.
The fifth verse of the 6th chapter he saith unto Philip. Why did he choose out?
Philip, I can't answer that. But he did. And there was a there's a.
A very special thing. When shall we buy bread that these may eat? Philip says there's 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that everyone of them may take a little one of his disciples. Andrew. Oh, there's there's Andrew again. Philip and Andrew in the first chapter. Philip and Andrew in the 6th chapter. And now let's turn to the 12Th chapter. And there we find it again. Philip and Andrew, Phillip and Andrew. You know, it's nice to have.
A brother that.
Cares that shares your heart.
Isn't it nice, nice as young people to have a friend? You're a boy, I have a boyfriend, girlfriend that you can say, you know, I enjoyed that portion. I enjoyed those verses, someone that you can share. It's nice. And it seems that Andrew and Phillip were that kind of people together. Chapter 12 and verse 20, There were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship of the feast. The same came therefore, to Philip.
That an accident, not an accident that it's mentioned, it's divine.
The same came there to Philip, which was of the seed of Galilee, and desired him saying, Sir.
We would see Jesus. It was a bit much for Philip it seems. And so he goes and he tells Andrew and again Andrew and Phillip tell Jesus, it seems that Philip is being sort of trained. He's being approached the the divine master ordered that these people come to Philip, but he's not too secure about it. And so he goes to Andrew and they go and they tell Jesus.
What have we had? We've had the first chapter, the 6th chapter, the 12Th chapter. Now let's turn to the 14th chapter.
And our King James.
Gives us. Really.
Singular and plural in a way that sometimes we don't take use, we don't make use of.
And so let's read verses 8:00 and 9:00, and it's the ninth verse that has the indication of plural and singular that are going to be a help.
Philip says unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
Now this verse Jesus says unto him, Have I been so long time with all of you?
Which it really means. Have I been so long time with all of you?
And yet hast thou not known me?
Phillip now.
Walking in the footsteps of the Lord.
The example that we find here that if we think that there's a brother that after all of these years should have known more than he does, how do we address him? Have I been so long? What's the matter with you, brother? Why you've been exposed to the truth?
That's not the Shepherd's voice. It may be ours, but it's not the Shepherd's voice.
And so the tenderness with which the Lord deals with Philip, the tenderness that you and I can find. If we walk in the footsteps of the blessed Lord, that tenderness comes out. And believe me, this type of of supposed scenario is not way out. It's right in the midst of of each one of us in our assembly. And so how does he, the Lord, deal with it? Have I been so long time with all of you?
And yet, has thou not known me, Philip? See, there was a special way in which the Lord, as we went our way through the 1St and the 2nd and the 3rd and the 4th and the 5th, and on through the 12Th to the 14th. Do we really recognize that in case with all the beautiful things that have been said, that there was a training program going on? He was trying to draw Philip out, and for Philip in the 14th chapter to have said what he did?
One of us and I go that way just to show.
That's what you and I might have a tendency to do, brother.
I've told you this so many times. Can't you understand? No, that's not the Shepherd's voice. Have I been so long time with you? Well, let's not belabor it. The point is obvious that Philip was in a training program.
And he didn't exactly get the lesson. But how did the Lord deal with him? That's the way in tenderness and love and understanding we need to deal with one another. Now let's go back to the book of Genesis on the 1St chapter of John, the Genesis of the Book, and let's pick up about Peter.
Intertwined. Really.
Notice the 40th verse.
This is back to the first chapter of John and the 40th verse.
One of the two which heard John speak and followed him was Andrew, Simon, Peter's brother. He first findeth his own brother Simon and set them to him, we have found.
We have found the Messiah which is being interpreted.
The Christ.
The very first introduction that Simon Peter.
Has to the Lord.
Is that he's told he's the Christ.
Let's turn now to the 6th chapter. And are we surprised at the answer that Peter gives in this 69th verse of the 6th chapter?
We'll read the 67th Then said Jesus unto the 12 Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life, and we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the living God. Beautiful. See, He's learning, and he's showing spiritual discernment.
Let's go on 13th chapter, fifth verse.
13th of John fifth verse. After that he poureth water into a basin.
And began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel where with he was girded.
We need that, don't we? We need to see in following his footsteps, because the Lord himself says.
What I've done to you, you do to your brother. Then cometh he to Simon Peter, and Peter saith, And Lord, dost thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and sent him. What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter, and I believe I'll take the time to make a comment in case of that seventh verse. What I do you do not have.
The inward sense of communion of what?
I am doing, but hereafter you'll know from experience 2 words for knowledge. The first one is inward communion, as it were, and the second one is from experience.
Brethren, and I want to say this with tenderness. If we don't learn something in the communion.
Our hearts with the Lord, we're going to have to learn it.
Through experience.
And that experience.
Is sometimes.
A very difficult path.
Enough of that, Peter said unto him. Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee knot, thou hast no part, not in me, but with me, Lord, my hands in my head. He that is washed all over, he does not save but to wash his feet, but is clean every whip Peter is beginning to show.
Even though he acknowledged the Christ. Even though he acknowledged.
From the very first is mentioned in the Gospel of John that he was the Christ.
He's wavering. He's wavering. Now, let's go on to the 23rd verse. There's something very special in the 23rd and the 25th versus, and I would like to bring it out, even though it's not in connection with Peter directly.
Two expressions, one in the 23rd verse about John leaning on Jesus bosom.
And in the 25th lying on Jesus breast.
There are very few.
Mere repetitions in scripture. And this is not a repetition. We might save the 23rd verse that he was in the bosom, but that's not physically possible. But it's spiritually possible. He was in the Good of Jesus bosom, and as you looked at Peter, you could see him lying on Jesus breast. That's really the thought. And when it's brought out again in the last chapter of John.
It's not the 23rd verse that's been referred to, but it's the 25th. And so let's get the point.
John was so much in the good of the bosom and thoughts of Jesus that it can say there was leaning in the end. Jesus bosom in the good of his bosom, but he was physically you just looked and he was lying on Jesus breath. And Peter recognizes that John was physically and spiritually closer.
To the Lord.
We see a development here, so let's go on to the 18th chapter. Let's skip a little bit. We don't want to lose track of our time.
The 18th chapter. You know I'm going to make this point in the Gospel of John. We find certain little nuances, little incidences in the life of Peter that we don't find in some of the other Gospels.
Who is writing it? Will you say, brother, It's inspiration. For who did God use John? And in the last chapter, I take the liberty of suggesting that Peter was just a bit ruffled about John, and the Lord had to say to him, what is that to thee followed by me? But in the gospel, in the book of Acts, the two of them went together at the hour of prayer. And you know there's something there. And if we don't say one more thing, if our time was up.
I'd want to make this comment.
There may well be brothers and an individual assembly that.
A Peter that says, what about John? And the John is one that has an affection that is greater than Peters in our type. And there's a concern, but all there's a reconciliation so that these two brothers go up together at the hour of prayer. How beautiful.
You know, to go on with our brethren, everyone of them.
No favorites have the same care one for another.
And So what does it do to an assembly where there are two brothers that aren't Exactly. We passed by the Golden Spike area of Utah. And you know, there are cartoons that that show them coming together. Instead of like this, they come like this. And of course those, those two rails coming from the east and the two rails coming from the West, they met. And so there could be no difference between them. And so it is that God desires.
That each one of us would lend our attitude in the local assembly such that there's no schism, same care, one or another.
But Peter?
He decides that the sword that the Lord had told him was enough and he had misunderstood it in the book of Luke, he's now going to use, and he must have either been a very poor swordsman or an expert swordsman. Can you imagine?
Being so expert that you only took off a person's ear with a sword.
My opinion is he meant to take off his head.
But it's the mercy of God to Peter and to that servant that it wasn't too good. But the Providence of God guided that sword, so it only took off his ear.
Put up thy sword into the sheath. See, Peter had some very serious lessons.
To learn and we're going to find before we're through, how the Lord dealt with Peter.
More severe than Philip, A little more as necessary.
But in this chapter he more than takes a sword.
He says some things.
That's very, very hard to accept.
Unless we scrutinize our own heart, is it possible?
That you and I in 1998 could be in circumstances in which we individually, not Peter now for the moment, but individually, would deny that we ever knew that man.
And I'm not going to make an accusation about anyone.
But the tendency of your heart and mind is the same. And if we're not walking close to the Shepherd.
It's quite possible that we could be in a circumstance where we would deny that we knew the Savior, and that's what Peter did. Now let's go to the last chapter.
And we don't find it in John, I don't think.
May be wrong, but there was a private meeting between the Blessed Lord. We don't find in John that the Lord turned and looked on Peter. That's in Luke. But we do find in John what we find in no other book, no other gospel.
That the Lord makes the mall comfortable and then he is going to start a dealing.
With Peter.
Now there's the the pathway of the Lord that we should.
Emulate how? If we have an opportunity, a requirement to speak to someone about a particular need, how do we handle that person?
Well, we could go through this portion, the last chapter from verses 15 and through 18. And in fact at Regina conference last year, some of us were there. I think it was gone through. And I think with profit there's an interchange of the chief shepherd, an Underlay shepherd with the word love, the word knowledge and the Lord finally reduces Peter.
And I'd like to make to a position.
Where he is completely open concerning what?
Had not been opened before.
That's the way.
The Lord dealt with Peter.
Now, because our time is quickly going, let's see the very end of Judas. Let's turn to the 18th chapter.
Now this is not in John John 18 verses 3.
But what I'm going to say is in the book of Psalms, the perspective that the Psalms give us.
Concerning the Lord's attitude towards Judah, my own familiar friend.
Now I'm not trying to make out that Judas was a believer and so, but it's the manner in which the Lord treated Judas. Now remember this. He did say that he was going to be one of you is a devil. But they didn't understand. He didn't give them individual instruction so that they clearly understood that Judas was the person because the Last Supper.
Who is that? Who is that person going to be? You know, they had no idea. And that's the tendency of our hearts. If we're not following in the footsteps of the Blessed Lord that we like, oh, that's a bad word. We like to divulge what is not savory. Love thinketh no evil, and so the Blessed Lord never exposed.
Peter or Judas to the point where they could say, ah, I understand that's the one you mean. He never, never did, you know?
I want you, I want me, each one of us, to take on the character, the attribute, the attitude of mind that would be able to deal with this variety of things in our lives with our brethren in the way in which the Lord himself did. I don't think that we find Judas in the Gospel of John after this.
Because, it says he also fell backward to the ground.
Serious, but it's the attitude that the Blessed Lord had towards him. And there's extremities in our lives that sometimes we think it calls for extreme measures. It may, and I'm not here to dictate any individuals in their individual assemblies or ways, but each one of us, whether we're a shepherd, slash teacher or just like the most of us are.
Let's follow in his footsteps.
And let's emulate the attitude that the chief shepherd showed. Now in conclusion, I want to read just a few verses in the 34th chapter of Ezekiel. And then I want us to sing hymn #19 in the appendix, but just a few verses in Ezekiel.
And this is the attitude that the chief shepherd has towards his earthly sheep that were scattered. And it may be a special word to each of us concerning any of God's sheep that have been scattered. Ezekiel 34, verse 11 For thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I even I will both search my sheep and seek them out.
As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel. By the rivers and all the inhabited places of the country I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall they fold there. There they shall lie in a good fold and in a fat pasture.
Shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel? I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, says the Lord God There may well be.
Some that we know of that have been scattered, what is our attitude? I'm not attributing indifference. I'm simply saying that if we follow in the shepherds the chief shepherd's footsteps, this is the attitude of mind towards such. Let's sing #19 in the appendix.
In heavenly love, abiding no change my heart shall fear.
And say it is such confining. For nothing changes here. His sight is never dim. He knows the way he taketh, and I will walk with him. My savior has my treasure, and he will walk with me. Hymn #19 in the appendix.
The fire may Lord.
Be my heart.
Heart fail.
My God is proud of the crowd here, and I can't. I will be the weakness made.
Wherever there is a life with me.
Now there's me.
By my cat burned in the past.