Daniel The Man of God

Daniel 1
Address—R. Rule
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We turn together to the book of Daniel. First chapter of Daniel. Just read at this time a few verses in the first chapter, but had before me speaking in a somewhat general way of those things that characterized Daniel as a man of God.
Chapter One. In the third year of the reign of Jehovah, and king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon under Jerusalem, and besieged it. And the Lord gave unto Jehoiakim king of Judah. Pardon me. The Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah, into his hand with part of the vessels of the House of God, which he carried into the land of Shinar, to the House of his God, and he bought the vessels.
Into the treasure House of his God.
The king spake under ash Pines the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel and of the king seed, and of the Princess children, whom was no blemish, but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and cunning and knowledge and understanding science, such as had ability in them to stand in the King's palace.
And whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans. And the king appointed them a daily provision of the King's meat, and of the wine which she drank, so nourishing them three years. At the end thereof they might stand before the king. Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, And whom the Prince of the eunuchs gave names, forgave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar, and to Hananiah of Shadrach, and a Michel of Meshech. And.
Of Abednego. But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with a portion of the King's meat, nor with the wine which he drank. Therefore her requested of the Prince of the eunuchs, he might not defile himself. Now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the Prince of the eunuchs. The Prince of the eunuch said unto Daniel, I hear, my Lord the king, who has appointed your meat and your drink. For why should he see your faces worse liking than the children, which.
Of your sort then she make me endanger my head to the king.
Then said Daniel to Melzar, whom the Prince of eunuchs had said over Daniel, Hananiah, Michelle and Azariah, prove thy servant, I beseech thee 10 days, and let them give us pulse to eat and water to drink. Then let our countenances be looked upon, and the countenances of the children, that either the portion of the kings meat, and as thus deal with thy servant, so he consented to them in this matter, and proved them 10 days.
And at the end of 10 days, their countenances appeared fair and fatter and fleshed in all the children which did eat the portion of the King's meat. Plus Melzar took away the portion of their meat and the wine that they should drink and gave them pulse. Well, that's as far as a read at the minute.
I've always found Danielle a very interesting.
Book and Daniel's personal activity something.
Of real interest, because of the many qualities that he manifested as a man of God, I would like to bring out this afternoon, with the Lord's help, some of those qualities.
To seek to encourage us that.
They might, in a fuller measure, be that which characterizes those of us who belong to the Lord.
As most here know, Daniel lived in a difficult day. I don't need to tell you that we're living in difficult days. A scripture says in the last days, perilous times shall come. I think a more accurate rending is rendering is in the last days, difficult times shall come. Well, those times have come, dear young friends, they have come. We are living in difficult times, difficult days, but God in his word.
Given us guidance and instruction for the very day in which we live. And Daniel himself lived in difficult days.
He was a Jew.
He was one of God's earthly people. They had been given Jerusalem and Palestine as their home.
But because they had sinned against God finally.
God came in and his people were taken into captivity, and we find in Daniel many had been carried into Babylon and there they were subject to a Gentile monarch where they had been brought into *******.
Daniel was one of that number.
It was a difficult day in which he was found, but we find that Daniel was one who sought to stand firm. Verse Revelation 2 Says, Hold that fast which thou hast, and Daniel was one who sought to hold fast the principles that he had learned from God's Word well.
We find here one of the first things that.
Early in our chapter we find that the king had Aspen as the master of eunuchs. He had to bring some of the outstanding Jews before him. Those that were well favored, those who were skillful in all wisdom, it says Cunningham. Knowledge and understanding science.
Those that had a special ability, Satan is perfectly willing, the world is perfectly willing to make use of the abilities of Christians if he can get them to compromise as far as the principles of truth are concerned. But we find in Daniel one who wasn't prepared to compromise.
Your exercise as a Christian, dear young friend. Is it your desire to hold fast what you have? Is it your desire to stand firm, as we see with Daniel's desire? It says here that the king appointed them this verse 5.
Appointed them a daily provision of the King's meat, and of the wine which he drank, and so nourishing them three years, that they might stand at the end thereof. Might stand before the king.
I have been at business seminars, not three-year seminars. Most of them have been three day seminars.
And I think once a weekly seminar, but here is.
Three years seminar, as it were. They were to have three years of special training that they might.
Perhaps be used to the furtherance of the cause of the King.
And during this period they were given the King's meat for daily provision of the King's meat and of the wine which he drank.
But in the case of Daniel.
It says in verse eight he would not defile himself with a portion of the King's meat, nor with the wine he drank. Why was that? Well, if we were to turn back to the book of Leviticus, we would find in the 7th chapter that they weren't to eat fat of certain meats that they were permitted to eat, nor drink blood.
Nor were they two in the 20. In the 11Th chapter there were.
Many kinds of meat that they weren't to eat at all or to touch.
And undoubtedly the King's meat included some of those things that they that would have defiled them according to the law of Daniels God.
And so it says, he requested of the Prince of the eunuchs. He might not defile himself.
Well, what brought this about in Daniel? He was facing quite a decision. You know, we have decisions to face in life here. He was faced with this three-year special training course program that would fit him to have a special place in the Kingdom, a place of more prominence. Why is it that Daniel wouldn't touch the King's meat?
Because he was going to stand true to the word of his God.
There he was a man of purpose, it says in the eighth verse. Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself. Well, that's the first quality I'd like to bring out and emphasize connection with Daniel. He was a man of purpose.
You know in the 11Th chapter of Acts when?
Barnabas went to Antioch.
Tells us the exhorted them with purpose of heart. To cleave under the Lord. To my cleave unto the Lord with purpose of heart. Oh dear young friend, this afternoon we would exhort you. We would encourage you to cleave to the Lord with purpose of heart. You'll never be the loser if you do.
Daniel Maddafort will now if I don't.
Eat the King's meat, the provision that he's given, and drink of his wine.
I'll be not be in favor with him and it might cost me something.
Well, dear friend, it might cost you a little something in this world if with purpose of heart you seem to you seek to cleave under the Lord, but you'll be the eternal gainer.
We find in writing to Timothy the apostle Paul could say.
Thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, and so forth. The third thing mentioned. There was purpose. Just before that comes manner of life. He knew the conduct that was proper to the doctrine that He taught. He knew the conduct that was proper to it. But there was also purpose of heart, that that proper conduct might be manifest in His life.
Oh, may the Lord give you and me to have purpose of heart.
That's the first quality I'd bring before you. Verse 8. Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself. How many things there are in this world that it might seek to be, It might seem to be to our advantage to go along with. We might gain something by going along with it.
But you know, if we do, we'll only be defiled if it's something of this world we've had reminded in our reading meetings in John 17, it says the Lord says they are not of this world, even as I am not of this world. And all of the things of this world can do is to defile you and I. We're heavenly citizens. Our citizenship is in heaven.
Our hope is there, wrongly. Pilgrims and strangers here, let's remember.
And were put to the test. Let's remember. Let's seek to act like Daniel did.
He knew what was written in the book of Leviticus, and he would not eat of that meat. He would not defile himself by having a portion of the King's meat and a drink or with the wine that he drank. No, well, you know, it says in the ninth verse, God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the Prince of the eunuchs, if we seek to please the Lord.
The Lord here and there in his own way.
Well, I caused that others in the measure act on our behalf here, that Daniel was brought into favor and tender love with the Prince of the eunuchs. And this Prince said to him, Daniel, I fear of the Lord. My Lord, the king was appointed your meat and your drink, for why should they see your faces?
The margin says Sadder than the children, which are of your sort. Then shall you make me endanger my head to the king?
Oh, Daniel just said verse 10, Prove thy servants just put us to the test.
Let us have a pulse to eat and water to drink. We are not sure what that word pulse means. Some have suggested might refer to lentils. Our brother reminded us this morning of Shama how when all his companions fled from the Philistines, Shama stood firm and he defended the field of lentils. Food for God's people. Well, in any event, all he wanted was that which.
He could have God's approval and eating pulse.
Water to drink and then he said then look at our countenances. And so verse 14 says that.
He consented to them in this matter, and He proved them 10 days, and it says at the end of the 10 days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter and fleshed, and all the children which did each portion of the King's meat well. The Lord has his own way of undertaking for his own, if will only be faithful to him well.
Before I go on, I'd like to suggest that that eighth verse brings Daniel before us as a man who would be separate, a separated man. The Lord would have you and me to be separated, separated to himself and apart from this poor world and not getting involved in it.
He would also have us to have purpose of heart. I remember I haven't sung it very often recently, but when I was younger it seemed to come up more often. That little chorus that goes like this. Dare to be a Daniel. Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose. True. Dare to make it known.
Why won't you dare to be a Daniel? Don't you dare to have a purpose? True. Make Christ your purpose in life.
The Apostle Paul said we mentioned thou known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose. What was his purpose in life all was Christ. I think in the third of Philippians he says this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind, I press toward the mark or the goal.
For the prize of the calling of God on high in Christ Jesus, is that your goal, Christ and glory? Are you pressing toward the mark? May God give you and me to seek to be found pressing toward that goal, the man in the glory, Christ Jesus. Well, Daniel was a separated man, and he went on in purpose of heart. That's the first thing.
Now on the verses that follow in this chapter, we find that He was in.
Enlightened man, if we seek to walk according to the Word of God, God will give light for the pathway. Notice verse 17. As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom. And Daniel had understand and envisions and dreams at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in. Then the Prince of the eunuchs brought them in before.
Here is their examination day, and you know, you and I were all going to have an examination day, as it were. And now how do we find the king communed with them, found among them and apart and, and, and among them all was found none like Daniel, Hannanaya, and Azariah. Therefore stood they before the king, and in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them.
He found them 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm. Oh, you know God undertakes for the one that's true to him, faithful to him. Here they were found 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in his realm.
As I read that verse, Speaking of wisdom and understanding, I'm reminded of the verse in Colossians in connection with the prayer of the apostle for the Colossians. He prayed for them.
That he says that he might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Well, you know, if we put the Lord first.
If we read the word of God and we seek to have it as our guide, the scripture says thy word is a lamp under my feet and a light under my path.
And as that verse tells us in the 119th Psalm, God's Word will be a light, for the pathway here will give guidance.
And we do need guidance. Are you seeking guidance primarily from the textbooks in schools or from this precious book here? I'm not saying that one shouldn't read or study the textbooks in school. That isn't my point. But the real guidance for your overall path and mine is to be found right here in this book. Well.
Daniel gave God his proper place, and we find that as the 21St says, that in all matters of wisdom and understanding.
The king found them 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers in this realm. Oh, we'll never lose by letting God be our guide, letting His Word be our guide, and seeking to go on in separation like Daniel did. We mentioned you as a separated man, and if there is that and purpose of heart and reading the word, God will give light for the pathway.
And so the second characteristic of Daniel, whom this chapter that we would say he was, he had light, he was enlightened man.
Now let us turn to the third, second chapter and we'll find.
We'll find another thing that characterized Daniel.
In this chapter, in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream.
It and his spirit was troubled by it, and he called in as astrologers. Miss soothsayers.
And he asked them to interpret the dream for him, but they couldn't do it. They didn't even know what the dream was. King couldn't even remember the dream. But he told them that if they didn't tell him what the dream was in the interpretation of it, he told them that he was going to take their life. And.
Daniel heard about this.
That the wise men were going to be slain. And Daniel says in verse 16 of the second chapter. Then Daniel went in and desired of the king that he would give him time. What did he want time for? He wanted time to pray.
You make it a point each day to have time. Time to pray.
He went into the King and desired he would give him time. All dear young friend, and all those of us who are older too, let us take time to pray.
He says time that he would show the king interpretation. Verse 17. Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mitchell, and Azariah and his companions, verse 18, that they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret, all they were going to get before God about it, and ask of him.
Mercies concerning this secret, that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men in Babylon.
Well, here's the third characteristic or quality of connection with Daniel.
A powerful man. A man of prayer. Oh, I exhort. I encourage you, dear young friend. May we all take more time for prayer. How important is reading the word and prayer in your life and mine? Well, he asked the king to give him time. Time to pray. Well, that's the third quality. A prayerful man.
And the 4th one, I think we might say is he was a man of praise because you know, if there's sufficient prayer in our lives, or there'll be many things to praise God for, because he's one who answers prayer for there's true dependence upon Himself. And now notice in the verses that follow, verse 20.
Daniel answered and said blessed be the God for end of verse 19 says then was the then was the secret revealed under Daniel the night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven. Daniel Anson said blessed be the name of God forever and ever for wisdom and might are his. He changes times and seasons. He removeth kings and setteth up kings. He giveth wisdom unto the wise and now it's them that no understanding.
Reveal deep and secret things you know if what's in the darkness and the light dwells with him.
Oh, he learned he knew what a God he had. God may change times and seasons, and times and seasons have been changing in recent years.
It says he removeth kings and setteth up kings. The powers that be. We've seen changes, but God is behind the scenes moving all the things that He is behind. He knows the end from the beginning. Things may be getting darker around us, but God knows all that's ahead and before things.
The terrible state that we see approaching reaches its climax. We know that everyone that belongs to Christ is going to be called home to glory.
Everyone that is has that hope. We can rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Dear friend, do you have that hope? The Lord is coming soon. Is there a boy or girl here? A young man, a young woman that doesn't know Christ as their Savior yet? But won't you take him now? He may come at any moment. I am waiting for Him to call me home.
I would just be delighted if it happened before I leave this platform.
Well, where would you be? Would you be left sitting in your seat or words you open your heart to receive Christ as your Savior. Because if you were left behind, and he might come, while I might hear standing before this audience, he might come. If you're left behind, it would be to be cast into that place of honor, darkness where there's nothing but weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth for all eternity.
Daniel was a man of praise. In verse 23 he says, I thank thee and praise thee, thou God of my Father, who hath given me wisdom and might. And this made known unto me now what we desired of thee, for thou hast now made known unto us the King's matter. I like that little word we in there.
Daniel is the one that seemed to be the leader, the one that God used in a special way.
All but he had three companions here in this chapter. That little poem that we quoted said there to be Daniel dare to stand alone. He wasn't alone in these first two chapters, but we find him alone in the lions den in the 6th chapter. But he wasn't alone. God was with him.
But here he had his companions, He says made known unto me now what we desired of thee. He wouldn't forget his companions who were associated with him in this separated place. Well.
We must go on the fourth thing, then that we 4th characteristic as he was a man of praise. Now if we turn to the.
End of that chapter we find something else in connection with Daniel.
We don't have the time to go into the.
Interpretation of the dream. There's a lot involved in it, but he did interpret the dream and in verse 48 it says.
Then the king made Daniel a great man and gave him many great gifts.
And made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon.
Then Daniel requested of the king, and he said Sadrak, Meshach and Abednego over the affairs of the province of Babylon, but that Daniel sat in the gate of the king.
Well, here we have what I might refer to as the 5th characteristic brought out there. Fifth thing brought out connection with Daniel. He prospered.
Now, God doesn't measure our prosperity today in the same way that it was measured when He had an earthly people. Daniel was part of God's earthly people, and he was given a place here.
Very high place made ruler over the whole province of Babylon.
He sat in the gate that would speak of being a judge, but today?
The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich not in this way, but God has his own way of bringing in blessing and prosperity for the one that trusts in him. The blessing of the Lord, it won't be measured in the same way of Daniels, but if we're faithful like Daniel was, the fair separation.
And dependence why God will prosper one in his own way. And so we find that this characteristic of Daniel. He prospered. Now turning on a little further to the to the fifth chapter.
Here we find quite a few years have gone by, and at the present time Belshazzar, a very important man, was king. We find in this 5th chapter how he took the vessels that had been taken from God's holy temple in Jerusalem. He brought them down to Babylon, and we find that he had a great feast with 1000 of his Lords.
The first verse tells us and.
And they dress says in verse, and they use these vessels from the temple for for for their feasting. It says in verse three that they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the House of God, which was Jerusalem. And the king and his Princess wives, concubines drank in them. They drank wine and noticed what they praised the gods of gold and of silver, brass, of iron, of wood and stone.
Oh, you know, I enjoyed reading recently a little article that referred to Queen Victoria of England.
How she was used to the salvation of God. Used her as an instrument to bring the gospel to the grandson of one of her servants.
And from what we've read, we feel quite sure that she was a true Christian.
But all we find those in authority today, so many of them are turning their backs on God. I'm not Speaking of anyone person in authority now I'm Speaking of what generally is going on in this poor scene in which we're living more and more God is being left out here. We find they got to where they they praise the gods of gold and silver and brass verse 4 and that's the trend that we find about us today and by many.
Authority and in the place of of judges and so forth. God is being left out. But thank God Daniel was one that had courage to stand firm. I think we might say one thing that characterized him in in these two chapters, the 5th and the 6th, is that he was faithful.
You have much thought out about Daniel in these chapters, but the fifth quality, or 6th rather, he was a faithful man.
Now in the 17th verse.
Well, before reading that I mentioned this, while he was having this impious feast, the king saw part of a handwriting on the wall and he couldn't interpret it. And his astrologers and soothsayers couldn't interpret it. And the queen told him about Daniel and said, well, he can interpret it. And Daniel was called in. And then verse 17 that says.
The king had told him in the 16th verse of what he'd given. If he made no interpretation. He told him to be quelled with Scarlett have a chain of gold about his neck.
Be made the third rule in the Kingdom. But Daniel said, verse 17, let thy gift be to thyself and give thy rewards to another. I think that would show us that he wanted to be independent of man. He was depending on God. Independent of man, but dependent on God.
And the Lord would encourage you and me to be independent of our of man, but our dependence to be on God Himself.
In the end of that chapter we find that he did make known what this handwriting on the wall was. Verse 26 says this is the interpretation of the thing. Many goddess numbered thy Kingdom and finished it. Kick a large weight in the balances, and found wanting perish. Thy Kingdom is divided and given to the Pers, Medes and Persians.
Oh, how sad. He had nothing but judgment to pronounce. That's what that handwriting was on the wall.
God was being mocked by that that feast, for his vessels from the temple were being used for their drinking of wine, and yet the gods of silver and gold were those that were praised. And now Daniel pronounces judgment. But the king, true to his word, closed Daniel with scarlet.
And it says at the end of the 29 first is made the third ruler of the Kingdom. And in that night was Belshazzar the king of Chaldean, slain.
Verse six we find another characteristic of Daniel, as I said in both the chapter 6 rabbits, both these chapters we find him faithful, but another quality, another aspect is brought out in the sixth chapter. It says in verse.
One is pleased to us to set over the Kingdom 120 Princess, which should be over the whole Kingdom, and over these 3 presidents, of whom Daniel was first, that the Princess might give account unto them.
And that the king should have no damage. Then this Daniel is preferred above the presidents and Princess because of an excellent an excellent spirit was found in him. The king sought to set him over the whole realm. Then the presidents and Princess sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the Kingdom, but they could find none occasion.
Nor fall, for as much as he was faithful, neither was there any error, fault found in him.
Oh, it's lovely what we've read in those verses.
One thing that said in verse 3 is that an excellent spirit was found in him. An excellent spirit.
Oh, could that be said of you? An excellent spirit. It's something we should covet. What kind of a spirit would others say that you and I have?
Well, that's something we should see. An excellent spirit was found in him, and so the king fed him over the whole realm. Oh, but the next quality, the next thing that I would bring out in connection, Daniel comes out in the next verse because of this.
Yeah, he was hated, it says in verse 7. The presidents and the Princess sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the Kingdom, but they could find none occasion for fault in him.
Well, they hated him. Their pride was hurt when Daniel was given this place, and so their hatred comes out. And the reason?
That they could, they themselves had to admit that they could find that occasion for fall, for as much as he was faithful. Can your companions of school say that about you? I can't find any occasion to fall. And your companions at work say that about you? About me? Isn't that a blessed, lovely testimony? He was a man of integrity.
It says neither was there any error or fault found in him.
His accounts were kept accurate. There was uprightness, there was integrity. He had what I believe answers to the in the in Ephesians 6, we have the armor of God and one of one part defensive part of the armor is the breastplate of righteousness. That was righteousness practically in his life.
All let's be exercised that that might characterize you and me, whether in school or in business or in relations with our brethren, that there might be uprightness.
There was no error nor fault found in him. What a testimony, what a testimony. Well, you know they hated him for that. If we seek to walk in a way that's pleasing to the Lord, it might bring bring out the hatred of this of this world. I'm thinking now of of a verse, for example, in in Luke's gospel, it says blessed are ye when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate from you, you from their company and reproach you and cast out your.
Evil for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leave for joy, For behold, your reward is great in heaven. Oh, that's the real accounting day. Rejoice and leave the joy, for your reward is great in heaven.
Yes, we don't need to be concerned when men reproach us or separate us from their company if we're faithful to the Lord or cast out our name. It says, rejoice in that day, and leap for joy. Behold, your reward is great in heaven. In the 5th of Acts we find that the apostles were beaten and told not to speak any more of these things concerning the Lord.
And it says that they rejoiced.
That they were found worthy to suffer for his namesake.
All they realized there was a blessing connected being identified with a rejected Christ. Yes, dear friends, Christ is a rejected Christ today, but take a stand for Him, you'll never regret it.
In fact, if you're if you suffer a little reproach, why just rejoice? Because great is your reward in heaven.
Well, the seventh thing then that we get in connection with Daniel, He was the man who was hated.
But as we said in this chapter, we find that he was a man of faith, and we find his faith was tested.
In the 10th verse, because they hated him, they had the king pass the decree that whoever, whoever made any petition during the next 30 days other than to the king, would be cast into the den of lions. Well, Doral signed the decree and it says Now when Daniel knew that their writing was signed, he went into his house.
And his windows being opened in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees.
Three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before.
His God, as he did a four time, he made it a practice of praying three times a day. If we were turned to the 55th Psalm, we would find reference to the psalmist Speaking of praying in the morning and and at noon time and in the afternoon, and he did it three times a day. That was his practice and in first Kings.
The 8th chapter we find that if God had said beforehand, used his prophet to tell him beforehand, when carried into captivity, that they were to pray toward Jerusalem, Daniel hadn't forgotten God's word in connection with that. And even though playing to anyone but the king was said, he'd be thrown into a lion's den, Daniel prayed anyway. He wasn't afraid of what men might do. His trust was in God.
Dear young friend, when you come to the test, don't worry about what man has said.
If you have instructions from God, stand firm.
The result of Daniel standing firm was he was cast into the lion's den, but God preserved him. The king didn't sleep that night, but Daniel had a better night. I doubt not than the king. He was in the lion's den, but I doubt not he had a better night than the king. The king was troubled when he saw what had happened as a result of this decree. There isn't time to go into the details, but the eighth quality connection with Daniel comes out. He was a man.
Preserved. God delivered him. And if you and I, if we trust in God, we can carry on His deliverance, His preserving care.
And so that would give us the eighth quality or characteristic.
Of Daniel, I don't have time to go into detail as to the other two. The 9th one that I was going to mention was in a later chapter we find him interceding for the people of God.
And in human and joining in humiliation, encouraging prayer, acknowledging their failure.
And how they have sinned against God, and that which should cause God bringing them into captivity. And so there we find him. One who was identified with the people of God in their failure, and one who is truly an intercessor for God's people. And then later on in another chapter we find him spoken of.
Has spoken to his old man of God, greatly beloved. He had this morning that word beloved, brought before us. Well, we find twice in connection with Daniel spoken of as a man of God. Greatly beloved. The apostle Paul called Timothy a man of God. Are you seeking to walk in a way that one might properly refer to you as a man of God? As it were all. May the Lord encourage us to walk in that path of His.
Forth, may we seek to go on in separation from the things of this poor world, counting on God, trusting in him. Daniels trust was in God and he was never disappointed. And you'll never be disappointed if you let the Lord have sway in your life and mine.