David & Engedi

Duration: 1hr
Address—H. Short
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May we open our meeting this afternoon by singing part of hymn #79 number 79 and I would like to.
Sing only the 1St 6 verses of hymn #79 the 1St 6 verses.
Blessed Lord Jesus as we.
That's certain and coming.
Moment when?
We will be identified with Jerusalem above.
Dwelling there in its courts.
Our hearts are filled with joy.
Now this afternoon, as we open Thy Holy Word.
We pray that we might sit still.
In thy presence.
To have our hearts exposed.
In order that Lord Jesus, thou mightest feel them.
So we ask for help for this hour before us.
We feel the need.
Of the Blessed Lord.
For all blessing must come from me.
Yes, thy help in thy name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
Like to call attention to the last verse of that?
We sang.
God and the Lamb tis well I know that source divine of joy and love. No tongue can tell yet. No, that all is mine, we know.
A young man of some 45 years wrote those words and what's on my heart this afternoon for the hour before us.
Where do we learn? How is that love well known?
That will so fill Jerusalem which is above.
Is it something, brethren, that we have to wait for till that coming day? I'm sure that's true of the fullness of it.
But I want to follow on as to what we've been having before us in our reading meetings.
About Philadelphia.
To me, Philadelphia is not so much a position or a place where the Lord Jesus is in the midst, though I believe there is such a position and there is such a place.
The Philadelphia is the state of my heart in that place.
And it's a state of heart. Where? Jerusalem.
Which is above.
Could be ministered to that little company of God's people.
And so as those who would hold fast.
What they had the name of that city.
Would be written upon them.
The Philadelphia.
Is not the New Jerusalem.
But it is a state of heart.
Where that beloved city of God.
Could be set forth.
For their blessed joy and hope and expectation of going there.
Love and joy of that city.
God's desire for us is that it be known even now.
In that place where Jesus is.
I want, I won't turn to it. We know it so well.
But the Lord Jesus, we might open our Bibles to the book of Joshua.
Chapter 15.
And while turning there.
The verse we know so well I want to quote.
For where two or three are gathered together unto my name.
There am I in the midst of them.
Now that's a promise.
For the wilderness.
And that's a promise.
That anticipated great departure from the Lord Jesus.
It's a promise that knew that from amongst themselves men would arise and draw disciples away. Wolves would come in and scatter the sheep of God.
And various things.
Acts of discipline.
Would diminish the numbers of the Assembly of God as a testimony here on earth.
Where Jesus loved.
But there was this promise for the wilderness that yet if two or three.
Would gather unto his name, he would be with them.
He would be there in their midst.
In the assembly.
Now I want to turn to Joshua Chapter 15.
And I just want to read a part of a prayer or a request.
Found in verse 19.
The middle of the verse.
Give me also springs of water.
And then I want to go down to verse 62.
In this chapter we might say the portion of Judah is being designated and distributed amongst the children of Judah in the land of Canaan.
But I just want to notice an expression at the close.
Of verse 62. One word there.
The end of verse at the beginning of verse 61.
In the wilderness.
And then toward the end of verse 62 in geday.
That expression in the wilderness in Getty.
What is the connection between?
Give me.
Springs of water.
And in Getty. In Getty, I'm told means fountain of God, Fountain of God.
And I want to look at this little town, this little stronghold.
As it related to David when he was in rejection.
When the children of Israel had chosen for themselves King Saul to rule over them.
And God's anointed David had to flee into the wilderness, it says here in the wilderness in Getty.
Let's turn now to First Samuel.
For that instance where David was found there.
Chapter 24 First Samuel.
And the end of verse one.
David is in the wilderness of Angadi.
But rather in. That's why I quoted Matthew 18 and Gaddy was where David was.
For our purpose this afternoon, for our observations this afternoon.
When Saul had dominion and reign over most of the people of God.
I believe in Gaddy would answer to our day to the assembly of God's people gathered by the Spirit of God, those two or three, unto the precious name of the Lord Jesus.
There he is in the wilderness, there is where he would.
He was to be found. If you were going to pursue and identify yourself with David in his rejection, you would have had to go to this place.
As I said, I believe there is a place and a position.
That we all of us here this afternoon occupy, who are gathered unto the name of the Lord Jesus.
That's not so much the burden on my heart.
But what's on my heart is what is the state of my heart in this place?
What is the Lord looking for from you and me as we take our place with our David?
And the wilderness of Angetty, you know, we think and when normally we speak of Israel in the wilderness.
We're talking after they leave Red Sea, after they come out of the Red Sea, and before they cross the Jordan. But here is a wilderness in the land of Judah. Some of their inheritance was in Hill Country, some in valleys and some in Getty. In the wilderness. Here was a wilderness, you might say, within the sphere of God's people. Where they dwelt, we might say, as I probably believe Brother Jim brought out in our meetings.
Of someone did about the House of God, and there is a wilderness in the House of God.
There is a wilderness there. It's as real as the wilderness in.
Between the Red Sea and the Jordan. But we want to find where the Lord Jesus is in that wilderness. He's in in Getty. David is there, and I want to look now.
Before this.
That we have read some of the circumstances that precede this expression, that David is in the wilderness of Ingetti, and we see at the beginning of that verse. It came to pass, when Saul was returned from following the Philistines, that it was told him, saying, Behold, David is in the wilderness of ingetting. Now Saul had pursued David.
Most of their.
What does he represent? I don't want to think so much of Saul as a man.
But something that a man that represents a principle or principles, that's endangering you and me as gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus, lest all come, You know, in Philadelphia it says a whole fast, lest another take thy crown, and Saul represents that movement of the enemy.
Bent on one thing and that was destroying David.
From the midst of that company that was following him and were gathered to him at in Getty and in chapter 23 it says in verse 25.
Saul also and his men went to seek him, and they told David, Wherefore he came down into a rock and abode in the wilderness of Mayon, and when Saul heard that he pursued after David in the wilderness of Mayon.
This relentless pursuit of David by Saul. Why? Why was this man so incensed at David?
Well, if we trace the history of Saul and his relationships with David.
We find that Saul enjoyed David when David came to him as a young man and Saul was troubled by an evil spirit. David was able to harp and play for Saul and Saul's hard found rest, and he valued David the son of Jesse.
Or when the Philistine giant came out and sent terror through all the hosts of Israel.
And all the army of Israel trembled in the presence of this Goliath.
Saul found great joy that one called David, whom he did not know.
Would come in and deliver him on that occasion? Can't we relate to these things in Saul's life?
Isn't that how in a great major, and I trust it won't be the limitation of our.
Experiences with the Lord, But it isn't that often the case that we have time for the Lord.
When we're troubled and we find him to be a source of comfort for our hearts.
When we are troubled, or when the enemy comes in and threatens our well-being in whatever form it might be, whether naturally in the family or in the assembly, we find ourselves looking to him to deliver us from the enemy.
How many times has trials in our family?
Taken us to the Lord.
Trials that are a result of our carelessness and indifference to Christ. And He loving us so much He doesn't let us go. And so He introduces these trials and those very trials take us to the to our Lord. Well, Saul was content and happy to have David in those circumstances of his life where David bore the character.
Of the servant.
Of Saul, you know our selfish hearts attend to think that way about the Lord. We like him to serve us, and we look to him to help us get what we want or our desires, or comfort us, whatever it may be. But there came a day when Saul heard these words from those singing women.
And the words that he heard was Saul hath slain his thousands.
And David is 10 thousands.
That expression I think, is repeated some three times, and each time it is a testing as to what someone is going to do with David. And Saul says, as it were, If this man David is going to be exalted above me, I cannot tolerate him any longer. How does that answer in our lives, brethren?
It answers in our lives as to whether or not we are going to own.
The preeminence of Christ in our life, and vowed to him.
As Lord, it's one thing to have him as our servant, ministering to our needs.
We will all accept that, but it's another thing.
To give him that place of preeminence. And it was that expression that turned the heart of Saul against David and began Davis''s flight into the wilderness. And so then it says down in verse 26 of chapter 23 of First Samuel, and Saul went on this side of the mountain, and David and his men on that side of the mountain.
And David made haste to get away for fear of Saul, for the Saul and his men compass David and his men round about to take them. So here we have a mountain.
David and his men are on one side of it, Saul and his men.
Are on the other side of it. I say, let's look at these two companies of men and let us ask our hearts with which company do we want to be identified?
Let's look at Saul's company Saul and Saul's company Saul, a man head and shoulders above all of his brethren, it says of him in his early days of He was a beautiful man.
A humble man, a naturally.
Attractive person.
And who were these? I think it says there were some 3000 choice men who followed Saul on this occasion. Who were they?
Choice men, Samuel, when they said we want a king to Samuel, and he gave them Saul, the Lord gave them Saul. Samuel said, He's going to take thy choice of sons. He's going to take thy daughters as we had this morning.
What would they get in return? When Saul is slain? David mourns his death, and he tells the daughters who have followed him who had followed Saul. Saul had clothed you with Starling. These people followed and remained in communion and fellowship with Saul. Because of what he presented to their eye. It was naturally more attractive to them.
And it looked like their hope and their joys were going to be met by Saul and the mighty men on this side. There they are beautiful men, strong men is one place, it says. If Saul saw any valiant man, he took him to himself. These were not the off scouring of Israel. They were the choices company.
You look at David's company and we had about them this morning. You look at his company David, and his company David was described by a fool.
And likened to a servant who had broken away from his master.
Yes, the Lord Jesus cannot retain simply the character of servant in your life. If there's going to be blessing somehow, you're going to have to put him on the throne of your life and own him as Lord. Yes, David, I cannot be just. We cannot content ourselves with the Lord serving us. So David is on this side of the mountain.
In his company we heard of discontented in debt. You know, Brother Denny pointed out to us at the lower conference. There were those, we would read of them later who followed David. Men of Belial. Bad men.
Now you look on these two companies and which one attracts your heart?
There's no question in my soul where I would have chosen to be that day, on which side of the mountain I would have chosen to be in that day, were it not for the operation of faith in my life which would have given me to see David as God's anointed, to see David as God saw David one after his own heart.
Now, how does that apply to our hearts, brethren, if we look at ourselves as a company at here at in Getty, with our David in the midst?
Let us identify with their company that was identified with David, the poorest of the sorts. That's where I want to be. I remember when I think I may have mentioned this, but I will mention it again. A brother was anticipating leaving the gathering, and he did leave and the basis of his.
Leaving, was that?
He would rather be with the Lord and he was referring to that in Luke when the family left the Lord.
At Jerusalem and the Lord was not in their midst.
And he said, I would rather be with the Lord than with his friends and relatives, and him not there. And when I answered, this was before he left.
I say you would be hard pressed to find a nicer company than the relatives of the Lord.
You would be hard pressed to find a woman.
Higher character than Mary were more honorable than his father Joseph or John Baptist or Elizabeth.
Amongst his relatives that had returned without the Lord.
There was beautiful people.
But I said to this, brother, I should rather be with the poorest of the sorts where the Lord is in the midst.
Than with the best brethren there is upon the face of the earth. And if you're looking tonight or this afternoon.
For good brethren.
You may as well not look for the Lord, because that is not the kind of brethren He has brought to himself, the poorest of the swords, those of us in debt, those of us discontent. There is nothing beautiful about its brethren, but the Lord is in the midst of those who are at in Getty. But then it says this mountain was between them.
And it speaks of this mountain. It says in verse 28, wherefore Saul returned. He heard about the Philistines coming, and he said he returned from pursuing after David, and went against the Palestine. Therefore they called the place cela hammer telecath, which means.
A rock of division.
So now we see that this mountain range represents a division.
That came in between the followers of Saul and David and his followers.
I do believe the Lord does use rocks of division to separate those who are bent on destroying David in the midst of the two or three who have gathered to him at Engadine.
Upon our hearts. And he sees even this afternoon as he looks into the recesses of our hearts. He sees what is there, and he sees if there is no attraction to the lordship of Christ.
He sees it well. And maybe we may fool one another and profess a good profession, but with no reality in our hearts, and we really are bent. You know, Saul was bent on him having first place. Reminds me of the sons of the prophets who say to Elijah there, the place where we dwell with thee is too straight for us. There's no place here for us. That's right. Southern.
There's no place in the Lord's midst for us as men. He is supreme.
God and the Lamb are there we don't have.
A place where we can be displayed as being gathered to the Lord's name, when Saul in his life he says to some, Ye have not felt sorry for me, he says to Samuel, You know.
Yeah, glorify me. And in the midst of his people, when Saul had sinned, he wanted that place. That only belongs to David. And brethren, we can't have that place.
And remain gathered to the Lord's name. And when there arise those who are determined that they are going to take the authority of the Lord Jesus away from the gathered Saints, the Lord may bring up a rock of division and separate them from us. But notice what happens.
Is Saul now content? This division has come in. He's gone off to pursue the Philistines.
Is he content now to go his way in separation from those who are following David? How many times have we heard?
In the last year of those who?
Would not submit.
To the Lordship of Christ, and who have gone out in the Mount of Division, the Rock of Division.
Are they content to leave those alone who we would trust by the grace of God want to simply follow our David through this wilderness? Are they content to leave us alone? No. Saul returns and verse two, Saul took 3000 chosen men out of Israel and went to seek David and his men upon the rocks of the wild goats.
Does that sound like an attractive place to be?
The rocks of the wild goats, you know, that's the nature of those who follow David in the wilderness from the beginning. They were those who had the character of men who made raids, it says. They went out and they made raids. I think that's quoting from the new translation.
That is, they were men who were not going to allow.
Themselves to be destroyed. They by their swords sustained themselves in the wilderness. That's the principle of the present Kingdom as we've been introduced into it. The Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. These were violent men, you might say, who were following David. They were men of war and they were not going to be denied and they were not going to let.
Their beloved David be taken from them by this man Saul, and the principles that he represents.
Let us hold fast that which we have, lest another take thy crown. So Saul comes back.
The brother was just telling me, oh, and I got the same literature that he got from someone who didn't want to stay with David, Ed and Getty.
But he's sending us literature trying to draw us away from David, trying to undermine the authority of Christ in the midst.
They won't leave us alone.
And he comes back, and now notice.
Verse 3 And he came to the sheep coats. By the way, where was he cave? And Saul went in to cover his feet.
In this rock where these wild goats are.
There were sheep coats or folds where sheep could be cared for. David is a shepherd.
And he makes provision even in this rocky wilderness for his sheep. You know, earlier a chapter or two earlier, David had fallen recourse to the city of Kilaya that he had saved. You might say the Lord has done that for every believer in Christ Jesus.
But that city was described as a city having bars and having gates.
And when David inquired of the Lord if the men of that city would deliver him up.
To Saul, David was told. They will.
You see?
The bars and the gates would represent some kind of legality, religious legality in our hearts.
And that will never keep Christ. And when the task comes, we will give him up if all that we have is an outward.
Show or display?
Of religion. When the test comes, we will deliver up Christ.
But here is a sheepfold. Here is a place where the sheep can come in and out and flying pastures. David the shepherd is there. This represents the character that the assembly was to have when the Lord the Good Shepherd would draw.
His own from Israel, and take us own sheep out of the nations.
And make one flock. And he took care of them there. But now Saul.
Has come back to this place where David is.
Can the two men dwell together?
Can Saul and can David dwell together?
Saul lies down, seeking to find rest there, and it says he covers his feet.
David and his men remained in the sides of The Cave, And the men of David said unto him, Behold the day.
Which the Lord said unto thee, Behold, I will deliver thine enemy into thine hand, that thou mayest do to him, as it shall seem good unto thee.
You know we have to be careful when we can recognize the enemy working.
And we know in some measure even whom he is working through.
And Brother Bob was mentioning earlier today, the little power that we realize sometimes doesn't seem enough to deal with the circumstances, the adverse circumstances that come into our assemblies and I think most of us have experienced that.
What is David going to do now? Is he going to take the sword?
And destroy Saul.
Some of us have had.
A hard time learning to leave our swords, she.
In the presence of the enemy.
When that enemy has taken its place.
In ngetti, where David is.
You know us through our carelessness. Oftentimes, in fact, it is through our carelessness we got ourselves and get ourselves into these low conditions and states of soul where the enemy can traffic amongst us.
But David does something and though, and I would be careful because he repents even of this.
But he does something and I would like to draw a moral application from it. He cut off Saul's skirt. It says in verse.
The end of verse four. Then David arose and cut off the skirt of Saul's robe privately.
That skirt a Jew? An Israelite?
And it says he had covered himself with this in Deuteronomy, it says.
In the garments that you cover yourself with, you were to put a fringe on that four corners thereof, and I think it's numbers. Somewhere around chapter 15 it said the Israelites garment was to have a fringe on it of blue.
God's people, wherever they went, if they went on a journey to another country.
Those around would say there is a Hebrew. He has a fringe of blue on his garment.
If they covered themselves, their garment would have this fringe on it, and David cut off that fringe.
I believe showing us the character of Saul.
And the character of the enemy found in Philadelphia.
Saw the ribbon of blue, would tell us of being heavenly men, and Saul was a man of the earth.
An earth dweller and if we want to keep our crown, if we have one to keep.
We're going to have to have this string of blue, and David manifests the character of Saul and removes that which was.
Inconsistent with Saul's walk, Saul was interested in Saul and the exaltation of Saul. He was living for himself in this life. That's what an earth dweller is. Those that dwell upon the earth are those even amongst believers.
Who have earth as their hope, their joy and their aspirations are all down here.
Well, may we not get?
This skirt cut off.
But David?
Repents of even doing that.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have that spirit?
Is now found in my heart very often when I see something wrong. I think should be corrected and should be corrected perhaps. How do I go about doing it?
Do I do it through repentance? Do I say Lord Jesus?
What can I say? But my own carelessness has allowed this thing to be introduced into the assembly for my own. And you who are fathers, can I pause a moment and address you as you raise your children? There is a principle that I think is vital if you're going to realize blessing in your family in spite of your failure, and that principle is this.
That you must say I am the Father.
Of this child.
Why is the child doing as they come to years? Why are they pursuing a path that you don't approve of?
There, the child that you raised, and I think a door of hope can be opened simply by saying this is my son that was dead.
I am the father of Him, our own. God gives us that pattern, It repented. And I'm not saying God fails.
But it repented the Lord that he made man, and it says of the Lord.
It repented the Lord that he made Saul king over Israel.
I don't want you to misconstrue that, but I'm just saying our own father has given us a pattern.
Is there difficulties and trials in the assembly?
Do you want to look at Brother Smith as the source of it, or Brother Jones or Brother Brown?
Wouldn't it be better to look in the recesses of our own hearts, and judge there the unfaithfulness that would allow us all in our midst?
Now I want to go on.
I believe with all of my heart.
That I am in the place, the place of his appointment.
And we have often.
Heard it sad.
The Lord will preserve a place.
Until the end, and I believe that.
And then we've often heard.
The question is whether I will be there or not.
15 months ago.
I wondered about my own soul as to that issue.
Whether I would be there?
My fear at that time because of my distance from the Lord.
Because I knew he could see in my heart such Luke Warmness.
That I know I'm not in that place.
Of his appointment.
Because of my faithfulness to him.
In my faithfulness in keeping His word, and my faithfulness in submitting to Him as Lord.
But he preserved me at that time.
When I feared I might be disciplined by the Lord.
Through his ***.
Through his assembly.
Even though.
There may have been, and I believe there was.
Not administration according to God's mind.
But I would have had to take it from the Lord, not from the administrators in the assembly.
But now for my own soul.
I don't say this boastfully. My soul is pretty much at rest.
Somehow I would say, to whom could I go, Lord?
And I believe all of us here who have had some working of the Spirit of God in our soul.
Are spoiled for Saul's company.
And it really doesn't hold an attraction to us.
And now, today, as I speak to you, my exercise isn't so much whether I'm going to be in the place.
Of his appointment when he comes.
So much as what is going to be the condition of my heart that he finds me in in that place and now that's what I want to look at a little further in the Song of Songs as we look at in Getty.
Let's turn to the Song of Solomon chapter one.
Verse 12.
While the king sitteth at his table, my spike nerd sendeth forth the smell thereof.
The Lord our David has a table, brethren. By His grace, there is no question in my soul that I sit there.
I can personally separate the Lord's Supper from his table.
I believe I am at his table.
But what about the spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof? That's our state of sober just being at his table outwardly in that place where he is in the midst. That in itself isn't a fragrance going up to God.
But the condition of our heart?
That's what causes this spikenard and this odor, verse 13, a bundle of mirrors, my well beloved unto me.
And this verse.
Just searches my heart.
He shall lie.
All night.
Betwixt my best.
You know, we often hear that John lay on the breast of the Lord, and much to be coveted is that.
I don't think we'll ever realize it in our life.
If there is not a place between our breasts.
For the Lord to lay his head.
All our love in the wilderness for Christ.
Is his present portion.
This is what I longed for.
This is what I pursue. This is what my heart could not be satisfied without.
A place in this heart of mine for my Lord to lay his breast, it says, through the night.
You know, there were two harlots.
In Solomons day.
You might say both of them were giving given living sons.
But the night told a sad story for both of them.
The One overlaid her son and it died.
And rather, don't we by now.
Do we by now have some sense in our soul as to our our responsibility? We're but harlots. We're very unfaithful Saints of God.
Both of them dwelt in the same house. The one overlaid her son and he died. The other one didn't, but she didn't keep him between her breasts.
And somewhere in the process of that night hours.
A false A dead son was committed to her, The mother.
And when she wakes in the morning, she realized through the night she had embraced.
A dead child.
Not her son at all when every tragic brethren if we come home.
And finish this night season here in the wilderness, only to awake that the Lord had found no place between our breasts. That our breasts through the night season had embraced the dead sun, Something without life.
Oh, that we might be exercised as to what our.
Affections are set upon at this very moment. Give me the whole world of what value it is.
I stood beside a friend of mine, a boyhood friend of mine. The past two weeks have seen him twice.
I'd heard that he was sick and I went to see him and I was shocked. I'd heard he was having trouble moving his hands. But here was a man my age lying on the bed, a death bed, unable to move his arms, unable to do anything.
Wiggle his toes and press some buttons to turn on a radio and a television.
And as I spoke to him.
He was thankful for knowing me in my life and some of the other brethren that knew him.
And he said to me, I've never had much time for the Lord and His word in my life, and I regret it.
I regret it. I believe the Spirit of God has wrought a work, a measure of work in his soul.
And I would think that I will probably see him in the New Jerusalem.
But he never knew anything, brethren about Ingetti.
His days perhaps number in days or weeks.
I don't know.
But as I looked at Don, I thought, now here is a picture of what the world has to offer. Because there is nothing in the world, nothing in the world that exists, that I could offer my friend Don, that would bring him one speck of joy.
Would you like a Caribbean cruise?
He's come home to his house alone to die.
Would you like a beautiful mansion in the finest city in our fair country?
For it's no interest to him.
And yet is that world that all it has to offer?
This afternoon finding a place betwixt your breasts? Or does the sun? Does the king have a place there?
Now notice verse 14. My beloved is unto me as a cluster of campfire in the vineyards of Ingetti.
Oh, brethren, may our hearts be stirred.
Does this sound like a wilderness to you?
The vineyards of Ngati. It doesn't sound like a wilderness to me.
And rather, our hearts can be satisfied. We can save rather than truth.
To whom shall we go? Thou hast the word of eternal life. Now this is what the Lord wants in our hearts. He's glad we're in the right place. That's not Philadelphia in itself.
He wants this heart to be opened, that he can lay his head upon our breath, between our breasts if our love to him, that brings him joy in the wilderness of Angetti. And when he gets that brethren, we're going to have fruit. We're not going to feel the wilderness.
Let's all have it. Let's all have whatever he wants.
We're going to be content.
With this beloved one because he has found a place between our breaths.
In closing, I want to refer briefly to one last verse concerning this city in Ezekiel chapter 47. Ezekiel gives us these days of judgments and governmental ways of God.
But in chapter 47 there is a house. And you remember to Philadelphia there was going to be an identification as a pillar in the temple or the House of God, and there would be that city, New Jerusalem. But here is that fountain springing forth.
In Getty where do we?
Learn to have our hearts expanded to We want to look forward to that millennial day, and for that day when the assembly with her Christ will share in the administration of this world. But what about?
In that day will we have?
The memory in our souls when the fishermen shall stand on that river.
From Engadhi, will we be able to say oh?
The wilderness experience that in Getty with Christ.
I wouldn't trade it for anything else that this world has to learn to go often.
Brethren, may we not leave this beloved city where Christ is and while we occupy a place in that city.
That stronghold that preserved David from being consumed by Saul.
May he may he rest here.
Our joy we will know about the vineyards of Ingetti.
When we know about him.
Like, yes, yet between our breasts.
May we go back to that hymn we opened with?
And start with verse 11.
There in the Unsullied way, which his own hand hath dressed.
My feet press on where brightest day shines forth on all the rest. Verse 14.
God and the Lamb shall there the light and temple be.
And Radiant hosts forever share the unveiled mystery.
But brethren.
That stand on the shores of Hingedi today, and we will have a blessed precious portion the name of that city can be written upon our heads.
Jerusalem of God.
Verse 11 to the end.